
About the event

By invitation only

Luncheon with the Honorable Jorge Messias, recently appointed Minister of the Attorney General’s Office (AGU), the institution which represents the Union and the Federal Agencies, judicially or extrajudicially, and is responsible for the judicial consultation and assistance to the Executive Power. Minister Messias discussed AGU’s agenda under his leadership, in particular the initiatives to enhance legal certainty for foreign investments and other steps that the AGU is taking to promote the rule of law in Brazil.

*Presentations were in Portuguese, with simultaneous translation to English


Introductory remarks:

Ambassador Adalnio Senna GanemConsul General of Brazil in New YorkConsulate General of Brazil in New York.



Rodrigo SadiPartner, McLaughlin & Stern, LLP



Jorge MessiasMinister, Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU)Attorney General’s Office


Registration information: By invitation only


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