Languages: Portuguese (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent) Education: Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) 2017 - 2018 Master (MBA) in Brazilian Corporate Law UNCTAD 2015 Empretec: A study and practice of the 10 Entrepreneurial behavior: Goals, planning and systematic monitoring, persistence, commitment, seeking information, independence and self-confidence, seeking opportunities and initiatives, take premeditated risks, persuasion and networking, demand for quality and efficiency University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) Boulder CO, USA 2010 - 2014 Major: International Affairs, geographic concentration in Latin America. Minor: business Pontificia Universidad Catolica (PUC) Valparaiso, Chile 2013 As an exchange student studied a semester of Latin American International Political Economy. Smoky Hill High School 2006 - 2010 Values, Abilities and Skills • Self-driven • Adaptive • Comprehensive • Creative • Focused • Go getter • Leader and able to be led • Collaborative • Punctual • Organized • Work well under pressure • Multi-task ReiKi 1 and 2 2019 A form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing. ENEAGRAM 2015 A model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. PSI (Personal Success Institute) seminar 2008 Focused on optimizing the human experience by creating liberty, PSI strategies aim to enhance every area of life in order to find substantial increases in the following areas: Dramatically improve communication abilities; Enhance personal relationships; Gain more confidence and increase productivity; Discover more creativity, direction and focus. PADI scuba diver certified 2006 Student athlete from High School through College Competed on swimming competitions throughout the United Stated all year long.
Founder and Operating President of an import and export company based in Brazil, CCSOL was created in 2014 soon after graduating from the University of Colorado. Among a few other exports and imports, CCSOL was designed to be a solar company where it led a group of engineers, sales force and solar panel technicians into thousands of solar systems installations. Along all the installations and other duties, CCSOL acquired the exclusive representation of a Hybrid German Made Solar Module branded 2POWER from PA-ID, GmbH which was innovative to not only the Brazilian market but also the solar market in general. During this three-year partnership there were many projects concluded, including government subsidized projects: Brazilian and German. During the Pandemic, there was a slowdown of operations and it was decided that although a successful company, CCSOL wasn’t going the way it was first planned to be, so all the operations were cautiously cancelled.
Called into as a Co-Owner with oversee on the financial operation of this Flight School. There was a three-year plan to oversee the entire internal operations and sell the business as a full operating business. It was done as so, adequately getting the team of sales, technical instructors, flight instructors and administration to work in harmony and bring a successful turnover of new pilots. Then, AVI was well sold and still operates as it was.
Advisor/Consultant to the owner of this Holding Company. Its main operations were meat packing plant, warehouse, distribution, and cattle farms (ranches). Eventually called into acquiring a small portion of shares of the company. The main responsibilities were to minimize and coordinate liabilities, to keep track of all assets, research it’s values, create benefit for it, and develop complex Excel sheets to present to possible buyers.
Co-founder of an US based exporting company where its main operation was to arrange and do the entire documentation process to export aircrafts and parts mostly from the US to Brazil. The main task was to understand the US exiting and Brazilian entrance customs for each product or aircraft, as well as market placement for new products and research for pre-ordered inventory. It required a precise knowledge in regulatory agencies as well as in the Brazilian aviation market.
As a University of Colorado student, though English to the staff that was not English native, helping with pronunciation, grammar, reading and comprehension.
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