São Paulo, 21 November 2024: The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) has committed a $37 million loan to Mombak to expand the company’s sustainable forestry in Brazil. New forests will be planted in municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon, creating direct and indirect jobs, strengthening the reforestation value chain in the region and in Brazil, and restoring some of the most degraded areas of the Amazon.

The initiative aims to restore degraded areas in critical ecosystems, significantly impacting environmental conservation and sustainable development. Mombak’s operation focuses on the state of Pará, and planting will be conducted using native biodiverse species.

This investment is a part of DFC’s growing portfolio of nature-based solutions, an area where the agency has established itself as an innovator. DFC has deployed its range of tools, from political risk insurance and loans to technical assistance and equity investments, into the sector. DFC is focusing on nature-based solutions as a key tool in ongoing work to sequester carbon, strengthen communities against the worst effects of climate change, and protect fragile ecosystems.

With three farms in Pará so far, the project provides co-benefits, helping to reverse biodiversity loss, improve water quality, and positively impact the communities where it operates. Mombak’s reforestation will be 100 percent native species, providing habitat for numerous plants and animals, restoring local hydrological cycles, and creating more jobs per hectare than the cattle pasture it replaces.

Mombak has already raised over $150 million to invest in Amazon biome restoration projects. Over 3 million trees have already been planted on Mombak’s first farm, in operation since April 2023, in the municipality of Mãe do Rio, Pará – creating direct and indirect jobs, strengthening the local economy, and enhancing the reforestation value chain.

Furthermore, through a model of rural partnerships with cattle ranchers, other degraded areas are also being restored in municipalities across Pará. In addition to the positive environmental impacts, reforestation will enable the generation of carbon credits for the international voluntary market, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals No. 13 (Climate Action) and No. 15 (Life on Land).

About Mombak:

Mombak (“To Awaken” in Tupi-Guarani) was founded in 2021 by Peter Fernandez (former CEO of 99) and Gabriel Silva (former CFO of Nubank). With a background in innovation, they joined forces to tackle one of the world’s most pressing challenges: climate change. With clients including Microsoft, Google, and McLaren Racing, Mombak has attracted major global investors to support carbon removal and mitigate climate change. For more information, visit the website or connect on LinkedIn.

About DFC:

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. DFC partners with the private sector to finance solutions to the most critical challenges facing the developing world today. We invest across sectors including energy, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and small business and financial services. DFC investments adhere to high standards and respect the environment, human rights, and worker rights.

Read the full article

Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil

Leading global law firm Baker McKenzie has been named Regional South American Practice of the Year for the sixth consecutive year in the Chambers Latin America Awards 2024. Following thorough research from client feedback, this prestigious award celebrates outstanding legal work and achievements, impressive strategic growth and expansion, and unparalleled excellence in client service delivery.

Gustavo Boruchowicz, Chair of Baker McKenzie for Latin America, commented: “Our continued recognition as the Regional South American Practice of the Year is a testament to our commitment to excellence. At Baker McKenzie, we pride ourselves on acting as one cohesive regional team, seamlessly coordinating across our cross-border offices and matters. This award reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire team, and we are honored to be recognized once again for our ability to deliver strategic solutions and unparalleled service to our clients throughout Latin America.”

This year, Baker McKenzie has further solidified its position as a leader in the legal industry by enhancing its client engagement strategies. The Firm has introduced several innovative legal solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of its clients, ensuring that they receive the highest quality of service and support.

With offices in Argentina, Brazil*, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela, Baker McKenzie advises global conglomerates and multinationals on navigating legal and business challenges in the region. The Firm continues to lean even further into their commitment to innovation, ID&E, and pro bono efforts.

*Baker McKenzie and Trench Rossi Watanabe have executed a strategic cooperation agreement for consulting on foreign law.

Via Baker McKenzie

Ações de recuperação e preservação ambiental no país pautam agenda do Fórum

No momento em que 79 países se comprometem na cúpula do G20 em uma aliança contra a pobreza, o Banco do Brasil (BB) impulsiona soluções para geração de renda a partir de projetos de sustentabilidade e economia verde durante. Nesta segunda-feira, 18, o Banco assinou acordos estratégicos consolidando compromissos com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) das Nações Unidas.

Entre as iniciativas prioritárias, destaca-se o acordo técnico para fortalecer a cadeia de biocombustíveis, firmado entre o BB e a Petrobras Biocombustível (PBIO), o segmento da petrolífera dedicado à produção de biodiesel. O acordo de cooperação técnica tem como objetivo promover práticas sustentáveis e explorar oportunidades no setor de biocombustíveis, assegurando a aquisição de insumos de fornecedores e cooperativas.

Além disso, estão previstos compromissos para a atração de investimentos com instituições financeiras europeias. O banco de desenvolvimento da Alemanha, KfW, firmará um memorando para financiar iniciativas de bioeconomia na Amazônia. O acordo prevê o montante inicial de 50 milhões de euros em investimentos direcionados a comunidades ribeirinhas, indígenas e quilombolas, reforçando o papel do banco no fomento de uma economia inclusiva.

Outro destaque é a aprovação pelo BB de uma operação no valor de 250 milhões de euros com o CDP, banco de fomento da Itália, e a SACE, agência de garantia também italiana, que haviam assinado um memorando de intenções em outubro e que agora anunciam esta operação para apoiar a recuperação de áreas afetadas por enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul, fomentar micro e pequenas empresas e ampliar o comércio bilateral, que será garantido pela empresa de fomento à exportação italiana SACE. Para o BB, a SACE aprovou adicionalmente mais 250 milhões de euros totalizando 500 milhões de euros em garantia para operações sustentáveis com o BB.

“Ser sustentável faz parte da nossa cultura empresarial. Somos a primeira instituição financeira do Brasil a ter metas de sustentabilidade oficialmente declaradas ao mercado. Os acordos assinados hoje nos permitem ampliar a nossa carteira sustentável, que soma atualmente R$ 370 bilhões de saldo, com R$ 53 bilhões aplicados na região da Amazônia Legal. Nossa meta é chegar a R$ 500 bilhões até 2030”, destaca a presidenta do Banco do Brasil, Tarciana Medeiros.

Além dos novos negócios, o BB destacará suas ações voltadas à transição energética e à descarbonização. Até 2030, o banco pretende reduzir 90 milhões de toneladas de CO₂ e ampliar sua atuação no mercado de créditos de carbono, com foco nos biomas brasileiros. Essas iniciativas fortalecem o compromisso do Brasil com os ODS das Nações Unidas e com a agenda climática internacional, conforme os Compromissos BB 2030 para um Mundo + Sustentável.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Banco do Brasil

O IPCA tomou leve fôlego nas previsões do relatório Focus, mas segue acima da meta. Saiba mais

A mediana do boletim Focus para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA) de 2024 interrompeu uma sequência de sete semanas de alta e diminuiu na margem, de 4,64% para 4,63%. Ela está acima do teto da meta, de 4,50%. Um mês antes, a projeção era de 4,55%.

Considerando apenas as 112 estimativas atualizadas nos últimos cinco dias úteis, a mediana passou de 4,67% para 4,64%. A mediana para a inflação de 2025 passou de 4,12% para 4,34%, mais próxima do teto, de 4,50%, do que do centro da meta, de 3%.

A partir do ano que vem, a meta será contínua, apurada com base no IPCA acumulado em 12 meses. Se ele ficar acima ou abaixo do intervalo de tolerância por seis meses consecutivos, o Banco Central (BC) terá descumprido o alvo.

Considerando as 111 projeções atualizadas nos últimos cinco dias úteis, a mediana para o IPCA de 2025 passou de 4,21% para 4,49%, quase o teto da meta.

Previsões do boletim Focus para Selic

A mediana do relatório Focus para a taxa Selic no fim de 2024 continuou em 11,75%, pela oitava semana seguida. Esse movimento consolida a avaliação do mercado de que o Copom aumentará os juros em 0,5 ponto porcentual na última reunião deste ano, no dia 11 de dezembro.

Considerando apenas as 97 projeções atualizadas nos últimos cinco dias úteis, a estimativa intermediária para a Selic também se manteve em 11,75%.

O Copom aumentou a taxa básica de juros em 0,5 ponto porcentual, de 10,75% para 11,25%, no último dia 6 de novembro. A mediana para a Selic no fim de 2025 passou de 12,00% para 12,25%, refletindo a expectativa de que o Banco Central terá pouco espaço para cortar juros ao longo do ano que vem.

Os dirigentes da autarquia têm mencionado a preocupação com a desancoragem das expectativas, em meio à atividade econômica forte. Considerando apenas as 97 projeções atualizadas nos últimos cinco dias úteis, a mediana para a taxa Selic no fim de 2025 oscilou de 12,25% para 12,50%.

Leia a reportagem completa

Por Fernanda Trisotto via Einvestidor Estadão

The Art Amazon Day Festival is proud to announce its inaugural international competition, designed to discover and promote the extraordinary talent of artists from Brazil’s Northern Region. Focused on the Amazon rainforest as its central theme, the contest provides a unique opportunity for local painters and sculptors to showcase their creativity to an international audience.

Key Details

  • Submission Period: November 12 to December 15, 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • Semi-Finalists Announcement: December 17, 2024.
  • Voting Process: Semi-finalist voting by judges and the public will take place on December 19, 2024.
  • Winners Announced: December 20, 2024.

Competition Theme

The theme, “Amazon Rainforest”, invites artists to capture the essence, beauty, and cultural significance of the Amazon in their works. Participants may submit one entry in either painting or sculpture. Only one submission per candidate is allowed, with duplicate entries leading to disqualification.

Judging Criteria

A curatorial team will initially evaluate all submissions based on originality, creative impact, and adherence to the contest theme. The top 10 works will proceed to the semi-finals for further judging.


Painting Category

  • 1st Place: Exhibition of the artist’s works in New York, launch event on January 31, 2025, and an exclusive course with renowned international artist Pierre Britt.
  • 2nd Place: Exhibition in New York and a professional art supplies kit.

Sculpture Category

  • 1st Place: Exhibition of the artist’s works in New York, launch event on January 31, 2025, and a professional sculpting tools kit.


The winners’ works will be displayed at the Consulate General of Brazil in New York from February 1 to March 5, 2025, following a grand launch event on January 31, 2025.

How to Participate

  • Submit your artwork via the registration link: https://amazondayfestival.com/contato/.
  • Only one entry per participant is allowed. Confirmation of successful submission will be sent via email.

This initiative, organized by the Amazon Day Festival, seeks to elevate the voices of Northern Brazilian artists, highlighting their extraordinary contributions to the cultural and artistic heritage of the Amazon. Don’t miss this chance to make your mark on the global stage and help celebrate the Amazon’s vibrant beauty and cultural richness.

Click here to learn more

What you will be reading in this issue:

1. Private Credit | Understanding the Brazilian Receivables Fund ‘FIDC Fornecedor e Cliente’

2. M&A | The Shareholders’ Agreement in Brazilian M&As as a Facilitator in Equity Sale Process

3. Tax | Tax Opportunity: Accelerated Depreciation Provides Financial Relief for Brazilian Companies in 2024

4. Conflict Resolution | Brazilian Supreme Court Bans Gambling Advertising for Minors and Restricts the Use of Social Benefits

5. Labor | Is Shorter Working Hours the Future? Analysis of the PEC and its Impact on Brazilian Companies

1. Private Credit | Understanding the Brazilian Receivables Fund ‘FIDC Fornecedor e Cliente’

The Brazilian Receivables Fund, known as “Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios – FIDC”, can be an attractive vehicle for economic groups that have a volume of receivables payable to suppliers and from clients in Brazil, aiming at capturing “marginal gains”.

Nicknamed as “Supplier” and “Client” FIDC, this type of fund allows the economic group’s holding company or controlling shareholder to set up the fund to advance receivables to suppliers and from clients, with tax advantages for the fund, controlling shareholders, and the operating company.

2. M&A | The Shareholders’ Agreement in Brazilian M&As as a Facilitator in Equity Sale Process

Shareholders’ agreement in Brazilian M&As is essential for a company, especially when there are concerns about corporate governance, succession and even interest in the future sale of shares.

Especially in relation to the sale of equity interests, we highlight two points of attention that demonstrate the need for the document to exist.

  1. Valuations’ Improvement. When the partners of a company begin a process of partial or total sale of the company, it is essential that its corporate structure is organized, thus avoiding any friction with future buyers, affecting the final sale price.
  2. No Conflict for Sale. Another point of extreme sensitivity deals with the possibility/obligation to sell the stake, mainly to minority shareholders and also when there is a dispersed shareholding. In these cases, the need for drag along (obligation to sell) and tag along (guarantee of sale under the same conditions) clauses are essential, as they avoid discussions that bring delay and insecurity, which can often end up making a deal unviable.

The Agreement is, therefore, a safe and confidential instrument in which partners can dispose of their interests in an unrestricted manner, bringing more security and certainty for partners, and transparency for potential buyers.

3. Tax | Tax Opportunity: Accelerated Depreciation Provides Financial Relief for Brazilian Companies in 2024

Brazilian companies in productive sectors now have access to a new tax incentive designed to boost investments in the modernization and renewal of equipment.

The measure, regulated by Decree No. 12,175/2024 and established under Law No. 14,871/2024, introduces differentiated accelerated depreciation rates for new machinery, equipment, devices, and instruments, offering significant tax deductions.

The goal is to encourage the acquisition of assets classified as fixed assets, enabling tax reductions for companies taxed under the actual profit regime.

To take advantage of the benefit, companies must comply with tax and labor obligations and be in good standing. The eligibility process requires documentary evidence of the acquisition of fixed assets to be submitted to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

4. Dispute Resolution | Brazilian Supreme Court Bans Gambling Advertising for Minors and Restricts the Use of Social Benefits

In a landmark decision, rendered in the context of Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADIs) 7721 and 7723, the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) ordered the immediate application of precautionary measures that impose significant restrictions on fixed-odds betting advertising in Brazil.

The decision, issued by Minister Luiz Fux, aims to protect children, adolescents, and beneficiaries of social programs from the harmful effects of advertising and gambling.

The new rules, which follow the guidelines of the Brazilian Code of Self-Regulation of Advertising (CONAR), determine the immediate application of the terms of Ordinance No. 1.231/2024, strictly prohibiting gambling advertising in places frequented by minors under 18 years of age and in media with a child audience. In addition, the use of images of children and adolescents in gambling advertising campaigns is strictly prohibited.

The STF’s decision represents an important step in the regulation of the gambling market in Brazil and demonstrates the Judiciary’s concern with protecting society from the risks associated with this practice.

5. Labor | Is Shorter Working Hours the Future? Analysis of the PEC and its Impact on Brazilian Companies

The Brazilian media and social networks were flooded with news about the PEC that proposes the end of the 6×1 work shift.

With enough signatures to be filed in the Chamber of Deputies, this proposed amendment to the Constitution aims to change item XIII of art. 7 of the Federal Constitution, aiming to establish a maximum working day of 8 hours and 36 hours per week, distributed over a 4-day work week.

The discussion about reducing the working day has been gaining ground internationally. Several countries have been experimenting with shorter working hours to assess the impacts on productivity, workers’ health and adaptation to the demands of the new generation. This global trend reflects a new approach to work that values quality of life while monitoring financial results.

But will it be feasible to implement the end of the 6×1 working day in Brazil through a constitutional amendment? The Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, himself suggested that this issue could be addressed through collective agreements and conventions, preserving the flexibility needed for sectors that demand different schedules.

Work hour flexibility can address current demands, but it must be balanced with the practicalities of productive sectors, ensuring that Brazil keeps pace with global trends without compromising business performance or job retention.

We must be ready to explore the best alternatives for work models that benefit both businesses and employees, always aiming to balance talent attraction and retention, workplace quality and safety, and productivity with financial health.

Read the full article

Via Feijó Lopes Advogados

Brazil has launched what it calls a social summit ahead of next week’s Group of 20 meeting of the top economies

Brazil launched what it called a social summit Thursday ahead of next week’s Group of 20 meeting of top economies, the first such event focused on drawing civil society input ahead of the main annual summit.

Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said 40,000 people from G20 countries were expected to attend meetings and panels through Saturday in revamped warehouses of downtown Rio de Janeiro’s port area and nearby Museum of Tomorrow. The main summit takes place in Rio on Monday and Tuesday.

Proposals developed at the social summit will be summarized in a final document to be presented at the leaders’ summit.

Separately, representatives from Brazil’s low-income communities have also been gathering in Rio as part of an initiative called F20, and last week presented a joint statement outlining their priorities. These include combating inequality, promoting climate justice, improving access to sanitation and advancing digital and financial inclusion.

These neighborhoods, popularly known as favelas, are home to 16.4 million Brazilians, or 8% of the country’s population, according to the government.

And the challenges of favelas are evident in places like the mountainside Rio neighborhood of Rocinha, which recently reclaimed the title of most populous favela from another one outside the capital Brasilia. Residents in Rocinha cope with open sewage and a lack of economic opportunities.

Gabriela Sá Pessoa reported from Sao Paulo.

Read the full article

Via Independent

MIAMIOct. 28, 2024PRLogPAG Law, PLLC, a boutique international law firm with offices in New York and Miami, is proud to announce that it has been ranked for the first time by Legal 500 in the Corporate and M&A category among international firms practicing in Latin America. This recognition underscores the firm’s commitment to providing exceptional legal services and its growing influence in the Latin American market.

Additionally, the firm’s Miami office has been recognized by Legal 500 as a leader among international firms operating in Latin America with an office in Miami, solidifying its position as one of the top-tier legal practices in the region. This ranking reflects PAG Law’s dedication to excellence and its reputation for delivering outstanding results for clients engaged in complex corporate transactions and mergers and acquisitions.

We are thrilled to receive this recognition from Legal 500, which reflects our hard work and dedication to serving our clients in Latin America,” said Juan Pablo Cappello, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at PAG Law, PLLC.

PAG Law, PLLC has built a reputation for its in-depth knowledge of local markets, combined with international expertise, enabling the firm to navigate the complexities of cross-border transactions effectively. The firm’s attorneys are known for their ability to develop innovative strategies that meet clients’ business objectives while ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. As PAG Law continues to expand its footprint in the Latin American legal landscape, the firm remains focused on providing unparalleled service and support to its clients, helping them achieve their goals in an increasingly competitive environment.

For more information about PAG Law, PLLC and its services, please visit https://pag.law/.

Read the full article

Via PRLog

O Magazine Luiza (MGLU3) está se preparando para um novo planejamento estratégico de cinco anos e considera a tecnologia de inteligência artificial um ponto de atenção do grupo para a nova fase prevista para começar em 2026, afirmou o presidente-executivo, Frederico Trajano, nesta sexta-feira.

“Vejo oportunidade gigantesca”, disse o executivo durante conferência com analistas após a publicação do balanço de terceiro trimestre da empresa, que mostrou desempenho acima do esperado pelo mercado.

“O que estou vendo em IA eu já vi outras duas vezes apenas”, disse Trajano, que é presidente do Magazine Luiza desde 2015, se referindo ao advento do comércio eletrônico e do desenvolvimento de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis.

Trajano afirmou que o Magazine Luiza conclui no final de 2025 o ciclo de criação de seu ecossistema de negócios, algo que, segundo ele, deixou o grupo mais protegido das oscilações macroeconômicas que incluem o atual movimento de alta dos juros e que foi construído com aquisições de dezenas de empresas e startups.

“Temos a faca e o queijo na mão”, afirmou o executivo, citando a personagem “Lu”, que deve se tornar um “canal de vendas” mais que uma influenciadora digital para a companhia no futuro.

Ainda sobre o próximo ciclo estratégico, Trajano disse que as operações de computação em nuvem do Magazine Luiza “tendem a ser mais significativas”, mas não deu detalhes sobre os investimentos que vislumbra para a operação recém-criada.

Questionado sobre a estratégia de crescimento da companhia, Trajano disse que em um cenário de juros e impostos mais altos, a empresa não vai sacrificar suas margens para alavancar o crescimento, mas que vai procurar extrair mais ganhos de suas operações atuais.

“Precisamos mostrar que nesse nível de escala a gente consegue ganhar dinheiro”, disse o executivo se referindo às vendas brutas no conceito GMV que devem atingir cerca de 50 bilhões de reais este ano.

“Melhor decisão de longo prazo é concluir esse ciclo estratégico e levar as margens para patamares maiores”, afirmou, citando que o grupo quer tirar mais valor das operações de venda de publicidade a vendedores em sua plataforma e com serviços financeiros.

Via Money Times


A Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento organiza vários eventos oficiais paralelos do G20, com exposições de arte no âmbito cultural e um programa com 40 palestras no âmbito educacional, voltadas para garantir espaço para as diferentes vozes, lutas e reivindicações da população e dos agentes não-governamentais dos países que compõem as maiores economias do mundo, seja na mobilização global contra mudanças climáticas, desertificação, inundações e altas temperaturas, assim como na luta contra o armamento nuclear e a paz mundial.

A Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento no seu comunicado para a paz e anúncio de apoio a causa de desarmamento nuclear e apoio a proposta do G20 na construção de um mundo justo e um planeta sustentável, reafirma seu compromisso com o objetivo do G20 Social de ampliar a participação de atores não-governamentais nas atividades e nos processos decisórios do G20.

Recentemente foi anunciado o Prêmio Nobel da Paz para Nihon Hidankyo, uma organização japonesa de sobreviventes das bombas atômicas de Hiroshima e Nagasaki (chamados de Hibakusha), por demonstrar por meio de testemunhos que as armas nucleares nunca mais devem ser utilizadas.

Aqui no Brasil, o desarmamento nuclear é um dos temas principais do International Uranium Film Festival, também conhecido como Festival de Cinema da Era Atômica, criado em 2010, no Rio de Janeiro, e laureado pela MovieMaker Magazine de Hollywood como um dos “25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World 2024”.

Sobreviventes das bombas atômicas que vieram morar no Brasil, já participaram de várias edições do Uranium Film Festival, como o Sr. Kunihiko Bonkohara e a Sra. Junko Watanabe que tinham 5 e 2 anos, respectivamente, no dia do bombardeio em Hiroshima.

A Sra. Junko Watanabe será a única sobrevivente, residente no Brasil, entre as 31 pessoas enviadas pelo grupo Nihon Hidankyo para a cerimônia de entrega do Prêmio Nobel da Paz, na capital da Noruega, Oslo, em 10 de dezembro.

A Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento, o Instituto Bienal Amazônia (IBA) e várias organizações não governamentais em conjunto com várias instituições internacionais, inauguram a Pré-Bienal Amazônia no Parque Glória Maria (Parque das Ruínas, em Santa Teresa) entre 12 e 20 de novembro, como parte do evento “G20 – Diálogos para o Planeta”, onde serão apresentadas palestras e exposições sobre esses temas.

Em parceria com o Uranium Film Festival, onde a Pré-Bienal apresentará “filmes atômicos” de diversos países, com a presença dos convidados Sr. Bonkohara e Sra. Watanabe apresentando ao público e a imprensa o chamamento para esse movimento ambientalista que engloba atores de vários continentes, um documentário com a colaboração do Instituto David Lynch e personalidades internacionais apoiando esse movimento.

Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento celebra sobreviventes de Hiroshima com exposições de arte e palestras no Brasil e Oslo em prol da paz mundial e a Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento tem a honra de anunciar a participação especial dos sobreviventes da bomba atômica de Hiroshima, conhecidos como Hibakusha, em uma exposição de arte que ocorrerá em São Paulo no dia 4 de novembro, às 19h. A Sra. Junko Watanabe, uma das sobreviventes e residente no Brasil, estará presente para participar de gravações para um documentário e concederá entrevistas à imprensa, reforçando a mensagem de paz e
desarmamento nuclear.

Este ano, a Sra. Watanabe será a única representante brasileira entre os 31 membros do grupo Nihon Hidankyo a comparecer à cerimônia do Prêmio Nobel da Paz em Oslo, no dia 10 de dezembro. Sua presença em São Paulo marca um importante anúncio desse evento histórico. Durante a exposição, o público terá a oportunidade de conhecer de perto os testemunhos dos Hibakusha, que são um lembrete poderoso da necessidade de abolir as armas nucleares.

Para celebrar este momento significativo na história da paz mundial, a Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento realizará uma exposição de arte em Oslo, alinhada com a cerimônia do Nobel, destacando obras e intervenções artísticas que simbolizam a luta por um mundo livre de armas nucleares. Estes eventos em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Oslo é uma homenagem ao compromisso com a paz e à importância da conscientização global sobre os perigos do armamento nuclear.

Informações sobre o evento de São Paulo

• Opening Reception: November 4, 7-10 pm (BRT)
• On view: November 4-8
• Location: Galeria Marcelo Neves – Rua Artur de Azevedo, 1343, Pinheiros, São Paulo, Brazil
• RSVP: info@artsvgallery.com

Leia o press release completo

Via Saphira&Ventura Gallery

Please join us in Miami as we explore the outlook for 2025 across the Americas in the aftermath of the 2024 US elections. We will discuss key trends, issues, potential opportunities, and cross-border challenges.


•  10:30 am: Registration
•  11:00 am – 11:30 am: Brunch with champagne bar
•  11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Fireside chat



Francisco J. Cerezo, Chair of the US-Latin America practice, DLA Piper (moderator)

Ambassador P. Michael McKinley (Ret.), Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group 


Date & Time:

November 22, 2024
10:30 am ET – 12:30 pm ET



The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach, Miami
1 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139 -> Directions


Click here for more details or RSVP by November 15, 2024


For more information
Please contact Michelle Martinez De La Nuez at DLAPiperAmericas@us.dlapiper.com with questions.


Bloomberg’s Dayanne Sousa and Clarice Couto reported Thursday that “a global push to decarbonize air travel has groups from Big Oil to sovereign wealth funds betting on Brazil to become a top global center for green jet fuel.”

“Brazil is becoming a magnet for investment as countries race to grab a share of what promises to be a fast-growing market, with Shell Plc and Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Investment Co. considering new sustainable aviation fuel plants in the country. That’s in part because Latin America’s biggest economy is the world’s second-largest producer of ethanol, which can be used to produce SAF,” Sousa and Couto reported. “Agriculture powerhouse Brazil has an abundance of cheap crops to make biofuels, providing the nation a leg up on competitors including the U.S. Many of Brazil’s supplies also rank better in terms of carbon emissions, key to meeting requirements for SAF production.”

“SAF is one of the few pathways the aviation industry has at its disposal to curb its carbon footprint, which accounts for about 2.5% of global emissions. Interest in green jet fuel is picking up, driven by policy support, particularly in the European Union and the U.S., but demand far exceeds available supply and is forecast to continue growing,” Sousa and Couto reported. “Ricardo Mussa, chief executive officer of sugar and ethanol company Raizen SA, said Brazil’s ethanol production puts it in a strong position to be a major exporter of SAF.”

‘”For every liter of SAF, we need 1.7 liters of ethanol, so the best place to produce would be in the origin, in Brazil,’ Mussa said at Bloomberg New Economy at B20 in São Paulo last week,” according to Sousa and Couto’s reporting

“Production of green aviation fuel in Brazil has the potential to reach around 50 billion liters (13.2 billion gallons) by 2030 with further investments in agriculture, according to preliminary data from a study carried out by Airbus, LATAM Airlines Group SA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,” Sousa and Couto reported. “That’s similar to the U.S.’s potential output, but Brazil is set to be a bigger exporter, with American production being consumed domestically.”.

Brazil Already Shipping to U.S. SAF Plants

Bloomberg’s Dayanne Sousa reported in April that “Brazilian company Raizen SA made the country’s first shipment of sugar-cane ethanol to be converted into green jet fuel in a U.S. plant, as competition heats up to supply the nascent market.”

Why Brazil May Be a Leader

Sousa and Couto reported that “companies and authorities in Brazil expect that SAF made from the country’s ethanol will be more effective than other crop-based alternatives. That’s mainly because of how international standards for cleaning global air travel are being written.”

“According to data by the International Civil Aviation Organization, Brazilian sugar cane ethanol has lower carbon emissions compared to other SAF ingredients such as soybean oil or U.S. corn-based ethanol. That means Brazilian-produced SAF would likely be more efficient in helping airlines reach targets to reduce their carbon emissions,” Sousa and Couto reported.

By Ryan Hanrahan via Successful Farming

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