A Imigra Foundation, uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada ao apoio dos imigrantes brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, tem o prazer de anunciar a realização do 1° Concurso de Histórias de Imigrantes Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, intitulado “Histórias Inacreditáveis”

O concurso será realizado entre os meses de setembro e outubro de 2024 e convida todos os brasileiros com mais de 18 anos que vivem nos EUA a compartilharem suas experiências únicas e inspiradoras.

O evento se propõe a criar uma plataforma de integração, permitindo que os participantes revelem suas histórias reais e emocionantes que refletem a rica tapeçaria cultural da comunidade brasileira no exterior.

Com cerca de 2 milhões de brasileiros residindo nos Estados Unidos, o concurso promete ser um elo significativo para fortalecer os laços entre os imigrantes e celebrar suas contribuições econômicas, sociais e culturais.

Os participantes devem enviar suas histórias em formato de áudio ou vídeo, com duração máxima de 3 minutos. Cada narrativa será avaliada com base em critérios como originalidade, humor, clareza e impacto. Os três melhores áudios receberão premiações em dinheiro, sendo $1,000 para o 1º lugar, $500 para o 2º lugar e $300 para o 3º lugar.

As inscrições acontecerão do dia 1 ao dia 30 de setembro e devem ser feitas através do site oficial do concurso.

Após a fase de seleção, as 3 histórias mais impactantes serão animadas em motion, proporcionando uma experiência visual ao público. Uma votação aberta irá determinar a história vencedora, que será divulgada nas redes sociais e no site oficial da Imigra Foundation.

Este concurso não apenas destaca a rica cultura brasileira, mas também promove a inclusão e o empoderamento da comunidade imigrante, criando laços que transcendem fronteiras.

A Imigra Foundation espera que essa iniciativa não só sirva como um meio de expressão, mas também como uma ponte que liga os brasileiros nos EUA com aqueles em sua terra natal.

Para mais informações sobre o concurso ou sobre como participar, entre em contato com a equipe da Imigra Foundation através do email projects@imigrafoundation.org ou pelo WhatsApp +1(347)870-4216.

Visite também o site oficial da organização em www.imigrafoundation.org.

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is pleased to share that on Monday, October 7, 2024, IPTI [US] will host its “2024 NY Dinner: 9th Edition,” an exclusive fundraising event to support sustainable socioeconomic development within Brazilian communities through The Human Project (THP) and Rede Synapse (RPS).

The event will honor the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, represented by President & Chairperson of the Board William Landers, and will feature a musical performance by Brazilian singer Denise Reis.

Individual tickets and tables for IPTI’s “2024 NY Dinner: 9th Edition” can be purchased directly through IPTI at https://2024NYdinner.givesmart.com or click on the event page.

We hope you join this celebratory night out honoring the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce as we support sustainable growth in Brazil!

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is proud to partner with The Icla da Silva Foundation in support of “Hope Gala 2024,” an inspirational evening dedicated to saving lives

Founded in 1992 by a Brazilian family fighting to save their 13-year-old daughter, The Icla da Silva Foundation has since become the only Brazilian-led non-profit in the United States dedicated to supporting patients with blood cancer and sickle cell disease.  Since its inception, the organization has added over 500,000 donors to the bone marrow registry, offering hope to countless patients.  In the last two years alone, The Icla da Silva Foundation has provided more than 3,500 hours of emotional support and $1 million in critical funding to help patients on their journies to receive life-saving bone marrow transplants.

Join The Icla da Silva Foundation for an unforgettable evening filled with inspiration, entertainment, and philanthropy as we come together to support this essential cause.  Your presence will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

For more information and/or to reserve tickets, please visit www.iclagala.org or click on the event page.


Elizabeth Bagley falou também sobre rivalidade entre EUA e China: “Não estamos pedindo que o Brasil escolha”

A embaixadora dos Estados Unidos no Brasil, Elizabeth Bagley, afirmou à CNN que a emissão de vistos americanos para brasileiros registrou um número recorde em 2023 e deve ter novo aumento em 2024.

No ano passado, os consulados americanos carimbaram o passaporte de 1,1 milhão de visitantes do Brasil. No primeiro semestre deste ano, foram 675 mil vistos — alta de 17% na comparação com o mesmo período de 2023.

“Estamos comprometidos em tornar [esse processo] mais rápido e eficiente”, disse a embaixadora, mencionando ações como aumento dos funcionários consulares e renovações de vistos sem a necessidade de entrevistas.

Ela falou também sobre a crescente rivalidade geopolítica entre EUA e China, deixando claro um ponto: “Não estamos pedindo que o Brasil, ou qualquer outro país, escolha [entre um e outro]”.

Leia a entrevista completa

Via CNN Brasil



The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is pleased to share an exciting line-up of diverse programs taking place around “Climate Week NYC” (September 22nd-29th)!  These events, spanning the month of September, will cover themes from energy and SDGs to reforestation and sustainability.

We hereby invite you to register for open programs and “save the date” for those in the works!


September 16, 2024, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Luncheon w/ Pacto Contra a Fome
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
More information to follow!

September 17, 2024, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Luncheon on “The Private Sector’s Role in Advancing Women in STEM” w/ POY Fellow Eduarda Zoghbi in partnership with United Airlines
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Click here for more information!

September 18, 2024
“Brazil Climate Summit,” with support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Location: Columbia University

September 19, 2024, 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Breakfast seminar on “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Brazil: Mayors Promoting Child-Friendly Cities” w/ Fundação Abrinq
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Click here for more information!

September 23, 2024 12:00 – 2:30 PM
Luncheon on “Investing in Reforestation in Brazil: Opportunities Beyond Carbon Credits” w/ BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG)
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Click here for more information!

September 25, 2024, 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Breakfast seminar w/ Foundation for Amazon Sustainability (FAS)
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
More information to follow!

For more information on upcoming events, please click here.

New York City will soon host a vibrant and immersive celebration of the Brazilian Amazon with Amazon Day, an event dedicated to highlighting the rich culture, biodiversity, and artistic expression inspired by the Amazon rainforest.

The event will take place in Manhattan on September 5th, from 3 PM to 8 PM.

Amazon Day offers a unique experience, blending gastronomy, art, and technology to bring the wonders of the Amazon to New York. Visitors will have the chance to savor the authentic flavors of the Amazon through a curated culinary experience, while also exploring an exhibition of products native to the region.

One of the highlights of the event will be a 360º Virtual Reality experience, allowing attendees to immerse themselves in the breathtaking beauty of the Amazon rainforest without ever leaving New York. Additionally, there will be an exhibition of eco jewelry inspired by the natural elements of the rainforest, providing a glimpse into sustainable fashion.

Visual artist Pierre Britt will also showcase his artwork, which draws inspiration directly from the Amazon’s landscapes and vibrant ecosystems. His pieces aim to evoke the beauty and fragility of this vital region.

In a special live chat, guests will have the opportunity to connect with the Baré Indigenous People directly from the heart of the Amazon rainforest, gaining firsthand insights into their culture and the challenges they face in preserving their land.

The event will be accompanied by music that captures the essence of the Amazon, creating an atmosphere that celebrates the connection between nature, culture, and creativity.

For more information and to RSVP, send an email to gpdsfx@gmail.com or access the official Instagram account.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the spirit of the Amazon right in the heart of New York City!


Secretariat of Prizes and Betting publishes five new ordinances regulating issues such as online gaming, responsible gaming, operators’ and players’ rights and duties, inspections, penalties and taxes

On July 31 and August 1, 2024, the Brazilian Ministry of Finance’s Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) published five separate ordinances with supplementary rules for fixed-odds betting operators. With the publication of these five ordinances, the regulatory agenda established in April 2024 has now been finalized.

Online games

Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,207/2024 establishes technical requirements for fixed-odds betting operators in regard to online games and live gaming studios.

The games the ordinance regulates are those that allow for multiple bets, line games, crash games, card games, blackjack, roulette, sports or racing games, and ball and number draws.

Responsible gaming, advertising and players’ rights and obligations

SPA/MF Ordinance No. 1,231/2024 establishes guidelines to ensure fixed-odds betting is run, promoted and advertised in a healthy and socially responsible way, preventing and mitigating individual or collective harm. In addition to establishing a responsible gaming policy, betting operators must (among other obligations):

  • Promote awareness of the risks of gambling addiction, pathological gambling disorders and restrictions on gambling for minors;
  • Allow the player to adopt a sensible betting limit (based on time elapsed, financial losses, total amounts deposited or number of bets), as well as request self-exclusion;
  • Suspend players at high risk of addiction and pathological gambling disorders from using the betting system.

Monitoring and inspection

Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,225/2024 regulates how the activities of the fixed-odds lottery and betting operators are monitored and inspected.

The ordinance defines the activities of continuous monitoring and inspection – including remote and on-site inspections – to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, in addition to establishing preventive and precautionary measures to eliminate or reduce identified risks.


Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,233/2024 regulates the sanctions framework for commercial fixed-odds betting. This ordinance outlines the relevant administrative procedures, including notifications, deadlines, defense and appeals.

The SPA’s Undersecretariat of Monitoring and Inspection will initiate, oversee and analyze the administrative sanctioning proceedings, which will then be sent on to the SPA’s Undersecretary of Sanctions to make a first-instance decision.

The applicable penalties include official warnings, fines, cancellation of authorization to operate, and bans on participating in public bids, among others. The ordinance establishes criteria for calculating sanctions, precautionary measures, recidivism, and the possibility of signing a commitment agreement.

Distributing proceeds from collected taxes

SPA/MF Ordinance No. 1,112/2024 determines that transfers for tax payments made to the Brazilian Treasury’s Single Account (Conta Única) must be made with a Federal Revenue Collection Document (DARF). The ordinance establishes the applicable codes for each transfer. Betting operators are responsible for filling out the revenue codes correctly on the DARF.

The allocations contemplate proceeds resulting from all types of fixed-odds bets (virtual or real-world) linked to both real sports-themed events and virtual online gaming events.

Betting operators must keep documentation of their transfers to the Treasury and legal beneficiaries and make it directly available to the SPA for up to five years. Operators are subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability if they fail to make these transfers.

Learn the full article

Via Mattos Filho

We are proud to announce that Leandro Corrêa has been elected partner in a move that will further strengthen our Corporate Law and M&A practices.

He has vast experience in complex mergers and acquisitions transactions across various industries, such as energy, finance and agribusiness. Leandro is known for his technical expertise and negotiation skills and his return to our firm after working in the U.S. will enhance our capabilities to provide services of the highest excellence to our clients in practice areas that we are a market reference.

We wish a lot of success to the new partner of CesconBarrieuTeam!

Via Cescon Barrieu Advogados

Alcione / Larissa Luz / DJ Nyack / Film screening: “Gerson King Combo”

For this celebration in association with 28th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival, Black woman artists take center stage to showcase Brazilian music. Headlining is the legendary singer Alcione, known as The “Queen of Samba” one of the most successful samba singers in Brazil with 19 records that went gold and certified platinum five times.

Supporting is the Latin GRAMMY-nominated singer, Larissa Luz, a self-identifying Afro-punk artist with an ethos rooted in Afrofuturism. She also gained national Brazilian recognition as an actress, starring as Brazilian legend Elza Soares in the musical Elza and as a TV host of a popular talk show. DJ Nyack will be on the decks.

The night will include a screening of the documentary Gerson King Combo, about the legendary singer and songwriter Gerson Cortez, known as the “Brazilian James Brown” for his magnetic personality and legacy for Black Brazilian people.

This program is supported by public funds from the Consulate General of Brazil in New York.

Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024

Time: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm (Doors open 5:00 pm)

Location: SummerStage, Central Park – Rumsey Playfield, Manhattan, 10021

Click here for more information.

Please join us for a webinar designed specifically for startups, in which we will explore critical issues and opportunities related to labor and employment.

This session will cover a range of topics, including the challenges of attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive landscape, approaches to building a diverse and inclusive workplace, and strategies for navigating the complexities of labor laws and regulations. Participants can gain practical insights by connecting with both industry professionals and like-minded entrepreneurs.

We look forward to seeing you there.


·    Janine Guzmán, Partner, San Juan Latin America Practice Group Regional Co-Leader, Employment

·    Cecilia Guzmán Barrón, Partner, Lima Latin America Practice Group Regional Co-Leader, Employment

·    Luis Parada, Partner, Santiago Latin America Practice Group Regional Co-Leader, Employment

Date & Time: Aug 29, 2024 11:00 AM in Eastern Time

Webinar login instructions will be sent upon completion of registration.

For more information, please contact Regina Moran

Click here to Register


Brazilian bank Bradesco BBDC3.SA wants to form new partnerships with banks, equipment producers and agriculture cooperatives to expand lending to the agribusiness sector, which currently covers less than 15% of its total credit portfolio.

Last Friday, Bradesco – one of Brazil’s largest private lenders – announced it was acquiring a 50% stake in Banco John Deere Brasil, an arm of Deere & Co DE.N, through a capital increase.

The deal, which is pending regulatory approvals, did not imply exclusivity, according to Bradesco’s agribusiness director, and may be followed by other agreements, both with local and international businesses.

“This is a very relevant sector and we will continue to look for other transactions,” Roberto França told Reuters.

The partnership with John Deere, and others that may come, will help Bradesco expand its footprint in agribusiness by increasing loans as well as the sale of other services, including insurance products, to the enlarged customer base, according to the executive.

Currently, Bradesco’s total lending to the agribusiness sector is about 120 billion reais ($22 billion), or 13% of the bank’s credit portfolio of about 912 billion reais.

While the bank has not set specific targets, França sees room for a substantial increase in lending, considering that agribusiness makes up for close to one third of Brazil’s gross domestic product.

Bradesco said last Friday that the investment in John Deere would not negatively impact its capitalization ratio.

The bank, however, did not disclose the transaction value.

Read the full article

Reporting by Luciana Magalhaes; Editing by David Holmes via Reuters


Especialistas apontam avanços na forma como as empresas lidam com dados pessoais, no entanto, reforçam o desafio do letramento da população no tema

Há seis anos, o Brasil deu um passo significativo na proteção dos direitos fundamentais de seus cidadãos com a promulgação da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD), que surgiu em resposta à crescente necessidade de regulamentar informações pessoais em um mundo cada vez mais digital. Passado o período de adaptação das empresas, muita coisa mudou não só no tratamento dos dados, em si, mas principalmente na educação das pessoas em relação ao uso de seus dados.

Em entrevista à Forbes Brasil, Solano de Camargo, presidente da Comissão de Privacidade, Proteção de Dados e Inteligência Artificial da OAB SP, diz que “a LGPD representou um marco significativo na busca por um ambiente mais seguro para os dados pessoais no Brasil”. No entanto, sua implementação revelou lacunas e desafios que comprometem sua eficácia.

“Apesar da existência da LGPD, muitos brasileiros ainda não têm pleno conhecimento de que seus dados pessoais são protegidos. Isso se deve, em grande parte, à falta de iniciativas eficazes por parte do poder público para educar a população sobre seus direitos. Como resultado, muitos brasileiros continuam expostos a golpes, como as vaquinhas virtuais fraudulentas e outros tipos de golpes que se sucedem na internet e nas redes sociais, sem saber que poderiam ter maior proteção e reparação jurídica”, explica Solano.

Dentre os principais impactos da LGPD, segundo Henrique Flôres, cofundador da Contraktor, é possível destacar a necessidade de adoção de medidas técnicas e administrativas com a finalidade de segurança da informação e vulnerabilidades cibernéticas. “Os direitos protegidos do titular demandam consentimento explícito do mesmo e as empresas, conhecidas como agentes de tratamento, ficam incumbidas de realizar a prestação de contas, prezar pela responsabilidade e pela transparência total acerca da coleta, armazenagem e uso de dados pessoais, pois caso contrário ficarão sujeitas à sanções.””

O advogado e especialista em direito digital pela FGV, Lucas Maldonado D. Latini, aponta seis impactos diretos da LGPD:

  1. Maior proteção e controle sobre dados pessoais
  2. Mudança nas práticas das empresas em relação a dados pessoais e segurança da informação
  3. Criação de novos cargos e estruturas
  4. Implicações legais
  5. Alteração das práticas de marketing e publicidade
  6. Fomento à cultura de privacidade da população


Para mais detalhes, leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Forbes Brasil

Bill 2,234 of 2022, which legalizes casinos, bingo and jogo do bicho in Brazil, may be voted on in the Senate after the municipal elections in October. The decision to postpone it was made during a meeting of leaders this Thursday (8). In order to comply with an agreement with opponents of the topic, the president of the House, Rodrigo Pacheco, put the matter up for thematic debate in the Plenary.

Some points were debated in the special session. The rapporteur, Senator Irajá (PSD-TO), who defends the approval of the bill, presented strong and well-established arguments about the benefits of the activity.

The Secretary of Infrastructure, Credit and Investment in Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism, Carlos Henrique Sobral, also highlighted the importance of approving the bill.

According to Sobral, the expectation, if the proposal becomes law, is that Brazil will generate more than 650,000 jobs with the activity and have an increase of R$74 billion (US$ 13.2bn) in revenue.

“We will have an investment of R$66 billion (US$ 11.75bn), more than 1,000% increase in investment. And the GDP, of 8%, we will reach 9.2% or perhaps double digits, which is our goal. The tendency is, with these destinations with integrated resorts, to achieve economic development, with Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore being emblematic.”

Regarding the decision to postpone, the leader of the opposition, Marcos Rogério (PL-RO), said in a press conference that “on the subject of gaming, the move is for after the [municipal] election.”

The bills for renegotiating the states’ debt, the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution for Amnesty on the debt of political parties and the bill for recharging the payroll are expected to be voted on in the Plenary next week.

It may be on the agenda

Even with the decision to postpone the vote, taken at the leaders’ meeting this Thursday (8), it is still possible that Bill 2,234/2022 will be included on the agenda. In a conversation with GMB, one of the participants in the thematic debate on the bill, stated that in a conversation with Senator Irajá, the rapporteur for the matter, he received information that the Bill could be included, depending on further negotiations with leaders and opponents of the matter.

The purpose of placing the topic on the thematic debate was to make room for the bill to be voted on as quickly as possible. The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), has been stating in his latest statements that the Bill has been in process in Parliament for over 30 years and that the time has come to vote. All that remains is to wait for the negotiations to actually be on the agenda.


Services activity in Brazil grew more than expected in June to hit an all-time high, eclipsing a record that had been set in December 2022, data from statistics agency IBGE showed on Tuesday

The service sector, which accounts for about 70% of all activity in Latin America’s largest economy, grew 1.7% in June from the previous month, IBGE said, exceeding the 0.8% expected by analysts polled by Reuters.

All of the five main groups surveyed by the agency posted positive results in the period, with an 1.8% expansion in transportation notably offsetting a negative reading in the previous month, IBGE said.

“The result is largely due to air transport, driven by a drop in air ticket prices,” IBGE research manager Rodrigo Lobo said.

Services activity was also up 1.3% in June from a year earlier, according to IBGE, again beating the 0.8% expected by economists in the Reuters poll.

The sector now stands 0.5% above the previous record high in the IBGE data series, which had been set in late 2022, the statistics agency added.
“Our assessment indicates that Brazil’s economic activity continues to perform well,” said PicPay economist Igor Cadilhac, highlighting a strong labor market.

Claudia Moreno, economist at lender C6, said that a slowdown in activity as a whole is expected for the second half of the year, “which should make the services sector move sideways.”

She still believes, however, that the sector will contribute to Brazil’s gross domestic product growth in 2024.

Private sector economists expect Brazil’s economy to expand 2.20% this year, according to a weekly central bank survey.

Read the full article

Reporting by Gabriel Araujo and Luana Maria Benedito; Editing by Kirsten Donovan and Andrea Ricci via Reuters


We are thrilled to announce that BTG Pactual, a long-standing partner of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, has elevated its association from Sponsor to Platinum Member. This significant step enhances our Chamber’s programs and initiatives, allowing us to offer even more value to our members and community. The upgrade marks another milestone in our enduring partnership and highlights BTG Pactual’s ongoing commitment to fostering strong business ties between Brazil and the United States. Stay tuned for the exciting opportunities this partnership will bring.

BTG Pactual is the largest investment bank in Latin America, offering innovative financial solutions across investment banking, wealth management, asset management, and corporate lending. With a robust global presence and a deep understanding of the Brazilian market, BTG Pactual continues to drive economic growth and opportunities for its clients. Their expertise and leadership in financial services make them a key player in advancing the region’s economic landscape.

We are proud to have BTG Pactual as a Platinum Member and look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts to strengthen our business community.

Thank you, BTG Pactual, for your unwavering support and partnership!

A Azul Linhas Aéreas está expandido suas opções de voos internacionais, e agora terá uma nova rota, que não tem origem e nem destino no Brasil

A empresa hoje opera dois voos semanais de Belo Horizonte para Curaçao, no caribe holandês, feitos com aeronaves Airbus A320neo. A partir de 9 de dezembro, este voo terá sua frequência dobrada, indo para 4 vezes por semana, sendo que agora o voo não retornará do caribe para Minas Gerais, e sim seguirá para Fort Lauderdale, cidade ao norte de Miami, no estado americano da Flórida.

Desta maneira, no final do ano, o voo sairá de Confins às segundas, quartas, sextas e sábados às 10h40, pousando no Caribe às 15h40. De lá, o jato decola às 16h55 para a Flórida, onde pousa às 19h00.

O voo de retorno será feito no dia seguinte, com saída dos EUA às terças, quintas, sábados e domingos, decolando às 08h00 de Fort Lauderdale, pousando às 11h55 em Curaçao, de onde parte às 13h10 para Belo Horizonte, aterrissando na capital mineira às 20h10.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Por Carlos Martins via Aeroin

The tax credit incentive program benefiting the sector was vetoed and will be established by another bill

On August 2, 2024, Law No. 14,948/2024 was signed, establishing the regulatory framework for low-carbon hydrogen production and incentive mechanisms for the sector. The basic text was approved by the Senate on June 19, 2024, and by the House of Representatives on July 11, 2024.

Key Changes to the Bill

During Senate debates, significant changes were made to the definitions of hydrogen categories, the structure of the tax benefit regime, and the creation of a tax credit program. However, proposed changes to Export Processing Zones (ZPEs) and other regimes were not approved.

A crucial point was the accidental removal of the classification of tax credits as CSLL credits during the bill’s consolidation in the House. This led Congress to agree with the government to partially veto the bill and submit the tax credit incentive program (Low-Carbon Hydrogen Development Program – PHBC) as a separate bill (Bill No. 3,027/2024).

Hydrogen Classification

The new law establishes three distinct classifications for hydrogen:

  • Low-carbon hydrogen: Emissions of up to 7 kg of CO2e per kg of H2.
  • Renewable hydrogen: Low-carbon hydrogen derived from natural or renewable sources.
  • Green hydrogen: Produced by water electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources.

National Low-Carbon Hydrogen Policy

The law creates the National Policy for Low-Carbon Hydrogen, with guidelines set by the National Hydrogen Program Management Committee (Coges-PNH2). The Brazilian Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) will be the authority responsible for regulating hydrogen production and movement.

Brazilian Hydrogen Certification System

The law also establishes the Brazilian Hydrogen Certification System (SBCH2), which will certify the level of greenhouse gas emissions associated with hydrogen production. The Rehidro incentive regime suspends certain taxes on local acquisitions and imports for hydrogen projects.

Low-Carbon Hydrogen Program (PHBC) – Vetoed

The PHBC tax credit program, originally included in the bill, was vetoed and will be regulated separately through Bill No. 3,027/2024. This program aims to grant tax credits to projects that contribute to regional development, climate change mitigation, and diversification of Brazilian industry.

The PHBC could grant up to BRL 18.3 billion in tax credits for low-carbon hydrogen sales between 2028 and 2032, with credits allocated through a competitive process yet to be regulated.

For more information, click here.

Via Mattos Filho

G20 Brasil Communications has established a partnership with the Djagwa Etxa Indigenous Collective to produce radio bulletins in Guaraní covering topics from the main international cooperation forum. This project aims to promote the visibility and preservation of Indigenous languages

The G20 Brasil Communications team has signed another partnership to produce radio bulletins in the Guarani Indigenous language. The first partnership was formalized in May this year with indigenous students from the Federal University of Grande Dourados, in Mato Grosso do Sul. Now, the project will also count on the participation of the Djagwa Etxa Indigenous Collective, made up of members of the Guarani and Kaingang ethnic groups from the municipality of Santa Amélia, in the north of the Brazilian state of Paraná.

The collective was established in 2023 to take part in the Acampamento Terra Livre  (ATL), the largest assembly of Indigenous peoples held since 2004, which takes place in Brasilia every April. Among the members of the collective are Indigenous journalists and communicators such as Iago Queiroz, Paulo Porto, Micael Eliabe, and Ariane Sales, who will be responsible for translating and producing the bulletins in the Indigenous language. The goal is to translate the journalistic content produced by the G20 Communications team into Guaraní and distribute it free of charge to radio stations in Brasil and abroad. The bulletins are available on the websites Rádio Gov, run by the Brasil Communication Company (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação /EBC), and g20.org.

Indigenous communicator Micael Eliabe, from the Guarani Nhandewa ethnic group, explained that the collective was born from the idea of giving visibility to Brazilian Indigenous languages.

Strengthening Indigenous languages

The communicator said that the invitation to produce and record content for the G20 is a vital opportunity to preserve ancestral cultures, traditions, and knowledge. “Participating in some way in the actions of this world forum is a way for us to value and strengthen our languages and their use. At the same time, we are contributing to the development of linguistic and communicative skills of the Indigenous people engaged in the project. It is also a chance to show that indigenous people are not limited to the country’s Northern region, but are also present in the South and in other states. This allows us to have more voice,” he emphasized.

Read the full article

Via G20 Brasil 2024

A Nova Acrópole, renomada instituição dedicada à filosofia prática, está oferecendo o curso semipresencial “Filosofia para Viver”, que será ministrado pela ilustre professora Lúcia Helena Galvão. Este curso tem como objetivo proporcionar uma formação filosófica aplicável ao cotidiano, abordando filosofia oriental, ocidental, moderna e clássica.

As aulas, que tiveram início na última segunda-feira, serão realizadas remotamente todas as semanas, em português, com a opção de assistir às gravações através da plataforma Hotmart. Além disso, o curso – que tem duração de 6 meses – inclui encontros presenciais obrigatórios em duas localidades dos EUA.

Encontros Presenciais:

  • Flórida:
    • 9 e 10 de setembro (segunda e terça) – 19h às 22h
    • 1o e 11 de dezembro (quinta e sexta) – 19h às 22h
  • Nova York:
    • 12 e 13 de setembro (terça e quarta) – 19h às 22h
    • 13 e 14 de dezembro (sexta e sábado)
      • 13/12: 19h às 22h
      • 14/12: 10h às 13h

Sobre a Instrutora:

Lúcia Helena Galvão é uma destacada filósofa brasileira com mais de 34 anos de experiência na Nova Acrópole do Brasil. Com um vasto acervo de palestras disponíveis no YouTube e no Acrópole Play, que soma mais de 1,2 milhão de inscritos e 138,5 milhões de visualizações, Lúcia é conhecida por conectar conhecimentos filosóficos antigos com as demandas contemporâneas. Além de ser autora de nove livros e compositora, ela realiza palestras para empresas e órgãos públicos tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior.

Para mais informações e para se inscrever no curso, visite o site da Nova Acrópole ou entre em contato diretamente com a instituição através dos canais disponíveis.

Não perca a oportunidade de aprofundar seu conhecimento filosófico com uma das maiores especialistas da área e transformar sua perspectiva sobre a vida!


At PAG Law, our goal is not to grow but to constantly improve. With selective growth in mind, PAG is pleased to announce that Clara Krivoy will be joining PAG Law as a Partner on August 6, 2024

Clara is a leading international lawyer whose practice involves a focus on Latin America and Digital Assets transactions.  Prior to joining PAG Law, Clara was a corporate partner at Brown Rudnick LLP, where she was chair of the firm’s Latin America Practice and co-chair of the firm’s Digital Commerce practice. Previously, she worked at Chadbourne & Parke for nearly two decades where she was a corporate partner and head of the Ibero-America Private Clients Practice. She started her career as an international associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton in 1994.

Clara will join PAG Law’s office in New York.

“We are thrilled that Clara will be joining us at PAG Law,” said Peter Eccles, Managing Partner of PAG Law’s New York office. “Clara’s practice is a perfect fit for our firm as she works closely with Latin American companies and family offices and is a leading lawyer in the digital assets and crypto space.”

Clara has been ranked by Chambers Global for her dealmaking prowess in Venezuela and has been highlighted by The Legal 500 Latin America for her work on corporate matters involving Latin American family offices. Latinvex has named her one of the Top 100 Female Lawyers in Latin America every year since 2016.

Clara graduated from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Venezuela with a law degree, and obtained a Master of Comparative Jurisprudence (MCJ) degree and LLM from the New York University School of Law.

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Via Press Release Distribution

As hybrid work programs continue to grow in popularity and full-time office work declines, many leaders and companies are still struggling with a tough question: What are the right patterns for getting people together?

Free-for-all approaches that depend on individuals and managers to self-organize hybrid work norms don’t succeed — the coordination tax is just too high. I’ve seen this up close in my work with dozens of organizations. These ad hoc models result in people showing up to quiet offices, retreating to conference rooms to be on Zoom all day, and commuting home with a bubbling resentment about having traveled in for no clear reason.

What does work, then? While headlines make it sound like it’s a battle to get people out of their home offices (even if the office is a closet), three years of data from Future Forum shows that the vast majority of people want to gather together, anywhere from a few days a week to once a month — but they want that in-office time to be purpose-driven.

These selective moments are built around activities that blend business work with social time. They’re most successful when they’re designed around specific workplace goals and events that include team development, onboarding and training, new-team formation, project kickoffs, and specific times for function-specific roles, such as sales. The benefit? Companies get the upsides of deeper connection and engagement without all the downsides of RTO mandates.

Office Attendance Doesn’t Equal Engagement

Mandates to be in the office “just because” have faced a lot of employee resistance. Blanket policies increase the risk of losing top talent and a diverse workforce, disproportionately cause women to leave, and negatively impact productivity. We’re seeing that one-size-fits-all approaches don’t work for the majority of teams that are now distributed across cities and even countries, and they don’t fit the distinct team rhythms in realms such as sales, finance, or engineering. As a result, leaders have generally been loath to go hard on enforcement of RTO policies.

Four Essential Times for Building Moments That Matter

  • Team development: Get people together three or four times a year, with a 50-50 mix of business and social.
  • Onboarding and training events: Use face-to-face time to get to know people and to build ties across functions.
  • New-team formation and major-initiative kickoffs: Grapple together over the objectives and norms of a project.
  • Business-function-specific activities: Let teams figure out the best in-person schedules for their needs.

Read the full article

By Brian Elliot Via MIT Sloan Management Review

O Brasil foi o maior exportador mundial de milho em 2023, ultrapassando os EUA, após obter acesso para o mercado chinês no final de 2022

A safra de milho do Brasil 2024/25 deverá atingir 127 milhões de toneladas, alta de 5 milhões de toneladas na comparação com a temporada anterior, apontou o adido do Departamento de Agricultura dos EUA (USDA) em Brasília, segundo relatório publicado na véspera.

“Com o esperado fim do fenômeno climático El Niño, que impactou severamente a produtividade do milho na safra 2023/24, o adido prevê um aumento anual na produção de milho no ano comercial 2024/25 para 127 milhões de toneladas métricas”, apontou o relatório.

As exportações de milho do país em 2024/25 (março de 2025/fevereiro de 2026) devem somar 46 milhões de toneladas, disse o adido, versus estimativa oficial de 50 milhões de toneladas do USDA para 2023/24, com base no aumento do consumo interno, especialmente pela indústria de etanol de milho no Brasil, acrescentou.

O adido vê uma exportação em 2023/24 em 45 milhões de toneladas, menor que o número oficial do USDA para a temporada.

O Brasil foi o maior exportador mundial de milho em 2023, ultrapassando os Estados Unidos, após obter acesso para o mercado chinês no final de 2022.

As exportações de milho do Brasil para a China em 2023 atingiram 16,1 milhões toneladas métricas.

“Contudo, a situação mudou em abril deste ano, com a procura chinesa de milho caindo significativamente”, disse o adido, citando também preços menos competitivos do Brasil em comparação com outros mercados como Argentina e Estados Unidos, além da decisão da China de diminuir as importações globais de milho.

O adido aumentou sua previsão de consumo total de milho para o ano comercial 2024/25 para 84 milhões de toneladas, com um aumento de 3% ante a estimativa inicial.

Ele também aumentou sua estimativa para 2023/24 (março de 2024/fevereiro de 2025) para consumo total de milho de 80 milhões para 82 milhões de toneladas.

“O aumento é principalmente com base no crescimento esperado para a indústria à base de etanol de milho no país. O etanol à base de milho está ganhando participação de mercado no Brasil”, destacou.

A União Nacional do Etanol de Milho (Unem) estima que o etanol à base de milho representará 19% do etanol consumido no Brasil em 2023/24, projetando também que o Brasil produzirá cerca de 4 milhões de toneladas de Grãos Secos de Destilaria (DDGs).

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Via Forbes Brasil (Reuters)

São Paulo, Brazil-based startup Typcal is seeking to blaze a trail in the Latin American market with mycoprotein which it claims grows more rapidly, on a broader range of feedstocks, than competitive fungi strains

Founded by former Red Bull executive Paulo Ibri (CEO) and Dr. Eduardo Sydney (CTO), cofounder of mycelium-fueled biomaterials firm Mush and professor at Federal University of Technology, Paraná, Typcal is one of several firms deploying biomass fermentation to grow fungi as a food ingredient.

However, it’s one of the only players in mycelium fermentation in Latin America (another startup in this space is Done Properly in Chile), and does not use any of the species employed by existing industry players such as Fusarium Venenatum (Quorn , ENOUGH Foods), Neurospora Crassa (Meati, The Better Meat Co), or Aspergillus Oryzae (Nosh.bio), said Ibri, who is looking to build a b2b ingredients company supplying mycelium in a variety of formats to food manufacturers in applications from meat alternatives to cookies.

“We started Typcal to be the first in Latin America to develop mycelium fermentation with a circular process,” he told AgFunderNews. “So we’re using an organism from another family that can get its nitrogen and carbon from a wide variety of side streams and byproducts from breweries, bread companies, dairy companies, and starch companies.

Scaling up

Typcal has a pilot facility in Curitiba, Brazil, with a 200-liter bioreactor, said Ibri. The company has raised around $3 million in seed funding from a mixture of agtech and foodtech investors and athletes, and is looking to raise a series A round later this year. “We are the first ones doing mycelium fermentation in Latam so it’s not possible to find a co-manufacturer, so we have to build our own facilities.

According to Ibri: “We are speaking with a number of investors, not only venture funds and individuals but also companies including bioreactor companies that want to invest in us to expand so they can invest through capex for example. We also have a lot of government incentives to expand our facility, so we are looking to raise $10 million and do this expansion in the next two to three years.”

While Typcal’s initial focus is on the domestic market in Brazil, the company is also looking at the European market, and believes it will not have to go through the novel foods process.

Product applications

Typcal has three product formats for its mycelium: fresh biomass (ideal for alt meat), dry powder with 45% protein (ideal for cookies, snacks, cereals, bars etc), and a mycelium concentrate targeted at the sports nutrition segment, said Ibri. “The vegetable proteins we have nowadays are poor in terms of texture and taste but whey protein prices are increasing year over year and producers are becoming nervous.”

When it comes to terminology, an area that has proved challenging for players in the space, Typcal prefers to use the term “mycoprotein,” said Ibri. “Nobody here knows what mycelium is, so we need to explain to the consumer what we’re doing, because it’s not mushroom. This is another reason why we’re b2b, as we need to work with the food industry that has the resources and the distribution capability to develop this market.”

Read the full article

By Elaine Watson via AgFunder News

Recently, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a leading voice of HR professionals, announced that it was abandoning the acronym “IE&D” — inclusion, equity, and diversity — in favor of “I&D.”

This decision removes “equity” as a necessary component of the work required to create a workplace where all employees thrive. Removing equity sets a dangerous precedent that flies in the face of decades of research about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

Why Equity Matters

One reason we may be seeing a shift away from equity is that people have different understandings of what equity actually means. At its core, equity is fairness. Fair processes often result in a redistribution of outcomes because more people get opportunities to succeed.

Achieving equity often requires treating people differently, which may at first glance make some people uncomfortable. However, the different treatment is meant to account for barriers that employees from marginalized groups encounter that those from advantaged groups don’t. In other words, equity is about changing structures, policies, and processes to give marginalized employees the same opportunities and access to resources that their peers from advantaged groups get.

The presence of high levels of inclusion and/or diversity does not necessarily ensure equitable practices or outcomes. For example, imagine an organization that has a high level of gender diversity but few women in management and executive positions. Company data may show high levels of inclusion and gender diversity, but without explicitly attending to equity, that gender gap within leadership (and ultimately compensation) will persist. This is an example of occupational segregation, which continues to disadvantage women and other people from historically marginalized groups. It also highlights the necessity of an intentional focus on equity for organizations that value fairness.

In addition, SHRM’s approach is misguided because employees are not always aware of the bias, discrimination, or disadvantages they face, so it’s not uncommon for some to feel included in their workplaces, yet still be treated unfairly. For instance, although there is common knowledge of the societal wage gap between men and women, some women are surprised when they learn they are personally affected by the gap.

Focusing on inclusion without acknowledging the unique importance of equity can lead to organizations adopting identity-blind policies and practices, which suggest that all employees should be treated the same and receive the equal opportunities. Research has shown that identity-blind policies allow for the perpetuation of discrimination and stereotyping more so than identity-conscious policies (i.e., policies that recognize and celebrate employees’ differences). Identity-blind policies also create environments where everyone acts in accordance with the status quo — which in most U.S. companies is historically white and male — stifling opportunities to learn from the unique experiences of those from marginalized identities.

The recommendation by SHRM to remove equity from DEI in favor of just highlighting I&D is dangerous and misguided. Without a specific focus on equity, companies lose sight of the ways that current policies and practices do not account for former injustices, and indeed may allow disadvantages to persist.

Organizations should not scale back their focus on equity. Here’s what they should do instead:

  • Commit to achievable equity goals.
  • Implement and track evidence-based DEI policies and practices.
  • Establish accountability and transparency.

Removing equity is not progress, it’s regression. We are at a critical juncture in our society where the possibility of losing significant ground on civil rights gains are an imminent threat. If we want to create a more perfect union, then we must always keep equity as a cornerstone value in our organizations.

Read the full Harvard Business Review article

By Enrica N. Ruggs and Oscar Holmes IV



Tribute to Daniel Darahem

(1973 – 2024)

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on August 2, 2024 at the age of 51, of Daniel Darahem, CEO of JPMorgan Brasil and longtime Chamber affiliate and Board member.


Mr. Darahem joined JPMorgan in 1997 and spent a remarkable 27 years working globally with the bank, always exuding a high level of passion and integrity.  In 2005, he became Head of Equity Capital Markets for Latin America, and in 2008, Co-Head of Investment Banking for Brazil.  For over four years, he worked in Hong Kong as Head of Equity Capital Markets for Asia Pacific.  Upon his return to Brazil, he was appointed CEO of JPMorgan, a position he held since 2020.  During his tenure, in 2021, JPMorgan acquired a 40% stake in C6 Bank as part of the digital platform model that has been one of the bank’s priorities.


In 2023, Mr. Darahem was recognized by Bloomberg Línea as one of the “500 Most Influential People in Latin America.”


Mr. Darahem’s dialogue with the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.  Beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Darahem was a friend and mentor – and a beacon of kindness, wisdom, and support.  He is survived by his wife and two children.

A Imigra Foundation, uma organização fundada por brasileiros, que presta serviços de imigração a baixo custo em Nova York, foi recentemente reconhecida pelo Departamento de Justiça americano como uma entidade que trabalha para o bem da comunidade e não para lucrar. Com isso, uma das suas fundadoras, a paralegal Kelly Fontoura, foi acreditada pelo governo, ou seja, autorizada a ajudar imigrantes em seus processos legais mesmo não sendo advogada.

“O Departamento de Justiça avaliou minuciosamente a organização, os serviços que prestamos, os resultados obtidos, os valores que cobramos, os profissionais que trabalham aqui, e concluiu que a Imigra Foundation tem a estrutura necessária para através de representantes acreditados representar clientes na imigração”, explicou Kelly.

O representante credenciado pode dar conselho legal, preencher formulários, representar imigrantes em processos legais, assinar os formulários e processos e comparecer em entrevistas de imigração.

Os tipos de serviços imigratórios que a Imigra Foundation oferece incluem:

  • EB-3 (processos de GC baseado em oferta de trabalho)
  • Ajuste de status, ou seja, Green Card por família, casamento ou trabalho
  • Mudança de status, extensão de status
  • Processos de Cidadania
  • Processo Consular e outros

Além dos serviços imigratórios, a Imigra Foundation oferece gratuitamente cursos básicos de língua inglesa, cursos básicos de IA (inteligência artificial, cujas inscrições abrirão no início de agosto), workshop de fotografia para Iphone, além de vários outros projetos em andamento.

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Via The Brasilians

Melhora da atividade do setor ocorre em meio à retomada em áreas afetadas pelas enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul

A produção industrial brasileira encerrou o segundo trimestre com uma crescimento acima do esperado em junho. Aliás, foi o maior ganho da indústria em quatro anos, em meio à retomada da atividade em áreas afetadas pelas enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul.

Em junho, a produção teve alta de 4,1% na comparação com o mês anterior, bem acima da expectativa em pesquisa da Reuters de avanço de 2,4%.

Foi o maior crescimento desde julho de 2020 (+9,1%), interrompendo dois meses seguidos de perdas. Além disso, a indústria brasileira ultrapassou o patamar pré-pandemia ao ficar 2,8% acima de fevereiro de 2020. Porém, o setor ainda está 14,3% abaixo do nível recorde alcançado em maio de 2011.

Os dados divulgados nesta sexta-feira (2) pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) mostraram também expansão de 3,2% da indústria na comparação com o mesmo mês do ano passado, contra expectativa de 1,2%.

“Cabe destacar que o avanço mais acentuado observado em junho de 2024 está relacionado não só com a base de comparação depreciada, explicada pelos dois meses consecutivos de queda na produção, mas também pela volta à produção de várias unidades produtivas que foram direta ou indiretamente afetadas pelas chuvas ocorridas no Rio Grande do Sul em maio de 2024”, explicou o gerente da pesquisa, André Macedo.

Setores industriais em destaque

O IBGE destacou que, em junho, 16 das 25 atividades pesquisadas apresentaram ganhos. As maiores influências positivas vieram de coque, produtos derivados do petróleo e biocombustíveis (4,0%); produtos químicos (6,5%); produtos alimentícios (2,7%) e indústrias extrativas (2,5%).

No setor de produtos alimentícios, que segundo o IBGE representa cerca de 15% da atividade industrial do Brasil, houve alta na produção de produtos importantes, como açúcar, produtos derivados de soja, suco de laranja e carnes de aves.

Entre as categorias econômicas, o destaque ficou para o aumento de 6,8% na fabricação de Bens de Consumo. Em seguida, Bens Intermediários tiveram alta de 2,6% e os Bens de Capital avançaram 0,5% sobre maio.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Forbes Brasil

Juliano Marcatto tem 25 anos de empresa e assume a área nesta segunda

O Banco do Brasil tem novo gerente geral da Unidade de Negócios Internacionais. Juliano Marcatto substitui Rodrigo Vollet, que deixou o cargo para se aposentar.

Nos 25 anos em que está no BB, Marcatto passou pelas Diretorias de Crédito e Comercial, foi gerente-adjunto do Banco do Brasil em Londres, diretor presidente da BB Securities Londres e, atualmente, era gerente executivo da área de Operações Estruturadas na Diretoria Corporate and Investment Bank.

A Unidade de Negócios Internacionais é responsável pela estratégia e gestão das unidades do Banco do Brasil no exterior, além dos produtos e serviços de crédito, câmbio e captação relacionados ao comércio exterior, atuando estrategicamente no fomento ao Comércio Exterior brasileiro, negócios e investimentos offshore e captações em moeda estrangeira, com atendimento integrado com os escritórios de negócios no Brasil, de forma a entregar uma melhor experiência ao cliente.

O BB tem se destacado como um parceiro fundamental no apoio à jornada internacional de seus clientes, oferecendo serviços e produtos que vão além do apoio financeiro. No fomento ao comércio exterior brasileiro, lançou no último ano o Programa Primeira Exportação, com o objetivo de estimular micro e pequenas empresas a acessarem o mercado internacional, por meio de capacitação e sessões consultivas com especialistas. O BB participa ainda de programas como o “Mulheres nos Negócios Internacionais”, em conjunto com a ApexBrasil, que visa a inserção de mulheres empreendedoras no comércio mundial.

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Via Banco do Brasil

Company Receives Accolades Throughout the Industry and Around the World for Delivering Digital Experiences that Drive Client Engagement

This year, Bank of America has been recognized by many of the most influential industry groups and global banking award organizations around the world for its digital leadership. As the company continues to see record growth in digital engagement among clients, it recently received accolades from Euromoney, Global Finance, Celent, The Asian Banker, and others for its commitment to innovation and delivering world-class digital experiences.

“We’re focused on making it easier and more convenient than ever for our clients to manage their full financial lives through industry-leading digital capabilities,” said David Tyrie, Chief Digital Officer and Chief Marketing Officer for Bank of America. “This recognition showcases the expertise of our team and their commitment to delivering for our clients.”

One of the greatest measures of success is the degree to which clients engage with digital solutions. Today, 58 million clients leverage Bank of America’s digital capabilities to help manage their financial lives. Last year, these clients digitally connected with their finances a record 23.4 billion times, an 11% increase year-over-year.

Click here to view all 2024 honors.

Via Bank of America

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