MIAMIDec. 10, 2024PRLogPAG Law is honored to announce its recognition as one of the most admired law firms in the United States and Miami, as highlighted in the prestigious Análise Advocacia 2025 Yearbook. This ranking, determined by a comprehensive survey of legal and financial executives from the largest Brazilian companies, underscores PAG Law’s leading role in providing exceptional legal services to clients navigating cross-border transactions and other complex legal matters.

The Análise Advocacia Yearbook is the largest and most influential survey of the Brazilian legal market, offering a client-driven perspective on the firms and professionals most admired in the industry. Its meticulous methodology includes consultations with executives who rank firms and lawyers across 19 areas of law, from arbitration and compliance to corporate and tax law. PAG Law’s inclusion in this year’s rankings is a testament to its excellence in international legal services and its unwavering commitment to client success.

Peter Eccles, Partner at PAG Law’s New York office, added, “We take great pride in our ability to bridge cultural and legal differences between the United States and Latin America. Being recognized by Análise Advocacia reaffirms the impact of our collaborative approach and the value we deliver to our clients”.

PAG Law’s boutique model uniquely positions it to deliver the agility and personalized attention of a specialized firm, combined with the expertise and reach of a large international practice. The firm is particularly noted for its work in venture and growth equity capital, debt financings, private equity, middle-market M&A, and its standout litigation and arbitration services.

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Via PRLog

Os setores que impulsionaram esse desempenho foram o da soja, carnes e sucroalcooleiro

As exportações do agronegócio brasileiro totalizaram US$ 152,63 bilhões (R$ 928,3 bilhões na cotação atual) de janeiro a novembro de 2024, representando 48,9% do total dos embarques brasileiros no período. Este foi o segundo melhor desempenho já registrado na série histórica. A redução de 5,2% no índice de preços internacionais foi parcialmente compensada pelo aumento de 5,2% no volume exportado.

Os principais setores responsáveis por esse desempenho foram o complexo soja (US$ 52,19 bilhões ou R$317,4), carnes (US$ 23,93 bilhões ou R$ 145,5 bilhões) e o complexo sucroalcooleiro (US$ 18,27 bilhões ou R$ 111,1), que juntos responderam por mais de 60% do total exportado. Apesar de uma redução de 18,7%, o complexo soja manteve sua posição de destaque, enquanto carnes e açúcar registraram crescimentos significativos, impulsionados por recordes de embarques e diversificação de mercados.

Dentre os produtos exportados, o café solúvel se destaca, com um acumulado de US$ 792 milhões (R$ 4,8 bilhão) no período. Outro produto que chamou a atenção foi o óleo essencial de laranja, com mais de US$ 365 milhões (R$ 2,2 bilhões) em exportações até novembro de 2024. Esses resultados mostram como o agronegócio brasileiro vem ampliando horizontes, levando ao mundo uma variedade de produtos de alto valor agregado e reafirmando sua força em mercados cada vez mais diversificados.

Importações em alta

As importações de produtos agropecuários totalizaram US$ 1,54 bilhão (R$ 9,1 bilhões) em novembro de 2024, um aumento de 14,4% em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. Entre os principais itens importados estão trigo, com US$ 102,16 milhões (R$ 621 milhões),  e salmões, US$ 76,05 milhões (456 milhões).

Expectativas futuras

De acordo com Luís Rua, secretário de Comércio e Relações Internacionais, os resultados da diversificação de mercados e produtos começam a aparecer de forma concreta na balança comercial. “Os produtos menos tradicionais da pauta exportadora incrementaram 7,2% em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. Com as boas perspectivas de safra para 2025, a continuidade das aberturas de novos mercados, a maturação comercial das aberturas já realizadas e a intensificação das ações de promoção comercial com uma série de novos instrumentos, esperamos ainda mais avanços qualitativos e quantitativos nas exportações do agronegócio brasileiro”, destacou em nota à imprensa.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes Brasil

O grupo Exame, controlado pelo BTG Pactual, está investindo tempo e dinheiro na ampliação de seu braço educacional, o Exame Educação. Para isso, a empresa anunciou, nesta segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro, a aquisição da escola de negócios Saint Paul, que tem 22 anos de experiência na formação de executivos e C-Levels.

Com a compra, a Exame, que já havia trazido para o seu portfólio a Witseed, focada em ensino B2B, e a IPD Digital, porta de entrada da companhia para o ensino superior, espera fortalecer o portfólio de cursos oferecidos.

Com a aquisição, que não teve seu valor revelado, a empresa espera atingir R$ 500 milhões de faturamento nos próximos três anos. Para alcançar esse objetivo, José Cláudio Securato, fundador e principal acionista da Saint Paul, passará a ocupar a cadeira de CEO da Educação Exame, que engloba as marcas Faculdade EXAME, EXAME Corporate Education, Saint Paul e LIT.

“Queremos fazer parte da vida das pessoas ao longo de suas carreiras, colocando na prática a premissa de lifelong learning”, diz Securato. “Juntos, nós conseguimos atender o interesse de um estagiário, que quer trabalhar com negócios, e, ao mesmo tempo, atingir o CEO de uma grande organização, que também está nessa jornada eterna de aprendizado.”

A partir da combinação, os 20 mil alunos ativos na plataforma da Exame, que conta com 12 cursos de extensão e quatro MBAs, se conectam aos mais de 400 cursos oferecidos pela Saint Paul e sua equipe de 500 professores, mestres e doutores. Desde 2002, a escola de negócios já formou mais de 500 mil alunos.

Atualmente, são 15 mil alunos ativos na escola de negócios, que é referência as cursos para C-level e conselho, no programa de IA, além do MBA Executivo em Liderança e MBA Executivo em Finanças. Apenas a plataforma online da Saint Paul conta com 300 cursos.

No segmento B2B, a escola de negócios atende clientes como Raízen, Ipiranga, Totvs, Bradesco, Weg, Edenred, Fleury, Odontoprev, GPA e B3.

“Essa nova fase na Exame é marcada pela premissa de informar e formar os novos líderes do futuro e é nisso que estamos investindo”, diz Pedro Valente, CEO da Exame.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

By Viral Tech Via Neofeed

BNY is proud to announce the newest class of Managing Directors (MDs), who will be officially promoted on January 1, 2025. MDs are senior leaders who help drive the company forward and execute BNY’s strategy.

For the first time, BNY will have MD leaders representing all six of the company’s strategic growth locations (Pittsburgh, Lake Mary, Manchester, Wroclaw, Pune and Chennai) as it continues to take an intentional and global approach to empowering leaders around the world, at all major sites. Currently, BNY has nearly 600 MDs in 62 cities around the world.

“Our new MD cohort went through a highly rigorous and competitive selection process,” said Shannon Hobbs, Chief People Officer, BNY. “Members of this group stood out for their consistently high performance and strong BNY leadership while being more for our clients, running our company better and powering our culture.”

Click here to view the list of new MDs


Social programs and job market improvements contribute to success

By Lucianne Carneiro e Alessandra Saraiva — Do Rio

The year 2023 marked a significant decline in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil, reaching the lowest levels recorded since 2012, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). For the first time since 2012, the proportion of people living in poverty fell below 30%, reaching 27.4% of the population. Meanwhile, those in extreme poverty accounted for 4.4% of Brazilians, a figure that had never dropped below 5% before. The new IBGE report reveals a 14.7% decrease in poverty and a 24.6% drop in extreme poverty.

Experts have described this reduction between 2022 and 2023 as pronounced, significant, and substantial. They attribute this trend to the vibrant job market, social programs like Bolsa Família and the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC), and the real increase in the minimum wage.

Researchers on the subject believe poverty will continue to decrease in 2024, but caution that much work remains. Despite the reduction in poverty, increased income, and social programs, a significant number of Brazilians remain impoverished, and income inequality persists in the country.

“There is an improvement in the quality of life. This is the positive side, and it is not insignificant. Yet, various marks of inequality remain in income, access to work, education, and health. The inequality indices are very high,” said Francisco Menezes, a policy advisor at ActionAid.

In 2023, 8.7 million people, equivalent to the entire population of the state of Ceará, emerged from poverty, yet 59 million Brazilians remained in this condition. The IBGE uses the World Bank’s poverty line as a reference, defined as a per capita household income of $6.85 per day (based on purchasing power parity, PPP) or R$665 per month.

For extreme poverty, the population decreased from 12.6 million in 2022 to 9.5 million in 2023, meaning 3.1 million people moved out of this category last year. The extreme poverty line is set at a per capita household income below $2.15 PPP per day or R$209 per month.

“Both the job market and social benefits help explain the reduction in poverty. The job market has a greater impact on poverty, while social benefits affect extreme poverty more,” said André Simões, an analyst at IBGE who co-authored this crucial study.

While the decline in poverty was celebrated, the income inequality trend was less encouraging. The Gini index of per capita household income remained at 0.518 in 2023, the same level as in 2022, which is the lowest in the series since it began in 2012. The Gini index, a widely recognized measure of income inequality worldwide, ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 1 indicating greater inequality.

In Brazil, in 2023, the total income held by the top 10% highest earners was 3.6 times greater than the income of the bottom 40% earners. According to the IBGE, maintaining this inequality indicator is likely due to the more dynamic job market in 2023, which had a stronger impact on the income of higher-income deciles, as they rely more on labor income.

This inequality, according to the ActionAid Policy Advisor, justifies the discussion of a progressive tax reform targeting ultra-wealthy individuals: “We need to address the structural issues that explain poverty, which is more challenging due to the political process. However, even a slight taxation on the ultra-wealthy could generate significant resources to tackle issues such as the lack of basic sanitation.”

In a period of intense debate over fiscal matters, Francisco Menezes argues that the discussion of public spending should focus on “the quality of resource allocation rather than merely the numbers.”

The IBGE’s Summary of Social Indicators also includes data on the improvement of living conditions in Brazil. The proportion of young people aged 15 to 29 who neither study nor work decreased to 21.2% in 2023, down from 22.3% in 2022, the lowest level since 2012. Although the number of young people in this situation reached a record low, 10.3 million remain.

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Via Valor International

Aside from one exception for the insurance sector, the text is virtually identical to the version recently approved in the Senate

Brazil’s House of Representatives has approved Bill No. 182/2024, which aims to establish the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (SBCE).

The text is practically identical to a version approved in the Senate last week, save for a provision specifically concerning the insurance sector. The bill now mandates that insurance companies, open-ended private pension funds, capitalization companies, and legal reinsurers annually invest at least 1% of their technical reserves and provisions in environmental assets specified in the bill (Brazilian Emission Quotas – CBEs, Verified Emission Reduction or Removal Certificates – CVREs, and carbon credits) or in investment funds focused on environmental assets. The Senate’s version had provided for the possibility of such entities obtaining authorization to invest up to 0.5% of their reserves in the specified assets. However, the House of Representatives returned this figure to 1%.

The bill is now subject to presidential assent, though a specific date for this has yet to be set.

Mattos Filho has prepared exclusive material outlining the main aspects of the bill approved in the Senate and upheld in the House of Representatives.

For further information on this topic, please contact Mattos Filho’s Environmental Law & Climate Change practice area.

Click here to read the publication

Via Mattos Filho

Online sales increase by 11% from Thursday to Sunday; steady trend could influence Christmas season

Data released by consultancies and research companies indicate that Black Friday sales surpassed projections in online and physical stores, marking the largest increase in four years. This performance could pave the way for more positive results during the Christmas season when retailers and industries can achieve higher profit margins.

From Thursday (28) to the morning of Sunday (1, until 6:59 a.m.), online nominal revenue rose by 11% compared to the previous year, reaching approximately R$8 billion, according to service and data company Neotrust Confi.

The initial projection was for a smaller increase of 9.1%, considering the low base of comparison of 2023. Last week, consultancies and sector associations interviewed for the report anticipated growth between 5% and 10%, depending on the study.

In 2022 and 2023, the figures fell short of expectations. In 2021, sales in November dropped by 4.2%, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics’ retail survey.

On Saturday (30), the acceleration was stronger, with a 22% increase compared to the same date in 2023, totaling R$1.93 billion in revenue. In terms of units, the increase was 21%. On Friday (29), the official Black Friday, online expansion reached 8.4%, aligning with market projections. The study was conducted in partnership with ClearSale.

According to Valor’s calculations, the 2024 increase represents the highest rate of online expansion for a Black Friday since 2020, when the pandemic led consumers to shop online.

This level of average spending includes segments such as fashion and food, which are less reliant on credit and less affected by recent interest rate hikes.

Brick-and-mortar stores, which don’t always perform well even when digital sales soar during Black Friday, might have experienced a more optimistic season.

According to Linx, a leading technology provider for the retail sector, fashion and footwear outlets saw a 13% increase during the promotional week. That happened after Asian platforms, such as Shein, were subject to a 20% import tax on items below $50, as per the law effective in August. On Friday, revenue growth reached 23%.

The payment of the first installment of the 13th salary on Black Friday, a situation not seen since 2019, partially explains the performance in both physical and digital stores. Since the event’s inception in Brazil in 2010, the 13th salary was paid on Black Friday only in 2013, 2014, and 2019.

Despite increased debt pressures on Brazilian budgets, consultants believe the stability in delinquency rates, household income gains, and the rise in formal employment in 2024 positively influenced the figures. According to the Central Bank, household credit delinquency over 12 months remains stable. The real average income rose by 7% from July to September.

Former Casas Bahia and Carrefour executive Abel Ornelas emphasized the need to assess whether Black Friday was profitable. “The event costs are high, and it’s crucial to determine if they were covered or if there was a loss. Christmas will be the opportunity to capitalize and truly increase margins.”

As Valor previously reported last week, there were signs of improving demand since the start of the month. The main market question is whether this momentum will continue into Christmas, as some consumers may have made early holiday shopping during Black Friday. Additionally, the potential risk of price increases due to a weaker real against the dollar, which could make goods ordered for sale more expensive, still looms.

Read the full article

By Adriana Mattos — São Paulo via Valor International

At REVHRAM, we aim to facilitate strategic business connections between Brazil and the United States, focusing on offering tailored solutions beyond conventional business practices. We are a sustainable partner, collaborating with major Brazilian financial institutions to provide personalized services that meet each client’s needs.

However, it is important to note that REVHRAM does not engage in financial services operations in the United States. Our role exclusively focuses on business intermediation, helping clients navigate international markets and expand their commercial opportunities while complying with all local regulations.

Learn more at REVHRAM, LLC

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