Prudential regulation in the financial sector is paramount in ensuring the stability and integrity of financial institutions, particularly concerning corporate governance and risk management practices. The dynamic landscape of rapid technological advancements, a more competitive global economy, and evolving consumer expectations has ushered in new risks and challenges for financial entities. Consequently, financial service firms find themselves navigating a multifaceted regulatory environment characterized by heightened scrutiny.
In light of these complexities, it is imperative for organizations to fortify their governance structures to effectively manage operations with prudence and responsibility. This entails a comprehensive approach encompassing capital adequacy, liquidity management, and robust risk management protocols.
The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with KPMG, convenes a panel of experts to delve into the intricacies of prudential regulation in the United States and its reverberations within Brazilian regulatory frameworks. The discussion encompassed the adoption of US banking sector guidelines and the assimilation of these standards within Brazilian regulatory practices. Additionally, panelists explored the implications of recent FDIC mandates, particularly the implementation of new rules for large financial institutions aimed at fostering enhanced corporate governance and risk management protocols.
Stephanie Webster, General Counsel, Institute of International Bankers
Bill Coen, Senior Advisor, Global Financial Services, KPMG LLP – View Presentation
Amaro Luiz de Oliveira Gomes, Audit Committee Member, Banco Bradesco S.A.
Fabio Lacerda Carneiro, Partner, Financial Risk Management, KPMG Consultoria Ltda. – View Presentation
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