
Tax ESG – PwC Brasil

Companies have been consistently investing in sustainability as a core pillar of their strategies and working to communicate their intentions clearly. However, one key metric has remained largely absent from conversations about ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues: taxes.

A company’s approach to taxation should not be viewed solely as a matter of compliance: in the context of ESG performance, taxes are becoming a powerful indicator of how a company sees its role in society and how committed it is to its purpose.

Taxes are often a company’s most significant contribution to society, as it is through them that governments can fund the provision of essential public services and public works. This makes taxes a critical element of the ‘S’ and ‘G’ in ESG, with possible repercussions for the ‘E’ as well.

45% of companies are committed to decarbonisation (partial or net zero).

81% consider tax incentives relevant or very relevant to the implementation of ESG practices.

75% do not publish tax information in their sustainability reports.

Via Pwc Brasil

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