Discover the best investment opportunities in Brazil focusing on the US audience.
Time to invest wisely. |
Join us August 11th at 10:30am (in Brazil GMT -3) for the Invest in Brasil Infrastructure – US Session. The event is part of a series of online seminars in 2020 that will present the best investment opportunities in the country. This time focusing on the US audience.
The Infrastructure sector is one of the priorities of the Brazilian Federal Government. In addition, the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum has also included infrastructure as a priority topic in its recommendations. Follow in this event what Brazil has been doing to become more attractive to the American capital and show the best projects to leverage the country and bring return to its investors. Follow this high-level debate and learn about the prospects for infrastructure in Brazil’s economic development and also learn about the best infrastructure projects available for investment. Great projects; space for networking and renowned keynote speakers. All in a single event. Online. Get connected. Invest in Brasil. |
Date: August 11th |
Time: 10:30AM (in Brazil, GMT -3) |
Location: Online, broadcast from Brasil and USA |