New US tax rules and their impact on Brazilian companies

In early 2022, the US Internal Revenue Service issued new rules for calculating foreign tax credits. Surprisingly, this initiative may create a significant commercial barrier for Brazilian companies, as income tax paid in Brazil is no longer creditable in the United States. Consequently, Brazilian companies will have to come up with new strategies when conducting business there.
In this episode, Mattos Filho Tax partners Lisa Worcman, Gil Mendes and Luiz Felipe Ferraz discuss the impacts of the new rules for Brazilian companies, and how they may approach the new scenario.
The legal issues discussed in this episode are based on the date of its release. For more news and legal analyses related to your company’s everyday activities, please visit
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Gil Mendes
+55 11 3147 4632
Lisa Worcman
+55 11 3147-8484
Luiz Felipe Ferraz
55 11 3147 7870