NEWSLETTERS 20 . Dezembro . 2023

O impacto da presença de influenciadores digitais no mercado financeiro, que será analisado pela CVM por meio de consulta pública, é um dos destaques desta edição, na seção Companhias Abertas. As novidades em Ofertas Públicas e Fundos de Investimento incluem o início do processo de consulta para revisão das normas aplicáveis a ofertas públicas de aquisição; e a divulgação das orientações sobre o preenchimento de informação de cotistas no Banco Central.

Confira o conteúdo desta edição:COMPANHIAS ABERTAS
  • Consulta da CVM analisa impacto da presença de influenciadores digitais no mercado financeiro
  • Nova norma da CVM altera regra envolvendo companhias securitizadoras
  • CVM inicia processo de consulta para revisão das normas aplicáveis a ofertas públicas de aquisição
  • CVM promove alterações pontuais nas Resoluções 141 e 151


  • Área técnica da CVM divulga orientação sobre preenchimento de informação de cotistas no Banco Central

Via Veirano Advogados

What you will be reading in this issue:
1. Governance | 5 Key Agenda for Medium and Large Brazilian Companies in 2024
2. Labor | 5 Actions to Mitigate the Risk of Psychologial Diseases Being Recognized as Occupational Ones

Governance | 5 Key Agenda for Medium and Large Brazilian Companies in 2024

Brazilian companies that we have seen grow, innovate and generate value in different segments of Brazilian economy have in common strategic attention to medium and long-term funding, governance, talent attraction and M&A opportunities.

The factor below apply to companies in all major sectors in Brazil, including agribusiness, technology, manufacturing, finance, energy, and others.

Companies that want to grow in 2024 should consider the following 5 themes in their strategic plans:

  1. Focus on Attracting Structured Financing in Brazilian Reais: The Brazilian capital market for fixed income credit is closer than ever to medium and large companies, but still few are aware of the importance to create relationships with local financial institutions, funds, family offices and other medium and long-term capital financiers.

Even so, agribusiness companies issued more than BRL100 billion in Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) so far in 2023, acquired by funds, family offices and other investors, to raise medium to long-term resources (5 to 10 years).

Likewise, companies in the real estate sector issued Certificates of Real Estate Receivables (CRI) in high volumes to finance projects and costs of projects already built, with terms of 5 to 10 years.

Commercial Notes and Debentures are also medium and long-term funding options for companies.

  1. Look at Obtaining Foreign Funding From Foreign Banks and Funds: Brazil’s participation is still irrelevant in international trade, with a share of close to 2% of global trade volume.

Even so, agricultural, industrial and technology companies export commodities, value-added products and services that generate receivables in dollars and other hard currencies that can be financed by foreign funding.

There are several foreign financial institutions, trading companies, funds, family offices and investors that finance exports of Brazilian companies, via export prepayment lines, direct loans, draft (international duplicate discount), among others, in a volume that exceeds US$50 billion annually.

Companies should seek these financing channels as another funding alternative, especially in hard currency.

Via Feijó Lopes Advogados

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A OMT é a agência da Organização das Nações Unidas responsável pela promoção do turismo de forma responsável, sustentável e acessível.

O Rio de Janeiro ganhou nesta quinta-feira (14) o primeiro escritório da Organização Mundial do Turismo (OMT) para as Américas e o Caribe.

A inauguração contou com a presença do ministros do Turismo do Brasil, Celso Sabino, dos ministros do Chile e do Paraguai, do presidente da Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, e do diretor da Organização Mundial do Turismo (OMT), Zurab Pololikashvili.

O escritório, no Centro da cidade, vai contar com representantes de outros países da região.

A OMT é a agência da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) responsável pela promoção do turismo de forma sustentável, responsável e acessível.

O Rio foi escolhido para sediar a nova representação da OMT em outubro. A cidade teve o 5º maior crescimento do PIB de turismo no mundo em 2022. E este ano já arrecadou R$ 190 milhões em impostos com o turismo, gerando mais de 20 mil empregos.

Por Por Ben-Hur Correia, RJ2 via

Ler artigo na íntegra.

The companies that will thrive in the face of rapid climate change are those that make adapting to it a top priority, says PwC’s Ashok Varma.

Not long ago, I participated in a PwC climate-action roundtable in Mumbai. One of the attendees, an executive from a hospital group, made an observation that grabbed my attention: the seasonal changes being caused by global warming, he said, were affecting the patterns and frequency of vector-borne diseases. His hospitals were increasingly having capacity issues, with sick patients coming in earlier and later in the year than before, straining hospital resources, from beds to diagnostic facilities.

By Ashok Varma via PwC

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Realizada entre os dias 30 de novembro e 12 de dezembro deste ano, a 28ª edição da Conferência das Partes (COP-28) tem como principal objetivo avaliar e trazer insights quanto ao progresso dos países signatários no que diz respeito ao atingimento das metas do Acordo de Paris.

Neste contexto, alguns dos nossos líderes globais vão marcar presença para discutir meios de alavancar ações significativas para frear a crise climática que estamos enfrentando, discutindo temas como: financiamento e expansão da tecnologia climática, transformação da demanda de energia, adaptação climática para proteger a cadeia de valor e a sociedade, estratégias empresariais positivas para a natureza.

O nosso sócio e líder de Environmental, Social e Governance (ESG), Mauricio Colombari, representará a PwC Brasil na COP 28. Além da presença da nossa liderança, a PwC, por meio do seu Plano Net Zero 2030, está compondo o portfólio de projetos apresentados no evento  pela iniciativa Brasil pelo Meio Ambiente, da Amcham e ICC Brasil.

Para acompanhar as discussões da COP 28, fique de olho nas coberturas jornalísticas do evento e siga a página da PwC Climate.

Via PwC Brasil


Novas Perspectivas

Instrumentos Financeiros (a norma mais complexa e mais controversa)

Wed, Dec 13, 2023 9:00 AM BRT


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Avisos/Pesquisa
09:20 – 09:50 Apresentação: Bruno Portela (BR)
09:50 – 10:20 Apresentação: Ana Moura (BR)
10:20 – 10:50 Apresentação: Gisele Sterzeck
10:50 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&Q)
11:00 – 11:00 Encerramento

Link de Inscrição



Tribute to H.E. Henry A. Kissinger

(May 27, 1923 – November 29, 2023)1997 Person of the Year

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on November 29, 2023 at the age of 100, of H.E. Henry A. Kissinger, American politician, diplomat, political scientist, geopolitical consultant, and longtime Chamber affiliate and supporter.  Kissinger served as United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and was the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s 1997 Person of the Year honoree, representing the United States.

Born in Fürth, Bavaria in 1923, Kissinger and his family fled Nazi Germany in 1938, briefly landing in London and ultimately, the Washington Heights section of Upper Manhattan as part of the German-Jewish immigrant community.  Kissinger served in the United States Army, during which time he became a naturalized US citizen.  He excelled academically, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Harvard College (1950), a Master of Arts from Harvard University (1951), and a Doctor of Philosophy from Harvard University (1954).

Serving under the presidential administrations of Ricard Nixon and Gerald Ford, Kissinger played a prominent role in United States foreign policy between 1969 and 1977, easing geopolitical tensions with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, orchestrating an opening of relations with China, engaging in “shuttle diplomacy” in the Middle East to end the Yom Kippur War, and negotiating the Paris Peace Accords, which prompted the withdrawal of American forces from the Vietnam War.  After leaving government, he established Kissinger Associates, an international geopolitical consulting firm.

Over the course of his career, Kissinger wrote numerous memoirs, articles, and books on diplomatic history, public policy, and international relations – and received countless awards and distinctions, including the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for his work negotiating a ceasefire in the Vietnam War and the 1997 Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Gerald Ford.

Kissinger’s dialogue with the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.  His force of character, influence over wartime diplomacy and global affairs, and domination across a breadth of major foreign policy issues endure.

Kissinger is survived by his wife, Nancy Maginnes Kissinger; two children, David and Elizabeth; and five grandchildren.

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