
About the event

A Portrait of Childhood and Adolescence in Brazil and Sustainable Development Goals – October 3, 2023

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Fundação Abrinq, had the pleasure to host a breakfast seminar on “A Portrait of Childhood and Adolescence in Brazil and Sustainable Development Goals.”  On this occasion, Fundação Abrinq presented its most recent publication and research analyzing Brazil’s performance in meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a collection of interconnected environmental, social, and economic objectives directly related to children and adolescents.  Please watch the highlight video of this enlightening and stimulating discussion!

Victor Graça, Executive Director, Fundação ABRINQ – Click to see presentation

Synésio Batista da Costa, President, Fundação ABRINQ

Albert Fishlow, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of California, Berkley, and Professor Emeritus of International & Public Affairs, Columbia University

Juliana Ramalho, Partner, Mattos Filho


Registration information:

Members: free
Non-Members: $25

Format: in-person only


Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY, 10022

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