
NEW YORK, NY / LONDON / SINGAPORE – Bank of America’s commitment to digital innovation that enhances client experiences has been recognized by Crisil Coalition Greenwich in its 2024 Digital Transformation Benchmarking Study in which the bank received numerous No. 1 rankings. CashPro is the company’s digital banking platform accessed by more than 40,000 corporate and commercial clients around the world to manage their treasury, trade and credit operations and perform self-service requests.

The company was also named Best Bank in several Corporate Banking, Cash Management and Capital Markets categories in the 2025 Crisil Coalition Greenwich Awards.

Commenting on the Digital Transformation Benchmarking Study, Tom Durkin, Global Product Head of CashPro in Global Payments Solutions at Bank of America said, “These top rankings reflect our single-minded focus on working to deliver the best possible experience for our clients – whether that’s enabling them to do more on their mobile device, enhancing connectivity through our network of TMS and ERP providers, or providing them with leading insights from their own data. We continue to innovate and strive to exceed our clients’ expectations.”

Crisil Coalition Greenwich is a leading provider of strategic benchmarking, analytics and data intelligence to the financial services and investment industries. They specialize in providing unique, high-value and actionable information to help banks make better business decisions.

Bank of America

Bank of America is one of the world’s leading financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, serving approximately 69 million consumer and small business clients with 3,700 retail financial centers, approximately 15,000 ATMs (automated teller machines) and award-winning digital banking with approximately 58 million verified digital users. Bank of America is a global leader in wealth management, corporate and investment banking and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world. Bank of America offers industry-leading support to approximately 4 million small business households through a suite of innovative, easy-to-use online products and services. The company serves clients through operations across the United States, its territories and more than 35 countries. Bank of America Corporation stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BAC).

Read the full article and the highlights of Bank of America’s rankings

Via Bank of America

The Firm announces the following Practice and Office leadership changes, effective January 1, 2025:

  • Alexandre Verheyden—Co-Leader, Antitrust & Competition Law Practice
  • Steve Geise—Co-Leader, Business & Tort Litigation Practice
  • Artur Badra—Chair of Latin America Practice
  • Sébastien Champagne—Partner-in-Charge, Brussels Office
  • Nicole Perry—Partner-in-Charge, Houston Office
  • Shireen Matthews—Partner-in-Charge, San Diego Office

Artur Badra—Chair of Latin America Practice

Artur Badra, based in Jones Day’s São Paulo Office, brings over 20 years of experience in coordinating corporate legal strategies for global clients across Latin America, as well as Latin American companies in their global businesses. In his new role as Chair of the Firm’s Latin America Practice, he will work closely with Luis Riesgo, Partner-in-Charge of the region, to strengthen the Firm’s integrated approach to the increasingly complex, multijurisdictional challenges faced by clients operating in the region.

Fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, Mr. Badra was born and raised in São Paulo. He earned his LLM from Instituto de Empresa in Madrid after studying at Holy Cross College in Brazil. Mr. Badra joined Jones Day in Madrid in 2007 and moved to São Paulo in 2011 to assist with the opening of the Firm’s office there. He regularly leads the Latin American aspects of global M&A transactions, coordinating teams across multiple offices and collaborating with local counsel. He also advises major Latin American companies on their international operations.

Learn the full article

Via Legal Desire

GMPR Advogados stands as a benchmark for state-of-the-art legal advocacy, delivering comprehensive and forward-thinking legal services. The firm transcends traditional litigation by embracing a holistic approach that integrates preventive and consultative strategies tailored to each client’s unique needs. With a foundation built on efficient management, multidisciplinary expertise, pragmatism, and resilience, GMPR Advogados is committed to delivering exceptional results in a dynamic legal environment.

The firm offers a broad spectrum of expertise across multiple legal domains, including Compliance and Internal Investigations, Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Civil Law, Consumer Law, and Entertainment Law. Their practice extends to highly specialized fields such as Agribusiness Law, Fashion Law, Medical Law, and Corporate Criminal Law. Additionally, GMPR Advogados excels in Tax Law, Labor Law, Real Estate Law, and Corporate Law, providing tailored solutions to complex legal challenges. With a focus on innovation and client-centric services, the firm also supports clients in Judicial Recovery and Administration, ensuring they navigate legal complexities with confidence.

Learn more at

We are thrilled to share an important milestone in our continuous journey toward excellence. Iris Trade & Iris Naturals Intl have officially obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification.

This achievement reflects our commitment for the past 23 years to delivering products and services that meet the highest quality standards, ensuring consistent value for our partners.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to reaching even greater heights together!

Learn more at Iris Trade


Profit distribution is an essential step to align the interests of partners and ensure the financial sustainability of a Brazilian limited liability company.

However, carrying it out without proper organization can generate conflicts, harm cash flow and even jeopardize the fiscal health of the business.

Organizing this process becomes a strategic pillar for sustainable growth and, mainly, for corporate harmony. We highlight 3 essential steps in this process in Brazilian companies, taking into consideration the legal limitations existing in Brazil:

1. Provision in the Articles of Association: the general form of distribution of dividends in a limited liability company in Brazil must be included in the articles of association, especially in cases where there is the possibility of disproportionate distribution of profits, in order to meet the legal requirements for validity.

2. Shareholders’ Agreement: instrument that allows regulating the form of distribution, including establishing conditions, obligations and goals so that profits can be distributed according to each partner’s contribution to the company, and not just reflecting the percentage of participation. Issues such as minimum cash and reserve for investments may also be the subject of the shareholders’ agreement.

3. Periodic Shareholders’ Meeting: essential for the governance of the profit distribution process, as it is not only the appropriate instrument for organizing distribution among the shareholders, based on an assessment of the requirements set out in the shareholders’ agreement, but also the most appropriate tool in Brazil for paying the shareholders the amount distributed, eliminating the possibility of future disputes.

Having a well-defined procedure aligned with corporate governance practices is essential for safe and efficient profit distribution. In addition to ensuring legal compliance, this approach strengthens trust among the shareholders, minimizing the risk of internal disputes.

An organized process reflects the maturity of management, ensuring that decisions are made in a transparent, fair and strategic manner, allowing the distributed profits to drive both the individual development of the shareholders and the continued growth of the company.

By Fernanda Ferla via Feijó Lopes Advogados

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP provides leading-edge legal solutions on complex, business-critical issues spanning markets and industries. Our more than 1,200 attorneys across 15 offices worldwide deliver innovative, pragmatic and sophisticated legal services across approximately 45 practice areas.

Learn more at Willkie

Instituição ocupa o 17° lugar na posição geral

Pela 6ª vez o Banco do Brasil foi reconhecido como o Banco mais sustentável do planeta, no ranking das 100 Corporações Mais Sustentáveis do Mundo 2025 – Global 100, da Corporate Knights, e em 17° lugar na posição geral. As 100 empresas líderes em sustentabilidade foram divulgadas nesta quarta-feira, 22, durante jantar executivo organizado pela Corporate Knights em Davos, na Suíça, no contexto do Fórum Econômico Mundial.

Fatores como o resultado financeiro, o volume da carteira de crédito sustentável, a compensação de emissões de carbono, o uso de energia limpa, as práticas de governança e a diversidade do corpo funcional contribuíram para que o BB alcançasse a posição 17 no ranking geral e se mantivesse como líder entre os bancos por seis vezes na última década.

A presidenta do BB, Tarciana Medeiros, reforça que a sustentabilidade está incorporada à Estratégia Corporativa do Banco do Brasil e que tem desdobramentos na gestão dos negócios e riscos. “Nossas ações fazem a diferença no cotidiano do nosso país e do mundo. Só para ter uma ideia, já contabilizamos R$ 1,7 bilhão em saldo de financiamentos voltados para a bioeconomia na região da Amazônia legal. Isso representa um crescimento de 55% em um ano. Isso nos proporciona mudar a vida das pessoas em aspectos sociais e ambientais. Trabalhamos por um futuro mais diverso, inclusivo e verde para todos e esse caminho nos leva a sermos reconhecidos o Banco mais sustentável do planeta”.

Desde 2005, a Global 100 tem sido uma das classificações de sustentabilidade mais valorizadas do mundo, e nesta edição, foram avaliadas 8.359 empresas de capital aberto com receita bruta mínima de US$ 1 bilhão, por meio da combinação de 15 indicadores de desempenho, entre os quais: receitas sustentáveis, produtividade energética, impostos pagos, produtividade de carbono e diversidade racial e de gênero.

Como atuamos enquanto Banco mais sustentável do planeta?

Desde nossa fundação, somos uma empresa com forte papel na construção e no desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. Seguimos as melhores práticas de gestão e governança, aderindo a compromissos nacionais e internacionais de incentivo ao crescimento sustentável e apoiando a execução de políticas públicas e promovendo negócios de relevância para a sociedade.

Alinhada aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da ONU, a Agenda 30 BB atende ao chamado internacional para a construção de um mundo direcionado por gestão adequada dos recursos naturais, respeito aos direitos humanos e geração de valor para os diversos públicos de relacionamento.

O BB exerce papel transformador por meio da oferta de crédito consciente e se destaca pelo volume da sua carteira de crédito sustentável que alcançou aproximadamente R$ 370 bilhões de saldo, em setembro de 2024. Esse montante foi contratado em linhas de crédito com elevada adicionalidade ambiental ou social, ou para financiar atividades e/ou segmentos que tenham impactos sociais e ambientais positivos, como energias renováveis, eficiência energética, construção, transportes e turismo sustentáveis, água, pesca, silvicultura, agricultura sustentável, gestão de resíduos, educação, saúde e setores de desenvolvimento local e regional.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Banco do Brasil

Group Dot BR’s mission is to present the “calor” and diversity of Brazilian culture through the performing arts. By using avant-garde, physical, choreographic, and contemporary theatre as tools, Group Dot BR engages a multicultural community with a forward-thinking approach to its “presencial” and online programs. As the longest-operating Brazilian theatre company in New York, it supports artists by creating a bridge for exchange beyond borders and holds up Portuguese as a heritage language.

Learn more at Group .BR

Kaio Philipe, CMO da Inter&Co, exalta a realização da FC Series para o torcedor brasileiro que vive no exterior; evento contará com clássico entre Atlético-MG e Cruzeiro

Em janeiro de 2025, Atlético-MG, Cruzeiro e São Paulo estarão nos Estados Unidos realizando a pré-temporada na FC Series, dando início ao Inter&Co Soccer Week.

O torneio, sucessor da Florida Cup, é uma oportunidade para as equipes brasileiras expandirem suas marcas além do cenário nacional. E para o torcedor que vive em outro país, uma chance de ouro para acompanhar seu time do coração.

Entre os parceiros da FC Series está a Inter&Co, companhia controladora do Banco Inter. Em entrevista para CNN Esportes, Kaio Philipe, CMO da empresa, detalhou a presença de brasileiros nos EUA para exaltar o sucesso de público que o evento prevê.

“Existem brasileiros espalhados nos Estados Unidos inteiro. Sem contar filhos, netos, que também têm a nossa cultura, comem pão de queijo e assistem futebol. Considerando três gerações, você tem, eu diria, quase 5 milhões de acordo com dados que algumas embaixadas estimam. Eles estão em Massachusetts, Flórida, Califórnia e Texas, mas todos os estados americanos têm brasileiros”, declarou o executivo.

“Para um brasileiro, ter um evento que ele vai poder ter experiência de primeiro nível, de primeiro mundo, com a mesma emoção do futebol do Brasil em solo americano, com segurança, praticidade, conveniência, eu acho que é o que fez a nossa pré-venda pelo banco explodir de vendas. Tem esse público que eu acho muito interessante”, prosseguiu.

Kaio Philipe aproveitou para reforçar a oportunidade que o FC Series dará aos torcedores que vivem no exterior. Segundo ele, existe uma grande demanda de brasileiros ávidos em acompanhar in loco as grandes equipes.

“Tem essa demanda de brasileiros viajando para Orlando em janeiro que é surreal. Férias escolares, etc… Então a gente entende que o evento já é um sucesso e estamos muito felizes em realizá-lo.”

Inter&Co Stadium sede da FC Series

Uma das sedes da FC Series será o Inter&Co Stadium, casa do Orlando Pride, da NWSL, e do Orlando City, da MLS. A controladora do Banco Inter garantiu os naming rights da arena em janeiro deste ano, reforçando seu compromisso com a comunidade esportiva.

“O Inter tem uma história no futebol muito bacana. Lá atrás o Inter ficou muito grande por conta do patrocínio do São Paulo. Ajudou a gente a crescer na década passada, então os executivos e acionistas do banco entendem de futebol. Para a gente, patrocinar futebol não é uma coisa desbravadora, a gente sabe como fazer, faz bem e consegue atrelar o negócio com entretenimento como ninguém”, celebra Kaio Philipe.

Sobre a FC Series

Atlético-MG, Cruzeiro e São Paulo se juntam ao Orlando City para abrir a temporada 2025 na Inter&Co Soccer Week da FC Series, antiga Florida Cup. O torneio vai ocorrer na cidade de Orlando (EUA).

O evento conta também com o grande clássico mineiro entre Galo e Raposa. O duelo acontece no sábado (18), no Inter&Co Stadium.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via CNN Brasil

Madalena Santos Reinbolt: A Head Full of Planets” showcases 42 textile works and oil paintings, marking the artist’s first solo museum exhibition outside Brazil. Best known for her large-scale “wool paintings” made from vibrant threads, the show features over half of her known works and explores themes of gender, race, and socio-economic dynamics.

The exhibition traces Santos Reinbolt’s artistic evolution, beginning in the early 1950s when she worked as a cook for architect Lota de Macedo Soares and poet Elizabeth Bishop. Self-taught, Santos Reinbolt started her embroidery practice in the mid-1960s, creating the works that earned her recognition. Debuting at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) in 2022, the exhibition has been further contextualized for its presentation at AFAM, curated by Valérie Rousseau and Dylan Blau Edelstein.

BACC member Art in Brackets™, represented by Fernanda Mazzuco and Lu Solano, serves on the exhibition’s Advisory Committee by invitation of the American Folk Art Museum.

Event Schedule: February 12, 2025–May 25, 2025

Location: American Folk Art Museum | 2 Lincoln Square, New York, NY 10023

Click here for more information

Via Art in Brackets

São Paulo e Nova York, 03/01/2025 – O ano de 2025 começa com a expectativa de ao menos quatro grandes negócios de fusões e aquisições (M&As, na sigla em inglês) no Brasil, na casa dos bilhões de reais: a venda da Medley pela Sanofi; a da Suvinil pela Basf; a da Linx pela Stone; e a da operação brasileira do grupo suíço Julius Baer. Transações desse nível animam bancos de investimento a preverem que o este ano terá mais operações de M&As do que em 2024 e 2023, mas ainda não repetindo o salto de 2021, quando a pandemia estimulou uma série de negócios.

No ano passado, foram anunciadas 1.426 transações de M&As no Brasil, o que representa crescimento de 1,86% na comparação com 2023, segundo dados da consultoria Kroll, obtidos com exclusividade pelo Broadcast. O País liderou as atividades de fusões e aquisições na América Latina, respondendo por 63% das transações. Por sua vez, a região contribuiu com 5% dos negócios globais, que totalizaram cerca de 44 mil operações.

Mesmo com o estresse que marcou o fim de 2024, com juros e dólar disparando e Bolsa em queda, a visão é que há espaço para avanço nas operações nos próximos meses. Além dos negócios acima, há apostas em operações em setores como infraestrutura, fintechs e saúde, que podem movimentar outros bilhões, a preços com prêmio em relação aos comparáveis na tela da B3, na visão de banqueiros da Faria Lima.

O diretor de Global Banking para Brasil do UBS, Anderson Brito, conta que o banco já tem 10 operações de M&A engatilhadas para assinar, o que sinaliza que os ruídos econômicos não estão tendo por enquanto tanta interferência nos negócios. “Esperamos transações em setores nos quais há crescimento do Brasil contratado”, disse ele, citando áreas como seguros, infraestrutura, transição energética e fintechs. O dólar acima de R$ 6,00 pode ser um bom ponto de entrada, ressalta o executivo, sobretudo para estrangeiros.

Além dos negócios locais, o responsável pela área de fusões e aquisições do Santander Brasil, Thiago Rocha, vê um crescente número de grandes empresas brasileiras buscando aquisições no exterior, em uma tentativa de ganhar novos mercados, e também ter exposição a moeda forte. Já os fundos de private equity, que compram participações em empresas, podem participar de negócios importantes em 2024. Nomes como Vinci e Pátria estão entre as gestoras mais ativas nos últimos meses. Mas o clima nas gestoras ainda é de cautela, o que deve aumentar a seletividade. Em 2024, investidores financeiros, como esses fundos, estiveram presentes em apenas 36,5% das transações, segundo a Kroll.

“Os fundos têm capital para alocar. Os bancos têm começado a mostrar coisas”, afirma a presidente da ABVCAP, associação que reúne as gestoras destes fundos, Priscila Rodrigues. A questão é que com a Selic em patamares mais altos a cautela e seletividade aumentam. “Quem tem dinheiro para investir, vai definir termos e condições, escolher bem, vai encontrar menor competição para o mesmo ativo”, afirma.

O chefe para Brasil e América Latina da Kroll, Alexandre Pierantoni, está mais cauteloso e avalia que, apesar da expansão em 2024, o setor de M&As no Brasil pode amargar queda no número de transações neste ano. Pesam, sobretudo, incertezas fiscais no País e uma antecipação das eleições presidenciais de 2026. “Devemos ter uma redução do volume de atividade de M&A depois de recordes alcançados nos últimos anos”, prevê Pierantoni, em entrevista ao Broadcast.

O diretor da Kroll demonstra ainda preocupação com uma menor presença do estrangeiro, que tem reduzido o apetite pelo País em meio às incertezas, e alguns grupos de fora têm até deixado o Brasil. No ano passado, a participação desses investidores nas fusões e aquisições foi de 17,7%, patamar muito inferior ao histórico, que chegava a 35%, de acordo com a Kroll. Já os domésticos tiveram uma posição dominante, marcando presença em 82,3% das transações anunciadas no País em 2024.

“Há um interesse mais oportunista, essa é a palavra do momento”, diz o advogado Carlos Lobo, sócio do escritório Arnold & Porter, baseado em Nova York.

Rocha, do Santander, vê tendência maior em M&As de negócios envolvendo fundos soberanos, dedicados a situações especiais ou gestoras de fortunas de famílias, por terem apostas de longo prazo sem tanto envolvimento na gestão das empresas. “Eles conseguem oferecer cheques relevantes sem tanta demanda de governança como os private equities”, afirma o executivo. Para estes, o executivo prevê participação nos negócios, mas também com maior seletividade. “Eles precisam enxergar tese de crescimento mais sólida, não gostam dos casos que estão segurando a faca que está caindo.”

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Altamiro Silva Júnior (, Cynthia Decloedt ( e Aline Bronzati (, correspondente via Broadcast Estadão

Bill establishes governance measures, upholds the rights of affected individuals and groups, and classifies high-risk and excessive-risk AI systems

On December 10, 2024, the Brazilian Senate approved Bill No. 2,338/2023 to establish a national regulatory framework covering the development, use, and governance of AI systems in Brazil. The text reflects a commitment to the centrality of the human person, responsible innovation, AI market competitiveness, and the implementation of safe and reliable systems. Having passed in the Brazilian Senate, the current version of the Bill still requires further analysis in the House of Representatives and presidential assent before it can be signed into law and take effect.

The main topics of the Brazilian Senate approved version of the Bill are outlined below:

Rights of affected individuals or groups

The regulatory framework defines a set of rights designed to protect individuals or groups affected by AI systems, such as:

  • The right to clear, accessible information about the use of AI in their interactions with such systems;
  • The right to request reviews of automated decisions by humans in certain circumstances;
  • The right to non-discrimination (illicit or abusive), as well as the right to have direct or indirect discriminatory bias corrected.

Risk categorization

The Bill classifies AI systems based on their degree of risk, which is based on a preliminary assessment by AI agents – system developers, distributors, and application developers that operate within and work with AI system value chains and internal governance.

AI systems can be classified into two categories:

  • Excessive risk systems
  • High-risk systems

Responsible governance

Bill No. 2,338/2023 establishes rules to ensure responsible governance in relation to AI systems, requiring all agents to ensure the systems are safe and they allow affected individuals or groups to exercise their rights.

These rules extend to all AI agents, with specific responsibilities for system developers, distributors, and application developers. Such governance measures may include preparing documentation on safety tests, controlling bias, the degree of human supervision required, and transparency measures.

The Bill also encourages self-regulation and the creation of additional governance rules through codes of good practice and collaboration among AI agents.


The Bill reinforces the need for AI agents to comply with Brazil’s Copyright Law (Law No. 9,610/1998). It establishes specific obligations for those agents who use works protected by this law, such as ensuring the right of copyright holders to opt out of the use of their works, as well as related rights regarding the use of their works within AI systems.

Civil liability

The Bill also provides for the use of two distinct civil liability frameworks. Civil liability arising from damages caused by AI systems within consumer relations remains subject to the liability rules in the Consumer Protection Code (Law No. 8,078/1990). Meanwhile, civil liability stemming from damages caused by AI systems that are exploited, employed, or used by AI agents outside the context of consumer relations remains subject to the liability rules in the Civil Code (Law No. 10,406/2002).

For more information on this topic, please contact Mattos Filho’s Technology practice area.

Read the full article

Via Mattos Filho

MIAMIDec. 10, 2024PRLogPAG Law is honored to announce its recognition as one of the most admired law firms in the United States and Miami, as highlighted in the prestigious Análise Advocacia 2025 Yearbook. This ranking, determined by a comprehensive survey of legal and financial executives from the largest Brazilian companies, underscores PAG Law’s leading role in providing exceptional legal services to clients navigating cross-border transactions and other complex legal matters.

The Análise Advocacia Yearbook is the largest and most influential survey of the Brazilian legal market, offering a client-driven perspective on the firms and professionals most admired in the industry. Its meticulous methodology includes consultations with executives who rank firms and lawyers across 19 areas of law, from arbitration and compliance to corporate and tax law. PAG Law’s inclusion in this year’s rankings is a testament to its excellence in international legal services and its unwavering commitment to client success.

Peter Eccles, Partner at PAG Law’s New York office, added, “We take great pride in our ability to bridge cultural and legal differences between the United States and Latin America. Being recognized by Análise Advocacia reaffirms the impact of our collaborative approach and the value we deliver to our clients”.

PAG Law’s boutique model uniquely positions it to deliver the agility and personalized attention of a specialized firm, combined with the expertise and reach of a large international practice. The firm is particularly noted for its work in venture and growth equity capital, debt financings, private equity, middle-market M&A, and its standout litigation and arbitration services.

Read the full article

Via PRLog

O grupo Exame, controlado pelo BTG Pactual, está investindo tempo e dinheiro na ampliação de seu braço educacional, o Exame Educação. Para isso, a empresa anunciou, nesta segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro, a aquisição da escola de negócios Saint Paul, que tem 22 anos de experiência na formação de executivos e C-Levels.

Com a compra, a Exame, que já havia trazido para o seu portfólio a Witseed, focada em ensino B2B, e a IPD Digital, porta de entrada da companhia para o ensino superior, espera fortalecer o portfólio de cursos oferecidos.

Com a aquisição, que não teve seu valor revelado, a empresa espera atingir R$ 500 milhões de faturamento nos próximos três anos. Para alcançar esse objetivo, José Cláudio Securato, fundador e principal acionista da Saint Paul, passará a ocupar a cadeira de CEO da Educação Exame, que engloba as marcas Faculdade EXAME, EXAME Corporate Education, Saint Paul e LIT.

“Queremos fazer parte da vida das pessoas ao longo de suas carreiras, colocando na prática a premissa de lifelong learning”, diz Securato. “Juntos, nós conseguimos atender o interesse de um estagiário, que quer trabalhar com negócios, e, ao mesmo tempo, atingir o CEO de uma grande organização, que também está nessa jornada eterna de aprendizado.”

A partir da combinação, os 20 mil alunos ativos na plataforma da Exame, que conta com 12 cursos de extensão e quatro MBAs, se conectam aos mais de 400 cursos oferecidos pela Saint Paul e sua equipe de 500 professores, mestres e doutores. Desde 2002, a escola de negócios já formou mais de 500 mil alunos.

Atualmente, são 15 mil alunos ativos na escola de negócios, que é referência as cursos para C-level e conselho, no programa de IA, além do MBA Executivo em Liderança e MBA Executivo em Finanças. Apenas a plataforma online da Saint Paul conta com 300 cursos.

No segmento B2B, a escola de negócios atende clientes como Raízen, Ipiranga, Totvs, Bradesco, Weg, Edenred, Fleury, Odontoprev, GPA e B3.

“Essa nova fase na Exame é marcada pela premissa de informar e formar os novos líderes do futuro e é nisso que estamos investindo”, diz Pedro Valente, CEO da Exame.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

By Viral Tech Via Neofeed

BNY is proud to announce the newest class of Managing Directors (MDs), who will be officially promoted on January 1, 2025. MDs are senior leaders who help drive the company forward and execute BNY’s strategy.

For the first time, BNY will have MD leaders representing all six of the company’s strategic growth locations (Pittsburgh, Lake Mary, Manchester, Wroclaw, Pune and Chennai) as it continues to take an intentional and global approach to empowering leaders around the world, at all major sites. Currently, BNY has nearly 600 MDs in 62 cities around the world.

“Our new MD cohort went through a highly rigorous and competitive selection process,” said Shannon Hobbs, Chief People Officer, BNY. “Members of this group stood out for their consistently high performance and strong BNY leadership while being more for our clients, running our company better and powering our culture.”

Click here to view the list of new MDs


Aside from one exception for the insurance sector, the text is virtually identical to the version recently approved in the Senate

Brazil’s House of Representatives has approved Bill No. 182/2024, which aims to establish the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (SBCE).

The text is practically identical to a version approved in the Senate last week, save for a provision specifically concerning the insurance sector. The bill now mandates that insurance companies, open-ended private pension funds, capitalization companies, and legal reinsurers annually invest at least 1% of their technical reserves and provisions in environmental assets specified in the bill (Brazilian Emission Quotas – CBEs, Verified Emission Reduction or Removal Certificates – CVREs, and carbon credits) or in investment funds focused on environmental assets. The Senate’s version had provided for the possibility of such entities obtaining authorization to invest up to 0.5% of their reserves in the specified assets. However, the House of Representatives returned this figure to 1%.

The bill is now subject to presidential assent, though a specific date for this has yet to be set.

Mattos Filho has prepared exclusive material outlining the main aspects of the bill approved in the Senate and upheld in the House of Representatives.

For further information on this topic, please contact Mattos Filho’s Environmental Law & Climate Change practice area.

Click here to read the publication

Via Mattos Filho

At REVHRAM, we aim to facilitate strategic business connections between Brazil and the United States, focusing on offering tailored solutions beyond conventional business practices. We are a sustainable partner, collaborating with major Brazilian financial institutions to provide personalized services that meet each client’s needs.

However, it is important to note that REVHRAM does not engage in financial services operations in the United States. Our role exclusively focuses on business intermediation, helping clients navigate international markets and expand their commercial opportunities while complying with all local regulations.

Learn more at REVHRAM, LLC

Leading global law firm Baker McKenzie has been named Regional South American Practice of the Year for the sixth consecutive year in the Chambers Latin America Awards 2024. Following thorough research from client feedback, this prestigious award celebrates outstanding legal work and achievements, impressive strategic growth and expansion, and unparalleled excellence in client service delivery.

Gustavo Boruchowicz, Chair of Baker McKenzie for Latin America, commented: “Our continued recognition as the Regional South American Practice of the Year is a testament to our commitment to excellence. At Baker McKenzie, we pride ourselves on acting as one cohesive regional team, seamlessly coordinating across our cross-border offices and matters. This award reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire team, and we are honored to be recognized once again for our ability to deliver strategic solutions and unparalleled service to our clients throughout Latin America.”

This year, Baker McKenzie has further solidified its position as a leader in the legal industry by enhancing its client engagement strategies. The Firm has introduced several innovative legal solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of its clients, ensuring that they receive the highest quality of service and support.

With offices in Argentina, Brazil*, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela, Baker McKenzie advises global conglomerates and multinationals on navigating legal and business challenges in the region. The Firm continues to lean even further into their commitment to innovation, ID&E, and pro bono efforts.

*Baker McKenzie and Trench Rossi Watanabe have executed a strategic cooperation agreement for consulting on foreign law.

Via Baker McKenzie

Ações de recuperação e preservação ambiental no país pautam agenda do Fórum

No momento em que 79 países se comprometem na cúpula do G20 em uma aliança contra a pobreza, o Banco do Brasil (BB) impulsiona soluções para geração de renda a partir de projetos de sustentabilidade e economia verde durante. Nesta segunda-feira, 18, o Banco assinou acordos estratégicos consolidando compromissos com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) das Nações Unidas.

Entre as iniciativas prioritárias, destaca-se o acordo técnico para fortalecer a cadeia de biocombustíveis, firmado entre o BB e a Petrobras Biocombustível (PBIO), o segmento da petrolífera dedicado à produção de biodiesel. O acordo de cooperação técnica tem como objetivo promover práticas sustentáveis e explorar oportunidades no setor de biocombustíveis, assegurando a aquisição de insumos de fornecedores e cooperativas.

Além disso, estão previstos compromissos para a atração de investimentos com instituições financeiras europeias. O banco de desenvolvimento da Alemanha, KfW, firmará um memorando para financiar iniciativas de bioeconomia na Amazônia. O acordo prevê o montante inicial de 50 milhões de euros em investimentos direcionados a comunidades ribeirinhas, indígenas e quilombolas, reforçando o papel do banco no fomento de uma economia inclusiva.

Outro destaque é a aprovação pelo BB de uma operação no valor de 250 milhões de euros com o CDP, banco de fomento da Itália, e a SACE, agência de garantia também italiana, que haviam assinado um memorando de intenções em outubro e que agora anunciam esta operação para apoiar a recuperação de áreas afetadas por enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul, fomentar micro e pequenas empresas e ampliar o comércio bilateral, que será garantido pela empresa de fomento à exportação italiana SACE. Para o BB, a SACE aprovou adicionalmente mais 250 milhões de euros totalizando 500 milhões de euros em garantia para operações sustentáveis com o BB.

“Ser sustentável faz parte da nossa cultura empresarial. Somos a primeira instituição financeira do Brasil a ter metas de sustentabilidade oficialmente declaradas ao mercado. Os acordos assinados hoje nos permitem ampliar a nossa carteira sustentável, que soma atualmente R$ 370 bilhões de saldo, com R$ 53 bilhões aplicados na região da Amazônia Legal. Nossa meta é chegar a R$ 500 bilhões até 2030”, destaca a presidenta do Banco do Brasil, Tarciana Medeiros.

Além dos novos negócios, o BB destacará suas ações voltadas à transição energética e à descarbonização. Até 2030, o banco pretende reduzir 90 milhões de toneladas de CO₂ e ampliar sua atuação no mercado de créditos de carbono, com foco nos biomas brasileiros. Essas iniciativas fortalecem o compromisso do Brasil com os ODS das Nações Unidas e com a agenda climática internacional, conforme os Compromissos BB 2030 para um Mundo + Sustentável.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Banco do Brasil

What you will be reading in this issue:

1. Private Credit | Understanding the Brazilian Receivables Fund ‘FIDC Fornecedor e Cliente’

2. M&A | The Shareholders’ Agreement in Brazilian M&As as a Facilitator in Equity Sale Process

3. Tax | Tax Opportunity: Accelerated Depreciation Provides Financial Relief for Brazilian Companies in 2024

4. Conflict Resolution | Brazilian Supreme Court Bans Gambling Advertising for Minors and Restricts the Use of Social Benefits

5. Labor | Is Shorter Working Hours the Future? Analysis of the PEC and its Impact on Brazilian Companies

1. Private Credit | Understanding the Brazilian Receivables Fund ‘FIDC Fornecedor e Cliente’

The Brazilian Receivables Fund, known as “Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios – FIDC”, can be an attractive vehicle for economic groups that have a volume of receivables payable to suppliers and from clients in Brazil, aiming at capturing “marginal gains”.

Nicknamed as “Supplier” and “Client” FIDC, this type of fund allows the economic group’s holding company or controlling shareholder to set up the fund to advance receivables to suppliers and from clients, with tax advantages for the fund, controlling shareholders, and the operating company.

2. M&A | The Shareholders’ Agreement in Brazilian M&As as a Facilitator in Equity Sale Process

Shareholders’ agreement in Brazilian M&As is essential for a company, especially when there are concerns about corporate governance, succession and even interest in the future sale of shares.

Especially in relation to the sale of equity interests, we highlight two points of attention that demonstrate the need for the document to exist.

  1. Valuations’ Improvement. When the partners of a company begin a process of partial or total sale of the company, it is essential that its corporate structure is organized, thus avoiding any friction with future buyers, affecting the final sale price.
  2. No Conflict for Sale. Another point of extreme sensitivity deals with the possibility/obligation to sell the stake, mainly to minority shareholders and also when there is a dispersed shareholding. In these cases, the need for drag along (obligation to sell) and tag along (guarantee of sale under the same conditions) clauses are essential, as they avoid discussions that bring delay and insecurity, which can often end up making a deal unviable.

The Agreement is, therefore, a safe and confidential instrument in which partners can dispose of their interests in an unrestricted manner, bringing more security and certainty for partners, and transparency for potential buyers.

3. Tax | Tax Opportunity: Accelerated Depreciation Provides Financial Relief for Brazilian Companies in 2024

Brazilian companies in productive sectors now have access to a new tax incentive designed to boost investments in the modernization and renewal of equipment.

The measure, regulated by Decree No. 12,175/2024 and established under Law No. 14,871/2024, introduces differentiated accelerated depreciation rates for new machinery, equipment, devices, and instruments, offering significant tax deductions.

The goal is to encourage the acquisition of assets classified as fixed assets, enabling tax reductions for companies taxed under the actual profit regime.

To take advantage of the benefit, companies must comply with tax and labor obligations and be in good standing. The eligibility process requires documentary evidence of the acquisition of fixed assets to be submitted to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

4. Dispute Resolution | Brazilian Supreme Court Bans Gambling Advertising for Minors and Restricts the Use of Social Benefits

In a landmark decision, rendered in the context of Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADIs) 7721 and 7723, the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) ordered the immediate application of precautionary measures that impose significant restrictions on fixed-odds betting advertising in Brazil.

The decision, issued by Minister Luiz Fux, aims to protect children, adolescents, and beneficiaries of social programs from the harmful effects of advertising and gambling.

The new rules, which follow the guidelines of the Brazilian Code of Self-Regulation of Advertising (CONAR), determine the immediate application of the terms of Ordinance No. 1.231/2024, strictly prohibiting gambling advertising in places frequented by minors under 18 years of age and in media with a child audience. In addition, the use of images of children and adolescents in gambling advertising campaigns is strictly prohibited.

The STF’s decision represents an important step in the regulation of the gambling market in Brazil and demonstrates the Judiciary’s concern with protecting society from the risks associated with this practice.

5. Labor | Is Shorter Working Hours the Future? Analysis of the PEC and its Impact on Brazilian Companies

The Brazilian media and social networks were flooded with news about the PEC that proposes the end of the 6×1 work shift.

With enough signatures to be filed in the Chamber of Deputies, this proposed amendment to the Constitution aims to change item XIII of art. 7 of the Federal Constitution, aiming to establish a maximum working day of 8 hours and 36 hours per week, distributed over a 4-day work week.

The discussion about reducing the working day has been gaining ground internationally. Several countries have been experimenting with shorter working hours to assess the impacts on productivity, workers’ health and adaptation to the demands of the new generation. This global trend reflects a new approach to work that values quality of life while monitoring financial results.

But will it be feasible to implement the end of the 6×1 working day in Brazil through a constitutional amendment? The Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, himself suggested that this issue could be addressed through collective agreements and conventions, preserving the flexibility needed for sectors that demand different schedules.

Work hour flexibility can address current demands, but it must be balanced with the practicalities of productive sectors, ensuring that Brazil keeps pace with global trends without compromising business performance or job retention.

We must be ready to explore the best alternatives for work models that benefit both businesses and employees, always aiming to balance talent attraction and retention, workplace quality and safety, and productivity with financial health.

Read the full article

Via Feijó Lopes Advogados

MIAMIOct. 28, 2024PRLogPAG Law, PLLC, a boutique international law firm with offices in New York and Miami, is proud to announce that it has been ranked for the first time by Legal 500 in the Corporate and M&A category among international firms practicing in Latin America. This recognition underscores the firm’s commitment to providing exceptional legal services and its growing influence in the Latin American market.

Additionally, the firm’s Miami office has been recognized by Legal 500 as a leader among international firms operating in Latin America with an office in Miami, solidifying its position as one of the top-tier legal practices in the region. This ranking reflects PAG Law’s dedication to excellence and its reputation for delivering outstanding results for clients engaged in complex corporate transactions and mergers and acquisitions.

We are thrilled to receive this recognition from Legal 500, which reflects our hard work and dedication to serving our clients in Latin America,” said Juan Pablo Cappello, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at PAG Law, PLLC.

PAG Law, PLLC has built a reputation for its in-depth knowledge of local markets, combined with international expertise, enabling the firm to navigate the complexities of cross-border transactions effectively. The firm’s attorneys are known for their ability to develop innovative strategies that meet clients’ business objectives while ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. As PAG Law continues to expand its footprint in the Latin American legal landscape, the firm remains focused on providing unparalleled service and support to its clients, helping them achieve their goals in an increasingly competitive environment.

For more information about PAG Law, PLLC and its services, please visit

Read the full article

Via PRLog

O Magazine Luiza (MGLU3) está se preparando para um novo planejamento estratégico de cinco anos e considera a tecnologia de inteligência artificial um ponto de atenção do grupo para a nova fase prevista para começar em 2026, afirmou o presidente-executivo, Frederico Trajano, nesta sexta-feira.

“Vejo oportunidade gigantesca”, disse o executivo durante conferência com analistas após a publicação do balanço de terceiro trimestre da empresa, que mostrou desempenho acima do esperado pelo mercado.

“O que estou vendo em IA eu já vi outras duas vezes apenas”, disse Trajano, que é presidente do Magazine Luiza desde 2015, se referindo ao advento do comércio eletrônico e do desenvolvimento de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis.

Trajano afirmou que o Magazine Luiza conclui no final de 2025 o ciclo de criação de seu ecossistema de negócios, algo que, segundo ele, deixou o grupo mais protegido das oscilações macroeconômicas que incluem o atual movimento de alta dos juros e que foi construído com aquisições de dezenas de empresas e startups.

“Temos a faca e o queijo na mão”, afirmou o executivo, citando a personagem “Lu”, que deve se tornar um “canal de vendas” mais que uma influenciadora digital para a companhia no futuro.

Ainda sobre o próximo ciclo estratégico, Trajano disse que as operações de computação em nuvem do Magazine Luiza “tendem a ser mais significativas”, mas não deu detalhes sobre os investimentos que vislumbra para a operação recém-criada.

Questionado sobre a estratégia de crescimento da companhia, Trajano disse que em um cenário de juros e impostos mais altos, a empresa não vai sacrificar suas margens para alavancar o crescimento, mas que vai procurar extrair mais ganhos de suas operações atuais.

“Precisamos mostrar que nesse nível de escala a gente consegue ganhar dinheiro”, disse o executivo se referindo às vendas brutas no conceito GMV que devem atingir cerca de 50 bilhões de reais este ano.

“Melhor decisão de longo prazo é concluir esse ciclo estratégico e levar as margens para patamares maiores”, afirmou, citando que o grupo quer tirar mais valor das operações de venda de publicidade a vendedores em sua plataforma e com serviços financeiros.

Via Money Times


A Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento organiza vários eventos oficiais paralelos do G20, com exposições de arte no âmbito cultural e um programa com 40 palestras no âmbito educacional, voltadas para garantir espaço para as diferentes vozes, lutas e reivindicações da população e dos agentes não-governamentais dos países que compõem as maiores economias do mundo, seja na mobilização global contra mudanças climáticas, desertificação, inundações e altas temperaturas, assim como na luta contra o armamento nuclear e a paz mundial.

A Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento no seu comunicado para a paz e anúncio de apoio a causa de desarmamento nuclear e apoio a proposta do G20 na construção de um mundo justo e um planeta sustentável, reafirma seu compromisso com o objetivo do G20 Social de ampliar a participação de atores não-governamentais nas atividades e nos processos decisórios do G20.

Recentemente foi anunciado o Prêmio Nobel da Paz para Nihon Hidankyo, uma organização japonesa de sobreviventes das bombas atômicas de Hiroshima e Nagasaki (chamados de Hibakusha), por demonstrar por meio de testemunhos que as armas nucleares nunca mais devem ser utilizadas.

Aqui no Brasil, o desarmamento nuclear é um dos temas principais do International Uranium Film Festival, também conhecido como Festival de Cinema da Era Atômica, criado em 2010, no Rio de Janeiro, e laureado pela MovieMaker Magazine de Hollywood como um dos “25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World 2024”.

Sobreviventes das bombas atômicas que vieram morar no Brasil, já participaram de várias edições do Uranium Film Festival, como o Sr. Kunihiko Bonkohara e a Sra. Junko Watanabe que tinham 5 e 2 anos, respectivamente, no dia do bombardeio em Hiroshima.

A Sra. Junko Watanabe será a única sobrevivente, residente no Brasil, entre as 31 pessoas enviadas pelo grupo Nihon Hidankyo para a cerimônia de entrega do Prêmio Nobel da Paz, na capital da Noruega, Oslo, em 10 de dezembro.

A Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento, o Instituto Bienal Amazônia (IBA) e várias organizações não governamentais em conjunto com várias instituições internacionais, inauguram a Pré-Bienal Amazônia no Parque Glória Maria (Parque das Ruínas, em Santa Teresa) entre 12 e 20 de novembro, como parte do evento “G20 – Diálogos para o Planeta”, onde serão apresentadas palestras e exposições sobre esses temas.

Em parceria com o Uranium Film Festival, onde a Pré-Bienal apresentará “filmes atômicos” de diversos países, com a presença dos convidados Sr. Bonkohara e Sra. Watanabe apresentando ao público e a imprensa o chamamento para esse movimento ambientalista que engloba atores de vários continentes, um documentário com a colaboração do Instituto David Lynch e personalidades internacionais apoiando esse movimento.

Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento celebra sobreviventes de Hiroshima com exposições de arte e palestras no Brasil e Oslo em prol da paz mundial e a Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento tem a honra de anunciar a participação especial dos sobreviventes da bomba atômica de Hiroshima, conhecidos como Hibakusha, em uma exposição de arte que ocorrerá em São Paulo no dia 4 de novembro, às 19h. A Sra. Junko Watanabe, uma das sobreviventes e residente no Brasil, estará presente para participar de gravações para um documentário e concederá entrevistas à imprensa, reforçando a mensagem de paz e
desarmamento nuclear.

Este ano, a Sra. Watanabe será a única representante brasileira entre os 31 membros do grupo Nihon Hidankyo a comparecer à cerimônia do Prêmio Nobel da Paz em Oslo, no dia 10 de dezembro. Sua presença em São Paulo marca um importante anúncio desse evento histórico. Durante a exposição, o público terá a oportunidade de conhecer de perto os testemunhos dos Hibakusha, que são um lembrete poderoso da necessidade de abolir as armas nucleares.

Para celebrar este momento significativo na história da paz mundial, a Saphira Ventura Mídia e Entretenimento realizará uma exposição de arte em Oslo, alinhada com a cerimônia do Nobel, destacando obras e intervenções artísticas que simbolizam a luta por um mundo livre de armas nucleares. Estes eventos em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Oslo é uma homenagem ao compromisso com a paz e à importância da conscientização global sobre os perigos do armamento nuclear.

Informações sobre o evento de São Paulo

• Opening Reception: November 4, 7-10 pm (BRT)
• On view: November 4-8
• Location: Galeria Marcelo Neves – Rua Artur de Azevedo, 1343, Pinheiros, São Paulo, Brazil

Leia o press release completo

Via Saphira&Ventura Gallery

Please join us in Miami as we explore the outlook for 2025 across the Americas in the aftermath of the 2024 US elections. We will discuss key trends, issues, potential opportunities, and cross-border challenges.


•  10:30 am: Registration
•  11:00 am – 11:30 am: Brunch with champagne bar
•  11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Fireside chat



Francisco J. Cerezo, Chair of the US-Latin America practice, DLA Piper (moderator)

Ambassador P. Michael McKinley (Ret.), Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group 


Date & Time:

November 22, 2024
10:30 am ET – 12:30 pm ET



The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach, Miami
1 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139 -> Directions


Click here for more details or RSVP by November 15, 2024


For more information
Please contact Michelle Martinez De La Nuez at with questions.


The company has its U.S. headquarters in Brickell Key

Digital financial services company Inter&Co continues its advance in the U.S. market with an office in Miami and a partnership with Brightline. Inter&Co is known for a multifunctional financial super app and is hiring dozens of people for its U.S. headquarters in Brickell Key. It has also acquired naming rights to the Major League Soccer venue in Orlando, now called Inter&Co Stadium.

Inter& Co is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol INTR and is part of Nasdaq’s Global Market Select Index. Shares on Oct. 21 were trading at $6.55 and have a 52-week range of $4.12-$7.84.

The company had second-quarter revenue of about $421 million U.S., up 24 percent from the year-ago quarter. Net income of $39 million U.S. up 324% from the same quarter in 2023. (Figures converted from Brazilian reals based on the company’s 2nd quarter financial results.)

The loan portfolio grew by 35 percent and deposits grew by 34 percent.

Inter&Co Global CEO João Vitor Menin has been visiting Miami since he was a child and recently moved there. He is excited to bring the company’s innovative approach to the states.

An Oct. 21 panel discussion at Brightline’s MiamiCentral included Dr. Paula Hopkins, senior VP of Strategic Partnerships and Funding with Miami-Dade’s Beacon Council and Andre Dias Cardoso, head of Global Investments at Inter&Co.

Hopkins said that Brightline and Inter&Co fit in with rapid growth in the technology and innovation scene in Miami-Dade County, which is helping fuel economic growth. Inter&Co will help address underserved communities.

Dias Cardoso talked about how Inter&Co is breaking down barriers for Latino investors. The company embraces an educational component in English, Portuguese and Spanish to teach about saving, investing and the impact of economic issues, such as inflation.

One interesting aspect of the discussion is how Latin Americans are very mobile centric, which has helped fuel adoption of Inter&Co’s financial super app.

In an interview, Vitor Menin said both Brightline and Inter&Co reflect convenience, innovation, good quality, good service and a good value proposition for the consumer, which made for a good partnership. As a child, he remembers the long drives from Miami to Orlando, so he appreciates the ease of Brightline’s service between the two cities.

Read the full interview with Vitor Menin, Global CEO of Inter&Co

Via South Florida Business & Wealth


For the consecutive 4th year Gerando Falcões lands in Miami, during Art Basel Week, to commemorate 13 years of work in defeating poverty in Brazil’s Favelas.

Join us for an evening to celebrate and raise additional funds to expand GF’s projects, while indulging in a formal dinner and drinks, followed by auctions and live entertainment till late!


MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2024 at 6:30PM

Nobu Eden Roc Hotel Ballroom

4525 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, 33140

Dress code: Formal

Valet Parking available


To book your table or acquire you individual ticket, please click here: Purchase your Ticket.


Thank you for your continued support!

Gerando Falcoes International

Companhia aérea, cujas ações subiram mais de 80% neste ano, tem conseguido escapar rapidamente da dinâmica de descontos do setor e vê aumento de receitas em diferentes segmentos.

Bloomberg — A United Airlines apresentou um lucro no terceiro trimestre acima das expectativas de Wall Street, em um sinal de que a empresa tem conseguido se recuperar dos descontos generalizados nas tarifas que prejudicaram muitas companhias aéreas em diferentes mercados. E avisou que o cenário aponta para uma recuperação ainda mais consistente.

“Há uma quantidade incrível de capacidade [de assento] não lucrativa no mercado dos EUA, e vimos isso sair de cena em um ritmo acelerado a partir de meados de agosto, em algo que continua até o próximo ano”, disse o diretor comercial da United, Andrew Nocella, a analistas durante a teleconferência de resultados do terceiro trimestre na quarta-feira (16).

“As mudanças que vimos até agora são apenas a ponta do iceberg.”

O lucro ajustado foi equivalente a US$ 3,33 por ação no período, acima da média de US$ 3,07 das estimativas dos analistas compiladas pela Bloomberg. A empresa também autorizou uma nova recompra de ações no valor de US$ 1,5 bilhão, incluindo até US$ 500 milhões neste ano.

Os resultados indicam que a United tem se recuperado rapidamente dos cortes profundos de preços em todo o setor, uma vez que as empresas aéreas lutaram para preencher um excesso de assentos no mercado durante a temporada de viagens de verão no hemisfério norte.

Companhias aéreas cortaram planos de voos “improdutivos” em meados de agosto, como esperado, e a United viu “um claro ponto de inflexão em nossas tendências de receita”, disse Scott Kirby, CEO da companhia aérea, em um comunicado na terça-feira (15).

As ações da United subiram mais de 15% desde o fechamento da terça-feira (16), véspera da divulgação do resultado do terceiro trimestre. As ações se valorizaram em mais de 80% neste ano, muito acima do avanço de cerca de 23% do índice S&P 500 no mesmo período.

O movimento de recompra de ações foi “um voto de confiança renovador do conselho no potencial de longo prazo da estratégia de crescimento da United”, disse o analista do Barclays Brandon Oglenski em uma nota aos clientes. O banco vê um “valor significativo” nas ações da empresa no longo prazo, disse ele.

Leia a reportagem completa.

Por Mary Schlangenstein via Blomberg L.P.

Art in Brackets is an art Consultancy and Advisory firm that articulates ideas for a global community of international artists, galleries and collectors, interlacing them within the creative fabric of NYC, and mediating collaborations between the art markets of the Americas.

Learn more at [ Art > In Brackets

A decade ago, the International Brazilian Opera Company (IBOC) was founded with a bold vision: to fill the gaps of inclusivity and cultural diversity in the opera world—gaps that, before COVID-19, were largely unaddressed by the industry. Building upon the rich tradition of the Harlem independent black opera company movement, IBOC’s inception was inspired by a pivotal moment twenty-two years ago when Opera Ebony’s Benjamin Matthews visited Rio de Janeiro and advised future IBOC Artistic Director, João MacDowell, then a young composer working in multiple genres, to come to New York City to pursue a career in opera. 

Today, as the need for diverse and global narratives becomes more central to contemporary opera, IBOC proudly announces its inaugural Opera Nova: Works in Progress to acknowledge and build upon the historical Brazilian contribution to the transcultural artistic canon. The name, Opera Nova, was selected in reference to Bossa Nova, the major Brazilian cultural movement that entered the USA and globally in the mid-fifties.

These concerts establish Opera Nova as a defining moment in the genre’s evolution toward transcultural collaboration, presenting six new works that bridge artistic traditions and explore diverse cultural narratives. The performances will take place at Saint John’s in the Village (218 West 11th Street, New York, NY 10014) on Friday, November 15 at 7:00 PM, Saturday, November 16 at 3:00 PM, and Saturday, November 16 at 7:00 PM. A ticketed reception will be held on Saturday, November 16, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, sponsored by Paris Baguette.

“Our mission from the start was to create a space for global voices in opera, telling stories that go beyond the traditional European canon and supporting immigrant artists in developing their authorship,” says Athena Azevedo, IBOC Executive Director. 

IBOC’s Opera Nova is a key initiative in the company’s mission to create a vibrant platform for transcultural operatic work, blending the talents of Brazilian and international artists. This festival showcases six new contemporary operas, each representing the cutting edge of the genre’s shift towards greater cultural integration. Under the artistic leadership of João MacDowell, IBOC is cultivating an operatic ecosystem where artistic innovation meets cross-cultural exchange.

Click here and read for more details

Tickets are available at and Brazilian Chamber Members receive a discount of $10 for the 5-7 pm Saturday Reception when purchasing with the code BRACHAM.

For more information, contact Christina Morgan at 718-309-7588 or via email at

Visit for more information on the International Brazilian Opera Company’s mission and upcoming events.



Via International Brazilian Opera Company (IBOC)

Lucro líquido ainda foi 12% menor do que um ano antes, mas banco já reportou melhora sequencial na receita líquida de juros

Bank of America reportou queda de 12% no lucro líquido no terceiro trimestre em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior para US$ 6,9 bilhões, ou 81 centavos por ação, com maiores provisões para perdas com empréstimos e aumento de despesas.

O desempenho, porém, bateu as estimativas do mercado, que previa um lucro por ação de 77 centavos. A ação do banco subiu 2,5% na negociação pré-mercado. 

A receita aumentou 1% para US$ 25,49 bilhões, com os ganhos em receita de negociação, gestão de ativos e taxas de banco de investimento compensando a queda de 2,9% na receita líquida de juros. Ainda assim, os US$ 14,1 bilhões reportados superaram a estimativa de US$ 14,06 bilhões da StreetAccount.

A receita líquida de juros no terceiro trimestre foi maior do que no segundo trimestre, indicando uma possível recuperação dessa métrica, que é a principal fonte de rentabilidade para os bancos. Em julho, o banco havia afirmado que a receita líquida de juros se recuperaria na segunda metade do ano.

O trimestre mostrou que o banco também se beneficia da atividade crescente em Wall Street por meio de suas operações de negociação e consultoria. A receita de negociação de ações, por exemplo, saltou 18% para US$ 2 bilhões, com maiores volumes de caixa e derivativos. Já a receita de trading em renda fixa subiu 8%, para US$ 2,9 bilhões, superando o consenso, impulsionada por operações em moedas e juros.

Por Luiz Anversa via Exame Invest


Global law firm White & Case LLP promoted 37 lawyers from around the world to its partnership today. The new partner class includes representatives of 11 of the Firm’s practices and 21 of its offices in 14 different countries throughout the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions

The promotions are effective on January 1, 2025.

“We are incredibly proud to announce the promotion of these 37 outstanding lawyers to the partnership,” said White & Case Chair Heather McDevitt. “This new partner class reflects the incredible reach and depth of our global practices. Each of these new partners has demonstrated superior achievement in their field and a true commitment to our clients. We look forward to their many contributions as partners, and to continuing our development of talented lawyers across our global platform.”

View the full list of the new partners

Via White & Case

Funds managed by Brazilian investment bank BTG Pactual received preliminary approval on Friday from the country´s antitrust regulator to buy the hotel operations of AccorInvest in Brazil for 1.7 billion reais ($300 million), regulatory documents showed on Monday

Funds from BTG are acquiring all 18 hotels AccorInvest owns in Brazil, totaling 2,600 rooms, three people familiar with the deal said.

The hotels will be distributed into three funds managed by BTG, the same people said, adding that the 1.7 billion reais also comprises investments in the properties. The hotels will continue to be operated by Accor, they added.

The new portfolio includes the Fairmont Copacabana and the former Caesar Park, renamed under the Sofitel brand, both in Rio de Janeiro, the sources said.
Once the preliminary approval is given, commissioners from the regulator, known as Cade, and interested parties have up to 15 days to challenge the deal.
With this deal, funds managed by BTG will own 54 hotels with approximately 4,300 rooms in Brazil, mainly in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the sources said.

BTG, which has been in talks with Accor since the beginning of the year, intends to finalize the acquisition by the end of 2024, one of the people told Reuters.
The funds involved in the transaction will now concentrate on the closing of the deal but see future opportunities in the hotel segment in Brazil, according to the same people.

BTG funds have $5.5 billion in assets under management in the real estate sector, most of it in Brazil, the people said.

Reporting by Luciana Magalhaes; Editing by Mark Porter via Reuters

Os CEOs de todo o mundo estão lidando com mudanças aceleradas, questões cada vez mais complexas e uma diversidade crescente de demandas dos stakeholders

Junte-se a nós e a seus pares globais e participe da 28ª CEO Survey da PwC, que pretende prover insights relevantes sobre como os CEOs estão reinventando seus modelos de negócios para enfrentar esses desafios.

Os resultados serão divulgados em janeiro de 2025, na abertura do Fórum Econômico Mundial em Davos.

O preenchimento do questionário não deve levar mais do que 20 minutos e pode ser realizado até 8 de novembro de 2024. Para começar, clique neste link:

Agradecemos por participar e compartilhar suas ideias. Caso tenha alguma dúvida ou problema técnico, entre em contato com

Via PwC Brasil

Welcome to Juntos, our bulletin that explores antitrust and competition developments across US-Latin America. In this issue, we look at key headlines from throughout 2024


Brazil’s CADE publishes new report on data, market power, and potential competition in merger reviews. In April, Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica, or CADE) released a new report produced by the working group on mergers of the International Competition Network (ICN). The ICN advocates for the adoption of improved standards and procedures in competition policy around the world, and increased convergence and cooperation. The report focuses on merger reviews in digital markets and the challenges of applying traditional antitrust principles to novel markets that bring new issues related to data control, market power, and potential competition. The goal of the report is to analyze the tools and methods needed to evaluate these new markets in the context of the merger review process. It leverages international research carried out with competition authorities around the world. The full text of the report can be found here.

United States

Court halts FTC’s ban on noncompete restrictions nationwide. Earlier this year, the FTC finalized a rule banning any new and most existing noncompete restrictions for US workers. The rule was scheduled to take effect on September 4, but on August 20, 2024, a federal court struck down the rule after finding that the FTC did not have the authority to issue the substantive rule and additionally had enacted it after an arbitrary and capricious process. As a result, the rule will not go into effect, unless an appeals court reverses the lower court’s order. Despite this decision setting aside the FTC’s federal rule, however, employers in the US remain subject to a wide range of state and local laws governing – and in some cases, banning – noncompete provisions for workers. For more, see our Noncompetes and Competition Enforcement Hub.

DOJ and state attorneys general sue software maker for antitrust violations related to its AI-driven product. In a first-of-its-kind enforcement action, an August 2024 lawsuit against RealPage, Inc. by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and multiple state attorneys general alleges that the company’s pricing algorithms and AI-driven software for commercial residential landlords facilitate unlawful information sharing between landlords, leading to higher prices for renters, in violation of federal antitrust law. The enforcers further allege that RealPage unlawfully monopolized the market for commercial revenue management software for multifamily housing rentals by “amassing a massive reservoir of competitively sensitive data” from customers and using its “self-reinforcing data and scale advantages,” to the exclusion of potential rival software providers. This is the first time that the DOJ will litigate claims based on so-called “algorithmic collusion,” and the case stands as a potential bellwether for government enforcement against the use of algorithm- and AI-driven pricing tools.

Read the full bulletin

Edited by Carsten Reichel and Amadeu Ribeiro via DLA Piper

É de conhecimento comum que ter uma Educação de qualidade é muito importante para a vida das pessoas. Tendo acesso a ela enquanto crianças e adolescentes, os indivíduos se desenvolvem melhor – pessoal e socialmente –, têm mais oportunidades econômicas, conseguem exercer ativamente sua cidadania e podem contribuir com o progresso da sociedade.

Ainda assim, os números da Educação no Brasil não mostram um cenário favorável para a infância e adolescência. Segundo dados públicos de 2023 compilados pela Fundação Abrinq em sua plataforma de monitoramento própria, o Observatório da Criança e do Adolescente, todas as etapas de ensino sofrem no país.

Educação Infantil

A começar pelas creches – que oferecem o atendimento educacional para as pessoas entre os 0 e 3 anos de idade –, a Fundação Abrinq constatou que apenas 37,8% das crianças nessa faixa etária estão frequentando essas unidades, ou seja, a maioria está de fora destes importantes espaços para a educação infantil.

Outro ponto de importância diz respeito à infraestrutura das creches no Brasil, que é precária em muitos casos. São 25.960 as unidades que não possuem banheiros adequados para as necessidades das crianças e 32.849 as que não contam com parques infantis para as crianças brincarem e se desenvolverem.

Para ajudar a minimizar o problema, a Fundação Abrinq desenvolve o Programa Creche para Todas as Crianças, cujo objetivo é aumentar o acesso e assessorar a melhoria da qualidade do atendimento em unidades de educação infantil, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento das crianças.

Em 2024, o programa, em parceria com a Fundação Salvador Arena, está reformando 18 creches nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do país e irá doar parques infantis para oito outras unidades no Pará. Além disso, para melhorar ainda mais a qualidade do atendimento das crianças, são realizadas doações de acervos pedagógicos e formações profissionais com os educadores.

Ensinos Fundamental e Médio

Avançando as etapas de ensino, os dados presentes no Observatório da Criança e do Adolescente apontam fragilidades tanto no ensino fundamental quanto no ensino médio.

No primeiro caso, tem-se uma taxa de abandono escolar de 0,7%. O valor pode parecer baixo, mas, na verdade, corresponde a uma estimativa de mais de 180 mil crianças que anualmente desistem de estudar antes de completarem o ensino fundamental. Outro dado preocupante é o de reprovações, que passa da marca de 900 mil.

Para o ensino médio, o abandono e as reprovações também são problemas graves. No que se refere àquele dado, a taxa é de 3,4%, correspondendo a, aproximadamente, mais de 260 mil adolescentes que abandonam a escola todos os anos. Dos que ficam, um número estimado de 400 mil são reprovados no ano letivo.

A Fundação Abrinq também possui iniciativas para incentivar que as crianças e os adolescentes permaneçam na escola até completarem a educação básica. É o caso, por exemplo, do Projeto Construindo Futuros, que promove o desenvolvimento de projetos de vida dos estudantes do 9º ano.

Neste ano, o projeto já levou 645 estudantes de 21 escolas públicas diferentes de São Paulo para visitarem espaços culturais da capital e ampliarem seus repertórios.

Via Fundação Abrinq


IPAE LLC is a public adjusting firm serving residential and commercial insureds who had their claims underpaid or wrongfully denied in Connecticut and in New York.
They have successfully managed over 2,200 claims and acted as public adjusters for more than 700 claims. Their clients typically come from referrals by previous clients, attorneys, and even judges.

Watch a short video that highlights the work IPAE does.

Learn more at

United Airlines today announced the largest international expansion in its history with service to eight new cities

Starting in May 2025, United will launch five new nonstop flights* from its hub in Newark/New York to destinations no other U.S. airline serves including Nuuk, Greenland; Palermo, Italy; Bilbao, Spain; Madeira Island, Portugal and Faro, Portugal. The airline is also adding three new nonstop routes from Washington D.C./Dulles, including its first-ever flight to Dakar, Senegal operating year-round and new seasonal nonstop flights to Nice, France and Venice, Italy.

Already the U.S. carrier with the most flights across the Atlantic, United’s summer 2025 transatlantic schedule will be the largest in its history with more than 760 weekly flights. In addition to new flights, customers will have even more time to explore Venice, Italy; Athens, Greece; and Barcelona, Spain with earlier start dates next summer. The airline will also increase the number of weekly direct flights between Newark/New York-Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Newark/New York-Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Newark/New YorkAthens, Greece.

All new flights are subject to government approval and will be available for sale on and on the United app.

“No other airline gives customers nonstop access to as many unique international destinations and experiences from the U.S. as United,” said Patrick Quayle, Senior Vice President of Global Network Planning and Alliances. “Our network provides the most choice and variety for our customers, whether they are looking for a relaxing seaside getaway, once-in-a-lifetime adventure travel or to explore some of the most vibrant urban escapes across the globe.”

This expansion comes on the heels of the latest chapter of United’s award-winning Good Leads The Way brand advertising campaign, which debuted earlier this month. The latest iteration of the campaign highlights United’s position as the world’s largest airline and showcases how United’s network gives customers the most flexibility and options to travel across the globe.

*All new routes are subject to government approvals 

Read the full article

Via United

De 29 a 31 de outubro, em Brasília, o evento gratuito terá palestras de especialistas e personalidades, painéis temáticos e feira de exposições

Nos dias 29 a 31 de outubro, o Banco do Brasil promoverá a terceira edição do BB Digital Week (BBDW), que será realizado no Ulysses Centro de Convenções, em Brasília. Consolidado como um dos principais eventos sobre tecnologia, inovação, negócios e sustentabilidade do país, o BBDW é gratuito e aberto à participação do público, com oportunidades para mercado, governo e para o mundo acadêmico. As inscrições podem ser feitas pelo portal do evento.

O tema desta edição é “Tecnologias Sustentáveis na Era da Multiexperiência”. A programação conta com palestras de especialistas, painéis e workshops divididos em nove trilhas de conhecimento:

•    Agile
•    ASG & Pessoas
•    Governança & Gestão de TI
•    Cibersegurança & Proteção de Dados
•    Experience
•    Inovação
•    Infraestrutura
•    Desenvolvimento
•    IA & Analytics


A expectativa é que o evento deste ano alcance o número de 21 mil pessoas em três dias de realização. Nas edições passadas, em 2022 e 2023, o BBDW reuniu mais de 16 mil participantes no total.

Para atrair e acolher esse público, o BB prepara uma estrutura com mais de 10 mil m² de área, com 13 espaços para conteúdos simultâneos, arena gamer, espaço para hackathons, área gastronômica, lounges e estandes para interação com grandes empresas – como BB Seguros, Cateno, Elo, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, entre outras.

Veja mais detalhes

Via Banco do Brasil

[PT] No dia 3 de outubro de 2024, o Brasil introduziu a Medida Provisória nº 1.262, alinhando suas regulamentações tributárias às Regras Globais de Combate à Erosão da Base Tributária (GloBE) da OCDE. Esta medida faz parte do Quadro Inclusivo sobre Erosão da Base e Transferência de Lucros (BEPS), que estabelece uma alíquota efetiva mínima (ETR) de 15% para grandes empresas multinacionais (MNEs).

Principais Características da Legislação:

  • Adoção de uma ETR mínima de 15%: A legislação introduz um adicional à Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido (CSLL) para garantir que as MNEs que operam no Brasil cumpram a alíquota efetiva mínima de 15% sobre os lucros globais, conforme exigido pelas regras GloBE da OCDE.
  • Escopo: As regras se aplicam a Grupos Multinacionais com entidades no Brasil e com receitas consolidadas anuais de €750 milhões ou mais, sujeitando esses grupos às regulamentações do imposto mínimo GloBE, semelhantes às implementadas em outros países do G20 e da OCDE.
  • Cálculo da Alíquota Efetiva (ETR): A ETR é calculada como a razão entre os Impostos Abrangidos Ajustados (impostos pagos sobre a renda e os lucros) e a Renda GloBE (lucros contábeis globais), expressa como uma porcentagem. Se a ETR em uma determinada jurisdição for inferior a 15%, a diferença será arrecadada por meio de um adicional à CSLL no Brasil. A fórmula para calcular o Adicional de CSLL no Brasil é: Adicional de CSLL = (15% – ETR) x Renda GloBE (no Brasil).

Principais Considerações:

  • Iniciativa do Governo: De forma incomum, o governo brasileiro emitiu simultaneamente tanto a medida provisória quanto as regulamentações específicas via Instrução Normativa, indicando um forte compromisso com a rápida aprovação.
  • Processo Legislativo: A Medida Provisória precisa ser aprovada pelo Congresso. Caso seja aprovada ainda em 2024, as regras entrarão em vigor em 1º de janeiro de 2025.
  • Diretrizes da OCDE: Comentários e diretrizes da OCDE foram incluídos como uma das fontes de interpretação para as novas regras.
  • Impacto nas MNEs: As multinacionais com operações no Brasil precisarão reavaliar sua Alíquota Efetiva (ETR), conforme calculada de acordo com as novas disposições.
  • Impacto sobre Incentivos Fiscais e Estratégias de Planejamento: Vários incentivos fiscais e estratégias de planejamento amplamente utilizados no Brasil podem ser significativamente afetados, incluindo:
    • Incentivos da SUDENE/SUDAM,
    • Amortização de Goodwill,
    • Juros sobre Capital Próprio (JCP),
    • Incentivos de P&D,
    • Novo mecanismo de crédito tributário para subvenções governamentais.

[EN] On October 3, 2024, Brazil introduced Medida Provisória No. 1.262, aligning its tax regulations with the OECD’s Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules. This is part of the Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), which establishes a minimum effective tax rate (ETR) of 15% for large multinational enterprises (MNEs).

Key Features of the Legislation:

  • Adoption of a 15% Minimum ETR: The legislation introduces an additional Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido (CSLL) to ensure that MNEs operating in Brazil meet the 15% minimum effective tax rate on global profits, as required by the OECD’s GloBE rules.
  • Scope: The rules apply to Multinational Groups with entities in Brazil and with annual consolidated revenues of €750 million or more, making these groups subject to the GloBE minimum tax regulations, similar to those implemented in other G20 and OECD countries.
  • Calculation of the Effective Tax Rate (ETR): The ETR is calculated as the ratio of Adjusted Covered Taxes (taxes paid on income and profits) to GloBE Income (global book profits), expressed as a percentage. If the ETR in a particular jurisdiction is below 15%, the difference will be collected through an additional CSLL in Brazil. The formula for calculating the Additional CSLL in Brazil is: Additional CSLL = (15% – ETR) x GloBE Income (in Brazil).

Key Takeaways:

  • Government Initiative: Unusually, the Brazilian government has issued both the executive order (Provisional Measure) and specific regulations simultaneously, indicating a strong commitment to getting this approved swiftly.
  • Legislative Process: The Provisional Measure must be approved by Congress. If passed in 2024, these rules will take effect on January 1, 2025.
  • OECD Guidelines: OECD commentary and guidelines have been included as interpretation framework for the new rules.
  • Impact on MNEs: Multinational corporations (MNCs) with business in Brazil will need to reassess their Effective Tax Rate (ETR), as calculated under the new provisions.
  • Impact on Tax Incentives and Planning Strategies: Several tax incentives and planning strategies widely utilized in Brazil may be significantly affected, including:
    • SUDENE/SUDAM incentives,
    • Goodwill amortization,
    • Interest on Net Equity (INE),
    • R&D incentives,
    • New government grant tax credit mechanisms.

Por Bruno Santos via Finocchio & Ustra [PT]Finocchio & Ustra [EN]

Becoming effective in the course of Q4 2024, Deutsche Bank will enhance its due diligence requirements related to ocean protection. This update is a continuation of its commitment to the #BackBlue initiative. Deutsche Bank became in 2023 the first bank to join #BackBlue – a commitment led by Deutsche Bank’s partner Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA) and backed by the United Nations. Under this initiative, Deutsche Bank aims at working on developing financial solutions supporting ocean protection. The bank also committed to reviewing its internal policies on ocean-related activities throughout 2024.

The development of the new ocean protection due diligence requirements has been guided by international frameworks such as the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles hosted by the UNEP FI (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative). The key changes under the ocean-related policy update are:

  • A new guideline on maritime transport and infrastructure which includes provisions to monitor compliance with the environmental and social conventions of the United Nations and its specialised agencies International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • Exclusions and due diligence provisions to ensure stronger protection of sensitive marine areas and critical habitats
  • Expansion of the already existing fisheries guideline to include new due diligence requirements for marine aquaculture
  • Considering current gaps in regulation and science-based understanding of the impact of deep-sea mining, direct finance of deep-sea mining projects has been prohibited for the time being.

“A healthy global economy requires a healthy ocean. Our understanding of this connection has improved dramatically in recent years, and with it our sense of urgency about the need to conserve the marine environment,” said Markus Müller, Chief Investment Officer ESG & Global Head of Chief Investment Office, Deutsche Bank Private Bank and Co-Chair of the bank’s Nature Advisory Panel.

Read the full article

Via Deutsche Bank

Three of BNY’s leadership have today been named to American Banker’s 2024 Most Powerful Women in Banking and Finance lists. The annual celebrations of the industry’s female leadership have this year chosen to honor Emily Portney, Global Head of Asset ServicingJennifer Barker, Global Head of Treasury Services and Depositary Receipts, and Hanneke Smits, Chair of BNY Investments.

“We are fortunate to have strong, visionary leaders including Emily, Jennifer and Hanneke driving our company forward,” said Robin Vince, CEO of BNY. “Their recognition by American Banker underscores their remarkable contributions and the powerful influence they wield within the broader industry. Congratulations to all.”

Emily Portney is the Global Head of BNY’s Asset Servicing business, the firm’s largest unit providing custody, fund services and data and platform solutions to asset owners, traditional and alternative investment managers, insurance companies, banks and broker-dealers. This is the fourth time Emily has been named in American Banker’s “Most Powerful Women in Finance” list.

Jennifer Barker is responsible for leading BNY’s market-leading Treasury Services and Depositary Receipts businesses. BNY’s Treasury Services business is one of the top five U.S. dollar payments clearers in the world, clearing roughly $2.4 trillion of USD payments daily, on average1. As of January 2024, BNY is the #1 Global Depositary bank by number of sponsored depositary receipts programs with $341 billion in assets under custody. It is the first time Jennifer has been featured in American Banker’s “Most Powerful Women in Banking” list.

Hanneke Smits is Chair of BNY Investments, a role she took on in September 2024 following her tenure as Global Head of BNY Investments, one of world’s largest asset management firms. Hanneke is also Global Chair of the 30% Club, a leading business campaign that aims to increase gender diversity at the board and senior management levels of organizations globally. Hanneke has been named in American Banker’s “Most Powerful Women in Finance” list for the second consecutive year.

Now in its 22nd year, American Banker’s The Most Powerful Women in Banking™ initiative recognizes individuals and teams for demonstrating exceptional leadership skills, strong business performance and a commitment to driving real outcomes for diversity, equity and inclusion in financial services. As part of that program, The Most Powerful Women in Finance rankings feature top executives from asset managers, securities exchanges, wealth management firms and investment banks. For more information and to read the full profiles, please visit American Banker.

1The Clearing House. Based on CHIPS volumes for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Read the full article


As more U.S. companies look to nearshoring solutions, Dispatched Studio has emerged as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of manufacturing in Mexico. Recently, Dispatched worked with a U.S. client to improve operational efficiencies from start to finish, ensuring a smooth process until the product was imported to the U.S.

The Challenge: The client, a U.S.-based company, was seeking to streamline its production and logistics by partnering with manufacturers in Mexico. However, they faced challenges in identifying reliable manufacturing partners, negotiating favorable terms, and managing on-the-ground quality control. They also needed to ensure legal compliance and create an efficient supply chain.

Dispatched Studio’s Approach:

To address these challenges, Dispatched Studio executed a comprehensive plan that focused on creating efficiencies throughout the production and import process.

Partner Identification:

Dispatched introduced the client to vetted manufacturing partners in Mexico, providing multiple options based on the client’s production needs.

Contract Negotiation and Site Visits:

Acting as the client’s intermediary, Dispatched negotiated production timelines and quotes in Spanish, and organized site visits to inspect facilities, ensuring transparency and reliability.

On-Site Quality Control:

A trusted local representative was hired to oversee ongoing quality control visits, production oversight, and reporting, ensuring the product met the client’s high standards.

Streamlined Operations:

Dispatched worked to minimize the number of manufacturing locations, focusing operations in two major cities in Mexico to optimize supply chain efficiency.

Legal Counsel and Contracts:

To navigate the legal landscape, Dispatched introduced the client to experienced local legal counsel to handle commercial contract negotiations in Mexico.

Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy:

The team provided custom solutions for logistics, warehousing, and export, and introduced the client to trusted logistics partners, leveraging Dispatched’s local expertise to ensure smooth delivery.

Local Knowledge for Global Impact:

Dispatched maximized the project’s success by leveraging their deep understanding of local business practices and nuances, ensuring a seamless operation from production to the U.S. market.

The Outcome: By working with Dispatched Studio, the U.S. client was able to streamline their production process, reduce inefficiencies, and establish a reliable supply chain in Mexico. This project not only improved operational efficiencies but also provided the client with a trusted partnership for future expansions in the region.

About Dispatched Studio: Dispatched Studio offers bespoke, innovative, and effective business strategies for U.S. and Latin American companies looking to grow internationally. Their expertise in nearshoring, particularly in Mexico, allows companies to take advantage of local manufacturing and logistical solutions, driving global business success.

For more information on how Dispatched Studio can help your business, please visit

Brazilian state-run lender Banco do Brasil (BBAS3.SA), the country’s second-largest by assets, launched a campaign in June to combat a rise in bankruptcy filings in the agribusiness sector, said a senior executive on Wednesday

Brazilian agriculture retailer AgroGalaxy (AGXY3.SA) filed for bankruptcy last week, adding to the trend in the farming powerhouse, affected by declining commodity prices and extreme weather events, including unprecedented flooding and drought.

“The bankruptcy process for rural producers is unhealthy,” said Felipe Prince, Banco do Brasil’s vice president of internal controls and risk management.

“It puts their assets, which are their land, at risk, and it cuts off access to new credit. Agribusiness is cyclical, and you need resources to start a new crop.”

Prince suggests instead assisting clients through measures, such as debt extension and credit management.

As the country’s leading lender in the farm sector, with about 50% market share among rural producers, Banco do Brasil has engaged superintendents in key producing regions to warn borrowers about the long-term business risks of bankruptcy.

Prince acknowledged a recent rise in bankruptcy filings, but noted that the overall volume remains small: among the more than 700,000 producers in the bank’s portfolio, 150 are currently in bankruptcy protection.

Credit bureau Serasa reported that 321 companies offering products and services directly tied to agribusiness filed for bankruptcy last year, rising 82% from 2022.

Data released this month showed another 82 filings recorded in the first three months of this year.

Speaking to Reuters by phone from New York, where the bank held an event for investors during Climate Week, Prince said Banco do Brasil is working to establish itself as a key player in the market for carbon credits offsetting emissions.

On Tuesday, the bank announced it had secured $800 million from JPMorgan Chase Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC Bank and Crédit Agricole to finance small and medium-sized producers using low-carbon agriculture methods.

After issuing $750 million in sustainable bonds in March tied to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments, Prince ruled out another operation this year.

“If the opportunity arises (later), we’ll tap the market. This is an ongoing strategy,” he said.

By Marcela Ayres via Reuters

Read full article here

A versão 2024-2025 do guia já está disponível para apoiar investidores estrangeiros interessados no mercado brasileiro

TozziniFreire Advogados acaba de disponibilizar a nova versão de seu guia interativo Doing Business in Brazil. Dividido em áreas-chave de atuação, o material apresenta um panorama geral do sistema jurídico e de investimentos do Brasil, trazendo as principais oportunidades, tendências e aspectos a serem considerados pelos investidores estrangeiros, como modelos e veículos de investimentos, impostos e leis trabalhistas.

O conteúdo também destaca o ambiente dos mercados financeiros e de capitais, transações de fusões e aquisições e outras áreas jurídicas relevantes, como antitruste, compliance, disputas, bem como setores econômicos específicos que, direta ou indiretamente, são relevantes para investimentos estrangeiros como seguros, imobiliário, comércio internacional e aspectos ESG.

A novidade deste ano é que, além do site do escritório, para acessar a edição atualizada do guia, TozziniFreire preparou um hotsite especial para a IBA 2024, com todas as informações sobre o escritório, sua delegação e o Doing Business in Brazil que pode ser baixado por potenciais investidores estrangeiros que queiram aprender e examinar o ambiente de negócios e o sistema jurídico brasileiro.

Saiba mais

Via TozziniFreire


Please join DLA Piper and Endeavor for an exclusive networking event during LAVCA week. This gathering will bring together industry leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs to discuss the latest trends and opportunities in private capital investment across Latin America.

Attendees will have the chance to engage in insightful conversations, build valuable connections, and explore collaborative ventures. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with key players in the private equity and venture capital sectors.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm EST

Endeavor Global Office

28 Liberty Street, 53rd Floor
New York, NY 10005


  • German Pugliese Bassi, Co-Founder, Technisys
  • Olga Maslikhova, Host/Founder, The J Curve

For more information

Please contact DLA Piper Americas with questions or click here.

United today set a new standard of inflight connectivity by signing the industry’s largest agreement of its kind with SpaceX to bring Starlink’s fast, reliable Wi-Fi service to the airline’s mainline and regional aircraft fleet, for free.

United customers will soon enjoy the same high-speed, low-latency internet service in the air that they enjoy on the ground. The new, gate-to-gate connectivity will unlock game-changing experiences in the sky at scale that no other major U.S. airline provides like access to live TV and streaming services, social media, shopping, gaming and more, on seatback screens and personal devices simultaneously.

United expects to have Starlink on all United aircraft – more than 1,000 planes – over the next several years. Testing begins in early 2025 with the first passenger flights expected later that year.

Starlink service on United aircraft will be free.

Leveraging advanced satellites with its deep experience in both spacecraft and on-orbit operations, Starlink is engineered by SpaceX and delivers internet access around the world, including over oceans, polar regions and other remote locations previously unreachable by traditional cell or Wi-Fi signals. United is the largest airline across both the Atlantic and Pacific and will be the first carrier in the world to commit to offering Starlink service at this scale.

United’s new Starlink Wi-Fi service will include experiences like:

  • Live streaming: access personal streaming services and watch live TV, shows and movies without buffering, lag or the need to download content in advance.
  • Workplace productivity: download/upload documents and edit shared files in real-time.
  • Gaming: play live games and follow along on live gaming streaming services.
  • E-Commerce: shop online, schedule grocery delivery and make restaurant and travel reservations all from the comfort of your seat.
  • Multiple devices: connect multiple devices at once, under one user.
  • Live support with the United app: download the United app while inflight to get real-time info about connections and access customer support from a real agent through Agent on Demand.

In addition to using Starlink connectivity on personal devices, United customers also will have access on their seatback screens. United has nearly 100,000 seatback screens across its fleet, with plans to grow these numbers as the airline continues to take delivery of new airplanes and retrofit existing aircraft with its new United signature interiors. The inflight content is available in more than 20 different languages.

In addition to seatback screens in every seat, United’s new signature interior also includes Bluetooth connectivity, power in every seat, larger overhead bins with room for everyone’s rollaboard and LED lighting.

The new service will also benefit United’s frontline employees – United pilots, flight attendants, technicians and gate agents all use mobile devices to help run the operation and serve customers. As United rolls out the Starlink more broadly, it will give those teams the same rich capabilities in the air, as they have on the ground including when working in remote location or when traditional services might be impacted like during power outages or natural disasters.

Read the full article

Via United Airlines

Littler partnered with you to weather the pandemic, navigate return to work and address a fundamentally changed workplace. That kind of heads-down work continues, of course, but now is also the time to lift up our heads and move toward a future of work that presents new challenges and opportunities.

Please join us for the 2024 Regional Employer Conference – “Envision Work” – where we will confront the current challenges facing employers and explore ways we can work together to step confidently into a vibrant future.

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024


  • Registration & Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
  • Conference: 8:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Location: Convene, 360 Madison Avenue | New York, NY 10017

Standard Registration Fee: $495 (Fee includes all conference materials and meals)

A discount of 10% can be requested for two or more registrants per company. Please contact Ashley Bonilla for details.

Click here to register

Leading global law firm Baker McKenzie today published its Annual Sustainability Report 2024, which highlights the progress made by the Firm in calendar year 2023 on its prioritized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and broader sustainability strategy

Baker McKenzie is a longstanding active participant of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and committed to upholding the UNGC’s Ten Principles on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, and beyond that, committed to acting as a responsible business.

Amid the environmental and geopolitical challenges of 2023, the report provides a snapshot of the Firm’s efforts to engage the full capabilities of its people and to leverage relationships and strong community connections to address a range of complex sustainability-related challenges. Through client advice, pro bono work, community involvement, collaboration with clients, and engagement with policy shaping forums, Baker McKenzie continued to play an active role in upholding the rule of law, defending human rights around the world, and supporting the energy transition.

The report also provides an overview of the Firm’s progress on inclusion, diversity and equity as well as environmental sustainability goals in pursuit of its global sustainability strategy.

Commenting on the report, Milton Cheng, Global Chair, Baker McKenzie, said: “As we celebrate Baker McKenzie’s 75th anniversary, I am very proud that, throughout our Firm’s history, we have consistently shown our commitment to our people, our communities and our planet. This report reflects on how we are building on that strong foundation, so we can look forward to preparing for the future of our Firm for the next 75 years and beyond.”

Alyssa Auberger, Chief Sustainability Officer, Baker McKenzie, added, “At Baker McKenzie, we believe that the best way for an organization to engage meaningfully on sustainability-related issues begins by exemplifying best practice in its own operations. That’s why we apply the same rigor to advancing our own sustainability strategy as we do to advising our clients, holding ourselves to the same high standards as we recommend to them.”

Read more and download report

Via Baker McKenzie

DLA Piper advised Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries SA/NV and EDFI Management Company SA on the negotiation and execution of a US$10.7 million loan agreement with Nordic Solar, governed by New York law, for the construction of a 14MW solar PV plant in Nicaragua.

Nordic Solar is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) set up for the San Isidro project, which will improve the availability of electricity and increase the reliability of the permanent electricity supply, especially during the dry season when hydropower provides less electricity. The project will contribute to the supply of clean, sustainable, and affordable electricity, producing over 33GWh of clean energy annually, equivalent to the electricity used by 58,000 people.

The cross-border DLA Piper team included partner Margarita Oliva Sainz de Aja (New York) and associates Ruben Fernandez Agramonte (Puerto Rico) and Daiana Suk (New York Law Desk, Buenos Aires).

In 2023, DLA Piper was ranked in the “Renewable/Alternative Power” category by The Legal 500 US and was ranked by The Legal 500 Green Guide as a “Featured Law Firm.” In addition, for a third consecutive year, DLA Piper’s renewable energy team was named the number one global renewable energy legal advisor by inspiratia.

DLA Piper’s Energy lawyers represent companies, developers, financial institutions and other investors and other participants in the renewable, power, oil and gas, nuclear, energy trading, climate change and water markets.

Via DLA Piper

Pacto pela Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão visa promover cultura inclusiva nas empresas públicas

O Banco do Brasil oficializa nesta quarta-feira, 4, em conjunto com outras empresas estatais federais, a adesão ao Pacto pela Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão (Pacto DEI). Coordenado pelo Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos (MGI), por meio da Secretaria de Governança das Estatais, o acordo tem como objetivo o aprimoramento de políticas públicas e implementação de ações afirmativas que promovam pluralidade nas empresas públicas. A cerimônia de assinatura acontece no auditório do Edifício Petrobras, em Brasília, com a presença de representantes do Governo Federal e das entidades signatárias.

Pelos termos do acordo, essas empresas se comprometem a contribuir para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa, impactando de forma positiva e significativa na vida das pessoas; promover o bem-estar das pessoas, criando melhores condições de trabalho, incluindo a preservação da saúde física e mental; combater qualquer tipo de discriminação, tendo o respeito e a valorização das diferenças como base de todas as relações; valorizar a cultura inclusiva, estabelecendo ambientes com segurança psicológica, além de fortalecer a cooperação na busca de soluções, otimizando esforços e recursos.

Diversidade no BB

O Banco do Brasil é embaixador de três movimentos ligados ao Pacto Global das Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) no Brasil, e que promovem ações de equidade racial e de gênero, trabalho decente e crescimento econômico: Elas Lideram 2030, Raça é Prioridade e Salário Digno.

Recentemente, o BB renovou seus 12 Compromissos BB 2030 para uma Mundo + Sustentável, que abrange temas como diversidade, com o objetivo de alcançar 30% de mulheres em cargos de liderança até 2025 e 30% de pretos, pardos, indígenas e outras etnias sub-representadas em cargos de liderança até 2025.

Além disso, o BB é a empresa com maior peso no IDiversa, sendo selecionado para compor o primeiro índice latino-americano da B3 pelo segundo ano consecutivo. O iDiversa reconhece companhias com ações de destaque em diversidade de raça e gênero. O BB é a empresa com maior peso neste índice.

Saiba mais em:

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Banco do Brasil




DLA Piper is pleased to announce changes to its office leadership in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, and Mexico City.

Jamie Konn has been named Office Managing Partner in Atlanta. Jamie is a labor and employment partner with a comprehensive practice that includes advising private equity and corporate clients during transactions, litigating employment disputes, and counseling on labor-management issues.

Ellen Dew is now Office Managing Partner in Baltimore. Ellen is a commercial litigator whose practice focuses on complex commercial disputes and reputational defense. She was previously the office’s co-Office Managing Partner.

Eric Christofferson has been named Office Managing Partner in Boston. Eric has extensive experience as a trial, litigation, and investigations lawyer with a focus on the life-sciences, healthcare, and financial services sectors.

Mauricio Valdespino and Edgar Romo are now the co-Office Managing Partners in Mexico City. Mauricio focuses on mergers and acquisitions and private equity, while Edgar has deep experience in debt finance, project finance and infrastructure.

“Our regional leaders will continue to collaborate to provide our clients with forward-thinking, innovative service across geographies,” said Frank Ryan, DLA Piper’s Global Co-Chair.

“DLA Piper’s global platform and reputation for outstanding client service continues to fuel the firm’s ongoing efforts to integrate services across the Americas,” said Rick Chesley, the firm’s Global Managing Partner.

Via DLA Piper

A Imigra Foundation, uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada ao apoio dos imigrantes brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, tem o prazer de anunciar a realização do 1° Concurso de Histórias de Imigrantes Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, intitulado “Histórias Inacreditáveis”

O concurso será realizado entre os meses de setembro e outubro de 2024 e convida todos os brasileiros com mais de 18 anos que vivem nos EUA a compartilharem suas experiências únicas e inspiradoras.

O evento se propõe a criar uma plataforma de integração, permitindo que os participantes revelem suas histórias reais e emocionantes que refletem a rica tapeçaria cultural da comunidade brasileira no exterior.

Com cerca de 2 milhões de brasileiros residindo nos Estados Unidos, o concurso promete ser um elo significativo para fortalecer os laços entre os imigrantes e celebrar suas contribuições econômicas, sociais e culturais.

Os participantes devem enviar suas histórias em formato de áudio ou vídeo, com duração máxima de 3 minutos. Cada narrativa será avaliada com base em critérios como originalidade, humor, clareza e impacto. Os três melhores áudios receberão premiações em dinheiro, sendo $1,000 para o 1º lugar, $500 para o 2º lugar e $300 para o 3º lugar.

As inscrições acontecerão do dia 1 ao dia 30 de setembro e devem ser feitas através do site oficial do concurso.

Após a fase de seleção, as 3 histórias mais impactantes serão animadas em motion, proporcionando uma experiência visual ao público. Uma votação aberta irá determinar a história vencedora, que será divulgada nas redes sociais e no site oficial da Imigra Foundation.

Este concurso não apenas destaca a rica cultura brasileira, mas também promove a inclusão e o empoderamento da comunidade imigrante, criando laços que transcendem fronteiras.

A Imigra Foundation espera que essa iniciativa não só sirva como um meio de expressão, mas também como uma ponte que liga os brasileiros nos EUA com aqueles em sua terra natal.

Para mais informações sobre o concurso ou sobre como participar, entre em contato com a equipe da Imigra Foundation através do email ou pelo WhatsApp +1(347)870-4216.

Visite também o site oficial da organização em

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is pleased to share that on Monday, October 7, 2024, IPTI [US] will host its “2024 NY Dinner: 9th Edition,” an exclusive fundraising event to support sustainable socioeconomic development within Brazilian communities through The Human Project (THP) and Rede Synapse (RPS).

The event will honor the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, represented by President & Chairperson of the Board William Landers, and will feature a musical performance by Brazilian singer Denise Reis.

Individual tickets and tables for IPTI’s “2024 NY Dinner: 9th Edition” can be purchased directly through IPTI at or click on the event page.

We hope you join this celebratory night out honoring the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce as we support sustainable growth in Brazil!

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is proud to partner with The Icla da Silva Foundation in support of “Hope Gala 2024,” an inspirational evening dedicated to saving lives

Founded in 1992 by a Brazilian family fighting to save their 13-year-old daughter, The Icla da Silva Foundation has since become the only Brazilian-led non-profit in the United States dedicated to supporting patients with blood cancer and sickle cell disease.  Since its inception, the organization has added over 500,000 donors to the bone marrow registry, offering hope to countless patients.  In the last two years alone, The Icla da Silva Foundation has provided more than 3,500 hours of emotional support and $1 million in critical funding to help patients on their journies to receive life-saving bone marrow transplants.

Join The Icla da Silva Foundation for an unforgettable evening filled with inspiration, entertainment, and philanthropy as we come together to support this essential cause.  Your presence will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

For more information and/or to reserve tickets, please visit or click on the event page.


Secretariat of Prizes and Betting publishes five new ordinances regulating issues such as online gaming, responsible gaming, operators’ and players’ rights and duties, inspections, penalties and taxes

On July 31 and August 1, 2024, the Brazilian Ministry of Finance’s Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) published five separate ordinances with supplementary rules for fixed-odds betting operators. With the publication of these five ordinances, the regulatory agenda established in April 2024 has now been finalized.

Online games

Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,207/2024 establishes technical requirements for fixed-odds betting operators in regard to online games and live gaming studios.

The games the ordinance regulates are those that allow for multiple bets, line games, crash games, card games, blackjack, roulette, sports or racing games, and ball and number draws.

Responsible gaming, advertising and players’ rights and obligations

SPA/MF Ordinance No. 1,231/2024 establishes guidelines to ensure fixed-odds betting is run, promoted and advertised in a healthy and socially responsible way, preventing and mitigating individual or collective harm. In addition to establishing a responsible gaming policy, betting operators must (among other obligations):

  • Promote awareness of the risks of gambling addiction, pathological gambling disorders and restrictions on gambling for minors;
  • Allow the player to adopt a sensible betting limit (based on time elapsed, financial losses, total amounts deposited or number of bets), as well as request self-exclusion;
  • Suspend players at high risk of addiction and pathological gambling disorders from using the betting system.

Monitoring and inspection

Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,225/2024 regulates how the activities of the fixed-odds lottery and betting operators are monitored and inspected.

The ordinance defines the activities of continuous monitoring and inspection – including remote and on-site inspections – to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, in addition to establishing preventive and precautionary measures to eliminate or reduce identified risks.


Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,233/2024 regulates the sanctions framework for commercial fixed-odds betting. This ordinance outlines the relevant administrative procedures, including notifications, deadlines, defense and appeals.

The SPA’s Undersecretariat of Monitoring and Inspection will initiate, oversee and analyze the administrative sanctioning proceedings, which will then be sent on to the SPA’s Undersecretary of Sanctions to make a first-instance decision.

The applicable penalties include official warnings, fines, cancellation of authorization to operate, and bans on participating in public bids, among others. The ordinance establishes criteria for calculating sanctions, precautionary measures, recidivism, and the possibility of signing a commitment agreement.

Distributing proceeds from collected taxes

SPA/MF Ordinance No. 1,112/2024 determines that transfers for tax payments made to the Brazilian Treasury’s Single Account (Conta Única) must be made with a Federal Revenue Collection Document (DARF). The ordinance establishes the applicable codes for each transfer. Betting operators are responsible for filling out the revenue codes correctly on the DARF.

The allocations contemplate proceeds resulting from all types of fixed-odds bets (virtual or real-world) linked to both real sports-themed events and virtual online gaming events.

Betting operators must keep documentation of their transfers to the Treasury and legal beneficiaries and make it directly available to the SPA for up to five years. Operators are subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability if they fail to make these transfers.

Learn the full article

Via Mattos Filho

We are proud to announce that Leandro Corrêa has been elected partner in a move that will further strengthen our Corporate Law and M&A practices.

He has vast experience in complex mergers and acquisitions transactions across various industries, such as energy, finance and agribusiness. Leandro is known for his technical expertise and negotiation skills and his return to our firm after working in the U.S. will enhance our capabilities to provide services of the highest excellence to our clients in practice areas that we are a market reference.

We wish a lot of success to the new partner of CesconBarrieuTeam!

Via Cescon Barrieu Advogados

Please join us for a webinar designed specifically for startups, in which we will explore critical issues and opportunities related to labor and employment.

This session will cover a range of topics, including the challenges of attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive landscape, approaches to building a diverse and inclusive workplace, and strategies for navigating the complexities of labor laws and regulations. Participants can gain practical insights by connecting with both industry professionals and like-minded entrepreneurs.

We look forward to seeing you there.


·    Janine Guzmán, Partner, San Juan Latin America Practice Group Regional Co-Leader, Employment

·    Cecilia Guzmán Barrón, Partner, Lima Latin America Practice Group Regional Co-Leader, Employment

·    Luis Parada, Partner, Santiago Latin America Practice Group Regional Co-Leader, Employment

Date & Time: Aug 29, 2024 11:00 AM in Eastern Time

Webinar login instructions will be sent upon completion of registration.

For more information, please contact Regina Moran

Click here to Register


Brazilian bank Bradesco BBDC3.SA wants to form new partnerships with banks, equipment producers and agriculture cooperatives to expand lending to the agribusiness sector, which currently covers less than 15% of its total credit portfolio.

Last Friday, Bradesco – one of Brazil’s largest private lenders – announced it was acquiring a 50% stake in Banco John Deere Brasil, an arm of Deere & Co DE.N, through a capital increase.

The deal, which is pending regulatory approvals, did not imply exclusivity, according to Bradesco’s agribusiness director, and may be followed by other agreements, both with local and international businesses.

“This is a very relevant sector and we will continue to look for other transactions,” Roberto França told Reuters.

The partnership with John Deere, and others that may come, will help Bradesco expand its footprint in agribusiness by increasing loans as well as the sale of other services, including insurance products, to the enlarged customer base, according to the executive.

Currently, Bradesco’s total lending to the agribusiness sector is about 120 billion reais ($22 billion), or 13% of the bank’s credit portfolio of about 912 billion reais.

While the bank has not set specific targets, França sees room for a substantial increase in lending, considering that agribusiness makes up for close to one third of Brazil’s gross domestic product.

Bradesco said last Friday that the investment in John Deere would not negatively impact its capitalization ratio.

The bank, however, did not disclose the transaction value.

Read the full article

Reporting by Luciana Magalhaes; Editing by David Holmes via Reuters


We are thrilled to announce that BTG Pactual, a long-standing partner of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, has elevated its association from Sponsor to Platinum Member. This significant step enhances our Chamber’s programs and initiatives, allowing us to offer even more value to our members and community. The upgrade marks another milestone in our enduring partnership and highlights BTG Pactual’s ongoing commitment to fostering strong business ties between Brazil and the United States. Stay tuned for the exciting opportunities this partnership will bring.

BTG Pactual is the largest investment bank in Latin America, offering innovative financial solutions across investment banking, wealth management, asset management, and corporate lending. With a robust global presence and a deep understanding of the Brazilian market, BTG Pactual continues to drive economic growth and opportunities for its clients. Their expertise and leadership in financial services make them a key player in advancing the region’s economic landscape.

We are proud to have BTG Pactual as a Platinum Member and look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts to strengthen our business community.

Thank you, BTG Pactual, for your unwavering support and partnership!

A Azul Linhas Aéreas está expandido suas opções de voos internacionais, e agora terá uma nova rota, que não tem origem e nem destino no Brasil

A empresa hoje opera dois voos semanais de Belo Horizonte para Curaçao, no caribe holandês, feitos com aeronaves Airbus A320neo. A partir de 9 de dezembro, este voo terá sua frequência dobrada, indo para 4 vezes por semana, sendo que agora o voo não retornará do caribe para Minas Gerais, e sim seguirá para Fort Lauderdale, cidade ao norte de Miami, no estado americano da Flórida.

Desta maneira, no final do ano, o voo sairá de Confins às segundas, quartas, sextas e sábados às 10h40, pousando no Caribe às 15h40. De lá, o jato decola às 16h55 para a Flórida, onde pousa às 19h00.

O voo de retorno será feito no dia seguinte, com saída dos EUA às terças, quintas, sábados e domingos, decolando às 08h00 de Fort Lauderdale, pousando às 11h55 em Curaçao, de onde parte às 13h10 para Belo Horizonte, aterrissando na capital mineira às 20h10.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Por Carlos Martins via Aeroin

The tax credit incentive program benefiting the sector was vetoed and will be established by another bill

On August 2, 2024, Law No. 14,948/2024 was signed, establishing the regulatory framework for low-carbon hydrogen production and incentive mechanisms for the sector. The basic text was approved by the Senate on June 19, 2024, and by the House of Representatives on July 11, 2024.

Key Changes to the Bill

During Senate debates, significant changes were made to the definitions of hydrogen categories, the structure of the tax benefit regime, and the creation of a tax credit program. However, proposed changes to Export Processing Zones (ZPEs) and other regimes were not approved.

A crucial point was the accidental removal of the classification of tax credits as CSLL credits during the bill’s consolidation in the House. This led Congress to agree with the government to partially veto the bill and submit the tax credit incentive program (Low-Carbon Hydrogen Development Program – PHBC) as a separate bill (Bill No. 3,027/2024).

Hydrogen Classification

The new law establishes three distinct classifications for hydrogen:

  • Low-carbon hydrogen: Emissions of up to 7 kg of CO2e per kg of H2.
  • Renewable hydrogen: Low-carbon hydrogen derived from natural or renewable sources.
  • Green hydrogen: Produced by water electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources.

National Low-Carbon Hydrogen Policy

The law creates the National Policy for Low-Carbon Hydrogen, with guidelines set by the National Hydrogen Program Management Committee (Coges-PNH2). The Brazilian Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) will be the authority responsible for regulating hydrogen production and movement.

Brazilian Hydrogen Certification System

The law also establishes the Brazilian Hydrogen Certification System (SBCH2), which will certify the level of greenhouse gas emissions associated with hydrogen production. The Rehidro incentive regime suspends certain taxes on local acquisitions and imports for hydrogen projects.

Low-Carbon Hydrogen Program (PHBC) – Vetoed

The PHBC tax credit program, originally included in the bill, was vetoed and will be regulated separately through Bill No. 3,027/2024. This program aims to grant tax credits to projects that contribute to regional development, climate change mitigation, and diversification of Brazilian industry.

The PHBC could grant up to BRL 18.3 billion in tax credits for low-carbon hydrogen sales between 2028 and 2032, with credits allocated through a competitive process yet to be regulated.

For more information, click here.

Via Mattos Filho

At PAG Law, our goal is not to grow but to constantly improve. With selective growth in mind, PAG is pleased to announce that Clara Krivoy will be joining PAG Law as a Partner on August 6, 2024

Clara is a leading international lawyer whose practice involves a focus on Latin America and Digital Assets transactions.  Prior to joining PAG Law, Clara was a corporate partner at Brown Rudnick LLP, where she was chair of the firm’s Latin America Practice and co-chair of the firm’s Digital Commerce practice. Previously, she worked at Chadbourne & Parke for nearly two decades where she was a corporate partner and head of the Ibero-America Private Clients Practice. She started her career as an international associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton in 1994.

Clara will join PAG Law’s office in New York.

“We are thrilled that Clara will be joining us at PAG Law,” said Peter Eccles, Managing Partner of PAG Law’s New York office. “Clara’s practice is a perfect fit for our firm as she works closely with Latin American companies and family offices and is a leading lawyer in the digital assets and crypto space.”

Clara has been ranked by Chambers Global for her dealmaking prowess in Venezuela and has been highlighted by The Legal 500 Latin America for her work on corporate matters involving Latin American family offices. Latinvex has named her one of the Top 100 Female Lawyers in Latin America every year since 2016.

Clara graduated from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Venezuela with a law degree, and obtained a Master of Comparative Jurisprudence (MCJ) degree and LLM from the New York University School of Law.

Read the full article

Via Press Release Distribution

Tribute to Daniel Darahem

(1973 – 2024)

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on August 2, 2024 at the age of 51, of Daniel Darahem, CEO of JPMorgan Brasil and longtime Chamber affiliate and Board member.


Mr. Darahem joined JPMorgan in 1997 and spent a remarkable 27 years working globally with the bank, always exuding a high level of passion and integrity.  In 2005, he became Head of Equity Capital Markets for Latin America, and in 2008, Co-Head of Investment Banking for Brazil.  For over four years, he worked in Hong Kong as Head of Equity Capital Markets for Asia Pacific.  Upon his return to Brazil, he was appointed CEO of JPMorgan, a position he held since 2020.  During his tenure, in 2021, JPMorgan acquired a 40% stake in C6 Bank as part of the digital platform model that has been one of the bank’s priorities.


In 2023, Mr. Darahem was recognized by Bloomberg Línea as one of the “500 Most Influential People in Latin America.”


Mr. Darahem’s dialogue with the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.  Beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Darahem was a friend and mentor – and a beacon of kindness, wisdom, and support.  He is survived by his wife and two children.

A Imigra Foundation, uma organização fundada por brasileiros, que presta serviços de imigração a baixo custo em Nova York, foi recentemente reconhecida pelo Departamento de Justiça americano como uma entidade que trabalha para o bem da comunidade e não para lucrar. Com isso, uma das suas fundadoras, a paralegal Kelly Fontoura, foi acreditada pelo governo, ou seja, autorizada a ajudar imigrantes em seus processos legais mesmo não sendo advogada.

“O Departamento de Justiça avaliou minuciosamente a organização, os serviços que prestamos, os resultados obtidos, os valores que cobramos, os profissionais que trabalham aqui, e concluiu que a Imigra Foundation tem a estrutura necessária para através de representantes acreditados representar clientes na imigração”, explicou Kelly.

O representante credenciado pode dar conselho legal, preencher formulários, representar imigrantes em processos legais, assinar os formulários e processos e comparecer em entrevistas de imigração.

Os tipos de serviços imigratórios que a Imigra Foundation oferece incluem:

  • EB-3 (processos de GC baseado em oferta de trabalho)
  • Ajuste de status, ou seja, Green Card por família, casamento ou trabalho
  • Mudança de status, extensão de status
  • Processos de Cidadania
  • Processo Consular e outros

Além dos serviços imigratórios, a Imigra Foundation oferece gratuitamente cursos básicos de língua inglesa, cursos básicos de IA (inteligência artificial, cujas inscrições abrirão no início de agosto), workshop de fotografia para Iphone, além de vários outros projetos em andamento.

Leia a matéria completa

Via The Brasilians

Juliano Marcatto tem 25 anos de empresa e assume a área nesta segunda

O Banco do Brasil tem novo gerente geral da Unidade de Negócios Internacionais. Juliano Marcatto substitui Rodrigo Vollet, que deixou o cargo para se aposentar.

Nos 25 anos em que está no BB, Marcatto passou pelas Diretorias de Crédito e Comercial, foi gerente-adjunto do Banco do Brasil em Londres, diretor presidente da BB Securities Londres e, atualmente, era gerente executivo da área de Operações Estruturadas na Diretoria Corporate and Investment Bank.

A Unidade de Negócios Internacionais é responsável pela estratégia e gestão das unidades do Banco do Brasil no exterior, além dos produtos e serviços de crédito, câmbio e captação relacionados ao comércio exterior, atuando estrategicamente no fomento ao Comércio Exterior brasileiro, negócios e investimentos offshore e captações em moeda estrangeira, com atendimento integrado com os escritórios de negócios no Brasil, de forma a entregar uma melhor experiência ao cliente.

O BB tem se destacado como um parceiro fundamental no apoio à jornada internacional de seus clientes, oferecendo serviços e produtos que vão além do apoio financeiro. No fomento ao comércio exterior brasileiro, lançou no último ano o Programa Primeira Exportação, com o objetivo de estimular micro e pequenas empresas a acessarem o mercado internacional, por meio de capacitação e sessões consultivas com especialistas. O BB participa ainda de programas como o “Mulheres nos Negócios Internacionais”, em conjunto com a ApexBrasil, que visa a inserção de mulheres empreendedoras no comércio mundial.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Banco do Brasil

Company Receives Accolades Throughout the Industry and Around the World for Delivering Digital Experiences that Drive Client Engagement

This year, Bank of America has been recognized by many of the most influential industry groups and global banking award organizations around the world for its digital leadership. As the company continues to see record growth in digital engagement among clients, it recently received accolades from Euromoney, Global Finance, Celent, The Asian Banker, and others for its commitment to innovation and delivering world-class digital experiences.

“We’re focused on making it easier and more convenient than ever for our clients to manage their full financial lives through industry-leading digital capabilities,” said David Tyrie, Chief Digital Officer and Chief Marketing Officer for Bank of America. “This recognition showcases the expertise of our team and their commitment to delivering for our clients.”

One of the greatest measures of success is the degree to which clients engage with digital solutions. Today, 58 million clients leverage Bank of America’s digital capabilities to help manage their financial lives. Last year, these clients digitally connected with their finances a record 23.4 billion times, an 11% increase year-over-year.

Click here to view all 2024 honors.

Via Bank of America


On August 22 we have a special program for you at the SummerStage in Central Park!

At 5PM, DJ Malfeitona will welcome you before the screening of the documentary Gerson King Combo, by David Obadia and Belisário Franca at 6PM. And then, at 7:20PM, Larissa Luz joins the stage, opening for the incredible Alcione, at 8:30PM!

Admissions are FREE, so don’t miss out!

More information coming soon.

Via Brazilian Film Festival.

Fernanda Abreu with Zelia Duncan and Paulinho Moska – An exhilarating celebration of Brazilian music with three major stars presented by the 28th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival. These three artists will share the stage for the very first time. The evening will start with Zélia Duncan and Paulinho Moska performing their highly acclaimed project “Um par ímpar”, followed by Fernanda Abreu’s electrifying, dance filled show “Amor Geral”, a set of her greatest hits. The concert climaxes with all three together on stage performing a medley of joyous Brazilian classics!

Saturday, August 31, 8:00 PM

Miami Beach Bandshell
7275 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33141, USA – Door opens at 7:00 PM

Food & beverage are available for purchase at the show. The Bandshell is an open-air covered venue, all programs are rain or shine. Your ticket, once purchased, is non-refundable. Any questions?

Click here for more information



The International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, announced today a $50 million commitment to help mobilize $1 billion for the BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group’s (TIG) Latin American reforestation strategy. Conservation International serves as impact adviser for the strategy

The announcement was made following a signing ceremony in São Paulo that included Alfonso García Mora, IFC’s Vice President for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Roberto Sallouti, CEO of BTG Pactual, and Rachel Biderman, Senior Vice President for the Americas at Conservation International.

The reforestation strategy focuses on the conservation, restoration, and planting of deforested and degraded properties in selected regions in Latin America, including the Cerrado biome in Brazil, one of the most biodiverse, seasonally dry ecosystems in the world. Approximately half of the Cerrado has already been converted to other uses.

By investing in projects that are dedicated to sustainable commercial tree farms across half their footprint, and the protection and restoration of native ecosystems across the other half, BTG Pactual TIG seeks to integrate the protection and restoration of important habitats with sustainable commercial production. This forward-leaning approach targets deforested and degraded land. Reforesting this land seeks to integrate commercial, social, biodiversity, and greenhouse gas sequestration goals into a single strategy.

The transaction marks IFC’s first engagement with an institutional timberland investment manager, which is expected to generate carbon credits through nature-based solutions, support climate mitigation efforts, and strengthen sustainable forest management practices in Brazil. These efforts will foster jobs and expand economic opportunities in rural areas of the country. In addition, the application of IFC´s Performance Standards will help the strategy to identify, avoid and mitigate risks, as a way of further integrating sustainability into business operations.

The IFC loan triggers a better financial outcome for BTG Pactual TIG if the strategy meets specific targets designed to enhance biodiversity and watershed health through connectivity corridors for plants and animals, and buffers along streams and rivers that can help provide ecosystem services for natural water infrastructure.

Read the full article

Via Business Wire

The firm and the association have a partnership and joined efforts with other international players to create a material focused on helping private companies leverage AI

TozziniFreire is a benchmark in the Brazilian market for technology, innovation, and data protection, and has been gaining traction in the field of artificial intelligence. With a multidisciplinary team of partners, the firm advises various clients on relevant cases and projects involving the subject, which is increasingly present in the strategic planning of companies.

In partnership with the World IT Lawyers (WITL) association, TozziniFreire produced the Brazil chapter of the new AI Regulation Guide, specially designed for companies interested in using AI and in need of a multi-jurisdictional view. The country section describes details on how Brazil regulates artificial intelligence, which categories are considered under the law, international agreements and conventions, as well as restrictions and the latest updates on the topic.

According to Patrícia Helena Martins, co-head of the Technology & Innovation and Data Protection practices at TozziniFreire, “AI regulation in Brazil is under debate in the National Congress. Inspired by European legislation, the Bill creates specific rules for AI applications according to the level of risk posed to society. The expectation is that the Bill will be voted in the second half of 2024.”

The full PDF version of the material contains contributions from countries like Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom, among other important Brazilian commercial partners, and can be found on TozziniFreire’s website, through the link AI Regulation Guide (

Read the full article

Via TozziniFreire

Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence 2024 also recognise lead position in home market

Deutsche Bank has been awarded “World’s Best Bank for Corporates” in Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence 2024. The bank was also named “Best Bank for Corporates in Germany”, and “Best Investment Bank in Germany”.

These awards are recognition of Deutsche Bank’s position as not only the premier bank in Germany and European champion but a clear leader on the global stage. The wins also demonstrate the bank’s progress with its long-term strategy – increasing revenues and remaining disciplined on costs – and the momentum it is seeing as a Global Hausbank, supporting its clients as they undergo their own transitions.

Remarking on Deutsche Bank’s recognition as “Best Investment Bank in Germany”, Euromoney said: “Deutsche Bank’s German investment-banking revenues gave it an impressive positioning in the Dealogic rankings, far higher than any regional competitor. This included top positions across debt and equity capital markets, M&A, and loans.”

The awards were collected at Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence ceremony in London by JP Gillmann, Global Head of Corporate Coverage, Panos Stergio, Global Head of Institutional Client Group, Julian Schoof and David Feldmann, Head of Institutional Client Group EMEA and Head of Markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Via Deutsche Bank

DLA Piper has been selected for the 2024 Global Outsourcing 100 (GO100) list by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)

This is the ninth consecutive year the firm has been recognized by IAOP for the strength of its global Technology Transactions and Strategic Sourcing practice. The firm was recognized for “Sustained Excellence” due to its inclusion on the list for five or more consecutive years and received additional distinctions in several categories, including Customer References, Awards & Certifications and Programs for Innovation.

DLA Piper’s globally recognized Technology Transactions and Strategic Sourcing practice concentrates on complex technology, sourcing and outsourcing transactions, which frequently span many countries. The group also serves as a trusted digital advisor to clients by helping them navigate the legal and operational risks associated with digital transformation, including the adoption of emerging technologies (such as artificial intelligence, IoT, cloud computing and blockchain/DLT), participation in complex digital ecosystems and the evolution of business models that leverage both technology and data as strategic assets.

Read the full article

Via DLA Piper

Recognized as the World’s Best Digital Bank for its best-in-class client platforms

Citi has won a record of forty-one global, regional and local market awards from Euromoney, a leading global financial markets magazine, at its annual Awards for Excellence that recognizes the best in banking across key areas that are most important to a bank’s key stakeholders, clients, board and executive management teams. The period of consideration for the awards was the 2023 calendar year.

In its 29th edition, the Euromoney Awards for Excellence recognized Citi as:

  • The World’s Best Digital Bank
  • The World’s Best Investment Bank in the Emerging Markets

“The range of awards Citi has received from Euromoney is both an honor and affirmation that we are making progress to reach our full potential,” said Tim Ryan, Citi’s Head of Technology and Business Enablement. “Winning the ‘World’s Best Digital Bank Award’ is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our people that help create a more seamless experience for our clients.”

Citi’s unified Banking and International organization oversees the local delivery of the full firm to clients in more than 90 markets where Citi has an on-the-ground presence.

Read the full article and view the complete list of awards here.

Via Citi



O Ibovespa encerrou a segunda-feira com ganho de 0,19% aos 127.860 pontos, com giro financeiro fraco de R$ 17,1 bilhões (R$ 14,2 bilhões à vista), sustentando bom desempenho no mês (+3,19%) diante de um cenário de curto prazo carregado de incertezas e com desafios importantes para a economia concentrados no orçamento fiscal e agora, na expectativa dos resultados corporativos do 1º semestre que dependendo da qualidade dos números deve influenciar o rumo dos mercados. Os investidores estrangeiros que registraram retiradas líquidas da B3 durante o 1º semestre, voltaram firmes à B3 em julho, acumulando entrada de R$ 6,55 bilhões até o dia 19.  No dia o saldo de estrangeiro foi positivo em R$ 1,97 bilhão e na contramão os investidores institucionais seguem retirando recursos (R$ 6,92 bilhões em julho).


O dólar fechou o dia com queda de 0,38% a R$ 5,5761 (mercado spot), mas segue indicando cautela de investidores em relação a ativos de risco. No ano, moeda americana acumula alta de 14,81% em relação ao real.


Os contratos de juros futuros para jan/25 fecharam praticamente estáveis de 10,681% para 10,661% e para jan/30 a taxa do DI recuou de 12,087% para 12,008%.


Energisa (ENGI11)

Consumo de energia cresceu 4,5% em junho na comparação anual

A Energisa registrou em junho de 2024 consumo consolidado de energia elétrica, considerando o mercado cativo e livre, de 3.113 GWh, um aumento de 4.5% em relação a junho/23. Desconsiderando a energia não-faturada, que sazonalmente é negativa no mês, a evolução do consumo foi de 8,4%.

Carrefour Brasil (CRFB3)

Reversão de prejuízo para lucro de R$ 330 milhões no 1S24

O lucro Líquido dos controladores, passou de um prejuízo de R$ 249 milhões no 2T23 para lucro de R$ 330 milhões em jun/24 e no acumulado do ano foi de R$ 362 milhões negativos para um ganho de R$ 369 milhões. No ajustado, o resultado semestral passou de prejuízo de R$ 346 milhões para um lucro de R$ 202 milhões.

Hapvida (HAPV3)

Entendimentos com a Riza para operação de Build to Suit

A companhia celebrou memorando de entendimentos com a Riza Gestora de Recursos Ltda (Riza) para o custeio de dois novos hospitais na modalidade Build to Suit (BTS e Transação, respectivamente). Os imóveis, nas cidades do RJ e de SP, se encontram em fase final de negociação.

Embraer (EMBR3)

Acordo para venda de 9 aeronvaes C-390 para Holanda e Áustria

O Ministério da Defesa da Holanda assinou contrato para a compra de nove aeronaves C-390 Millennium da Embraer. O contrato é uma compra conjunta com a Áustria – cinco aeronaves serão para a Força Aérea Real Holandesa e quatro para a Força Área Austríaca.

Leia o boletim completo ou baixe em pdf

Via Planner

Medida beneficia sociedades corretoras de títulos e valores mobiliários, distribuidoras de títulos e valores mobiliários, corretoras de câmbio, SCFIs e agências de fomento

O Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) expediu, em 17 de julho, a Resolução BCB 401/24, que alterou a Resolução BCB 277/22  e elevou, de US$ 300 mil para US$ 500 mil (ou seu equivalente em outras moedas), o limite de valor individual para operações de câmbio com liquidação pronta realizadas por sociedades corretoras de títulos e valores mobiliários, sociedades distribuidoras de títulos e valores mobiliários, sociedades corretoras de câmbio, sociedades de crédito, financiamento e investimento e agências de fomento.

Em nota à imprensa, o BCB disse que a alteração busca proporcionar maior eficiência e competitividade no mercado de câmbio, especialmente para atender à demanda de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras que atuam no comércio exterior.

A Resolução BCB 401/24 entrará em vigor em 2 de setembro de 2024.

O art. 29, inciso II, da Resolução BCB nº 277/22 passará a vigorar com a seguinte nova redação: “Art. 29.  As autorizações para operar no mercado de câmbio podem ser concedidas para as instituições abaixo indicadas realizarem as seguintes operações: (…) II – sociedades corretoras de títulos e valores mobiliários, sociedades distribuidoras de títulos e valores mobiliários, sociedades corretoras de câmbio, sociedades de crédito, financiamento e investimento e agências de fomento: (a) operações de câmbio com clientes para liquidação pronta de até US$500.000,00 (quinhentos mil dólares dos Estados Unidos) ou o seu equivalente em outras moedas, não sendo permitidas transferências referentes a negociação de instrumentos financeiros derivativos no exterior; e (b) operações para liquidação pronta no mercado interbancário, arbitragens no País e arbitragens com o exterior; (…)”

Via Machado Meyer

As PwC enters FY25 and explores opportunities to create new value for clients, the firm is increasing its investments in the fast-growing areas of AI and sustainability. As businesses prioritize growth and reinvention within an evolving business landscape, they recognize AI and sustainability as central to success. According to our latest Pulse Survey, 73% of executives say they plan to use GenAI to change their business model and 61% of executives say climate poses a risk to their business. PwC is committed to addressing the urgent challenges and opportunities presented by these areas and helping clients navigate the evolving landscape of AI and sustainability, both now and in the future.

Advancing the firm’s three-year, $1B investment, to help clients reimagine their business through the power of GenAI, the firm today named Dan Priest as its Chief AI Officer. With more than 25 years of strategy, operations and technology leadership experience, Priest will lead the US firm and its clients in navigating the complexities and opportunities of AI and harnessing its power to enable strategic transformation.

To help clients achieve growth through sustainability, PwC is building on the firm’s three decades of sustainability experience, advanced technology capabilities and strong network of alliances. Today, the firm named Ellen Walsh as Sustainability Executive Sponsor. With a deep background in business and operations transformation and enterprise strategy, Walsh will lead the firm’s efforts to support clients in a holistic approach to sustainability that drives long-term growth and delivers investor-grade reporting.

PwC’s increased investments in AI and sustainability reflect an ongoing commitment to supporting clients as they navigate these important opportunities. By bringing together experience across the firm and within our strategic alliances, PwC’s AI and Sustainability teams are poised to drive innovation and catalyze lasting change.

Read the full article

Via PwC

Awards include World’s Best Bank for Markets and Trade Finance

Highlighting the company’s ability to capture market share, deliver innovation and support clients’ expanding needs, Euromoney Magazine has named Bank of America the World’s Best Bank for Markets and the World’s Best Bank for Trade Finance. In total, the bank received 19 awards at Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence gala on July 18 in London, an annual event that recognizes outstanding leadership in financial services.

World’s Best Bank for Markets

In its rationale for naming BofA as the winner of this category for the second consecutive year, Euromoney’s editor Louise Bowman said, “Bank of America was the only one of the dozen biggest global markets businesses to increase revenues in 2023. This fitted into a broader narrative of steady but substantial improvement in the bank’s markets franchise over the past several years.”

World’s Best Bank for Trade Finance

Naming BofA as the winner of this category, Bowman added, “Because of the number of global corporations that sit in the U.S. and are banked by it, the firm is the natural driver of a platform such as this [Open Account Automation]. Having CashPro as an existing gateway is a huge advantage since the bank’s clients can be easily onboarded onto the financing solution.”

Bank of America has received the highest number of global and regional awards this year, a position tied with two other firms. The Euromoney Awards for Excellence were established in 1992 and are the global benchmark for the banking industry.

Click here and view the complete list of awards Bank of America received in the global, regional and country categories.

Via Bank of America

We have stood out once again in the Chambers High Net Worth guide, one of the key rankings in the legal sector. The guide highlights exceptional performance in the area of wealth management, both in Brazil and worldwide

Mattos Filho has ranked band 1 in the Private Wealth Law category for the ninth straight year – remaining the only firm to continuously hold this band 1 ranking since the guide was created in 2016. This year, we also had the highest number of band 1 professionals among full-service firms in Brazil, with the two partners from our Private Client practice listed at the very top of the rankings.

We would like to thank our clients for their continued trust and congratulate our professionals, whose efforts have led to this achievement. Our dedication to excellence, providing clients with innovative solutions, and transforming legal challenges into business opportunities is reflected in this result.

Via Mattos Filho

A transação aguarda aprovação do Banco Central e outras condições regulatórias

O BTG Pactual anunciou nesta quinta-feira a aquisição da empresa especializada em importação Sertrading, cujo patrimônio líquido no final do ano passado se aproximou de 400 milhões de reais, conforme comunicado ao mercado.

A assinatura dos documentos definitivos ocorreu por meio de uma das controladas do BTG, acrescentou o comunicado, notando que o volume transacionado em operações de comércio exterior da Sertrading somou 19 bilhões de reais ao final de 2023.

“Com esta aquisição o BTG Pactual poderá ofertar à sua base de clientes os serviços especializados da Sertrading no setor de importação de bens, bem como disponibilizar sua extensa gama de produtos financeiros aos clientes da Sertrading”, afirmou o BTG.

O comunicado não revela o valor da operação.

A conclusão da transação ainda está sujeita a condições precedentes, incluindo o aval do Banco Central e outras aprovações regulatórias.

Via Forbes/Reuters

A Fundação Abrinq lançou a edição de 2024 do Caderno Legislativo da Criança e do Adolescente. A publicação traz uma análise das principais proposições legislativas relacionadas às crianças e aos adolescentes, servindo para incentivar o debate em torno do assunto

Como de costume, a Fundação Abrinq elencou diversas proposições legislativas por eixo (Proteção, Saúde e Educação) e se posicionou de forma a priorizar o bem-estar da população de até 18 anos no país. Neste ano, a organização também trouxe algumas novidades e destaques na publicação, que podem ser vistas abaixo.


Pela primeira vez na história do Caderno Legislativo, que se iniciou em 2014, foi publicada uma relação com todas as proposições legislativas aprovadas no ano anterior e que envolvem os direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes no Brasil. A listagem pode ser conferida entre as páginas 20 e 25 da edição.

A Fundação Abrinq elencou as leis em uma tabela, por ordem de promulgação, com uma breve explicação sobre seu conteúdo. Algumas, devido à sua relevância, foram analisadas com maior profundidade em seguida, como a que criminaliza o bullying e o cyberbullying e a que cria o Programa Pé de Meia.


O Caderno Legislativo deste ano também compilou todas as proposições legislativas relacionadas à infância e adolescência de 2023 e as categorizou de acordo com as temáticas abordadas. O gráfico que demonstra essa relação pode ser visto na página 16 da publicação, junto com uma análise detalhada.

Naquele ano, destacou-se a preocupação dos legisladores com a questão da violência sofrida durante a infância e a adolescência. Isso porque a temática mais abordada foi “violência contra crianças e adolescentes”, com 81 proposições, e a terceira mais abordada foi “violência nas escolas”, com 63.

Baixe aqui o Caderno Legislativo da Criança e do Adolescente e tenha acesso ao material completo.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Fundação Abrinq

Leading global law firm Baker McKenzie today announced the promotion of 66 lawyers to partner1, effective 1 July 2024, with the exception of colleagues based in North America and some locations in Latin America, whose promotions took effect on 1 January 2024. With 48 lateral partners also joining Baker McKenzie’s offices1 this financial year, the Firm has added a total of 114 partners globally since 1 July 2023.

Women account for fifty two percent of this year’s partner promotions, equivalent to 34 out of 66 promotions. This is the Firm’s highest percentage of women partner promotions to date and underscores Baker McKenzie’s ongoing commitment to fostering a more gender equitable future.

The largest proportion of lateral hires sit within the Transactional practices, further bolstering the Firm’s ability to advise clients on complex cross-border deals.

Commenting on these appointments, Milton Cheng, Global Chair, Baker McKenzie, said: “Each year, it is an honor to announce our promotions to partner and I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to these exceptionally talented and diverse lawyers whose significant career milestone coincides with Baker McKenzie’s 75th anniversary. Their dedication to our clients has been instrumental in driving our Firm’s success and we look forward to their many more contributions in the years to come. This year has been particularly noteworthy thanks to the significant number of women making up our new partner ranks. As we celebrate this achievement, we also remain focused on our ongoing commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.”

1 Promotions made across Baker McKenzie’s Member Firms. References to “partner” means a person who is a partner or partner equivalent in a Member Firm, and references to an “office” means an office of any such Member Firm.

View the full list of promotions

Via Baker McKenzie

The biggest U.S. bank wants to get even bigger

JPMorgan Chase has set an ambitious goal of attracting 15% of the country’s consumer deposits, Marianne Lake, its CEO of consumer and community banking, told Reuters in an interview at the company’s New York headquarters.

The bank had an 11.3% share of U.S. retail deposits at the end of June 2023, the latest available data.

The lender also wants to provide credit cards that account for 20% of the nation’s spending, expanding from a current 17%.

“Market share is a game of inches, and it is a very powerful game,” Lake said. “While we are not putting any timeline on it, our strategies are geared towards achieving it,” she said.
Its U.S retail deposits were worth $1.1 trillion at the end of the first quarter.

“We’re continuing to build our capabilities to compete and win and investing in modernizing our infrastructure and data, leveraging AI, payments and other business strategies,” Lake said. The investments “will ensure that we continue to be the leader even five to 10 years from now.”

JPMorgan acquired failed lender First Republic last year, adding $92 billion in deposits. The purchase was made after a series of bank failures that triggered tumult in the industry and has since subsided.


JPMorgan is set to report its earnings on Friday. Investors and analysts will be watching out for any commentary on its CEO succession plans. Lake has been named by the bank’s board as a potential successor to CEO Jamie Dimon, who has served in the role since 2006.

While Wall Street banks have made some strides on diversity, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser is the only woman to lead one of the nation’s six biggest banks.

JPMorgan’s consumer business reported $17.6 billion in revenue during the first quarter, comprising the biggest chunk of the company’s total revenue of $41.9 billion.

Read the full article

Reporting by Nupur Anand and Lananh Nguyen in New York; Editing by Jamie Freed via Reuters

Reestruturação reforça ambição internacional do banco; Alexandre Riccio, no banco desde a fundação, assume operação brasileira

Numa reestruturação que reforça suas ambições internacionais, o Inter &Co está criando o cargo de CEO para o Brasil, enquanto o atual diretor-presidente, João Vitor Menin, seguirá com a cadeira de CEO global, baseado em Miami.  

No banco desde 2013, o atual vice-presidente de retail banking Alexandre Ricciovai assumir a operação brasileira – cargo que, na prática, já vinha exercendo há algum tempo, diz Menin.  

“Riccio e eu trabalhamos juntos desde o começo e nos conhecemos desde a época de faculdade de engenharia civil na UFMG”, conta o fundador. 

O executivo começou no Inter como superintendente, quando o plano de criar um banco digital a partir do Intermedium ainda era praticamente uma ideia no papel.  

Com passagens pela operação da Gerdau nos Estados Unidos e pelo Boston Consulting Group, desde seu início no banco, o executivo atuou mais na parte de estruturação, nas áreas de tecnologia, operações, tesouraria e compliance.  

Desde 2022, está como vice-presidente de banking onde também assumiu um papel mais comercial, tocando mais a parte de vendas.  

No Brasil… e além 

Com a nova atribuição, Menin – que já tem passado três semanas do mês no escritório de Miami – quer reforçar sua atenção para a conta global. Hoje, dos 32 milhões de clientes do Inter, cerca de 10% já são clientes do produto.  

Boa parte deles são de brasileiros que moram fora do país e usam a plataforma para fazer suas operações em dólar.

“Nós chamamos de conta global, mas na verdade é muito mais que isso, é um superapp. Ela tem praticamente tudo que o superapp do Inter tem, com exceção de seguros e estamos trabalhando nisso”, afirma. 

Hoje, o banco oferece conta digital, shopping online com uma plataforma de cashback, além de plataforma de investimentos e câmbio.  

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Natalia Viri via Exame

Desembolso recorde na safra recém concluída reafirma a liderança do Banco no Agro

O Banco do Brasil anuncia nesta sexta-feira, dia 5, o maior Plano Safra de sua história. São R$ 260 bilhões para o financiamento da safra 2024/2025, um valor 13% maior do que o realizado na safra anterior, reforçando a liderança do BB no setor e confirmando, mais uma vez, a posição de maior parceiro do agro.

Os agricultores familiares e médios produtores contarão, inicialmente, com R$ 50 bilhões, um crescimento de 44% em relação à safra passada. Além disso, a agricultura empresarial terá R$ 142 bilhões, um aumento de 10%.

As taxas do novo Plano Safra foram anunciadas pelo Governo Federal em eventos realizados na quarta-feira, 3. A Agricultura Familiar contará com juros que variam entre 0,5% e 6,0% ao ano por meio do Pronaf (Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar). Os médios produtores contarão com juros de 8,0% a 10,5% ao ano no âmbito do Pronamp (Programa Nacional de Apoio ao Médio Produtor Rural). Já para os grandes produtores rurais, as taxas de juros variam entre 7,0% e 12,0% ao ano.

“Desembolsamos R$ 230 bilhões neste último ano safra, com crescimento de 17% em relação à safra 2022/2023, sendo o maior valor da história. Além disso, executamos todo o volume equalizado alocado do Governo Federal. Isso reforça nossa liderança no mercado e o compromisso com os produtores rurais de todo o país, com agilidade na contratação, a partir da maior especialização, capilaridade e abrangência nacional e com soluções adequadas e completas para todos os produtores rurais”, afirma Tarciana Medeiros, presidenta do BB.

Mais recursos para médio e pequenos produtores rurais
Para reforçar ainda mais o compromisso com a agricultura familiar e médios produtores, também foram aumentados em 44% os valores destinados no Plano Safra para esses públicos, com volume disponível de R$ 50 bilhões para este ciclo 2024/2025.

Destaque para Feiras e Circuito de Negócios e Treinamentos Agro
Em 2024, a presença e participação do Banco do Brasil nas feiras e eventos agro em todo o país têm sido destaque. Ao todo, o Banco acolheu mais de R$ 15 bilhões em propostas de financiamentos. Esta atuação conta com os tradicionais Circuitos BB de Negócios e Treinamento e com as 5 Carretas Agro que percorreram mais de 220 mil quilômetros em mais de 300 cidades de todas as regiões do país, levando bons negócios e ações de capacitação e treinamento, além de disseminar boas práticas e tecnologias rurais.

Apoio ao RS
Os pequenos e médios produtores impactados pelas enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul contam com o apoio financeiro e crédito emergencial pelo BB, em alinhamento com as ações do Governo Federal para recuperação e retomada das atividades.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Banco do Brasil

Gabriel Amado de Moura assumirá a posição de diretor de finanças da holding em substituição ao atual CFO, Alexsandro Broedel Lopes

O CEO do banco Itaú no Chile, Gabriel Amado de Moura, assumirá a posição de diretor de finanças da holding Itaú Unibanco em substituição ao atual CFO, Alexsandro Broedel Lopes, informou a companhia nesta sexta-feira.

Segundo comunicado do banco, Lopes está deixando a organização para “assumir desafios fora do país”.

Moura ingressou no Itaú Unibanco em 2000 e está no Itaú Chile desde 2016, onde atuou como diretor financeiro até 2019 e, em 2020, se tornou o presidente-executivo da unidade chilena.

O processo de transição tem início de imediato e, de acordo com o banco, deve ser finalizado em 1º de outubro.

“Vemos a escolha de Gabriel, que está no Itaú desde 2000 e é sócio desde 2011, como uma continuidade e não esperamos nenhum tipo de ruptura em relação à estratégia atual do banco”, avaliou a XP em breve análise sobre a escolha do novo CFO.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Reuters / InfoMoney


As part of industry-leading efforts to communicate to customers in real-time, airline uses AI tools to send travelers information about their trip, especially if things don’t go as planned. Real-time radar maps can help customers understand how inclement weather in one part of the country can impact a flight elsewhere

United now texts customers links to local, live radar maps during weather delays, as part of its industry-leading effort to give travelers as much real-time information as possible about their trip, especially if things don’t go as planned. For the past few years, the airline has used dedicated teams to write and send text messages to customers that give near-instantaneous details about a given flight – everything from gate changes and boarding times to more specifics regarding aircraft swaps, crew rescheduling and weather events – and the teams now use generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) tools to assist in giving more travelers real-time updates during flight delays.

United’s latest innovation – real-time radar maps – can help customers understand how inclement weather in one part of the country can impact a flight elsewhere. United is the first and only U.S. airline currently providing its customers these kinds of specific messages, and the airline is sending them with assistance from gen AI tools.

The release of these new innovations comes as United expects its busiest Fourth of July weekend on record with more than five million passengers flying between June 28 and July 8, up more than 7% compared to last year.

Here’s how it works:

  • Specialized customer service teams sit in the network operations center alongside the flight operations teams and tap gen AI to review flight data and write customer messages that tells the complete story of a flight change. These messages are sent to customers through text or email in an effort to provide more helpful and relevant information about why flight plans are changing.
  • During weather events, messages will include links to local, live radar maps showing weather details across flight paths. This helps customers stay informed on weather-related delays, including showing how weather in one part of the country can impact a flight elsewhere. Plus, customers on all flights can access links to weather maps in the United app under flight status updates, and United displays radar maps in the gate area when a flight has been delayed due to weather.

For more information, visit

Via United Airlines

O terceiro setor tem desempenhado um papel fundamental no Brasil, promovendo impacto social e sustentabilidade por meio de iniciativas que acontecem diretamente com quem mais precisa

Composto por organizações não governamentais (ONGs), fundações e outras entidades sem fins lucrativos, o terceiro setor atua em áreas essenciais, como direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes, saúde, educação, meio ambiente e muito mais. Além disso, é característica do terceiro setor atuar em territórios que mais precisam, onde existe dificuldade de promover melhores condições de desenvolvimento para a população.

Filantropia no Brasil: Uma Cultura de Solidariedade

Nesse contexto, a filantropia no Brasil ganha destaque com pessoas físicas e empresas realizando doações de dinheiro e recursos para apoiar projetos sociais. As ONGs e fundações brasileiras têm sido protagonistas neste cenário, implementando ações que visam melhorar a qualidade de vida de milhões de pessoas. A cultura de doação é um pilar que sustenta a capacidade dessas organizações de operar e expandir seu impacto.

Benefícios Fiscais para Doações: Um Incentivo ao Altruísmo

Um dos grandes motivadores para a captação de recursos no terceiro setor são os benefícios fiscais para doações. O governo brasileiro oferece incentivos fiscais para pessoas físicas e jurídicas que realizam doações para entidades do terceiro setor. Esses benefícios não apenas incentivam a prática da doação, mas também fortalecem a capacidade dessas entidades de desenvolver e manter projetos sociais de grande impacto. Tal incentivo fiscal é fundamental para aumentar a adesão de doadores e garantir a sustentabilidade das iniciativas sociais.

Projetos Sociais e Responsabilidade Social

Além dos benefícios fiscais, a responsabilidade social é um conceito cada vez mais presente no cotidiano das empresas, que buscam aliar crescimento econômico a práticas sustentáveis e socialmente responsáveis. Organizações brasileiras, como a Fundação Abrinq, têm sido referência em projetos sociais voltados para a defesa dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. A parceria entre empresas e organizações da sociedade civil é fundamental para potencializar o alcance das ações sociais e promover mudanças significativas na sociedade.

Qual a Importância da Captação de Recursos para o Terceiro Setor?

A captação de recursos é um dos maiores desafios enfrentados pelo terceiro setor no Brasil. No entanto, com estratégias bem estruturadas e a crescente conscientização sobre a importância da filantropia, muitas organizações têm conseguido mobilizar os recursos necessários para continuar suas atividades. Campanhas de arrecadação, eventos beneficentes e parcerias com o setor privado são algumas das estratégias utilizadas para garantir a sustentabilidade das ações sociais. A colaboração entre esses diferentes setores é essencial para a continuidade e expansão dos projetos.

Como o Terceiro Setor Promove Impacto Social?

O impacto social gerado pelo terceiro setor é visível em diversas áreas. Projetos que promovem a educação, saúde, proteção ambiental e direitos humanos têm transformado realidades e criado oportunidades para milhares de pessoas. A Fundação Abrinq, por exemplo, desenvolve programas que já beneficiaram mais de 9 milhões de crianças e adolescentes, garantindo acesso a direitos básicos e promovendo seu desenvolvimento integral. Essas iniciativas mostram como a atuação conjunta de ONGs, governo e sociedade civil pode transformar vidas e construir um futuro melhor.

Dessa forma, o terceiro setor é uma força vital para a promoção do desenvolvimento social e econômico para todos. Apoiar essas organizações é investir no futuro do país, garantindo que todos tenham a oportunidade de viver com dignidade e esperança.

Via Fundação Abrinq

Saiba mais sobre a Fundação Abrinq e como doar

Jamil Absy Jr. joins the team to advise Brazilian and foreign clients and meet a growing demand for tax advice

Feijó Lopes Advogados, one of the Brazilian premier corporate law firms, with offices in São Paulo, Porto Alegre and New York, announces the hiring of a new Head of Tax Services.

Jamil has solid accounting-tax expertise, with a vast track record of tax and corporate consultancy projects, compliance, optimization and planning projects in direct taxes (IRPJ and CSLL) and indirect taxes (PIS, Cofins, ICMS, IPI and ISS), including M&A, for Brazilian and international clients.

“The tax area is at a challenging time for Brazilian and foreign companies, due to tax reform and several bills that will be voted on throughout 2024, and will bring relevant changes to companies, fintechs, financial institutions, startups and the entire marketplace. I am happy to join and lead the Feijó Lopes Tax team to deliver innovative solutions aimed at tax optimization for Brazilian and foreign clients”, assesses the new head.

Jamil has a degree from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), a specialist in Business Intelligence & Analytics from the Paulista Faculty of Informatics and Management (FIAP) and in tax law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET).

Via Feijó Lopes Advogados

A tecnologia simula a emissão, o resgate, a transferência da moeda digital e a operação com títulos públicos federais tokenizados

O Banco do Brasil divulgou nesta quarta-feira (26) que começou a testar uma plataforma que facilita a interação com a plataforma do Drex, a moeda digital do Banco Central.

A plataforma de testes está sendo apresentada pelo BB no Febraban Tech, evento de tecnologia e inovação do sistema financeiro, que acontece em São Paulo nesta semana.

“A familiaridade com esses procedimentos é importante, pois, para acessar a plataforma Drex, os usuários precisarão de um intermediário financeiro autorizado”, afirmou o diretor de tecnologia do BB, Rodrigo Mulinari, no comunicado à imprensa.

O Piloto Drex é a fase de testes para operações com a moeda digital. A primeira fase, que termina neste mês, abrange a validação de questões relacionadas à privacidade e segurança dos dados, além dos testes da infraestrutura da plataforma.

A segunda fase, explicou o BB, começa em julho, quando novos casos de uso serão incorporados à plataforma, inclusive ativos não regulados pelo BC — o que prevê, também, a incorporação de reguladores como a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM).

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Forbes Brasil

Global law firm DLA Piper has had 33 intellectual property practitioners named as “IP Stars” in the annual ranking compiled by Managing Intellectual Property

The ranking highlights senior intellectual property lawyers who have been recommended or identified as leaders in their firm, and jurisdiction, following extensive market review and client interviews.

Three DLA Piper lawyers were also included in Managing IP’s Top 250 Women in IP list. Robynne Sanders (Australia), Aoife Murphy (Ireland) and Sangeetha Punniyamoorthy (Canada) featured in the global list of private practice lawyers for performing exceptionally for their clients in the past year.

Managing Intellectual Property’s IP Stars research provides comprehensive coverage of the world’s leading IP firms and practitioners. Rankings are determined after an intensive research process that includes market review, industry surveys and client interviews which extensively review firms for their expertise, outcomes achieved for clients and unique strengths in a given practice area.

Click here to view their IP practitioners recognized

Via DLA Piper


As the world changes and global financial markets evolve, so do we. To improve familiarity with who we are and what we do, we are updating our logo and simplifying our company umbrella brand to BNY

Since our founding 240 years ago, we have been on a journey of continuous innovation, evolving from America’s oldest bank to a leading global financial services company. Today, overseeing nearly $50 trillion in assets on behalf of clients in more than 100 markets, we help make money work for the world – managing it, moving it and keeping it safe.

Under the updated company umbrella brand, BNY Mellon Investment Management and BNY Mellon Wealth Management will be shortened to BNY Investments and BNY Wealth, and BNY Mellon Pershing will become BNY Pershing. The company’s legal parent name will remain The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.

“These changes complement the company’s evolution as a leading global financial services company,” said BNY’s Global Head of Marketing and Communications Natalie Sunderland. “The updated brand conveys trust, resilience and innovation, and helps us align the full breadth of our offerings and capabilities under one brand, to improve familiarity with who we are and all that we do for our clients.”


Ryan Wells


Notably, FDC is the only Brazilian business school to be ranked in the top ten

Since 2005, Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) has been featured in the Financial Times Executive Education Rankings. Up until last year, the rankings included three categories: the Combined Table, Open Programs (covering a wide range of management and business topics for individuals), and Custom Programs (tailored for organizations). This year, the Combined Table category was removed.

In this year’s rankings, FDC moved up two spots in the Open Programs category and one spot in the Custom Programs category compared to the previous edition. Notably, FDC is the only Brazilian business school to be ranked in the top ten.

Eighty percent of the ranking scores are based on participants’ and clients’ perceptions of the programs, considering factors such as preparation, course design, faculty, teaching methods and materials, new skills and learning, follow-up, goals achieved, and value for money. The remaining 20% of the score is derived from quantitative data reported by each school, including revenue growth, the number of international participants and programs, international program deliveries, and faculty diversity.

“It is an honor and an achievement to be – and to remain – among the best schools making a difference in the world. For yet another year, the result of the Executive Education Rankings recognizes the efforts of the entire team, made up of highly competent people guided by the purpose of developing responsible leaders and prosperous organizations. In this 2024 edition, the Rankings also attest to our ability to adapt in a context of major global change. Our school has proved that we are prepared to meet the complexity of the current times and are mobilized to contribute to addressing the challenges that are threatening the social, economic and environmental prosperity of the planet”, points out Antonio Batista da Silva Junior, Dean of Fundação Dom Cabral.

Click here to read the full report and view the Financial Times’ business school rankings.

Via Fundação Dom Cabral

A&O Shearman, the elite global law firm recently formed by the merger of Allen & Overy and Shearman & Sterling, received a total of 146 rankings from Chambers and Partners in its annual rankings, Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business 2024

A&O Shearman was recognized in 47 separate U.S. practice areas and 87 individual U.S.-based firm attorneys received recognitions across 99 practice categories. Seventeen lawyers and seven practices received rankings of Band 1 or higher, the highest possible designations. In addition, multiple practices and lawyers were newly-designated for rankings, reflecting the combined strength and growth of the firm.

Based in London, Chambers and Partners ranks leading U.S. firms and attorneys based on in-depth research and interviews with attorneys’ clients and peers. Chambers assesses attorneys on attributes most valued by clients, including technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, commercial astuteness, diligence, and commitment. Most attorneys are ranked in bands of 1-6, with all band rankings considered to be a significant achievement.

Read the full article

Via A&O Shearman

Magazine Luiza espera ‘boom’ em vendas após parceria com AliExpress

A parceira entre o Magazine Luiza (MGLU3) e a plataforma de marketplace chinesa AliExpress está alinhada com a estratégia da companhia brasileira de diversificação de categorias e aumento de frequência de compras, disse o CEO, Frederico Trajano, em coletiva de imprensa.

O acordo prevê que a empresa chinesa passe a vender como seller do marketplace do Magalu (3P), enquanto a varejista brasileira oferece produtos do estoque próprio (1P) na plataforma do grupo Alibaba.

A AliExpress disponibilizará itens da linha “choice“, um serviço de compras premium, incluindo produtos com o melhor custo-benefício e velocidade de entrega.

Além disso, os produtos serão importados por meio do programa Remessa Conforme — o que, segundo o CEO, implica a cobrança de impostos. “Vai ser feito conforme todas as leis do Programa Remessa Conforme e também com as novas taxas que foram recentemente a aprovadas”, disse.

No caso dos produtos do Magazine Luiza que serão vendidos na plataforma do AliExpress, serão oferecidos, inicialmente, itens das categorias de bens duráveis, com capilaridade logística e multicanalidade.

Como o acordo vai ajudar as receitas do Magazine Luiza?

Segundo Trajano, a parceria é importante para consolidar a posição do Magazine Luiza no 1P (venda direta para o consumidor final) no Brasil.

“A venda do 1P na plataforma do AliExpress é importante para consolidar nossa liderança absoluta no e-commerce brasileiro. O Magalu é de longe o maior player de 1P no e-commerce brasileiro”, disse.

Além disso, deve potencializar o fluxo de vendas. “A oportunidade é muito significativa para o aumento das vendas no nosso canal digital. É muito estratégica para gente do ponto de vista de aumento de frequência de compras e complemento de sortimento de diversificação de categorias”, afirmou.

“As duas empresas são muito focadas em crescimento, mas também em geração de resultados sustentáveis. E a beleza dessa parceria está no ‘ganha-ganha’. Uma parceria tão complementar que ficou bom para as duas partes”, disse.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Giovana Leal via Money Times

Mattos Filho’s experts detail the procedure, requirements, necessary documentation, and deadlines for companies interested in entering this market in Brazil

Brazil’s Ministry of Finance has been making progress in the regulation of fixed-odds betting. Resolution No. 827/2024 has established general rules concerning the authorization process for, including the minimum required documentation and applicable deadlines.

The procedure for applying for a permit is complex, involving a thorough analysis of the company’s capability to operate fixed-odds betting activities in Brazil.

Mattos Filho’s Entertainment practice has prepared a guideline on the procedure, application requirements, analysis deadlines, and potential new regulations from the Ministry of Finance.

Click here to read the guidelines

Via Mattos Filho


Recursos são das linhas Pronaf e Pronamp, para agricultores familiares e médio produtores

O Banco do Brasil, reforçando sua posição de liderança e maior parceiro do agro, atingiu na quarta-feira, 12/06, a marca de R$ 110,2 milhões em recursos internalizados para crédito emergencial aos produtores rurais do Rio Grande do Sul que tiveram perdas materiais em decorrência das enchentes. Desse total, R$ 81,3 milhões via Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf) e R$ 28,7 milhões via Programa Nacional de Apoio ao Médio Produtor Rural (Pronamp).

Os primeiros contratos de crédito emergencial foram formalizados no último dia 28, em cerimônia na superintendência do BB em Porto Alegre. Esses recursos contam com condições especiais, via subvenção econômica e recursos de equalização, visando reduzir os custos financeiros dos empréstimos e favorecer a recuperação das atividades produtivas e das economias de regiões impactadas no Estado, em situação de calamidade e emergência.

São beneficiários os agricultores familiares enquadrados no Pronaf e os médios produtores rurais enquadrados no Pronamp, PF e PJ, que tiveram perdas ou danos de, no mínimo, 30% (trinta por cento) do valor da estrutura produtiva de sua unidade de produção rural, com destaque para máquinas, equipamentos, construções, instalações, animais e solos das áreas de produção agrícola e pecuária.

A contratação permanece disponível e o desconto será aplicado no ato da contratação sobre o valor financiado das operações de crédito rural a serem contratadas a partir de agora e até o dia 31 de dezembro de 2024 nas áreas afetadas pelos eventos climáticos extremos ocorridos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

“Em apenas duas semanas de crédito emergencial, conseguimos contratar um volume significativo de financiamentos para os produtores rurais gaúchos”, destaca Luiz Gustavo Braz Lage, vice-presidente de Agronegócios e Agricultura Familiar do BB. “Esse crédito, somado às outras ações negociais e operacionais diferenciadas em apoio à população atingida, reforça o papel do BB como maior parceiro do agronegócio brasileiro e gaúcho”.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra e veja outras medidas de apoio do BB

Via Banco do Brasil

Each year, Citi colleagues travel to classrooms and afterschool centers across the U.S. in support of Teach Children to Save (TCTS), the American Bankers Association Foundation’s campaign that inspires banking professionals to organize financial education activities for students. This year-round initiative is the U.S. banking industry’s largest volunteer effort helping young people to kickstart their financial futures.

Every April during National Financial Literacy Month, we celebrate our engagement in TCTS. In April alone, over 500 Citi volunteers visited classrooms and after-school programs, leveraging their banking knowledge and skills to teach students from grades K-8 the importance of saving and developing healthy money habits early in life.

Through a dynamic mix of activities, Citi volunteers helped students gain a better understanding of financial concepts and tools that will serve them well in the future. From a savings workshop and a Mets game for middle schoolers in New York City, to entrepreneurship-focused sessions for students at an elementary school in Irving, Texas, to financial education sessions with Operation HOPE in Atlanta, Georgia and The Boys and Girls Club in Fresno, California and more, Citi volunteers are harnessing their time and talent to empower the next generation of savers.

A Note from the ABA Foundation:
“For more than 20 years, Citi has been a key partner and supporter of the ABA Foundation’s Teach Children to Save program,” said Lindsay Torrico, executive director, ABA Foundation. “Employee volunteers have reached thousands of children nationwide through Citi’s financial education outreach efforts and we’re grateful for their continued commitment to our shared goal of equipping the next generation with financial knowledge and guidance.”

Read the full article

By Michelle Thornhill, Head of U.S. Community Relations, Citi

Via Citi



Honoring many years of partnership, the New York-based gallery, Saphira & Ventura and Madrid-based, Santana Gallery present A Contemporary Dive, a contemporary exhibition with the support of the New York International Contemporary Art Society, showcasing six artists represented by S&V, some returning to Madrid and others making their Spanish debut. Curated by Alcinda Saphira and Miguel Santana, this international collection will be presented at P de la Castellana, 190 Chamartín, 28046 Madrid and will run from June 24th to the 30th.

On the evening of Thursday, June 27, Madrid will see the reception of an international exhibition, hosted by Santana Gallery featuring the contemporary collection of New York-based, Saphira & Ventura Gallery, which will present six of its iconic artists of different mediums and styles yet each of them exploring the elements of contemporary aesthetics in their own merit. Among these artists is Bari Bing, based in New York and Miami, who cultivates a balance between form and color with her lush abstract works, as well as Larissa Linhares, whose inuitive drive propels her to create marvelous shades of abstract colors on the canvas. The exhibition will also feature the works of figurative painter, Jeena Raghavan, whose dense patterns and vibrant colors accentuate the strength of the subjects she paints. While abstract painter, Maria Page, entices the viewer with bold strokes, elaborate transitions and fresh texture. On the other hand, when it comes to a more geometric approach, Ana Luiza Varella’s technique encompasses the grace of how colors and shapes can have a profound influence, mixing both symmetrical and asymmetrical components. Finally, the works of Alzi Platts, will be presented, showcasing the artist’s talent for creating dynamic pieces that blend contemporary elements with older influences.

Curation: Alcinda Saphira & Miguel Santana
Production: Liz Carvalho / Albert Valente
Support: New York International Contemporary Art Society (NYICAS)
Design: Camila Crivelenti



Via Saphia Ventura

Today, the BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG) announced the execution of a carbon offset credit transaction with Microsoft. Under the terms of the agreement, TIG will provide Microsoft with up to 8 million nature-based carbon removal credits through 2043

The transaction is the largest known carbon dioxide removal credit transaction to date, according to MSCI Carbon Markets data. The credits will be delivered from TIG’s $1 billion reforestation and restoration strategy in Latin America, for which Conservation International serves as Impact Adviser to help TIG achieve positive environmental, climate, and social impacts.

The strategy focuses on the conservation, restoration, and planting of deforested and degraded properties in selected regions in Latin America, including the Cerrado biome in Brazil, one of the most biodiverse seasonally dry ecosystems in the world. Approximately half of the Cerrado has already been converted to other uses, and the biome continues to face high rates of commodity-driven deforestation.

With Conservation International’s support, the strategy aims to protect and restore approximately 135,000 hectares (more than 330,000 acres) of natural forests in deforested landscapes. The strategy also seeks to plant millions of trees in sustainably managed commercial tree farms, independently certified to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)™ standards, on another approximately 135,000 hectares of previously deforested and degraded land. To date, TIG has invested in 37 thousand hectares, and has already planted more than 7 million seedlings and initiated restoration of approximately 2,600 hectares of natural forest.

This purchase is part of Microsoft’s ambitious commitment to be carbon negative by 2030, and by 2050 to remove from the environment all historical operational emissions since the company was founded in 1975. Microsoft has a portfolio of negative emission technologies including carbon removal credits.

TIG is also conducting trainings with local communities on seed collection to support the restoration of native species. In September 2023, TIG collaborated with the Mato Grosso do Sul Native Seed Network to provide native tree seed collection training for nearby community members. Seed collection can provide new sources of income by supplying a growing restoration market.

Read the full article

Via BTG Patcual / Timberland Investment Group

For the 16th consecutive year, Latham has been recognized as one of the Best Law Firms for Women & Diversity by Seramount

The firm’s Diversity Leadership Academies, Women’s Leadership Academies, and WEB Financial Analysis Program are among the ways in which we are strengthening DEI as a distinguishing feature of our culture, and advancing DEI in our profession and communities.

Latham also remains on Seramount’s Hall of Fame, which honors firms that have been recognized on the list for at least 10 years.

Via Latham & Watkins LLP

A aquisição da trading do BTG com o grupo de private equity Riverstone está sujeita à aprovação regulatória

A Engelhart, trading de commodities do Grupo BTG Pactual (BPAC11), concordou em adquirir a britânica Trailstone para criar um grande player no mercado de energia e lucrar com a volatilidade e a transição energética.

A aquisição da trading do BTG (BPAC11) com o grupo de private equity Riverstone está sujeita à aprovação regulatória. A operação será concluída no terceiro trimestre, de acordo com a Engelhart. Contudo, a companhia não divulgou os termos ou o valor do negócio.

Fundada em 2013, a Engelhart conta com sete escritórios em cinco regiões: Pequim, Xangai, Londres, Stamford, Genebra, Houston e Singapura. Segundo o site da empresa, são 180 profissionais que atuam na negociação de ativos em energia, metais, agricultura, entre outros.

BTG Pactual (BPAC11) está perto de anunciar compra de banco em NY

A aquisição de um banco de gestão de fortunas em Nova York está próxima de ser anunciada pelo BTG Pactual (BPAC11). O intuito é expandir a presença global, disseram fontes a par do assunto, em apuração da “Bloomberg”.

O BTG planeja injetar cerca de US$ 300 milhões a US$ 350 milhões em capital no banco, após a aquisição. A utilidade da instituição seria para oferecer serviços de private banking e gestão de fortunas, bem como para negócios de banco corporativo e de investimento, de acordo com as fontes.

Anteriormente, em setembro de 2023, o BTG Pactual adquiriu também o FIS Privatbank,  localizado em Luxemburgo, sob valor de €$ 21,3 milhões, e abriu um escritório em Madrid, Espanha.

Leia a reportagem completa

Por Luiza Gonçalves via BP Money

Baker McKenzie Earns 48 Practice Area and 95 Lawyer Rankings in Chambers USA 2024 Guide

Baker McKenzie recorded 48 practice area rankings and 95 lawyer rankings in the 2024 Chambers USA Guide, up from 42 practice area and 81 lawyer rankings in 2023. The Firm received a Nationwide Band 1 ranking for Corporate/M&A: Highly Regarded, reflecting the growth and increased depth of the team across the US.

The Firm maintained its Band 1 rankings in Tax: Controversy (Nationwide, 2013-2024), Tax (California: Northern, 2016-2024), Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation (California: San Francisco, Silicon Valley & Surrounds, 2013-2024), and Tax: State & Local (New York, 2021-2024).

Chambers and Partners ranks law firms based on technical legal ability, client service, commercial vision and business understanding, diligence, value for money and depth of team. Rankings are based on interviews with clients and peers as well as firm submissions.

View the full list of ranked lawyers and new practice area rankings by clicking here

Via Baker McKenzie

Ahuno Corporation is an International Cybersecurity & Information Security Management Consulting firm specializing in Project Management and Strategy across Financial Institutions and Government/Defense Contractors.

Learn more

Juntos pelo Rio Grande do Sul

O BTG Pactual se solidariza com todos os afetados pelas enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul.
Nosso propósito de apoiar o momento de vida das pessoas e empresas se estende a situações de adversidade. Temos um grande compromisso com o Rio Grande do Sul e vamos totalizar R$ 20 milhões em doações para apoiar ações emergenciais e de regeneração do estado, além de ajudar empreendedores gaúchos na reconstrução de seus negócios.

Ações sociais

Em parceria com diversas iniciativas que atuam no Rio Grande do Sul, o BTG Pactual destinou doações a projetos sociais dedicados à reconstrução do estado.

Para conhecer as iniciativas apoiadas e para mais informações sobre doações, clique aqui.

Via BTG Pactual

Com o objetivo de atrair pessoas importantes para a causa e fortalecer a garantia dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes no Brasil, a Fundação Abrinq firmou uma parceria com a Childhood Education International, organização voltada à promoção de Educação de qualidade na infância e adolescência

A parceria é um esforço da Childhood Education International com seu Center for Business Champions. A iniciativa busca ajudar representantes de causas sociais a criarem redes de influência com agentes importantes do setor empresarial. A finalidade é formar “campeões”, que defenderão e promoverão ativamente a causa da infância e adolescência.

No caso da Fundação Abrinq, a Childhood Education International está oferecendo formações para que a organização melhore ainda mais essa frente e fortaleça o diálogo com o setor privado, tudo em vista de uma realidade melhor para as crianças e os adolescentes no país.

“Estamos entusiasmados com a ideia toda. Acreditamos que a atuação dessas lideranças é fundamental na garantia dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes, então recrutar líderes que se destacam na sociedade para abraçarem a causa é um grande passo neste sentido”, conta Victor Graça, superintendente da Fundação Abrinq.

Via Fundação Abrinq

For the second year in a row, BNY Mellon has been recognized as the top honoree at Global Custodian’s Leaders in Custody awards ceremony

The world’s leading industry publication dedicated to international securities services again named BNY Mellon Global Custodian of the Year.

Coming as BNY Mellon celebrates its 240th anniversary year, the honors are an affirmation of BNY Mellon’s status as a leader and pioneer of custody services, with $48.8 trillion in AUC/A as of March 31, 2024. Custody services are a foundational element underpinning the firm’s mission to deliver data-driven, innovative and integrated capabilities across all of its businesses. This approach ultimately delivers operational and investment alpha and resiliency to BNY Mellon’s global client base.

Emily Portney, Global Head of Asset Servicing, BNY Mellon said: “This award is a testament to BNY Mellon’s relentless client focus. We develop strong partnerships with our clients and bring the entirety of our firm to help accelerate their strategy and growth. We thank our clients for the trust they place in us and congratulate our colleagues across BNY Mellon who made this possible.”

To learn more about, click here.

Via BNY Mellon

$8 million will support establishment or expansion of child and family feeding programs over four years

Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) today announced a grant of $8 million over four years to Feeding America® in support of programs that help address child hunger and improve equitable access to food among children and underserved populations. Since 2009, Morgan Stanley’s funding for Feeding America has totaled more than $50 million, helping to deliver more than 356 million meals to children and families. Additionally, Morgan Stanley employees have volunteered more than 130,000 hours for Feeding America food banks across the U.S.

“The Morgan Stanley Foundation has supported the Feeding America network of food banks for 15 years and counting as part of our core value of giving back and our longstanding commitment to children’s health,” said Joan Steinberg, Morgan Stanley’s Global Head of Philanthropy and President of the Morgan Stanley Foundation. “We are proud to build upon this partnership and continue to fund innovative solutions that reach communities across the country at risk of food insecurity.”

To learn more, please see here

Via Morgan Stanley

Jones Day at top of BTI All-Star list for third straight year

Jones Day remains at the top of the list of BTI Consulting Group’s “Client Service All-Stars” for the third consecutive year, with seven lawyers.

BTI does not accept law firm submissions, self-referrals, or suggestions for inclusion in the report, but bases the rankings on interviews with leading legal decision makers at large organizations with over $700 million in annual revenue.

The seven Jones Day partners named as 2024 BTI Client Service All-Stars are:

  • Michael J. Gray – Labor & Employment, Global Co-Client Affairs Partner, Chicago
  • Jeffrey J. Jones (5-Year MVP) – Business & Tort Litigation, Detroit & Columbus
  • Carrie L. Kiedrowski – Intellectual Property; Technology, Cleveland
  • Laura F. Laemmle-Weidenfeld – Health Care & Life Sciences, Washington
  • Heather M. O’Shea – Practice Leader of Health Care & Life Sciences, Chicago
  • Efrat R. Schulman – Labor & Employment, Chicago
  • Peter J. Schwingler – Antitrust & Competition Law, Minneapolis & Washington

BTI research reveals five all new reasons clients single out their BTI Client Service All-Stars:

  • Ideas
  • Insights
  • First to Know.
  • Unequivocal
  • Looking Ahead

Learn more

By Jones Day

O Inter&Co espera replicar seu desempenho no Brasil nos Estados Unidos, onde está mirando brasileiros em duas das maiores cidades da Flórida, disse o presidente-executivo do banco digital. A empresa se tornou um dos principais nomes no cenário de bancos digitais do Brasil e acumulou 32 milhões de clientes

Mas nos EUA, o banco digital precisará superar os obstáculos de construir sua presença do zero em um país onde empresas do setor têm tido dificuldades para conquistar espaço contra instituições financeiras estabelecidas.

O Inter lançou operações nos EUA com uma sede em Miami em 2021 e, em maio, expandiu presença física com um “lounge” para clientes em Orlando, um ponto de concentração de imigrantes e turistas brasileiros.

Orlando é a cidade mais brasileira fora do Brasil“, disse à Reuters o presidente-executivo, João Vitor Menin. Segundo ele, o Inter tem como foco inicial brasileiros que viajam ou vivem nos EUA, para depois ampliar para outros clientes norte-americanos que queiram ter a chamada “conta global” do banco, em dólares.

Este ano, o Inter adquiriu os direitos sobre o nome do estádio de futebol de Orlando, onde atuam vários brasileiros, incluindo Marta.

O Inter tem 3,1 milhões de clientes de sua conta global, a maioria morando no Brasil, enquanto “um pouco mais” de 250 mil estão nos EUA, disse Menin.

Quando a gente pensa nesse conceito de conta global, nós precisamos estar nos EUA, porque tudo gira em torno da economia dos EUA“, disse Menin.

O executivo afirmou que o mercado norte-americano representa “uma oportunidade, e não um desafio” para a empresa.

O Inter&Co tem meta de alcançar 60 milhões de clientes até o final de 2027. Se a taxa de crescimento atual for mantida, cerca de 6 milhões desses clientes devem ter contas globais, estimou Menin, acrescentando que o banco avalia no futuro uma possível expansão ao mercado europeu.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Andre Romani e Kylie Madry via Reuters

Projeto é movido por voluntários e doações que pagam a perfuração de poços e outras ações sociais em diferentes estados do Brasil e EUA

O projeto de uma paraibana perfura poços para levar água para a população do Vale do Piancó, no Sertão da Paraíba. A organização sem fins lucrativos Love Together Brasil já perfurou mais de 58 poços que atendem escolas, hospitais, creches e comunidades rurais. Com sonhos ambiciosos, a fundadora do projeto iniciou a criação de um “oásis” educacional e esportivo contando apenas com doações de pessoas tocadas pelo projeto.

Nascida em Santana dos Garrotes, mas criada em Piancó, no Sertão da Paraíba, a paraibana Geralda Sarraf criou o projeto em 2013, mas só registrou a ONG em 2015. A sertaneja afirma que quer levar para o Sertão oportunidades que ela não teve, e se define como uma pessoa que sentiu na pele as dores dos moradores locais. “Temos que dar dignidade para o nosso povo”, afirma a fundadora.

Hoje, ela mora em Nova York, nos Estados Unidos, e explica que a organização é americana, realiza ações pontuais nos EUA, São Paulo (SP) e Brasília (DF), mas a intenção mesmo é levar água para o Sertão da Paraíba, atendendo cerca de 23 cidades vizinhas de Piancó, onde o projeto é concentrado.

Aqui no Brasil o projeto é presidido por Symony Miguel, que começou como voluntária da ONG, em 2015. Ela explica que o objetivo da Love Together Brasil é enfrentar a escassez de água que afeta toda a região. De acordo com ela, a principal ação do projeto é perfurar poços, mas também existe a atuação na defesa dos direitos sociais das crianças e adolescentes nas áreas de saúde e educação.

A criação do ‘Oásis’

A fundadora começou a construção de um “oásis” no Sertão, no último dia 1º de março. A ONG iniciou as obras do Centro Educacional, Cultural & Esportivo Oásis do Sertão, um espaço multifuncional em Piancó para prática de esportes, educação, cultura e saúde.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via g1 PB

O “AzulGPT” foi criado para trazer mais proteção de dados e eficiência operacional no cotidiano da companhia aérea

A Azul, companhia aérea brasileira, anuncia o lançamento do AzulGPT, uma plataforma de inteligência artificial generativa (IA) usando o Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service em conjunto com a Avanade. O AzulGPT representa ganhos de produtividade, processamento e análise de dados, respeitando os padrões de segurança e privacidade da empresa.

“Somos uma das primeiras companhias aéreas a adotar esse sistema no Brasil, demonstrando nosso DNA de inovação e compromisso com iniciativas que tornam a operação mais eficiente, além do cuidado do ponto de vista da proteção de dados corporativos. Com pouco tempo em funcionamento, já recebemos feedbacks positivos de áreas internas que aceleraram seus processos. Análises de feedbacks e NPS de Clientes, que antes exigiam semanas para serem categorizadas, agora são feitas em minutos”, afirmou Felipe Starling, Diretor de TI da Azul.

No dia a dia, o AzulGPT tem contribuído para a integração e compartilhamento de informações entre os Tripulantes, como são chamados todos que atuam na Azul, de diferentes bases. Naelly Oliveira, assistente de cultura e uma das mais adeptas ao produto na companhia, explica que a plataforma tem ajudado a esclarecer dúvidas sobre programas e eventos de maneira mais rápida. Além disso, tem sido importante para a construção de materiais, campanhas e formulários, reduzindo o tempo dedicado a essas tarefas em até três dias. Com isso, ela consegue direcionar mais atenção ao planejamento estratégico e criativo.

Leia o press release na íntegra

Via Azul Linhas Aéreas

Event impact goes beyond 26.2 miles supporting hundreds of organizations

The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced that the total funds raised through the 2024 Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America reached a record total of $71.9 million.

Combining funds raised through the 168 non-profit organizations in the Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program – $45.7 million – with other donations and fundraising from race participants, the 2024 total surpasses the previous record of $40.2 million set last year. This brings the total charitable fundraising since the program began in 1989 to over $550 million.

Nicole Juri, Director of Development for the B.A.A. said, “We set a high bar for our fundraising at the Boston Marathon this year and I am delighted to be able to share today that thanks to our amazing runners and supporters – we did it. This amount will have a huge impact on the Greater Boston community and all those who receive support and services from these incredible organizations.”

When it partnered with the B.A.A. to become the presenting sponsor of the Boston Marathon, Bank of America was very clear about its goal: To bring the Boston Marathon’s impact and reach to new heights – both on a national and global scale – in the years ahead. Through its My Marathoner campaign, the bank amplified the goal and mission of the Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program, helping create a platform for runners to share their stories and encourage the community to get behind their causes.

The Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program comprises nearly 10% of the Boston Marathon field size, with selected organizations utilizing their entries to recruit athletes who pledge to raise funds for their cause. A full list of organizations who were part of the 128th Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America can be found on the Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program page.

Details on how to apply to be part of the Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program for 2025 will be announced in the coming weeks.

Learn more

Via Bank of America

Global law firm DLA Piper was recognised three times at the Legal Innovation & Technology Awards 2024 held in London on 23 May

The firm was awarded the ‘Future of Legal Services Innovation’ for its disruptive and innovative approach to artificial intelligence (AI), while the DLA Design Thinking training programme bagged the award for ‘Outstanding Training Innovation’, and the Aiscension platform won the ‘Excellence in Litigation Technology’ category for its new bribery and corruption module.

DLA Piper’s winning approach to AI comprises 100+ AI-advising lawyers and data scientists revolutionising practice, collaborating with clients on innovation, liability, security, IP and ethics, influencing policy in the area and impacting the wider AI ecosystem, alongside the creation of novel legal and law-adjacent solutions under its Law& innovation arm.

The DLA Design Thinking programme was recognised for its creation and delivery of two bespoke training courses developed to embed an innovation mindset into the culture of the firm, and Aiscension’s bribery module for providing an AI-powered solution that’s faster, more accurate and more cost effective than any eDiscovery option on the market.

The prestigious awards, now in their 10th year, recognise visionary thinkers, pioneers, and game-changers who are reshaping the legal industry.

Read more here

Via DLA Piper

PwC will become the largest customer and first reseller of OpenAI’s enterprise product as part of a new deal, the accounting giant said on Wednesday, as businesses rush to adopt and capitalize on generative artificial intelligence.

PwC will roll out ChatGPT Enterprise, a version of the Microsoft-backed AI startup’s chatbot aimed at large companies. The firm will provide ChatGPT Enterprise to its 75,000 U.S. employees and 26,000 UK employees, according to the Wall Street Journal which first reported the agreement.

The OpenAI agreement builds upon PwC’s previously announced plans to invest $1 billion in generative AI technology, the company said.

OpenAI has been making efforts to add enterprise customers beyond Microsoft.

Reuters reported in April that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman hosted hundreds of Fortune 500 company executives in San Francisco, New York and London, where he and other executives pitched AI services for corporate use, going head-to-head in some cases with Microsoft.

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Via Reuters


Voltado para passageiros da aviação comercial, terminal traz novo conceito: sem filas e com experiência personalizada no embarque e desembarque

O aeroporto de Guarulhos vai passar a oferecer um novo terminal a partir do segundo semestre. Desta vez, com um novo conceito: sem filas, com exclusividade e uma experiência personalizada de embarque e desembarque.

Batizado de Terminal BTG Pactual, o empreendimento traz para a América Latina um modelo que já vem sendo usados nos principais hubs do mundo, como de Los Angeles, Londres e Dubai.

Localizado um pouco depois do Terminal 3, o terminal BTG será um espaço completo, com 5 mil metros quadrados, com entrada totalmente dedicada.

Numa espécie de evolução da sala VIP, os passageiros eles farão todos os procedimentos, do check-in à passagem pela Polícia Federal e Alfândega, sem necessidade de acessar os demais terminais. Um carro leva o usuário até o voo na hora do embarque e já o aguarda na chegada, no caso de desembarque.

O valor de lançamento será de US$ 590, com desconto de até 20% para clientes que têm cartão do BTG Pactual.  Um serviço de concierge acompanha o passageiro desde a inscrição.

Um fundo de capital privado gerido pelo BTG Pactual está investindo R$ 80 milhões no empreendimento – na estreia do banco, já tradicional em outros segmentos de infraestrutura, no setor aeroportuário.

Além da maior agilidade no embarque, o novo terminal terá lounges privativos e salas de reuniões: tanto voltadas para a pista, para quem quer estar perto do embarque, quanto no que chama de face ‘terra’, para os passageiros que querem se encontrar com outras pessoas que não vão viajar.

Em construção há cerca de um ano, o Terminal está em fase final e deve ser inaugurado na segunda metade do ano, mas ainda sem data exata.

A previsão é que, no primeiro ano, o Terminal BTG Pactual receba cerca de 36 mil usuários ou cerca de 100 usuários por dia – com a concentração variando de acordo em diferentes horários, de acordo com os voos.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Natalia Viri via Exame Insight

Como você imagina o mundo daqui a 10 ou 20 anos? Seja sua visão mais ou menos otimista, é muito provável que seus pensamentos tenham transitado por alguma questão que envolva o meio ambiente e as mudanças climáticas

E não é a toa, afinal, os temas relacionados a um planeta mais sustentável estão cada vez mais em evidência em todos os setores da sociedade, inclusive nos negócios. Pensar em uma economia verde, inclusiva e de baixo carbono é uma visão estratégica muito importante para qualquer empresa que esteja comprometida com uma agenda ASG. No Banco do Brasil não é diferente.

No final de agosto de 2023, o BB divulgou seus “Compromissos BB 2030 para um Mundo + Sustentável”,  uma atualização do documento lançado em 2021 e que listava as metas para promoção de negócios sustentáveis, investimentos e gestão responsáveis, dentro e fora do BB.

Agora são 12 compromissos que ampliam as metas e objetivos alinhados aos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável propostos pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), e impactam positivamente os negócios gerados pelo banco, a sociedade, a economia e o mundo inteiro.

Quais são os novos compromissos do BB pela sustentabilidade?

No documento de 2021, os compromissos do BB estavam distribuídos por três eixos temáticos: Negócios Sustentáveis, Investimento Responsável e Gestão ASG. Agora, o BB acredita em quatro, com a adição do eixo Impactos Positivos na Cadeia de Valor.

Outra atualização foi na quantidade de desafios, passando de 10 para 12 compromissos. Até 2025, o BB promoverá a Inclusão Financeira e o Reflorestamento e a Conservação Ambiental.

As metas a serem atingidas são:
– Renegociar dívidas de 2,5 milhões de clientes com renda de até dois salários;
– Alcançar um milhão de empreendedores com créditos;
– Alcançar um milhão de hectares conservados ou reflorestados;
– Reforçar práticas que promovam a recuperação de pastagens e áreas degradadas e assegurem o desmatamento ilegal zero nos financiamentos BB.

Se você gostou e quer saber o que mais  o BB tem feito pelas causas sustentáveis, você pode conferir mais sobre as ações em:

Leia a reportagem completa em Blog BB

Cleary Gottlieb received three International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Americas Awards 2024 at IFLR’s annual awards ceremony, recently held in New York.

Cleary was recognized with the following awards:

Notably, this is the 10th year in a row that Cleary has been recognized for advising on the Restructuring Deal of the Year.

The IFLR Americas Awards focus on legal innovation through dealmaking and celebrate work that improves the cross-border investment environment.

Learn more about the awards here.

Via Clearly Gottlieb

Copa Airlines, a subsidiary of Copa Holdings, S.A. and a member of the Star Alliance global airline network, announces the start of operations, in June of this year, to three new destinations: Tulum, Mexico, Florianopolis in Brazil, and Raleigh-Durham in North Carolina, United States. With the addition of these routes, Copa Airlines expands its network to 85 destinations in 32 countries across Central, South, North America, and the Caribbean.

  • With the addition of Raleigh-Durham, the airline strengthens its presence in the United States, reaching a total of 16 destinations in that market.
  • Florianopolis, the “Island of Magic,” becomes Copa Airlines’ 7th destination in Brazil, the primary air market in Latin America.
  • The new route to Tulum, Mexico, consolidates the airline’s presence in Mexico with five destinations, providing a faster and more convenient alternative for traveling to this renowned tourist destination in the Riviera Maya.

With the aim of expanding its connectivity in the important Brazilian market, starting from June 25, Copa Airlines will fly to the city of Florianopolis, the capital of the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. Known as the “Island of Magic” for its more than 100 stunning beaches with crystal-clear waters and white sands, this city offers a rich culture and Azorean architecture, along with natural diversity encompassing ecotourism, trails, and natural parks. Considered one of the friendliest capitals in the country, Florianopolis is a true paradise for surfing enthusiasts.

The city of Florianopolis becomes the seventh destination for the airline in Brazil. Copa Airlines’ flight to Florianopolis will initially operate with three weekly frequencies on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Departing at 3:23 p.m. from Panama (local time) and arriving at Hercilio Luz International Airport at 12:22 a.m. (local time). The return flight will depart from Florianopolis at 1:25 a.m., reaching Panama at 6:30 a.m. (local time) on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Mondays.

Passengers interested in traveling to or from the cities of Tulum, Florianópolis, and Raleigh-Durham can make their reservations at, sales offices, and the call center.

Maintaining its leadership in the region, Copa Airlines was recognized by the renowned company Cirium as the “Most Punctual Airline in Latin America in 2023,” achieving an on-time arrival rate of 89.46% and an on-time departure rate of 91.71% for the year. This recognition, placing us among the top 3 most punctual airlines globally, has been awarded by Cirium on nine occasions.

Learn more

Via Aviator


Simpson Thacher was named “Equity Team of the Year” at the IFLR Americas Awards 2024. The Firm was recognized for its work advising on numerous complex cross-border capital markets matters over the past year, including Ambipar Response’s de-SPAC with HPX Corp., the U.S. IPO and NYSE listing of Vesta, and a R$1.7 billion follow-on offering by Diagnósticos da América, among others.

The IFLR Americas Awards honor the region’s most legally innovative cross-border transactions of the year, as well as the teams and firms behind them. To see the full list of winners, please click here (subscription required).

Via Simpson Thacher

Broadening our ambition in greenhouse gas reduction

Standard Chartered enhances net zero roadmap with commitment to deliver methane (CH4) emissions reduction target. A methane target aligns with our focus on reducing carbon dioxide-related (CO2) financed emissions and supports our ambition to be net zero by 2050. The Group has committed to set a baseline and identify a science-based target for sector-specific methane emissions by 2025.

Following our 2023 Annual Report and in line with our position statements, we have updated our approach to greenhouse gas emissions reduction by turning our attention to the methane emissions resulting from client activities. This new target, applicable to the oil and gas sector, builds on best practice and the stated ambition of leaders in the industry to address methane emissions, as outlined at COP28.

The monitoring and reporting of methane emissions remains nascent. When compared with the equivalent carbon dioxide emission profile, the impact of methane emissions is significantly higher, with estimates placing it at more than 25 times more potent, making it a critical lever in seeking to mitigate climate change. By taking action on methane-related emissions, Standard Chartered will work alongside its clients in transition to address a broader base of greenhouse gas emissions and seek outcomes that align with the Paris Agreement.

Read the full article

Via Standard Chartered



DataminerAI accelerates incident response, assesses risk, predicts cost and streamlines review process

Kroll, the leading independent provider of global risk and financial advisory solutions, expands its document review capabilities with DataminerAI to immediately pinpoint where sensitive data is located, providing faster, more efficient and affordable data mining. The technology optimizes incident response investigations and is available to all insurance carriers, law firms, and incident response providers seeking more efficient document review.

As the world’s leader in incident response, Kroll partnered with eDiscovery services provider, Dauntless Discovery, to develop DataminerAI. It leverages large language models (LLM) to rapidly analyze data sets of all sizes to find sensitive data and categorize it for immediate analysis, extraction and review. The AI technology handles both structured and unstructured data to increase review efficiency and accuracy. DataminerAI provides customized workflows based on its findings and delivers solutions which reduce the need for manual review. This saves time and money typically associated with data mining and customers receive impact assessment reports faster.

About Kroll
As the leading independent provider of risk and financial advisory solutions, Kroll leverages our unique insights, data and technology to help clients stay ahead of complex demands. Kroll’s team of over 6,500 professionals worldwide continues the firm’s nearly 100-year history of trusted expertise spanning risk, governance, transactions and valuation. Our advanced solutions and intelligence provide clients the foresight they need to create an enduring competitive advantage. At Kroll, our values define who we are and how we partner with clients and communities.

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A quarta edição do Análise Advocacia Regional reconheceu o BMA como um dos escritórios full-service mais admirados do Estado de São Paulo.

O guia, organizado pelo Análise Editorial, avalia os escritórios mais admirados em 22 estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal. São mais de 1.000 escritórios participantes, distribuídos em 110 cidades brasileiras. A pesquisa conta com a participação de heads dos departamentos jurídicos, financeiros e os responsáveis setoriais das maiores empresas do país.

Este reconhecimento é fruto da nossa atuação multidisciplinar em busca de soluções inovadoras para os desafios do mercado.

Parabenizamos todo o Time BMA por mais essa conquista e pelo trabalho desenvolvido ao longo do último ano, que possibilitou o reconhecimento de variados players do mercado, a quem agradecemos a confiança em nosso escritório.

Via BMA Advogados

The financial super app aims to serve as a central hub for Latinos and Brazilians living in Florida

Inter&Co (NASDAQ: INTR), the financial super app serving over 31 million customers across the Americas, announced the launch of its first Inter&Co Lounge in the United States, located at 5407 International Drive in Orlando, Florida. The grand opening event took place Friday, May 10th, 2024.

Last week’s inaugural ceremony was graced by distinguished guests, including a prominent audience from Exploria Resorts, Visit Orlando, the Orlando Economic Partnership, among others. Notable figures such as John Hugh “Buddy” Dyer, Mayor of Orlando, Commissioner of Orlando’s District Six Bakari F. Burns, and Brazilian Ambassador João Lucas Quental, Consulate General of Brazil in Orlando, were among the esteemed attendees, marking a pivotal moment for the city of Orlando.

With a considerable Brazilian community of over 105,000 residing in the vibrant state of Florida as per World Population Review, and welcoming over 1 million Brazilians visitors annually, the inaugural Inter&Co Lounge aims to cater specifically to their needs. Serving as a central hub, clients and partners can access services such as money transfers, consultations with financial specialists, and mortgage assistance, among others.

The grand opening event featured a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the formal launch of the location, followed by a showcase of the latest offerings. Around 50 attendees had the opportunity to engage with the Inter&Co team and local dignitaries, exploring the lounge’s unique selection, and enjoying catered refreshments.

“We are thrilled to double down on our commitment to the Orlando community with the opening of our inaugural Inter&Co Lounge on International Drive,” said João Vitor Menin, CEO of Inter&Co. “This expansion underscores our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our customers and offering them a convenient experience tailored to their preferences.”


Read the full article

Via Inter&Co


Star Alliance member United Airlines is gearing up for its busiest Memorial Day weekend in the carrier’s history, with an astounding three million passengers expected onboard. This represents a 5% increase compared to last year.

Each day between May 23 and 28, more than half a million travelers will check-in, head to the airport, and then take a flight with the Chicago-based carrier. This number of passengers represents up to three takeoffs every minute, reaching 4,400 flights daily over the holiday period. With 25,000 more passengers per day than witnessed over Spring Break this year, the airline expects the busiest day as May 23, which will see 520,000 booked to travel.

Popular destinations

Escaping somewhere warm seems to be at the top of everyone’s Memorial Day travel list, with Orlando and Las Vegas remaining popular domestic choices; however, heading south of the border, the Mexican destinations of Oaxaca International Airport (OAX) and Tampico International Airport (TAM) seeing a 30% increase in demand, both of these destinations are served directly to Houston Intercontinental (IAH), by United, with Oaxaca only having international competition from close neighbor American Airlines, witit’s’s direct service to Dallas Fort/Worth.

Further afield, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Tokyo Narita, Japan, have seen year-on-year double-digit growth across the Memorial Day weekend.

Read the full article

By Aaron Bailey via SimpleFlying

Join DLA Piper in São Paulo for networking and cocktails

Please join us as we celebrate the opening of DLA Piper’s office in Brazil. Our team works as a foreign legal consultancy practice under US law to serve Brazilian and international companies with cross-border matters.

For registration, please contact


As bases da companhia em Foz do Iguaçu, no Paraná, e em Navegantes, em Santa Catarina, são os mais recentes terminais a adotar o APU Zero – iniciativa que reduz o uso de querosene das aeronaves em solo em mais de 70%

A Azul Linhas Aéreas, em parceria com o Aeroporto Internacional de Foz do Iguaçu/Cataratas, no Paraná, e o Aeroporto Internacional de Navegantes – Ministro Victor Konder, em Santa Catarina, iniciou a aplicação de um conjunto de ações para minimizar o uso do APU durante o embarque e desembarque dos voos da companhia. Com essa medida, dois dos mais relevantes aeroportos do Sul do país passam a fazer parte do grupo de 20 bases que contribuem para a diminuição de até 73% no consumo de querosene das aeronaves enquanto estão em solo.

O Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), ou Unidade Auxiliar de Energia, é um motor auxiliar localizado na cauda de alguns aviões, utilizado para manter os sistemas operacionais quando a aeronave está em solo. Graças ao programa e ao apoio dos aeroportos, os voos da Azul, ao aterrissarem, são prontamente conectados a uma fonte externa de energia elétrica e ar-condicionado, proporcionando conforto aos Clientes durante o embarque e desembarque, sem a necessidade de acionar o APU e consumir combustível.

O APU Zero, que já completa dois anos, teve o Aeroporto de Viracopos (VCP), em Campinas (SP), como pioneiro em abril de 2022.

Nesses dois anos de operação, a Azul economizou 50 milhões de litros de QAV (Querosene de Aviação), o equivalente a 20 mil voos entre os aeroportos de Congonhas (SP) e Santos Dumont (RJ). O programa também contribuiu para a redução de 128 mil toneladas de CO2, desempenhando um papel crucial na preservação ambiental e na mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Essa diminuição corresponde à absorção de CO2 por cerca de 5,8 bilhões de árvores em um ano.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Por Luiz Fara Monteiro via Notícias R7


Launched on May 1, 2024, A&O Shearman demonstrates a longstanding commitment to the Brazilian economy, as evidenced by its legacy firms. Our team works with lawyers across our global network, continuing to pioneer and refine financial products, catering to Brazil’s dynamic market trends and delivering exceptional outcomes for our clients in Brazil and across Latin America. We have extensive expertise in capital markets, project development and finance (including in the infrastructure, energy, mining and agriculture sectors), M&A, corporate governance, dispute resolution and investigations, and are recognized for our innovative approach to complex legal challenges. Our team possesses deep knowledge of the Brazilian market and its legal nuances, Brazil’s diverse cultures and the forces shaping its political, regulatory and economic landscape.

Learn more about A&O Shearman

KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax, and advisory firm, published its 2024 U.S. Impact Plan reporting the firm’s efforts and related metrics in environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and robust governance practices for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023. This report details KPMG’s ongoing commitment to these areas since the release of its inaugural report in 2022.

Each year, the KPMG U.S. Impact Plan highlights the firm’s continued investments and accountability across four key pillars: People, Planet, Prosperity, and Principles of Governance. These pillars serve as the cornerstones of our business and are instrumental in driving our ongoing success as an industry leader.

Key highlights include:

1. PEOPLE: Empowering KPMG professionals and fostering their well-being, with a focus on 4 key areas

Growing capabilities, Working smart, Leading at every level, and Thrive@KPMG

2. PLANET: Reducing the firm’s greenhouse gas emissions

28% reduction in the sum of the firm’s scope 1 and 2 emissions since 2019 and more

3. PROSPERITY: Creating a world with equity and access to opportunity for all

$17.4 million in funds to organizations in support of the KPMG U.S. Foundation’s mission and vision of a world underscored by equity and access to opportunity and more

4. PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNANCE: Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI)

Over the course of 2023, KPMG made generative AI capabilities available to all of its professionals and provided training and development offerings to help them effectively harness the technology to enhance the quality of client services and improve their own experience at the firm

“This work serves as the foundation for how we make the difference at KPMG and reflects our dedication to creating long-term value for our people, clients, society and the planet,” said KPMG U.S. Deputy Chair and COO Laura Newinski. “Through our journey, we aim to inspire others to take action and embrace sustainable practices by sharing insights that can empower others to make a positive impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.”

Read the 2024 KPMG U.S.Impact Plan

Learn more via KPMG

Global law firm Baker McKenzie and Estudio Echecopar, member firm of Baker & McKenzie International, have been shortlisted for a total of 22 Women in Business Law Americas Awards for 2024

The awards, launched in 2011, recognize the ground-breaking achievements by leading women lawyers across the Americas, as well as the most progressive law firms and in-house teams whose policies and initiatives support women in the practice of law. Baker McKenzie and Estudio Echecopar were also shortlisted in several law firm award categories. The full listing is available here.

Winners will be announced on June 13th at an in-person ceremony at the Union League Club in New York.

See the full listing

Via Baker McKenzie

The BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG) announced that it has finalized fundraising for BTF II, with equity commitments, including co-investments, totaling US$ 1.24 billion, exceeding its target size.

BTF II focuses on mature timberland assets in well-established markets in Chile, Uruguay and Brazil and has already deployed a significant amount of its committed capital into five investments, diversified across geography, climatic zones, species, and end-markets.

“We are pleased to announce the final close for our core Latin America commercial timberland strategy, which seeks to capitalize on the region’s unique, secular attributes including ideal growing conditions, one of the most technologically advanced and productive forest industries in the world, and strong domestic markets for many forest products,” said Gerrity Lansing, Managing Director, Partner and Head of International Private Markets at BTG Pactual.


The BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG) is one of the world’s largest timberland managers with US$ 6.9 billion assets and commitments and nearly 3 million acres under management throughout the U.S. and Latin America (as of Q1, 2024).

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Via Business Wire

DLA Piper announces 63 lawyers have been promoted to its partnership. The promotions are effective as of 1 April in the United States and Canada, and 1 May for EMEA and Asia Pacific. Promotions have been made across all the firm’s practice areas, spanning 37 offices in 18 countries

Globally, Litigation has the largest intake of new partners, with 16 promotions; followed by Corporate with 13; 11 in Finance, Projects and Restructuring; and 10 in Intellectual Property & Technology. Other practice groups include Employment and Real Estate with four promotions each, Tax and Regulatory & Government Affairs with two promotions each and Pro Bono, with one new promotion.

Regionally, the US has the highest number of promotions with 20 new partners, followed by Continental Europe with 17 and Asia and the Middle East with two each. Other countries include the UK with 10, Canada with seven, New Zealand with three, and Australia with two.

Simon Levine, International Managing Partner and Global Co-CEO, commented: “This year’s promotions come at a time of exciting innovation in the legal sector on priority topics like ESG and AI. By acting as trusted business partners to our clients and by living our firm’s values of being supportive, collaborative, bold and exceptional, this cohort has contributed significantly to the success of our firm. I congratulate them all.”

Read the full list of partner promotions by office and practice

Via DLA Piper

Debevoise & Plimpton LLP has been named “Trademark Disputes Firm of the Year” at the 2024 Managing IP Americas Awards in recognition of the firm’s leading work on trademark-related disputes throughout the United States during the past year.

Additionally, Managing IP named David H. Bernstein, Chair of the Intellectual Property Litigation Group, to the “Litigator of the Year – New York” shortlist.

The Managing IP Awards program recognizes remarkable achievements and developments in the last year. It is one of the most comprehensive and widely respected IP law firm awards programs in the world and covers a broad range of IP practice areas and more than 30 jurisdictions.

The Debevoise Intellectual Property Litigation Group handles a wide variety of cases around the world, including trademark, trade dress and advertising disputes; copyright matters in media and entertainment; domain name and Internet disputes; right of publicity issues; and unfair competition, trade secret and patent cases.

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Via Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Na segunda-feira (22/04), o Ministro dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania, Silvio Almeida, esteve presente em São Paulo – SP, na sede da Fundação Abrinq, para discutir estratégias de fortalecimento das políticas públicas em prol das crianças e dos adolescentes no País. Acompanhado pelo Secretário Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente, Cláudio Vieira, o ministro enfatizou a importância da cooperação entre os diferentes setores da sociedade para garantir avanços significativos na área.

Durante o encontro, Silvio Almeida destacou a necessidade de união de esforços entre o setor público, o setor privado e as organizações da sociedade civil para enfrentar os desafios e promover o desenvolvimento integral das crianças e dos adolescentes. Outro ponto abordado foi o direito de brincar, que Silvio Almeida considera essencial para o desenvolvimento saudável das crianças. Ele enfatizou a importância da Lei do Direito de Brincar e expressou sua preocupação com as crianças que são privadas desse direito.

O encontro entre o Ministro Silvio Almeida e a Fundação Abrinq representa mais um passo na construção de parcerias sólidas e efetivas em prol da defesa dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes no Brasil.

Fundação Abrinq e IBGE discutem estratégias para cooperação técnica

No dia 19 de abril, a Fundação Abrinq e o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) realizaram um encontro para iniciar conversas sobre possíveis formas de cooperação técnica. O foco principal da reunião foi a preocupação compartilhada sobre o impacto da juventude que não trabalha nem estuda na mão de obra e no crescimento do país nas próximas décadas.

Marcio Pochmann, presidente do IBGE, expressou a importância de compreender as causas deste fenômeno, afirmando que a força de trabalho do futuro já está em formação. “A mão de obra que atuará daqui a 50 anos já nasceu; desse modo, o Instituto se preocupa em descobrir as causas do desinteresse dos jovens pelo trabalho e estudo e ajudar o país a encontrar maneiras de solucionar esse problema”.

Já Rubens Naves, conselheiro da Fundação Abrinq, apresentou as iniciativas da organização. Naves ressaltou a importância de envolver os jovens que não estão inseridos em atividades educacionais ou de trabalho, destacando seu potencial para o futuro do país.

Leia a notícia na íntegra

Via Fundação Abrinq

Enlaza Therapeutics’ drugs form covalent bonds that lock the therapy onto its target. With cancer as its initial focus, the startup contends its approach could offer safety and efficacy advantages compared to currently available targeted therapies.

Treating cancer with medicines that tightly attach to their targets via covalent bonds is not a new concept in drug discovery, but it is picking up pace. Some companies are trying to improve this approach as they employ covalency to address elusive targets. These efforts, at least the publicly known ones, are focused on small molecules. Enlaza Therapeutics is working to bring covalency to biologic therapies and it has raised $100 million for efforts that include work in one of the hottest areas of cancer drug research.

The Series A financing announced Tuesday was led by the life sciences group of J.P. Morgan.

Besides J.P. Morgan, other participants in Enlaza’s new financing include earlier investors Frazier Life Sciences, Avalon Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and Samsara BioCapital. New investors in the startup include Amgen Ventures, Regeneron Ventures, Bregua Corporation, Pappas Capital, and Alexandria Venture Investments.

Learn the full article

By Frank Vinluan Via MedCity News

Inter&Co (NASDAQ: INTR), the company that controls Banco Inter in Brazil and the subsidiary Inter&Co Payments, is the pioneering financial super app serving over 30 million customers across the Americas.

The Inter ecosystem offers a broad array of services, including banking, investments, mortgages, credit, insurance, and cross-border tools. The super app also boasts a dynamic marketplace, linking consumers with shopping discounts, cashback rewards, and exclusive access to marquee events across the globe. The company is expanding rapidly, as evidenced by its naming rights sponsorship of Orlando’s professional soccer venue, now called Inter&Co Stadium. Focused on innovation and captivating member experiences, Inter&Co delivers comprehensive financial and lifestyle solutions to meet the evolving needs of modern consumers.

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Autoridades em proteção de dados do Brasil e da Colômbia palestraram durante a PrivacyRules 2024

No dia 11 de abril de 2024, TozziniFreire Advogados – um dos maiores escritórios full-service do Brasil – recebeu conferência sobre os desafios de proteção de dados e conformidade na América Latina. Entre os palestrantes estavam os representantes das autoridades de proteção de dados da Colômbia e do Brasil, respectivamente, Grenfieth Sierra (Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio – SIC) e Kátia Cardoso (Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados – ANPD).

O evento foi dividido em três painéis, seguido por um momento para perguntas e respostas dos participantes. Luiza Sato, sócia de TozziniFreire Advogados, e Stella Vanegas, sócia-fundadora do escritório Vanegas Morales Consultores, apresentaram o objetivo e deram início à conferência.

“Foi admirável a participação da comunidade de Proteção de Dados representada por profissionais de diversos países da América Latina, incluindo as autoridades de proteção de dados do Brasil e Colômbia, unidos para discutir temas de tão alta relevância. É imprescindível trabalhar juntos e unir esforços, a fim de construir um mundo movido a dados que seja saudável, seguro e sustentável”, relata Luiza Sato.

Saiba mais

Publicação produzida pelas Áreas Cybersecurity & Data Privacy via TozziniFreire Advogados

From chatbots to pilot announcements, AI is starting to gain traction

When you board a United Airlines plane, the gate agents, flight attendants and others involved in making sure your plane leaves on time are in a chatroom coordinating a lot of the work that you, as a passenger, will hopefully never notice. Is there still space for carry-on bags? Did the caterer bring the missing orange juice? Is there a way to seat a family together?

When a flight is delayed, a message with an explanation will arrive by text and in the United app. Most of the time, that message is generated by AI. Meanwhile, in offices around the world, dispatchers are looking at this real-time data to ensure that the crew can still legally fly the plane without running afoul of FAA regulations. And only a few weeks ago, United turned on its AI customer service chatbot.

Jason Birnbaum, who became United’s CIO in 2022, manages a team of over 1,500 employees and about 2,000 contractors who are responsible for all of the tech that makes this happen.

Every flight has an AI story

United is quite bullish on AI, Birnbaum said. “I think the travel industry has so many different examples of where AI can be used both for the customer and for the employees.” One of those is United’s “Every flight has a story.”

Not that long ago, it was rather typical to get a notification when a flight was delayed, but no further information about it. Maybe the incoming flight was delayed. Maybe there was a maintenance issue. A few years ago, United started using agents to write short notices that explained the delay and sent those out through its app and as text messages. Now, pulling in data from its chat app and other sources, the vast majority of these messages are written by AI.

AI for pilots?

After creating the system that automatically writes the delay “stories” in the app, Birnbaum’s team is now thinking about where it can use the same generative AI technology. One area: those short briefings pilots usually give before takeoff.

“A pilot actually came up to me and said, ‘One of the things that some pilots are great at is getting on that speaker and saying, “Hey, welcome, everybody going to Las Vegas, blah blah.”’ And he said, ‘Some pilots are introverted; could you have an AI engine that helps me generate an announcement on the plane about where I’m going so that I could give a really good announcement about what’s happening?’ And I thought that was a great use case.”

Another area where generative AI may help pilots is in summarizing complex technical documents. But as Birnbaum rightly noted, everything that involves the pilot flying the plane is heavily structured and regulated, so it’ll be a while before the airline will launch anything there.

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By Frederic Lardinois via TechCrunch

The Truth & Trust Advisory Team transcends the traditional role of real estate agent, serving as dream architects devoted to transforming every transaction into a seamless experience

We are committed to transparency and building trust with our clients, always eager to offer access to exclusive properties and innovative sales solutions.

More so, we build personal relationships with our clients, sharing unforgettable moments with them while exploring NYC and assisting them in navigating the sales process.

Learn more about Truth & Trust Advisory Team or contact

With over 10 years of history, Apex is a platform for solid and structured investments and financial services that operates in the areas of Asset Management, Advisory, Investment Banking, and Research – being a reference in serving large corporations, institutional investors, and clients with consolidated wealth.

Through a strong proprietary distribution capacity, we offer structured products for the Brazilian regional markets, where capital is allocated. Today, the company is present in Espírito Santo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina, where it has established offices and more than 150 employees aligned with a unique culture.

In recent years, we have expanded around our core operations, building a resilient thesis even in the face of the challenging economic cycles faced by Brazil in the last decade. All this because we decided to explore the potential of the Brazilian regional markets, especially in states that have grown – significantly – above the national average.

The coming years will be even more promising. The path that will lead to becoming the leading Brazilian regional investment bank by 2030 is increasingly guided by a unified regional structure, always maintaining a commitment to the excellence and success of our clients.

Learn more about Apex Partners

Edu Lyra and Gerando Falcões International invite you to Benefit Dinner New York 2024

Join us in our mission to raise critical funds by purchasing tickets or making a donation.

Don’t miss out on our online silent auction, closing at 10pm on May 13th.

Monday, May 13th
Cocktails 6pm
Seated Dinner 7pm

230 Fifth Rooftop
At 1150 Broadway
New York, NY 10001

Dress Code
Business Casual


Get tickets here or make a donation.

For any questions, please reach out to us at

Thank you for your continued support!

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Via Gerando Falcões

Cushman & Wakefield announced that the real estate services firm has earned the designation of VETS Indexes 5 Star Employer in the 2024 VETS Indexes Employer Awards. The award recognizes the organization’s commitment to recruiting, hiring, retaining, developing and supporting veterans and the military-connected community

“The extraordinary efforts of Cushman & Wakefield to hire, retain and support veterans and the military-connected community have earned the organization one of our highest awards,” said George Altman, President of VETS Indexes

This year, a record 344 organizations submitted completed surveys for the VETS Indexes Employer Awards, an increase of more than 100 from last year and nearly triple the number from two years ago. Of those, VETS Indexes recognized 285 organizations across the following award levels: 5 Star Employer, 4 Star Employer, 3 Star Employer and Recognized Employer.

This in-depth survey and recognition program analyzes employers’ policies, practices and outcomes in detail, across the following 5 categories:

  • Veteran job candidate recruiting and hiring
  • Veteran employee development and retention
  • Veteran-inclusive policies and culture
  • Support for members of the National Guard and Reserves
  • Military spouse/family support

For more information, click here.

Via Business Wire

King & Spalding, which received The American Lawyer’s Best Law Firm of the Year award in late 2023, has achieved notable success in recent years, growing its revenue and profits, key offices and international presence, all without a merger

Its financial growth was particularly remarkable during the pandemic, as the litigation powerhouse targeted growth across the energy, food and beverage, and health care sectors when other industries were stagnant, according to one analysis.

The Atlanta-founded firm steadily increased its revenues over the years before breaking the $2 billion mark in 2022—and will top that mark and other metrics in 2023, said longtime chairman Robert Hays in an interview this month. The firm’s revenue growth has consistently beaten the Am Law 100 collective growth rate each year for the past several years.

King & Spalding has expanded in major U.S. markets like New York and in growing international regions like Saudi Arabia throughout the year, said Hays, who has served as chairman since 2006 and was reelected earlier this month (January, 2024).

King & Spalding beat out seven other firms for the Best Law Firm of the Year award and also won awards for Attorney of the Year (Sally Yates), and Best Client-Law Firm Team (King & Spalding and Blackstone Credit). It was a finalist for Managing Partner of the Year (Robert Hays), Best Provider Collaboration, Litigation Department of the Year for Product Liability, and Georgia Litigation Department of the Year.

The report also stated that “energy was the only bright spot” in the stagnant economy during the pandemic and King & Spalding was among firms that “made sustained investments in talent depth and market reputation” in that sector.

Regional to Global

Hays, in the interview, cited an award factor mentioned during the presentation ceremony in New York: the firm’s history in recent decades of moving from being a regional firm to a “national
and global firm.”

King & Spalding expanded from its “flagship” Atlanta office in 1989, to 13 U.S. and 10 foreign offices with more than 1,300 lawyers today, according to firm information.

In 2023, after years of operating offices in the United Arab Emirates, the firm’s longtime affiliation with a local firm led to Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Justice awarding King & Spalding a foreign law license.

Click here to learn more

Via ALM Global


New partners set to boost strategic areas and business development at the firm, whose partner count now rises to 144

Mattos Filho has announced seven lawyers have been promoted to the firm’s partnership. The new partners work across six different practice areas: Litigation & Arbitration, Finance, Asset Management Services & Investment Funds, Infrastructure & Energy, Corporate/M&A, and Tax.

With a keen eye on the demands of the most diverse sectors of the economy and the needs of the market, the promotion of lawyers follows the strategy of expanding business development, as well as generating opportunities and developing internal talents.

Six of the seven new partners are women. In the last five years, internal partner promotions at the firm have been practically even in terms of men (31) and women (29) – 52% and 48%, respectively. This statistic reflects Mattos Filho’s push to offer equal opportunities and develop female leadership at the firm.

The new partners are listed below (alphabetical order):

  • Joana Pimentel – Corporate/M&A – São Paulo;
  • Ligia Godoy – Litigation & Arbitration – São Paulo;
  • Marcelo Guimarães – Tax – São Paulo;
  • Maria Fernanda Fidalgo – Asset Management Services & Investment Funds – São Paulo;
  • Natalia De Santis – Finance – Rio de Janeiro;
  • Natália Mauad – Infrastructure & Energy – São Paulo;
  • Natalie Matos – Tax – São Paulo.

Learn more

Via Mattos Filho

Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, one of Brazil’s three major carriers, announced it would relaunch operations from its hub at Aeroporto Internacional de Recife-Guararapes to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale

Azul is Brazil’s largest carrier by number of flights and destinations served. Founded in 2008 by David Neeleman, the carrier has grown rapidly and become the airline many Brazilians consider the best in the nation. Compared to LATAM Brasil, its international long-haul operations are limited, with only four cities served: two in the United States and two in Europe.

The airline announced that from June 5, it would be resuming flights from its hub at Aeroporto Internacional de Recife-Gurarapes to Orlando International Airport and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Flights were suspended last month due to capacity restraints with its widebody fleet, but with the acquisition of new (to the airline) aircraft, Azul can resume flights just three months after suspending them.

Unlike most routes from the United States, where aircraft remain on the ground in Brazil for the entire day before flying back to the US overnight, Azul will fly to the US during the day, and its return legs will operate overnight.

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Reporting by Lukas Souza via Simple Flying

BNY Mellon, the global financial services company, is collaborating with Accenture, a leading professional services company, to modernize financial services offerings with an initial focus on data management and analytics product development and delivery.

Combining Accenture’s data, AI, and platform engineering expertise with BNY Mellon’s comprehensive financial data and analytics services will help accelerate the introduction of new services across private markets and wealth management technology, as well as support expansion into new markets. With the expertise and platforms to help clients achieve their goals, BNY Mellon will also work with Accenture to create exceptional client experiences. The two companies plan to further collaborate on bringing the newly developed services to market in the future to transform the financial services industry.

The collaboration of Accenture and BNY Mellon is the latest announcement by BNY Mellon as part of its technology and ecosystem strategy focused on building new solutions to help its clients grow their businesses. BNY Mellon’s Data & Analytics business recently announced a strategic alliance with Microsoft, focused on transforming the capital markets through leading data management solutions for its buy-side and sell-side clients.

About BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon is a global financial services company that helps make money work for the world — managing it, moving it and keeping it safe. For 240 years we have partnered alongside our clients, putting our expertise and platforms to work to help them achieve their ambitions. Today we help over 90% of Fortune 100 companies and nearly all the top 100 banks globally access the money they need. We support governments in funding local projects and work with over 90% of the top 100 pension plans to safeguard investments for millions of individuals, and so much more. As of December 31, 2023, we oversee $47.8 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration and $2.0 trillion in assets under management.

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By Jessica Thomas via BNY Mellon

Brazil’s Cutrale group, a leading global supplier of orange juice, will invest 500 million real ($100.55 million) to plant the fruit in Mato Grosso do Sul state in a bid to expand into regions with lower pressure from greening disease, according to state authorities.

The cureless disease has partly damaged trees in Brazil and destroyed most of them in the United States, causing orange juice prices to skyrocket.

The government of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil’s center-west, said the company will plant 5,000 hectares with oranges in the town of Sidrolandia, according to a statement late on Wednesday.

Mato Grosso do Sul said Cutrale is expected to plant 1.73 million orange trees on irrigated fields there, adding in the future the company could set up a processing facility in the area.

Cutrale confirmed to Reuters it “met with the government of Mato Grosso do Sul to discuss investments in the region’s citrus industry.” But the company added it could not elaborate on the tentative project, making the timeline for implementation of the fields unclear.

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Reporting by Roberto Samora; Writing by Ana Mano; Editing by Aurora Ellis via Reuters

Com a compra, o Banco Master passa a atender mais de 10,5 milhões de clientes

O Banco Master anunciou, na sexta-feira (23/02), a aquisição do will bank, banco digital que conta com mais de seis milhões de clientes e forte presença no Nordeste. Com a negociação, o Master passa a ser majoritário no banco digital, que tem também o fundo de private equity da XP como sócio.

Desta forma, o Banco Master passa a atender mais de 10,5 milhões de clientes e espera expandir a base do will bank, oferecendo cartão de crédito, seguros e outros serviços, de acordo com o comunicado enviado pela companhia ao mercado.

“Com a aquisição do will bank, passamos a ter um ecossistema digital completo, com tecnologia robusta e capilaridade na distribuição de produtos financeiros”, afirma Daniel Vorcaro, Presidente do Banco Master.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes

Global Data Review (GDR) has, for the fourth consecutive time, named White & Case LLP to its Global Elite list.

Sitting atop the GDR 100 ranking of the world’s leading data law firms, these 25 “exceptionally good” practices are noted for their international reach and “top-of-the-market” work.

White & Case is ranked #2 overall, and in the top three in the following categories:

  • Data protection advisory: This category highlights firms advising on “the most complex cross-border projects.”
  • Non-personal data advisory: This category focuses on firms’ work in areas such as “the collection and use of data used to train AI (and, more recently, bespoke regulatory advice on AI models’ operation), critical infrastructure cybersecurity rules like the EU’s NIS 2 Directive, or companies seeking advice on how best to protect their valuable proprietary data from espionage or hacks.”
  • Investigations: This category considers firms’ work with “their most demanding clients,” in which “successful teams handled multiple jobs over the relevant period, showing that clients frequently turned in their direction when the going got tough.”
  • Litigation: This category identifies firms that were “frequently able to get good results,” noting that “getting decisions overturned on appeal or persuading regulators not to take matters further are signs of excellent lawyering, especially in a principles-based field where grey areas abound.”

Tim Hickman, partner and head of the Firm’s Data, Privacy & Cybersecurity practice, said: “These rankings reflect our commitment to helping clients successfully navigate complex AI, data, and cyber challenges around the world.”

GDR’s profile of White & Case described the Firm’s “ability to handle complex work spanning multiple jurisdictions for some of the world’s most demanding clients” and “cross-industry excellence.” One client noted the team’s “outstanding performance,” while another said, “The responsiveness of the partners and the pragmatic advice really sets them apart.”

Via White & Case

Depois de lançar o Magalu Cloud em dezembro do ano passado, o Magazine Luiza quer começar a escalar seu negócio de nuvem pública.

A varejista, que marca presença na segunda edição do Web Summit Rio com a presidente Luiza Trajano, anuncia ao público nesta terça-feira os três primeiros serviços oferecidos pela plataforma com foco em armazenamento, segurança e identidade.

A gigante do varejo brasileiro aposta no mercado de infraestrutura de nuvem desde 2021, mas só no ano passado abriu os serviços para consumidores. Até o momento, há cem clientes PJ e cerca de 700 pessoa física — todos vindos por indicações e redes de contatos do Magalu, explica Christian Reis (Kiko), diretor da Magalu Cloud.

Clientes dos setores de varejo, saúde, tecnologia e industrial já utilizam o serviço de nuvem desde o ano passado, mas esta é a primeira vez que o Magazine Luiza passa a oferecer a plataforma ao público em geral. Para isso, a empresa acelerou investimentos, reforçou as operações de software e realizou testes de carga para atender a demanda.

Agora, com o início da oferta ao público em geral, a Magalu Cloud se diz pronta para atender o mercado e para ampliar sua participação no setor. Os serviços passam a ficar disponíveis a partir de hoje ao público em geral e podem ser contratados pelo site. A plataforma é voltada tanto para desenvolvedores quanto startups e empresas de maior porte.

Parceria com a Dell

O Magalu Cloud está lançando três serviços: um de armazenamento de dados escalável (object storage), uma solução de gerenciamento de contas corporativas e colaboradores, fornecedores ou terceiros (chamado Turia IAM) e outra de autenticação integrada, em que o usuário acessa diversos serviços online por meio de uma conta única (ID Magalu).

Uma das estratégias para acelerar o crescimento do negócio foi firmar uma parceria com a Dell na frente de object storage e assim já chegar a mais clientes. A ideia é que os clientes da Dell passem a aproveitar o Magalu Cloud para fazer backups de volumes grandes de dados ou transferir novos dados para a plataforma, otimizando o tempo que uma máquina física própria de armazenamento exigiria.

Com a concorrência altíssima ao expandir a sua empresa para os Estados Unidos, o serviço de busca de estratégias e conhecimento local realizado pela empresa Dispatched Business Studio, tornou-se fundamental para que as chances de sucesso sejam maiores.

A empresa, que tem sua sede localizada em Nova York, e possui como sócios-fundadores o brasileiro Rodrigo Castello Branco e a estadunidense Fabíola Ordóñez, está promovendo um modelo de consultoria que vem gerando repercussão em toda a América Latina.

A Dispatched, que é considerada uma modern advisory firm (empresa moderna de consultoria), promove para seus parceiros uma minimização dos custos e o afastamento dos riscos ao se estabelecer empresas nacionais em território dos Estados Unidos ao simplificar as etapas de lançamento e expansão das empresas em todas as etapas, por meio de um conjunto de serviços e de networking que proporcionam a capacitação dos empreendedores, para que estes tenham uma maior assertividade e sucesso na realização de seus objetivos.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Por Analice Nicolau via Jornal de Brasília

Brunswick is a strategic advisory firm focused on critical issues and critical stakeholders at the center of business, politics and society. Our purpose is to help our clients – the leaders of large, complex organizations – understand and navigate these interconnected worlds.

From financial situations through to capital markets, regulatory and public affairs, social issues, crisis, cyber, employee engagement and litigation, clients rely on Brunswick for insight, advice, preparedness and campaigns.

Learn more here

Love Together Brasil is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Piancó, Paraíba.

The idea to establish Love Together Brasil was born in 2014, inspired by Geralda Sarraf, a native of Piancó who lives in New York, and her American friend Kristen Campagna.

The idealism and altruism of the friends became a reality, with the help of friends and volunteers, starting in April 2015, when Love Together Brasil, officially established, began its work in underprivileged communities in the hinterlands of Paraíba.

The goal of Love Together Brasil is to carry out, with the support of volunteers and the partnership of companies and public and private institutions, specific actions in education, health, and water supply.

In the last three years, the activities of Love Together Brasil have been intensified to alleviate the problem of water scarcity in underprivileged communities in the Northeast region, notably in Paraíba, with the drilling/installation of artesian wells in Daycares, Schools, Hospitals, and Urban and Rural Communities, through the “WATER FOR THOSE WHO ARE THIRSTY” Project, benefiting thousands of people.

Through this project, with the help of donors and volunteers, Love Together Brasil has delivered 50 (fifty) artesian wells, contributing to improving the living conditions of approximately 150,000 people in the Metropolitan Region of the Vale do Piancó, which covers 18 (eighteen) municipalities in the hinterlands of Paraíba.

In addition to carrying out specific actions in Education and Health, our mission is to bring potable water to underprivileged communities in the northeastern hinterland, promoting the socioeconomic development of regions affected by frequent droughts, intense heat, and water scarcity.

See other projects carried out by Love Together Brasil.

Learn more

Whether interested in entering new global markets or accelerating their business in the US, clients benefit from the “one-stop shop” approach at Dispatched.

Dispatched Business Studio is a platform of trusted advisors working in collaboration with businesses, brands, and innovative founders. This new model of an advisory firm provides curated business solutions that tap into a unique network of experts across a broad range of industries in the US and internationally.

Dispatched’s mission is to simplify and elevate the process of launching and expanding companies at all stages by delivering a comprehensive suite of services, expertise, and connections that empower entrepreneurs, innovators, brands, and investors to strategically accelerate.

The definition of ‘dispatch’ is to send off purposefully and to deal with tasks efficiently, which reflects the founders’ inherent ability to rapidly organize complex projects and manage tasks and teams through a detail-oriented approach.

Fabiola Ordonez and Rodrigo Castello Branco are creative former practicing attorneys with multicultural backgrounds and entrepreneurial mindsets who practiced law at major international firms and the world’s largest asset manager. With over fifteen years of combined experience, they have structured, led, negotiated, and closed countless transactions amounting to billions of dollars in deal value for private and public companies across various industries.

Based in New York, with personal and professional experiences spanning the Americas, Europe, and Asia, they bring a fresh and dynamic approach to the ‘square’ stereotype of advisory firms. Fabiola and Rodrigo identified a gap in clients’ needs for bespoke and efficient business services and guidance outside of law – a true handholding.  With that in mind, they departed from the practice of law to create this new concept of a ‘business studio’, where they offer a “one-stop shop” model to US and LatAm based clients.

Learn more.

Via AP News

“Diversidade é questão central da nossa gestão”, diz presidente do BB, que recebe prêmio da ONU

Tarciana Medeiros, presidente do Banco do Brasil, está entre os CEOs e empresas que conquistaram o Prêmio Ambição 2030 da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas).

Na sua primeira edição, o prêmio reconheceu iniciativas de inclusão étnico-racial e equidade de gênero e foi anunciado na quinta-feira (14/03) em evento na sede da ONU, em Nova York.

Tarciana foi premiada como CEO de destaque com as iniciativas “Raça é Prioridade” e “Elas Lideram”, que têm como objetivo alcançar a paridade de pessoas negras e de mulheres na liderança, respectivamente, até 2030. “A diversidade é questão central da nossa gestão e temos conquistado importantes resultados tanto para equidade de gênero como para a inclusão da população preta e parda”, diz a CEO.

Diversidade no centro da gestão

Desde que assumiu, em janeiro de 2023, a presidenta, como gosta de ser chamada, tem levantado pautas de diversidade e sustentabilidade dentro do banco mais antigo do país, com 215 anos.

Sob sua gestão, o banco estabeleceu metas públicas e concretas em sustentabilidade e inclusão, criou um comitê de diversidade e tornou-se embaixador dos compromissos da ONU. “Essas ações priorizadas na estratégia do BB têm demonstrado impacto positivo para clientes, funcionários, fornecedores e demais parceiros estratégicos, contribuindo para a inclusão financeira e a geração de trabalho e renda.”

Para além do discurso e dos resultados financeiros que vem trazendo, Tarciana Medeiros levou mais mulheres para a diretoria e um executivo negro para liderar a BB Asset Management.

O Banco do Brasil também foi homenageado por suas medidas dedicadas à promoção da igualdade de gênero e inclusão étnico-racial. A instituição está presente na premiação nas categorias “30% de pessoas negras ou indígenas em posição de liderança até 2025” e “Apoio ao empreendedorismo de mulheres através das cadeias de suprimentos e marketing, com implementação de práticas de desenvolvimento empresarial que empoderem as mulheres”.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes Brasil

Join us at the Miami Dade College’s 41st Annual Miami Film Festival, in collaboration with 28th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival, for an exceptional cinematic experience featuring two captivating Brazilian films on April 10th and 12th.


  • When: Wednesday, April 10, 7:00 PM + Q&A @ Silverspot Cinema 11
  • Directed by: Carolina Markowicz
  • Synposis: Suellen, a Brazilian toll booth attendant and mother, becomes entangled with a group of thieves in a desperate attempt to support her family. She discovers she can exploit her position to earn extra money for what she believes is a noble cause: sending her son to an expensive gay conversion workshop led by a renowned foreign priest. However, her actions set off a series of unforeseen consequences, leaving few satisfied, except perhaps the thieves.


  • When: Friday, Apri 12, 7:30 PM + Q&A @ Silverspot Cinema 12
  • Directed by: Stephanie Johnes
  • Synposis: Maya Gabeira, raised in Brazil with aspirations to compete in surfing, faces not only the challenges of mastering the ocean through dedication and training but also the entrenched chauvinism within the male-dominated sport. Critics constantly question her abilities, yet Maya remains undeterred. In Maya and the Wave, we accompany Gabeira on her journey to shatter world records in Nazaré, Portugal, renowned for its towering waves.

Register for free on our platform

Via Inffinito

Reconhecido pela sétima vez como escritório do ano em uma das principais premiações do mercado jurídico, Mattos Filho também é líder em números de prêmios na edição 2024, com conquistas em cinco categorias

O Mattos Filho recebeu o principal prêmio do Chambers Brazil Awards 2024: Brazil Law Firm of the Year. É a sétima vez que o escritório é reconhecido como o melhor do ano no país, o que o torna recordista nesta categoria. Durante a cerimônia, realizada no último dia 21/3, em São Paulo, o Mattos Filho recebeu outros quatro reconhecimentos, sendo o líder em número de premiações desta edição.

O Chambers Brazil Awards é uma das principais premiações do mercado jurídico e reconhece os escritórios de advocacia do país por sua excelência técnica, atendimento ao cliente e crescimento estratégico. Para o Mattos Filho, esse resultado reflete o trabalho estratégico dos profissionais no atendimento jurídico de excelência que é prestado aos clientes.

Confira todas as conquistas!

Via Mattos Filho


Finocchio & Ustra (FIUS) is a full-service law firm, with a team of approximately 250 people. FIUS has a relevant history of success cases resulting from its strategic way of acting and business acumen. Focused on understanding and improving its clients’ businesses, the firm places the client at the center and harnesses multidisciplinary efforts to mitigate risks and deliver strategic, innovative, reliable and effective solutions. The team is its best asset, and FIUS is incredibly proud to have an extremely talented team that acts freely in an ethical and collaborative environment. The firm’s core values are based on respect, innovation, excellence, and preparing for coming corporate challenges. Headquartered in Campinas for 22 years, with branches in Ribeirão Preto, São José dos Campos and São Paulo, FIUS has a strong presence in the countryside of the state of São Paulo, as well as correspondents throughout Brazil and abroad.

Learn more.


A PwC Brasil e a Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) têm o prazer de anunciar sua parceria para o desenvolvimento de um dashboard personalizado que revela o índice de Transformação Digital através do ITDBr!

O ITDBr é um índice nacional que mensura e analisa os avanços, percepções e perspectivas sobre os principais pilares corporativos que impulsionam a transformação digital. Ele oferece dados personalizados para grandes e médias organizações, além de startups em diversas indústrias no Brasil.

O público-alvo desta pesquisa são os gerentes e cargos superiores das áreas de tecnologia, TI, inovação ou transformação digital. 

Como forma de agradecimento pela participação, os participantes receberão em primeira mão os resultados da pesquisa e terão acesso ao dashboard exclusivo para análise de seu posicionamento. Esta é uma oportunidade única de obter insights valiosos sem custo adicional.

O preenchimento do questionário pode ser realizado até o dia 22/03 e leva menos de 20 minutos para ser concluído.

Não deixem de participar! Juntos, estamos impulsionando a transformação digital no Brasil.


Capital Markets | Brazilian Authority Updates Rules For Eligible Underlying Assets of CRI and CRA; Reimbursement of Expenses Remains Restricted

The National Monetary Council (CMN) promoted specific adjustments to regulation that substantially impacted the offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificate (CRA) and Real Estate Receivables Certificate (CRI) by agribusiness and real estate related companies, respectively.

See below the changes that Resolution No. 5,121, of March 1st, made to Resolution No. 5,118:

1. The Definition of “Debt Instruments” Does Not Include Commercial Contracts: The wording of Resolution 5.118 generated doubt among market agents whether or not it included contracts of a commercial nature, which are common in securitization transactions.

The CMN clarifies, through Resolution 5.121, that contracts of a commercial nature, such as rental contracts, purchase and sale contracts and usufruct contracts related to real estate, can be used as underlying asset for CRA and CRI offerings.

2. Possibility of Issuing CCI as Backing for CRIs: The revised regulation now allows debt instruments whose issuers are not characterized as debtors, co-debtors or guarantors to also be backed by CRA and CRI, such as the Real Estate Credit Certificate (CCI), which is a title issued by a real estate lender.

3. Prohibition of Backing with Debt Instruments of Financial Institutions: Another amendment to Resolution 5.118 sought to restrict the application of the new prohibitions to financial institutions or their respective subsidiaries.

4. Possibility of CRI Offerings for Reimbursement of Expenses Remain Prohibited: One of the points that market agents expected that the CMN would review was regarding offering of CRI for reimbursement of expenses.

Resolution 5.121 did not change the restriction imposed by Resolution 5.118 that CRAs and CRIs cannot contain as collateral credit rights “arising from financial operations whose resources are used to reimburse expenses”.

Although the changes introduced are welcome, the CMN should have also allowed the possibility of CRI for reimbursement of expenses, which is a typical real estate transaction and brings liquidity to the sector.


Dispute Resolution | New “Electronic Judicial Domicile” System in Brazil: Mandatory Registration of Brazilian Companies Must Be Completed by May 2024

According to the Brazilian National Council of Justice (CNJ), registration is mandatory for all companies that are registered in Brazil (i.e., that have a taxpayer number, so-called “CNPJ”), except if they are classified as “micro” or “small” company. Such registration must be completed by May 30th, 2024.

After such deadline, (i) inclusion will be automatic, based on Brazilian Federal Revenue data, (ii) all procedural communications sent via Electronic Judicial Domicile will be deemed acknowledged and valid, (iii) the company will be exposed to penalties and procedural sanctions for non-compliance with such judicial communications (including default of appearance and possible convictions) and (iv) if the company does not use the portal and/or does not respond to procedural communications, a fine will be imposed.

The Electronic Judicial Domicile is a platform that concentrates all communications and subpoenas, issued by Brazilian courts and directed to companies, on a single system. It is worth mentioning that the system encompasses all Brazilian courts, regardless of the jurisdiction (for example, civil, federal, labor, tax courts and even superior courts).

The purpose of the system is to facilitate procedural communications, standardize access to such subpoenas and expand the digitalization of the Judiciary. As its use will be mandatory, companies must designate an employee/third party to periodically access the portal and train them to operate the platform – so that they perform the filtering and forward such communication to an external lawyer hired by the company.

According to the rules of the Electronic Judicial Domicile system, all summonses will be deemed read and valid after 3 business days, and all notifications after 10 business days, starting the procedural deadlines. Also, in case of failure to confirm receipt of the summons, the company will be subject to a fine of up to 5% of the value of the claim.

It is important to highlight those communications directed to retained lawyers and/or lawyers already with powers in legal proceedings will not be affected by the new system. The Electronic Judicial Domicile only encompasses communications that are targeted by the Courts directly to companies, as is the case with summonses (i.e., for new claims, in which there is no appointed lawyer yet) or personal subpoenas (in which the communication is made to the party, and not via a lawyer).


Labor | Brazilian Superior Labor Court Denies Award Bank Employee Status To Former Employee of Payment Methods Fintech

The 4th Panel of the Brazilian Superior Labor Court (TST) recognized that employees of a fintech of payment methods cannot be equated with bank employees, even if only for the purposes of labor and employment rights.

The actions that have reached the TST seek to classify payment method companies in the financial category, in which case the employment contract becomes governed by the collective bargain agreement of bank employees, generally more advantageous, such as, for example, working hours six hours a day (30 hours a week).

However, the activities of payment method companies are incompatible with those of financial institutions in the eyes of the Brazilian Central Bank, due to an express legal prohibition. The activity of means of payment is governed by Law No. 12,865, of 2013, which provides for payment arrangements and payment institutions that are part of the Brazilian Payment System (SPB – Brazilian Acronym), which expressly prohibits the performance of these companies in activities carried out by institutions financial institutions regulated by the Brazilian Central Bank.

In this case, the Brazilian Regional Labor Court of Rio de Janeiro had understood that the evidence demonstrated that the company acted as a financial company and not just as a payment method company, because in addition to managing credit cards, the company allegedly performed services of “ credit, financing or investments”.

The fintech appealed the decision to the Superior Labor Court (TST – Brazilian Acronym), and, for the Reporting Judge of the case at the TST, Judge Maria Cristina Peduzzi, as credit card operators act only as intermediaries between the end user, commercial establishments and financial institutions, which are regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil, payment method companies do not, as a rule, qualify as financial institutions.

The Reporting Judger highlighted that “the classification of the activities carried out by the employee as belonging to a (non-financial) payment institution is sufficient to remove the status of a financial institution”, since intermediation and services do not mean that they actually performed the services of financial institutions.

We highlight that, fortunately, this decision is in line with the majority understanding of the TST on the subject, which, since 2020, has been taking a position in the sense that employees of fintechs, and other means of payment, act in fact as banking correspondents and cannot be classified as banking or financial institutions, therefore recognizing the regularity of the companies before the Brazilian Central Bank and the absence of labor rights for bank employees to the employees of these companies.

Via Feijó Lopes Advogados 

Novas Perspectivas – Fundos (impactos: jurídicos, fiscais e tributários)

Wed, Mar 6, 2024 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Avisos/Pesquisa
09:20 – 09:35 Palestrante: Gisele Sterzeck (BR)
09:35 – 09:55 Palestrante: Ana Gaertner (BR)
09:55 – 10:25 Palestrante: Eduardo Alves (BR)
10:25 – 10:55 Palestrante: Flavia Fernandes (BR)
10:55 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&A)
11:00 – 11:00 Encerramento


Dispatched Business Studio – a modern take on an advisory firm – offers a one-stop shop approach to LatAm and US based companies looking to enter new global markets or accelerate their businesses in the United States.

Dispatched is a platform of trusted advisors working in collaboration with businesses, brands, and innovative founders. They provide curated business solutions that tap into a unique network of experts across a broad range of industries in the United States and internationally. Implementing their expertise and connections save their clients time and resources, and allows them to focus on their core businesses and passions.

Learn more.

Brazil Transactions – Industry Insights, Winter 2024

1,400 M&A transactions were registered in Brazil in 2023, a 9.3% decrease in the number of announced transactions.

2023 period registered 22 follow-ons, raising over BRL 32 billion (+USD 6.4 bn). For the second consecutive year, there were no IPOs.

Total market capitalization of the Brazilian Stock Exchange (Bovespa) as of December 31, 2023, was over USD 874 bn.

Read full report.




For more information, please contact:

Alexandre Pierantoni
Managing Director
Head of LATAM and Brazil Corporate Finance
Sao Paulo
+55 11 3192 8103
+55 11 9 5500 8151

José Thompson
Director, Corporate Finance
Sao Paulo
+55 11 3192 8108
+55 11 9 8689 4026


Instituição ganhou a atenção de várias personalidades, entre elas a bilionária MacKenzie Scott, a cantora Selena Gomez e o piloto de F1 Lewis Hamilton

Os desafios de todo tipo enfrentados pelo Brasil chamam a atenção do mundo, gerando comoção entre várias personalidades. A Brazil Foundation, com sede em Nova York e um escritório no Rio de Janeiro, foi criada em 2000 por Leona Forman, após se aposentar de suas atividades na ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas). Na época, com apoio de figuras ilustres, entre elas a antropóloga e pesquisadora Ruth Cardoso (também ex-primeira dama e que faleceu em 2008), Forman fundou a instituição com o objetivo de servir como ponte entre doadores nos EUA e ações afirmativas no Brasil.

Não demorou muito para atrair a atenção de famosos, interessados em fazer doações ao país. A modelo Gisele Bündchen é um exemplo: criou o Fundo Luz Alliance para captar recursos e apoiar iniciativas de preservação e recuperação de rios, mata ciliares e aquíferos. A Brazil Foundation auxiliou Bündchen na aplicação dos recursos, buscando as iniciativas que atendiam aos requisitos da instituição e eram de fato efetivas.

Por Francisco Stefanelli via Forbes Brasil 

Leia matéria na íntegra.




O Banco do Brasil foi considerado o mais sustentável do mundo pela consultoria Corporate Knights, que avalia o desempenho em sustentabilidade corporativa de cerca de 7.000 empresas de capital aberto mundo afora com receitas brutas acima de US$ 1 bilhão. Foi a quinta vez que o BB foi o banco mais bem avaliado entre as 100 empresas mais sustentáveis. Além disso, pela primeira vez, a instituição figurou entre as dez organizações mais bem colocadas, ocupando a sexta posição.

A avaliação da Corporate Knights leva em conta 25 indicadores econômicos, ambientais e sociais, relativos a receitas e investimentos sustentáveis, promoção da descarbonização, diversidade racial e de gênero.

“Este reconhecimento evidencia nossa atuação consistente no tema ASG sigla para boas práticas ambientais, sociais e de governança. Em 2023, reforçamos ainda mais este nosso trabalho, com a criação de uma Unidade Estratégica para conduzir de modo transversal as pautas ambientais, sociais e de governança no banco”, afirma a presidente do BB, Tarciana Medeiros, em nota. “Temos compromissos públicos e com metas concretas em cada uma dessas frentes, atuando de modo voluntário, protagonista e como verdadeiros líderes em sustentabilidade empresarial no Brasil e no mundo.”

Além das metas e estruturas internas voltadas ao tema, o banco tem uma carteira de R$ 338,2 bilhões em créditos com pegada sustentável. São empréstimos e financiamentos para atividades e setores que têm impactos sociais e ambientais positivos, como energias renováveis, eficiência energética, produção sustentável de alimentos e desenvolvimento local e regional.

“Estamos em um momento em que nossas ações e compromissos para um mundo mais sustentável, conectados aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU, convidam todos os públicos de relacionamento a assumirem responsabilidades diante das mudanças climáticas e seus efeitos na vida das pessoas e comunidades no presente e no futuro”, diz o vice-presidente de Governo e Sustentabilidade Empresarial do banco, José Ricardo Sasseron.

Via Isto é Dinheiro

Leia o artigo na íntegra.

A Lei da igualdade salarial é um novo capítulo para a equidade no ambiente de trabalho. Com novas obrigações, a legislação traz janelas de oportunidades para todas as empresas, tendo a compreensão jurídica de suas implicações e o engajamento de lideranças como pilares fundamentais para a adequação à Lei.

No evento ‘Lei da Igualdade Salarial: desafios, estratégias e possibilidades’, nossa sócia Silvia Figueiredo Araújo Schnitzlein e a associada Andressa Gudde recebem especialistas do mercado para apresentar perspectivas e desafios, propondo caminhos para que as empresas estejam preparadas para lidar com todos os possíveis desdobramentos da Lei 14.611/2023.

O time de debatedores é composto por Flávia Lisboa Porto (Reckitt), Marcela Pietrobom (Medtronic), Fernanda Frezarin Kazakevicius [Ela/Ella/She] (Unilever) e Gianfranco Cinelli (Hidrovias do Brasil).

O evento será presencial em São Paulo, no dia 27 de fevereiro, e contará com transmissão online.

Para inscrições e mais informações, acesse:

Novas Perspectivas
Planejamento e execução estratégica (passos críticos)

Com Gerson Charchat (sócio, PwC) e Felipe Bovolon (diretor, PwC)

Adicionar o evento no meu calendário

Wed, Feb 21, 2024 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 ~ 09:20 Abertura/Avisos/Pesquisa
09:20 ~ 09:50 Palestrante: Felipe Bovolon (Strategy&)
09:50 ~ 10:20 Palestrante: Mauro Toledo (Strategy&)
10:20 ~ 10:50 Palestrante: Gerson Charchat (Strategy&)
10:50 ~ 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&A)
11:00 ~ 11:00 Encerramento



Clique aqui para se inscrever

Via PwC

Tribute to Dario Vasconcellos Campos
(September 24, 1930 – February 6, 2024)

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on February 6, 2024 at the age of 93, of Dario Campos, former Vice Consul of Brazil in New York and longtime Chamber member and supporter.  Dr. Campos’ longstanding support of Chamber activities and enthusiastic participation in our programs, well into his 90s, denote his high level of dedication and commitment to the Chamber.

After serving as Vice Consul of Brazil in New York, Dr. Campos was appointed Senior Economic Advisor by the Consulate General of Brazil in New York, during which time he worked in liaison with foremost economic policy institutions in the United States.  Following, he served as a consular official and Director of the Cultural Council of the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts.

Dr. Campos’ previous positions include Cultural Attaché to the Brazilian Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia and Delegate Ad Hoc of Brazil to the 7th World Congress of Public Relations in Boston, MA.  Fluent in many languages, Dr. Campos was appointed Examiner of Arabic, German, and Russian during the selection of foreign service officers at Instituto Rio Branco in Brazil.  He also served as Professor & Consultant of Tourism Administration at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and Universidade de Brasília.

Dr. Campos graduated in Decision Science from Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania, in Hotel Management from Cornell University, and in Human Relations & Public Speaking from Dale Carnegie Institute of New York.  He held a Ph.D. in Economics, a Ph.D. in Philosophy & Social Sciences, and four master’s degrees: MBA / MPS in Tourism, MA in Economics, and MA in Philosophy & Social Sciences.

Dr. Campos received many high distinctions from the Brazilian Army, Navy, Air Force, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs – and was the 2014 recipient of the Chamber’s Special Merit Award.  While conducting postdoctoral research in economics, he participated in countless forums and international conferences on economics, tourism, technology, and sustainability.

Dr. Campos is survived by his wife, Marion Asch Campos.  His steadfast commitment and contributions to the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered our mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.  His presence, company, and sense of humor will be greatly missed.

Pesquisa sobre as perspectivas de implementação do International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

In 2024, Itaú, Banco do Brasil (BB), and Bradesco are ranked within the world’s 500 most valuable brands.

This report comes from Brand Finance and was presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on January 17.

Banco do Brasil stands out, jumping 50 places since 2023. This leap marks it as the fastest-growing Brazilian brand in value.

By Richard Mann via The Rio Times

Read full article.

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Paula Vieira de Oliveira as Co-Chairperson of the Legal Programs & Events Committee, serving alongside Co-Chairperson Maurizio Levi-Minzi.  Ms. Vieira is Partner in charge of Mattos Filho’s New York office and a member of the firm’s corporate / M&A practices.  She is skilled in Brazilian and cross-border M&A transactions, private equity, inbound investments, and commercial contracts involving public and private companies in many industries and sectors.  She also advises management bodies and shareholders on corporate regulatory matters.  Ms. Vieira is a graduate of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and holds a Master of Laws from the University of Pennsylvania.

At the 2024 Annual Membership Luncheon, to take place in February / March, all new committee chairpersons will be officially announced.  We are privileged to have Ms. Vieira assist in the development of Chamber programs and seminars focusing on key legal issues in Brazil-US business.

As of April 10th, 2024 , passport holders from Australia, Canada and the United States will require an e Visa to enter Brazil. If you have a valid physical visa on your passport for the purpose of your visit, you do not need to apply for a new visa. For special passports you still need an e Visa or physical visa if you are traveling with a diplomatic passport.

Via United Airlines


Novas Perspectivas

Fechamento do Exercício 2023

Wed, Jan 10, 2024 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Avisos/Pesquisa
09:20 – 09:50 Palestrante: Christiano Santos (BR)
09:50 – 10:20 Palestrante: Jéssika Vinque (BR)
10:20 – 10:50 Palestrante: Paula Romano (BR)
10:50 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&A)
11:00 – 11:00 Encerramento


Register here

After falling last year, the number of M&A operations in Brazil is expected to recover in 2024.

Consulting firm Kroll registered 1,400 transactions last year, compared to 1,543 in 2022.

“In 2024, we’ll see the return of a record volume of M&A operations, to around 1,600, as we had in 2021. This is because I expect the return of appetite from foreign investors amid a reduction in interest rates in Brazil and due to less political noise,” Alexandre Pierantoni, the head of Kroll’s corporate finance and M&A area, told BNamericas.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva returned to the presidency in January 2023, narrowly defeating Jair Bolsonaro in October 2022. The transition of power led market players to postpone investment decisions until the government’s plans became clearer.

In addition, M&As and the capital market were impacted by a high base rate of 13.75%. The central bank started a reduction cycle only in August as inflation fell, with the benchmark Selic currently at 11.75% and further reductions expected.

“The positive impacts of the Selic reduction will still materialize, especially when we reach a single-digit level, closer to 9%. I believe that from the second half of the year we will see signs of the return of IPOs, which will also help to provide traction to M&A movements,” said Pierantoni.

The financial and technology sectors will remain the most significant ones in terms of transactions, followed by energy and water.

“São Paulo state is expected to complete the privatization of water utility Sabesp this year, which in itself is a major operation. Furthermore, the completion of this operation could attract even more investor interest to companies in the sector, including to companies that are not yet listed,” added Pierantoni.

Recently, Sabesp hired banks to handle part of the privatization, which is envisaged as a share offering planned for this half. The state owns 50.3% and wants to keep 15-30%. The rest of the shares are listed in Brazil and the US.

Sabesp is one of the world’s biggest firms in the sector, providing potable water to 28.7mn people and sewage services to 25.5mn.

Via BNamericas.

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NEWSLETTERS 20 . Dezembro . 2023

O impacto da presença de influenciadores digitais no mercado financeiro, que será analisado pela CVM por meio de consulta pública, é um dos destaques desta edição, na seção Companhias Abertas. As novidades em Ofertas Públicas e Fundos de Investimento incluem o início do processo de consulta para revisão das normas aplicáveis a ofertas públicas de aquisição; e a divulgação das orientações sobre o preenchimento de informação de cotistas no Banco Central.

Confira o conteúdo desta edição:COMPANHIAS ABERTAS
  • Consulta da CVM analisa impacto da presença de influenciadores digitais no mercado financeiro
  • Nova norma da CVM altera regra envolvendo companhias securitizadoras
  • CVM inicia processo de consulta para revisão das normas aplicáveis a ofertas públicas de aquisição
  • CVM promove alterações pontuais nas Resoluções 141 e 151


  • Área técnica da CVM divulga orientação sobre preenchimento de informação de cotistas no Banco Central

Via Veirano Advogados

What you will be reading in this issue:
1. Governance | 5 Key Agenda for Medium and Large Brazilian Companies in 2024
2. Labor | 5 Actions to Mitigate the Risk of Psychologial Diseases Being Recognized as Occupational Ones

Governance | 5 Key Agenda for Medium and Large Brazilian Companies in 2024

Brazilian companies that we have seen grow, innovate and generate value in different segments of Brazilian economy have in common strategic attention to medium and long-term funding, governance, talent attraction and M&A opportunities.

The factor below apply to companies in all major sectors in Brazil, including agribusiness, technology, manufacturing, finance, energy, and others.

Companies that want to grow in 2024 should consider the following 5 themes in their strategic plans:

  1. Focus on Attracting Structured Financing in Brazilian Reais: The Brazilian capital market for fixed income credit is closer than ever to medium and large companies, but still few are aware of the importance to create relationships with local financial institutions, funds, family offices and other medium and long-term capital financiers.

Even so, agribusiness companies issued more than BRL100 billion in Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) so far in 2023, acquired by funds, family offices and other investors, to raise medium to long-term resources (5 to 10 years).

Likewise, companies in the real estate sector issued Certificates of Real Estate Receivables (CRI) in high volumes to finance projects and costs of projects already built, with terms of 5 to 10 years.

Commercial Notes and Debentures are also medium and long-term funding options for companies.

  1. Look at Obtaining Foreign Funding From Foreign Banks and Funds: Brazil’s participation is still irrelevant in international trade, with a share of close to 2% of global trade volume.

Even so, agricultural, industrial and technology companies export commodities, value-added products and services that generate receivables in dollars and other hard currencies that can be financed by foreign funding.

There are several foreign financial institutions, trading companies, funds, family offices and investors that finance exports of Brazilian companies, via export prepayment lines, direct loans, draft (international duplicate discount), among others, in a volume that exceeds US$50 billion annually.

Companies should seek these financing channels as another funding alternative, especially in hard currency.

Via Feijó Lopes Advogados

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The companies that will thrive in the face of rapid climate change are those that make adapting to it a top priority, says PwC’s Ashok Varma.

Not long ago, I participated in a PwC climate-action roundtable in Mumbai. One of the attendees, an executive from a hospital group, made an observation that grabbed my attention: the seasonal changes being caused by global warming, he said, were affecting the patterns and frequency of vector-borne diseases. His hospitals were increasingly having capacity issues, with sick patients coming in earlier and later in the year than before, straining hospital resources, from beds to diagnostic facilities.

By Ashok Varma via PwC

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Realizada entre os dias 30 de novembro e 12 de dezembro deste ano, a 28ª edição da Conferência das Partes (COP-28) tem como principal objetivo avaliar e trazer insights quanto ao progresso dos países signatários no que diz respeito ao atingimento das metas do Acordo de Paris.

Neste contexto, alguns dos nossos líderes globais vão marcar presença para discutir meios de alavancar ações significativas para frear a crise climática que estamos enfrentando, discutindo temas como: financiamento e expansão da tecnologia climática, transformação da demanda de energia, adaptação climática para proteger a cadeia de valor e a sociedade, estratégias empresariais positivas para a natureza.

O nosso sócio e líder de Environmental, Social e Governance (ESG), Mauricio Colombari, representará a PwC Brasil na COP 28. Além da presença da nossa liderança, a PwC, por meio do seu Plano Net Zero 2030, está compondo o portfólio de projetos apresentados no evento  pela iniciativa Brasil pelo Meio Ambiente, da Amcham e ICC Brasil.

Para acompanhar as discussões da COP 28, fique de olho nas coberturas jornalísticas do evento e siga a página da PwC Climate.

Via PwC Brasil


Novas Perspectivas

Instrumentos Financeiros (a norma mais complexa e mais controversa)

Wed, Dec 13, 2023 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Avisos/Pesquisa
09:20 – 09:50 Apresentação: Bruno Portela (BR)
09:50 – 10:20 Apresentação: Ana Moura (BR)
10:20 – 10:50 Apresentação: Gisele Sterzeck
10:50 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&Q)
11:00 – 11:00 Encerramento

Link de Inscrição



Tarciana Medeiros, the first female President of Banco do Brasil, extends an invitation to all as a woman, mother, and global citizen. Join her in watching this video, part of a worldwide campaign by Banco do Brasil, the world’s most sustainable bank. This initiative champions the cause of the Amazon and the sustainability of human rights. These are programs and proposals that envision the future as an investment. The forest calls out, nature beckons us toward balance, profit, life, results, and the future. Brazil is ushering in a new era – the era of sustainable progress.

Via Banco do Brasil


Paula Vieira’s strong international experience is set to strengthen the firm’s strategy and relationships with foreign clients seeking to do business in Brazil

Mattos Filho has announced Paula Vieira as the new partner in charge of the firm’s New York office. With a strong background in both Brazilian and cross-border M&A transactions, including private equity, Paula is a member of Mattos Filho’s Corporate/M&A practice and International Committee, where she coordinates the firm’s initiatives for business development outside Brazil.

Mattos Filho’s presence in New York has spanned over a decade, helping bridge the gap between international clients and their interests in the Brazilian market. It has allowed for broader perspectives and ample opportunities to collaborate with companies, investors, and business partners looking to expand their interests in Brazil, as well as to connect Brazilian clients with the right business partners in connection with their outbound investments.

“We are excited about moving into this new phase of our international business strategy, and we wish Paula the utmost success in her new role,” commented Mattos Filho’s managing partner, Roberto Quiroga.



“The opportunity to lead the New York office and work closely with our clients and business partners in the United States will enable Mattos Filho to strengthen and develop further its international relationships and presence. I am deeply honored to represent Mattos Filho in a broader capacity.”




Paula Vieira

Part of Mattos Filho for 25 years, Paula Vieira has been a partner in the firm’s Corporate/M&A practice since 2010. Beyond her experience in M&A matters (including private equity), Paula is involved in foreign investments in Brazil and public and private commercial contracts across many sectors and industries.

Paula’s strong background in international matters and business development includes her active role on committees at the International Bar Association (IBA), where she is engaged in the Latin American forum as well as in other committees such as the M&A committee. Paula previously also worked as an international associate at the New York office of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP.

With a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Pennsylvania, Paula has a Bachelor of Laws and a Specialization in Business Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), as well as a Specialization in Finance and Accounting from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Via Mattos Filho 

DLA Piper is pleased to welcome Amadeu Ribeiro as a partner in the firm’s cross-border Antitrust and Competition practice, expanding the firm’s already strong presence in New York and Latin America.

Ribeiro advises international clients on complex antitrust matters, including merger review cases, cartel and market dominance investigations and competition related matters in general. He counsels clients across a wide breadth of sectors, including aviation, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, natural resources and technology.

“DLA Piper is committed to providing the highest quality client support throughout the Americas, offering counsel to domestic and multinational companies with interests and operations throughout the region,” said Richard Chesley, managing partner of the Americas and co-US managing partner. “Amadeu is recognized as a leader in the antitrust space and expands the capabilities of an already robust cross-border team.”

“We are thrilled to welcome Amadeu as an integral part of our global practice of lawyers focused primarily on Latin America,” said Francisco Cerezo, chair of the US-Latin America practice.

DLA Piper in Latin America’s team offers full-service business legal counsel to US and global companies with interests in and operations throughout the region. With over 450 lawyers practicing throughout Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico, in addition to our US-based cross-border attorneys, our team works with clients throughout every country in Latin America and help connect Latin America to the world.

The Latin America Practice is led in the US from Miami, with our US based team of multicultural and diverse cross-border practitioners regularly acting as lead counsel on a wide range of matters across sectors in the US and Latin America. These range from complex TAX, IP, capital markets, finance, M&A and public private partnerships to regulatory, compliance, disputes, market entry and establishment issues. The United States, specifically New York and Florida, has deep economic and cultural ties to Latin America. For more information, visit Latin America | DLA Piper.

Via DLA Piper

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Companhia que opera voos entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, e líder em investimentos para a produção de combustível de aviação sustentável, foi uma das patrocinadoras de eventos brasileiros voltados à sustentabilidade

A United Airlines, uma das maiores companhias aéreas do mundo, que opera voos entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, e líder em investimentos para a produção de combustível de aviação sustentável, foi uma das patrocinadoras de dois eventos brasileiros voltados à sustentabilidade: Brazil Climate Summit, que aconteceu nos dias 13 e 14 de setembro, e SDGs in Brazil, promovido pela rede brasileira do Pacto Global da ONU nos dias 14 e 15 de setembro, ambos em Nova York.

Para Jacqueline Conrado, Country Manager da United Airlines no Brasil, o país é muito importante por ser um celeiro de iniciativas sustentáveis e comprometidas com o meio ambiente. Além disso, o setor de aviação tem que apresentar soluções de viagem mais flexíveis e responsivas à experiência do usuário, revolucionando inclusive a forma de fazer negócio. “Hoje, nós fazemos um trabalho muito mais focado em ouvir e perceber os inputs dos clientes como nunca, que não aparecem relacionados só a preço, mas a experiência de viagem, benefícios e, de forma prioritária, à preocupação com o meio ambiente e diversidade e inclusão”, diz.

Por Luiz Fara Monteiro via R7

Leia o artigo na íntegra

The Icla da Silva Foundation Hope Gala

Inspiring Hope, Saving Lives

Join our friends from the Icla da Silva Foundation at their 2023 Hope Gala. Enjoy an auction, dinner, and dancing at the prestigious University Club of New York on October 2, 2023 at 6:30 pm.

You will network with leaders of industry while raising funds that remove financial barriers for patients whose only cure is a bone marrow transplant.

Click for ticket and sponsor information

A Era da Reinvenção

Mineração 2023 – 20ª Edição

As grandes mineradoras do mundo precisam encontrar uma nova fórmula para o sucesso. A era dos minerais críticos chegou e representa a mudança mais importante que a indústria já viu em décadas. As empresas de mineração não podem mais depender de portfólios e práticas do passado para criar valor nesse novo cenário dinâmico e extremamente competitivo. A era dos minerais críticos deve ser uma era de reinvenção.

As mineradoras precisam lidar com um importante novo player que surgiu no mercado de minerais críticos: o governo. Diante do rápido crescimento da demanda e da concentração da cadeia de suprimentos em níveis preocupantes, os governos formaram alianças, instituíram novas políticas e mobilizaram fundos para garantir o acesso a minerais críticos. Esses movimentos mudarão o negócio de mineração. A entrada de fundos públicos, por exemplo, deve levar as mineradoras a repensar as taxas de retorno que podem esperar da mineração ou dos ativos da cadeia de suprimentos. As mineradoras também precisarão lidar com um risco maior de investir e o aumento da concorrência, uma vez que os governos interferem no cenário com incentivos e intervenções.

Via PwC Brasil

Ler artigo na íntegra.

The Chamber is delighted to welcome Corporate member Peter Fernandes & Marihá Viana Advogados Associados to the Legal Programs & Events Committee.

A highly regarded law firm located in Brazil’s capital city, Brasília, Peter Fernandes & Marihá Viana Advogados Associados leverages innovation to achieve successful solutions through legal services, offering expertise in a wide range of practice areas.

Click here to see their website and Instagram.

Wed, Aug 23, 2023 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 – 09:20 – Abertura/Pesquisa Inicial – Kieran McManus
09:20 – 09:45 – Apresentação – Visão Geral IA – Suzan Barreto
09:45 – 10:10 – Apresentação – IA em seguros – Andressa Sivolella
10:10 – 10:30 – IA na SAP – Marcelo Nacif
10:30 – 11:00 – Q&A

Via PwC.

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The Brazil Data Protection Agency (“ANPD”) on August 15, 2023 released a draft of the International Transfer of Personal Data Regulation (“Regulation Draft”) and the standard contractual clauses (“SCCs”) for public comment. Interested parties can submit comments to the provisions of the Regulation between August 15 and September 14, 2023. After the comments period is closed, the ANPD will hold a public hearing to discuss the draft at a date to be determined. Once the Regulation Draft is approved, it will take effect immediately upon publication and companies will have 180 days to incorporate in their existing SCCs agreements the ANPD’s version or implement new agreements with the ANPD SCCs.

By way of background, the ANPD is the agency charged with implementing Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”). The LGPD is Brazil’s all-encompassing data protection law similar to the European Union’s GDPR. The LGPD imposes certain requirements on data processing agents (which include controllers and processors of data) to safeguard the data privacy rights of individuals (data subjects).

The newly issued Regulation Draft provides that the ANPD will determine which jurisdictions have an adequate level of data protection that will allow the free flow of personal data between Brazil and such countries, but the ANPD will prioritize the review of jurisdictions that provide reciprocal protections. It may take some time before we have a list of countries with data protection levels the ANPD deems adequate. In the interim, multinational countries will have to rely on other possible mechanisms to transfer personal data from Brazil.

According to the Regulation Draft, the ANPD may recognize as an equivalent the SCCs of other countries, upon their review and approval. The review procedure may be started by the ANPD or an interested party, but the ANPD will prioritize the review of those SCCs that can be widely used by processing agents performing international transfers of data in similar circumstances. Foreign SCCs recognized by the ANPD as equivalent will be considered a valid alternative.
The Regulation Draft also provides for the approval process of specific contractual clauses and global corporate rules, but it does not include the expected timeline for the review and approval of such.

A more readily available mechanism will be the ANPD SCCs, and the Regulation Draft includes a SCC Draft template, which companies may eventually choose to use, although there will be some challenges if the SCC Draft remains as-is after the public consultation.

The ANPD opted to create only one module of SCCs and it is in many aspects different from the EU SCCs. One provision that immediately catches one’s attention is that regardless of whether the exporter or importer is named as the responsible party for certain measures (as the Designated Party), the controller will ultimately remain responsible for (i) compliance with the obligations under the law and the agreement, (ii) responding to the ANPD, (iii) guaranteeing the data subject’s rights and (iv) the reparation of damage they may suffer. Moreover, when exporter and importer are processors, the controller, which instructs the processor that exports the personal data to the importer outside Brazil (the “Third-Party Controller”), must co-sign the SCCs and be ultimately responsible for the obligations mentioned above.

By Renata Neeser via Littler.

Learn more (AMZN.O) will launch a credit card offering in Brazil, in a partnership with Brazilian lender Banco Bradesco SA (BBDC4.SA), the bank’s chief executive said on Friday, as the ecommerce giant pushes to expand its fintech offering.

The launch is set for next Tuesday, according to CEO Octavio de Lazari Junior, adding that the bank will manage the card’s credit risk, and the card will be powered by Mastercard (MA.N).

Reporting by Alberto Alerigi Jr., Additional reporting by Isabel Woodford, Writing by Carolina Pulice, Editing by Sandra Maler via Reuters.

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Governança de Empresas em Tempos de Crise (Os desafios e as Estratégias para Destravar Valor de Empresas)

Quarta-feira, 9 de agosto, 2023 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 – 09:20 – Abertura/Pesquisa Inicial – Kieran McManus
09:20 – 10:00 – Apresentação – Valeska Vieira e Lucas Dourado
10:00 – 10:20 – Entrevista – Leonardo Scarioli
10:20 – 10:50 – Entrevista – Tatiana Guerra
10:50 – 11:00 – Q&A





Members of the firm’s Latin America Practice represented the leading financial entities in a revolving credit facility for BlackRock to acquire, develop, construct, and refinance a portfolio of distributed generation projects that is expected to be the largest in the Chilean market.

Latham advised Natixis and BNP Paribas, as coordinating lead arrangers and lenders, and BNP Paribas, as administrative agent and intercreditor agent, on the transaction, which was structured as a 3-year revolving credit facility. The facility was sized in contemplation of a +400 MW PMGD platform, and was initially used to refinance two previously acquired portfolios of operational assets aggregating 101 MW. The facility is expected to be used to acquire, develop, construct, and refinance other portfolios of both operational and construction projects sponsored by BlackRock.

Via Latham & Watkins

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Utilizing technology for transparency reporting can be a win-win on value and efficiency for any organization

More forward-thinking organizations are taking advantage of innovative technology as transparency requirements continue to grow.

In Part 2 of our “Reimagine Risk and Unlock Opportunities” series, Tiffany Gallagher, Health Industries Risk and Regulatory Leader, PwC US, and Tim Canonico, Principal, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, PwC US, analyze the growth of transparency programs and the opportunities that organizations can focus on to succeed.

The goal of global transparency requirements is to encourage the right interactions with Healthcare Professionals and help Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences companies build more trust and transparency in healthcare for society. This landscape is continuing to rapidly evolve as voluntary requirements are being codified into law and other requirements expand to demand more transparency from more organizations.

Via PwC 

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In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has given employers a new option for verifying employment eligibility. On July 21, 2023, the USCIS announced a final rule, effective August 1, 2023, that allows employers to have an alternative procedure (also referred to as “permanent virtual verification”), whereby qualifying employers may inspect employees’ Form I-9 documentation virtually as opposed to performing a physical verification, which was required for all new hires until the COVID-19 exception was created in March 2020.  This innovative approach aims to modernize the process of employment eligibility verification while ensuring compliance with immigration laws.

Since the inception of the Form I-9 in 1986, the process of employment eligibility verification had relied on in-person physical documentation examination. The COVID-19 pandemic brought a temporary option, however, which permitted virtual, remote verification for remote employees. The USCIS previously announced that this option was ending on July 31, 2023. Thus, this new alternative procedure begins the next day, August 1.

This alternative virtual verification procedure is available only to qualified employers. Such employers are:

  • In good standing in the E-Verify program;
  • Enrolled in E-Verify for all hiring sites in the United States, for which they seek to use the alternative procedure;
  • Have complied with all E-Verify requirements, including verifying the employment eligibility of newly hired employees in the United States; and
  • Have completed of an E-Verify tutorial/training concerning fraud awareness and anti-discrimination.

To utilize the alternative virtual verification, qualified employers must:

  • Examine remotely the front and back of their employees’ identity and employment authorization documentation or acceptable receipt to determine that the documentation reasonably appears genuine;
  • Conduct a live interaction with the employee presenting the same documentation discussed above to ensure the documentation reasonably appears to be genuine and relate to the employee;
  • Indicate on Form I-9, by completing the corresponding box, that an alternative procedure was used to examine documentation to complete Section 2 or for reverification, as applicable;
  • Retain clear and legible copies (front and back) of all documents presented by employees; and
  • In the event of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) I-9 audit or relevant federal government agency investigation, make available clear and legible copies of documentation presented by the employee for document examination in connection with the employment eligibility verification process.

Qualified employers have the choice to use the alternative permanent virtual verification procedure or not. Additionally, qualified employers may opt to use this procedure for remote employees only, and not for employees who work onsite or in hybrid capacity. Employers may not discriminate in this decision-making process.

Cinco mudanças globais que estão redesenhando o mundo em que vivemos

Quase uma década se passou desde que a PwC identificou cinco megatendências, que caracterizamos como profundas e impactantes, de alcance global e efeito de longo prazo. Megatendências capazes de afetar a todos no planeta e reconfigurar nosso mundo por muitos anos. Agora está claro que as megatendências transformaram nosso mundo ainda mais rápido do que prevíamos. Em grande parte, isso se deve à interação entre elas, que turbinou tanto a velocidade quanto a disseminação da mudança.

À medida que foram se desdobrando, as megatendências também evoluíram. O modo como se manifestam hoje mudou em comparação com dez anos atrás.

Reavaliamos as megatendências para entender como elas mudaram, que futuro podem criar em 2030 e quais questões elas apresentarão à humanidade.

Via PwC

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The domestic bank also leads II’s All-Brazil Trading Team.

The firm has been voted No.1 for the fifth year in a row in Institutional Investor’s annual All-Brazil Sales Team. Based on the votes of 367 buy-side money managers at 239 firms with significant holdings in the country, BTG Pactual extended its reign to half a decade — even as the ranking saw a shakeup further down the leaderboard among domestic and global firms alike.

Itau BBA rose from last year’s fourth place to take second, while last year’s runner-up, Bradesco BBI, dropped one spot to third. Credit Suisse improved one spot to take fourth, while JPMorgan Chase — in a steep rise from 2022’s ninth place — rounded out the top five. In line with other II surveys, votes were weighted based on respondents’ commission spending in the region. An additional AUM-weighted leaderboard was also produced which mirrored the commission-based results.

The volatility in this year’s results was reflective of the tumultuous year investors experienced in Brazil, due to an election cycle in late 2022 and depressed market activity.

“Clients were a bit lost at the start of the year, given the change of government and the outlook ahead. People lost a lot of money betting on a more centric-approach government, and the reality was a bit different,” said Thiago Faganello, head of Brazil sales and partner at BTG Pactual. “But things changed recently and quickly, so tons of opportunities showed up and clients are now trying to stock pick the best names for this new cycle.”

By Alexandra DeLuca via Institutional Investor

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UBS Group AG named Sylvia Coutinho Brazil country head and the regional leader for Latin America businesses as the Swiss bank integrates teams from its acquisition of Credit Suisse Group AG.

Marcello Chilov, Credit Suisse’s former chief executive officer in Brazil and head of wealth management for Latin America, will run UBS global wealth management in Latin America, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg News. The changes take effect July 17.

Coutinho has been at UBS for more than 10 years, and was UBS’s Brazil country head prior to the merger. She was also head of wealth management for Latin America. In her new role, she will focus on leading integration efforts as well as overseeing regulatory, governance and collaboration between businesses for the region. She will report to Naureen Hassan, president of UBS Americas.

By Cristiane Lucchesi via Yahoo!Finance

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On July 6, 2023, the first sanction imposed by the Brazilian Data Protection Agency (“ANPD”) against a company (controller) in Brazil was published in the official gazette. The ANPD is the agency charged with enforcing Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”).

The publication does not provide the details about the results of the investigation conducted by the ANPD against a company, but the sanctions provide a glimpse of the underlying circumstances.

The sanctions included:

  1. A Warning, without the imposition of corrective measures, for violation of article 41 of the LGPD (appointment of a Data privacy Officer (DPO);
  2. A “Simple Fine” of R$ 7,200 (~$1,480 USD) for violation of article 7 of the LGPD (legal basis for processing personal data);
  3. A Simple Fine of R$7,200 (~$1,480 USD) for violation of article 5 of the Auditing Regulations (obligation of controller/processor to cooperate with the ANPD).

By Renata Neeser via Littler

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Se você tem de 18 a 26 anos e quer maximizar o seu potencial, desenvolvendo habilidades e competências que fazem a diferença hoje e que serão cada vez mais necessárias no futuro, faça parte do nosso Programa Access Your Potential.

O Access Your Potential (AYP), da PwC Brasil, visa maximizar o potencial de jovens em contextos adversos, criando possibilidades de carreira e inclusão produtiva. O objetivo principal é proporcionar o desenvolvimento de competências que fazem a diferença hoje e que serão cada vez mais necessárias no futuro. Para isso, oferecemos cursos de alta qualidade, mentoring para o desenvolvimento de projeto de vida e acesso a oportunidades de carreira. A cada ciclo do programa, conectamos jovens de todo o país com profissionais voluntários da firma.

Via PwC

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A nova temporada de balanços corporativos referentes ao segundo trimestre não deve impulsionar ganhos adicionais no mercado acionário dos Estados Unidos. A avaliação de Michael Wilson, estrategista-chefe para ações e CIO (executivo-chefe de investimentos) do Morgan Stanley (MS) e considerado uma das vozes mais pessimistas de Wall Street, ampliando o consenso em torno dessa percepção já evocada por outros de seus pares.

Segundo o estrategista, desta vez os guidances (projeções) a serem anunciados pelas empresas serão mais importantes do que o normal para o movimento das bolsas, tendo em vista os elevados valuations das ações, as taxas de juros mais altas da liquidez cada vez menor.

“Com o início da temporada de balanços corporativos do segundo trimestre nesta semana, resultados melhores do que o previsto provavelmente não serão mais ‘suficientes’ para disparar novos ganhos em Wall Street”, escreveu em relatório nesta segunda-feira (10).

By Sagarika Jaisinghani via Bloomberg Línea

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Novas Perspectivas

Padrão Mundial – Relatórios de Sustentabilidade

Quarta-feira, 12 de julho às 9h00  (Horário de Brasília)


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Pesquisa Incial
09:20 – 10:00 Palestrante: Melissa Schleich
10:00 –

10:20 Palestrante: Mauricio Colombari
10:20 – 10:40 Palestrante: José Vital
10:40 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&A)
11:00 – 11:15 Prova de conhecimento/Encerramento






AgTech Garage

Quarta-feira, 12 de julho às 15h00 – (Evento presencial)

Dia 1: Moon Hub

Sede Moon Hub by AgTech Garage, Praça do Conhecimento, 459 — Parque Tecnológico de Uberaba — Univerdecidade, em Uberaba/MG.

Palestrante: José Tomé (sócio, PwC)


15h — Abertura “Por dentro da Gestão Tripartite”

(AgTech Garage, Ubyfol e Prefeitura de Uberaba)

15h30 — Bem-vindos ao Moon Hub by AgTech Garage

16h10 — Painel “Conhecendo a Comunidade Uberabense”

(Agentes locais e clientes convidados)

17h10 — Tour pelo Moon Hub e Happy Hour





PwC Debate Reforma Tributária: analisar, influenciar e planejar

Quarta-feira, 12 de julho das 17h00 às 18h15 (Horário de Brasília)

