The Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the general affairs of the Chamber. The Board is comprised of distinguished individuals from firms who are committed to expanding business and trade between Brazil and the United States. The Board’s leadership and dedication to the Chamber’s mission have built it into one of the nation’s most vibrant international business organizations.
The committee structure enables a broad cross-section of the membership to actively participate in the Chamber’s mission. The committees work closely with the staff to formulate and develop the Chamber’s programming and events.
Establishes guidelines for Chamber awards. Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for recipients of these awards.
Alexandre Bettamio / Simoni Morato, Co-Chairpersons
Reviews and evaluates key issues affecting Brazil-US business developments in finance related topics. Informs members through publications, roundtable discussions, and workshops.
Paulo Vieira da Cunha, Chairperson
Promotes discussion highlighting Brazil’s accomplishments and positive agenda, creating a background for the country’s international image.
Alessandre Siano, Chairperson
Responsible for the oversight and supervision of the day-to-day operations of the Chamber and all its activities.
Sergio C. Pereira / J. Roberto David de Azevedo, Co-Chairpersons
Assists the Board of Directors in overseeing the Chamber’s financial integrity and its compliance with regulatory requirements.
Amadeu Ribeiro, Chairperson
Identifies and establishes dialogues with high-level figures and authorities involved in Brazil-US business to facilitate interaction and engage them in Chamber programs.
Carlos N. Guimarães, Chairperson
Focuses on foreign direct investment in Brazil, providing valuable insights through events and reports; serves as a source of intelligence and an analytical tool for those navigating different sectors of the Brazilian market.
Amadeu C. Ribeiro, Chairperson
Identifies key legal issues in Brazil-US business and assists in the development of Chamber programs and seminars around these themes.
Sergio Torres / Paula Vieira de Oliveira, Co-Chairpersons
Assists in the development of programs and services to best serve our current members. Identifies means to recruit new Chamber members.
Aron B. Schreier, Chairperson
Nominates Directors for election by Chamber members. Proposes officers, Executive Committee members, and committee chairpersons for election by the Board of Directors.
Celso V. Barison, Chairperson
Supports the Person of the Year Fellowship Program, which awards scholarships to exceptional young professionals who are pursuing graduate studies and demonstrate the distinctive potential to become great leaders within the Brazilian-American community.
J. Roberto David de Azevedo, Chairperson
Members: Valmor Bratz, Clarissa Macea
Oversees the organization of the Person of the Year Awards Gala Dinner.
J. Roberto David de Azevedo, Chairperson
Raises awareness of key issues affecting Brazil-US bilateral trade and business investment through proposing topics for Chamber seminars, programs, and events.
TBD, Chairperson
Formed by young professionals from various industries who are currently engaged or have a keen interest in Brazil-US business relations. The committee organizes its own annual events in support of the Chamber’s primary mission of fostering business and investments between Brazil and the US.
Vinicius Granja, Chairperson