
Previsão é de 23,6 milhões de toneladas neste ano, acima das 22,9 milhões de toneladas previstas em janeiro

O Brasil vai processar mais soja do que o esperado neste ano, com impulso de uma maior exportação de farelo e óleo de soja, apontou nesta quarta-feira (12) levantamento mensal da Abiove (Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Óleos Vegetais).

O processamento de soja no país foi previsto em 57,5 milhões de toneladas em 2025, 400 mil toneladas acima da previsão de janeiro, segundo a associação que reúne tradings e processadoras.

A entidade ainda manteve a estimativa de colheita de soja do país neste ano em recorde de 171,7 milhões de toneladas.

Já a exportação brasileira de farelo de soja foi prevista em 23,6 milhões de toneladas neste ano, acima das 22,9 milhões de toneladas previstas em janeiro.

A exportação de óleo de soja do Brasil foi estimada em 1,1 milhão de toneladas, leve alta na comparação com a previsão de janeiro (1,05 milhão).

A Abiove, por outro lado, manteve a estimativa de exportação de soja em grão em um recorde de 106,1 milhões de toneladas.

A safra, que está sendo colhida, deverá ter um crescimento de 11,86% na comparação com a temporada anterior, atingida por problemas climáticos, segundo dados da associação.

Já a exportação do grão aumentaria mais de 7%. O processamento, por sua vez, cresceria 3,8%, de acordo com dados da Abiove.

Com um maior processamento e previsão de safra estável, a Abiove reduziu a projeção de estoques finais de soja do Brasil em 2025 para 8,96 milhões de toneladas, 800 mil toneladas abaixo da projeção de janeiro, levando também em conta um ajuste nos estoques iniciais deste ano.

Via Forbes Brasil


Ministério da Fazenda argumenta que a harmonização global desses padrões é viável, apesar de possíveis ventos políticos contrários

O Brasil pretende propor na cúpula climática COP30 que os países incluam a diversidade de raça e gênero como um critério internacional para classificar investimentos sustentáveis, disse uma autoridade do Ministério da Fazenda à Reuters, argumentando que a harmonização global desses padrões é viável, apesar de possíveis ventos políticos contrários.

Em entrevista, a subsecretária de Desenvolvimento Econômico Sustentável da Fazenda, Cristina Reis, disse que a estratégia de transformação ecológica do Brasil não muda em nada com o retorno à presidência dos Estados Unidos de Donald Trump — um crítico de políticas de diversidade e defensor de ações de desenvolvimento que colocam de lado a pauta de proteção ambiental.

“Esse alinhamento internacional… sofre derrotas locais, no tempo e no espaço, mas tem um direcionamento comum que eu acho que continua porque a gente tem um problema objetivo que compromete a vida, que é a mudança climática”, disse.

Enquanto se prepara para sediar a COP30 em Belém, em novembro, o governo brasileiro coleta subsídios em uma consulta pública aberta até março para desenvolver sua taxonomia nacional, um sistema para classificar setores, projetos e ativos sustentáveis com a finalidade de mobilizar investimentos.

Plataforma de Investimentos

Após lançar em 2024 uma plataforma para alavancar investimentos estrangeiros verdes, Reis afirmou que o governo vai implementar neste mês uma nova iniciativa para acelerar a triagem de projetos estratégicos. A plataforma já em funcionamento visa selecionar projetos estruturados em áreas de transformação ecológica e atuar ativamente na busca por investidores internacionais e mecanismos de financiamento. O novo projeto prevê uma parceria entre Fazenda, Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (Cepal) e o chamado Conselhão (Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico Social Sustentável) para turbinar a plataforma. Segundo ela, uma equipe foi contratada para se debruçar sobre projetos voltados à transformação ecológica, além de mapear as barreiras para que eles saiam do papel e propor soluções. O projeto vai vigorar por um ano, mas o plano do governo é chegar à COP30 com o material pronto para que um portfólio mais robusto de potenciais investimentos no Brasil seja apresentado aos participantes da cúpula, disse Reis.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes Brasil

Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA Brings the Magic of Mexico to NYC – Exclusive Discount for Chamber Members and Followers

Location: Under the Big Top, At Randall’s Island Park – New York, NY

When: March 5 – April 27

LUZIA is inspired by the people, places, and stories that define Mexico. Take a journey through a dream of Mexico, from the folklore of old to the urban landscape of today. LUZIA takes you to an imaginary Mexico, like in a waking dream, where light (“luz” in Spanish) quenches the spirt and rain (“lluvia”) soothes the soul. With a surrealistic series of grand visual surprises and breathtaking acrobatic performances, LUZIA cleverly brings to the stage multiple places, faces and sounds of Mexico taken from both tradition and modernity.

Special Offer for Brazilian-American Chamber Audience: Use this link to save up to 20% off select seats/dates. Groups of 10+, save 25% and reduced handling fees, contact for details.

General Information:
Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA
Under the Big Top at Randall’s Island Park
March 5 through April 27, 2025




SAO PAULO, Jan 31 (Reuters) – Brazil’s jobless rate came in slightly above market expectations in the final quarter of 2024 but reached its lowest yearly average for the current data series after the labor market showed continued resilience throughout last year.

Unemployment in Latin America’s largest economy hit 6.2% in the three months through December, statistics agency IBGE said on Friday, up from 6.1% in the previous rolling quarter and above the 6.1% expected in a Reuters poll of economists.

The average unemployment rate in 2024, however, was 6.6%, the lowest level since the beginning of the data series in 2012.

Brazil’s jobless rate has been hovering around historically low levels for the past few quarters, an indicator cheered by the government but that has contributed to the central bank hiking interest rates.

“In our view, the job market will remain heated and Brazil is expected to maintain an unemployment rate close to 6% at the end of this year and the next – a very low level by our historical standards,” C6 Bank economist Claudia Moreno said.

The strong job market with high wages has supported economic growth, fueling the consumption of goods and services, but triggered inflationary concerns as consumer prices remain above the central bank’s 3% target.

On Wednesday, the monetary authority raised interest rates by 100 basis points to 13.25% and kept its guidance for another hike of that size in March, leaving the door open for subsequent moves.

Despite the slightly higher-than-expected jobless rate in the fourth quarter, adding to separate data that on Thursday showed that Brazil created fewer formal jobs than forecast in December, the bank’s stance should not change in the short term.

Read the full article

Reporting Camila Moreira; Writing by Isabel Teles; Editing by Gabriel Araujo and Louise Heavens via Reuters

Tribute to Robert Y. Stebbings, J.D.


On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on January 5, 2025 at the age of 82, of Robert “Bob” Stebbings, longtime Chamber affiliate and supporter, and former Board member.

Born on February 11, 1942, Mr. Stebbings earned a BA from Stanford University, a JD from Columbia University, and an MBA.  He was an accomplished lawyer with expertise in international business and Latin America markets – and was active for decades with both Brazilian clients and international clients with business in Brazil.  He applied his extensive knowledge at numerous law firms including Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP; Rogers & Wells LLP (now Clifford Chance LLP), where he served as Chairman of the Latin America Practice Group; and smaller international firms.  Among his professional achievements, he helped establish Petrobras’ IPO on the New York Stock Exchange.  He also dedicated time to pro bono endeavors, including for the Business Council for International Understanding, where he served as General Counsel and Executive Committee member.

Mr. Stebbings was a guest lecturer at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (1972-74).  He authored numerous publications, including on international trade law and trade developments affecting Brazil, as well as financial resources for Brazilian companies.  He was a member of the New York State Bar Association, the State Bar of California, the American Bar Association, and the American Foreign Law Association – and spoke English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Mr. Stebbings’ dedication to the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.

Mr. Stebbings is survived by his son, Matias Stebbings, and his grandsons, Vicente Stebbings and Andrés Stebbings.

Chamber members and friends who wish to join a virtual celebration of Robert Stebbings’ life can reach out to David Barnes (, Matias Stebbings (, and Donald Nicholson (

Tribute to Lucio Pimenta



On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, and with profound sadness, we inform you of the passing, on January 19, 2025 at the age of 94, of Lucio Pimenta, longtime Chamber affiliate, dear friend, and former Board member.

Born on December 4, 1930 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mr. Pimenta joined the Merchant Marine Academy in Rio de Janeiro and graduated with honors.  He was selected to join Brazilian shipping company Lloyd Brasileiro, where he rose the ranks and was promoted to captain.  He commanded several ships and played an important role in Brazilian foreign trade.  In 1970, he was assigned as Deputy Head of the New York Office, a role in which he coordinated shipping trade with other countries.  Later, he was promoted to Head of the New York Office, where he remained until retirement.

Mr. Pimenta was an important and dedicated Director and member of the Chamber, regularly participating in activities and attending events and programs.  He greatly contributed to the Brazil Independence Day Reception and was integral to the planning of the Person of the Year Awards Gala Dinner.  Even in recent years, following his relocation to Bluffton, South Carolina, he would return to New York to contribute to many successful POY events.

Recognizing his great dedication to Brazil-US relations, Mr. Pimenta was honored with several awards from the Federal Government of Brazil as well as the Brazilian military.

Mr. Pimenta’s dedication to the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.  Moreover, Mr. Pimenta was a close friend to all.  His wit, wisdom, and kindness were unmatched and his presence and humor will be greatly missed.

Mr. Pimenta is survived by his wife, Maria Helena Pimenta; his sons, Fernando Pimenta, Paulo Pimenta, and Lucio Pimenta, Jr.; and his grandchildren.

Secretaria das Nações Unidas para a Mudança do Clima é responsável pelas negociações para a realização da conferência, em novembro de 2025

Uma missão oficial da delegação da ONU iniciou nesta segunda-feira (20), em Belém, uma visita para discutir os preparativos para a COP30 (Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima).

Os especialistas internacionais são acompanhados por técnicos dos governos do Brasil, do estado e municipal, em reuniões de campo para conhecer a infraestrutura hoteleira, planos de logística de transportes, segurança pública e saúde pública.

A Secretaria das Nações Unidas para a Mudança do Clima (UNFCCC, da sigla em inglês) é responsável pelas negociações para a realização das Conferências.

A secretária-executiva adjunta, Noura Hamladji, destacou que o evento é um grande desafio político e diplomático para enfrentar a crise climática.

“Não somos uma missão de avaliação, somos uma missão que tem um objetivo bem claro: tornar a COP em Belém um sucesso. Estamos muito positivamente impressionados com as apresentações que vimos e com a preparação antecipada do Brasil”, afirmou Hamladji.

O secretário extraordinário para a COP30, Valter Correia, apresentou os números e frentes de trabalho que estão sendo encaminhadas pelo Governo Federal na construção do local do evento, na saúde, nos transportes, em acomodações e na segurança.

“Estamos trabalhando incessantemente para entregar uma COP que tenha todas as condições de garantir o sucesso das negociações globais sobre o clima”, afirmou.

Igor Normando, prefeito de Belém, reconheceu os desafios sociais da cidade que, segundo eles, são comuns aos grandes centros brasileiros e não reduzem o potencial da capital paraense para realizar o evento.

Para o prefeito, a COP Amazônia é a oportunidade para enfrentar preconceitos contra a região Norte brasileira. Ele destacou ainda que o governo local está empenhado em projetos de infraestrutura necessários.

COP30 na Amazônia

A COP30 (Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Clima) ocorre de 10 a 20 de novembro, em Belém do Pará.

Entre as ações em andamento, está a melhoria do setor de turismo da cidade para a hospedagem das 50 mil pessoas esperadas para o evento.

As ações devem criar mais 26 mil novas habitações para receber as pessoas credenciadas para a COP30 durante os 10 dias de debates.

As visitas técnicas são uma rotina em todas as COPs e acontecem várias vezes ao longo do ano e em todos os países que recebem a Conferência.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via G1

Social programs and job market improvements contribute to success

By Lucianne Carneiro e Alessandra Saraiva — Do Rio

The year 2023 marked a significant decline in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil, reaching the lowest levels recorded since 2012, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). For the first time since 2012, the proportion of people living in poverty fell below 30%, reaching 27.4% of the population. Meanwhile, those in extreme poverty accounted for 4.4% of Brazilians, a figure that had never dropped below 5% before. The new IBGE report reveals a 14.7% decrease in poverty and a 24.6% drop in extreme poverty.

Experts have described this reduction between 2022 and 2023 as pronounced, significant, and substantial. They attribute this trend to the vibrant job market, social programs like Bolsa Família and the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC), and the real increase in the minimum wage.

Researchers on the subject believe poverty will continue to decrease in 2024, but caution that much work remains. Despite the reduction in poverty, increased income, and social programs, a significant number of Brazilians remain impoverished, and income inequality persists in the country.

“There is an improvement in the quality of life. This is the positive side, and it is not insignificant. Yet, various marks of inequality remain in income, access to work, education, and health. The inequality indices are very high,” said Francisco Menezes, a policy advisor at ActionAid.

In 2023, 8.7 million people, equivalent to the entire population of the state of Ceará, emerged from poverty, yet 59 million Brazilians remained in this condition. The IBGE uses the World Bank’s poverty line as a reference, defined as a per capita household income of $6.85 per day (based on purchasing power parity, PPP) or R$665 per month.

For extreme poverty, the population decreased from 12.6 million in 2022 to 9.5 million in 2023, meaning 3.1 million people moved out of this category last year. The extreme poverty line is set at a per capita household income below $2.15 PPP per day or R$209 per month.

“Both the job market and social benefits help explain the reduction in poverty. The job market has a greater impact on poverty, while social benefits affect extreme poverty more,” said André Simões, an analyst at IBGE who co-authored this crucial study.

While the decline in poverty was celebrated, the income inequality trend was less encouraging. The Gini index of per capita household income remained at 0.518 in 2023, the same level as in 2022, which is the lowest in the series since it began in 2012. The Gini index, a widely recognized measure of income inequality worldwide, ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 1 indicating greater inequality.

In Brazil, in 2023, the total income held by the top 10% highest earners was 3.6 times greater than the income of the bottom 40% earners. According to the IBGE, maintaining this inequality indicator is likely due to the more dynamic job market in 2023, which had a stronger impact on the income of higher-income deciles, as they rely more on labor income.

This inequality, according to the ActionAid Policy Advisor, justifies the discussion of a progressive tax reform targeting ultra-wealthy individuals: “We need to address the structural issues that explain poverty, which is more challenging due to the political process. However, even a slight taxation on the ultra-wealthy could generate significant resources to tackle issues such as the lack of basic sanitation.”

In a period of intense debate over fiscal matters, Francisco Menezes argues that the discussion of public spending should focus on “the quality of resource allocation rather than merely the numbers.”

The IBGE’s Summary of Social Indicators also includes data on the improvement of living conditions in Brazil. The proportion of young people aged 15 to 29 who neither study nor work decreased to 21.2% in 2023, down from 22.3% in 2022, the lowest level since 2012. Although the number of young people in this situation reached a record low, 10.3 million remain.

Read the full article

Via Valor International

Online sales increase by 11% from Thursday to Sunday; steady trend could influence Christmas season

Data released by consultancies and research companies indicate that Black Friday sales surpassed projections in online and physical stores, marking the largest increase in four years. This performance could pave the way for more positive results during the Christmas season when retailers and industries can achieve higher profit margins.

From Thursday (28) to the morning of Sunday (1, until 6:59 a.m.), online nominal revenue rose by 11% compared to the previous year, reaching approximately R$8 billion, according to service and data company Neotrust Confi.

The initial projection was for a smaller increase of 9.1%, considering the low base of comparison of 2023. Last week, consultancies and sector associations interviewed for the report anticipated growth between 5% and 10%, depending on the study.

In 2022 and 2023, the figures fell short of expectations. In 2021, sales in November dropped by 4.2%, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics’ retail survey.

On Saturday (30), the acceleration was stronger, with a 22% increase compared to the same date in 2023, totaling R$1.93 billion in revenue. In terms of units, the increase was 21%. On Friday (29), the official Black Friday, online expansion reached 8.4%, aligning with market projections. The study was conducted in partnership with ClearSale.

According to Valor’s calculations, the 2024 increase represents the highest rate of online expansion for a Black Friday since 2020, when the pandemic led consumers to shop online.

This level of average spending includes segments such as fashion and food, which are less reliant on credit and less affected by recent interest rate hikes.

Brick-and-mortar stores, which don’t always perform well even when digital sales soar during Black Friday, might have experienced a more optimistic season.

According to Linx, a leading technology provider for the retail sector, fashion and footwear outlets saw a 13% increase during the promotional week. That happened after Asian platforms, such as Shein, were subject to a 20% import tax on items below $50, as per the law effective in August. On Friday, revenue growth reached 23%.

The payment of the first installment of the 13th salary on Black Friday, a situation not seen since 2019, partially explains the performance in both physical and digital stores. Since the event’s inception in Brazil in 2010, the 13th salary was paid on Black Friday only in 2013, 2014, and 2019.

Despite increased debt pressures on Brazilian budgets, consultants believe the stability in delinquency rates, household income gains, and the rise in formal employment in 2024 positively influenced the figures. According to the Central Bank, household credit delinquency over 12 months remains stable. The real average income rose by 7% from July to September.

Former Casas Bahia and Carrefour executive Abel Ornelas emphasized the need to assess whether Black Friday was profitable. “The event costs are high, and it’s crucial to determine if they were covered or if there was a loss. Christmas will be the opportunity to capitalize and truly increase margins.”

As Valor previously reported last week, there were signs of improving demand since the start of the month. The main market question is whether this momentum will continue into Christmas, as some consumers may have made early holiday shopping during Black Friday. Additionally, the potential risk of price increases due to a weaker real against the dollar, which could make goods ordered for sale more expensive, still looms.

Read the full article

By Adriana Mattos — São Paulo via Valor International

Brazil has launched what it calls a social summit ahead of next week’s Group of 20 meeting of the top economies

Brazil launched what it called a social summit Thursday ahead of next week’s Group of 20 meeting of top economies, the first such event focused on drawing civil society input ahead of the main annual summit.

Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said 40,000 people from G20 countries were expected to attend meetings and panels through Saturday in revamped warehouses of downtown Rio de Janeiro’s port area and nearby Museum of Tomorrow. The main summit takes place in Rio on Monday and Tuesday.

Proposals developed at the social summit will be summarized in a final document to be presented at the leaders’ summit.

Separately, representatives from Brazil’s low-income communities have also been gathering in Rio as part of an initiative called F20, and last week presented a joint statement outlining their priorities. These include combating inequality, promoting climate justice, improving access to sanitation and advancing digital and financial inclusion.

These neighborhoods, popularly known as favelas, are home to 16.4 million Brazilians, or 8% of the country’s population, according to the government.

And the challenges of favelas are evident in places like the mountainside Rio neighborhood of Rocinha, which recently reclaimed the title of most populous favela from another one outside the capital Brasilia. Residents in Rocinha cope with open sewage and a lack of economic opportunities.

Gabriela Sá Pessoa reported from Sao Paulo.

Read the full article

Via Independent

Unidade será estruturada em quatro fases, cada uma projetada para produzir 120 eVTOLs por ano

Eve, fabricante dos eVTOLs da Embraer (veículos elétricos popularmente chamados de “carros voadores”), assinou um contrato de financiamento de R$ 500 milhões com o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) para a construção de sua fábrica.

A planta será em Taubaté, no interior de São Paulo, cidade em que a Embraer já está instalada.

O financiamento faz parte do programa BNDES Mais Inovação, que tem entre os objetivos fomentar projetos para mobilidade aérea urbana e na descarbonização da aviação.

O acordo dá continuidade à parceria iniciada em 2022, quando o BNDES aprovou uma linha de crédito de R$ 490 milhões para o desenvolvimento do programa eVTOL.

A nova operação combina subcréditos nacionais e internacionais, com parte dos recursos em moeda estrangeira, e será amortizada em até 16 anos.

De acordo com Eduardo Couto, CFO da Eve, o financiamento aprimora a estrutura de capital, combinando ações e dívidas.

A fábrica será estruturada em quatro fases, cada uma projetada para produzir 120 aeronaves, totalizando 480 eVTOLs por ano.

Segundo a Eve, a abordagem modular permitirá que os investimentos acompanhem o crescimento do mercado.

Atualmente, a empresa possui 2.900 cartas de intenção de compra de clientes em 13 paísesrepresentando um pipeline de receita potencial de US$ 14,5 bilhões.

Negociada na Nyse, a Bolsa de Nova York, a ação da Eve acumula um avanço de 3,36% em 12 meses, negociada a US$ 11,08.

Via Raquel Brandão por Exame

O Governo Federal, por meio dos ministérios da Fazenda, de Meio Ambiente e Mudança Climática, de Minas e Energia e do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços, juntamente com o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), a Bloomberg Philanthropies, a Aliança Financeira de Glasgow para o Net Zero (Gfanz), e o Fundo Verde para o Clima (GCF) anunciaram nesta quarta-feira, 23, o lançamento da Plataforma de Investimentos em Transformação Climática e Ecológica do Brasil (BIP) – uma iniciativa para avançar as metas ambiciosas de desenvolvimento e clima do Brasil.

A BIP busca expandir e otimizar os investimentos de transição, de todas as fontes, em apoio ao Plano de Transformação Ecológica do governo em setores-chave, servindo de exemplo para outros países que buscam integrar suas transformações ecológicas e metas climáticas em pipelines de investimentos concretos.

Atração de investimentos – O ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad, afirmou que a plataforma é a realização de um ano e meio de iniciativas da pasta que abriram um novo horizonte para a agenda climática do Brasil. “É, portanto, a conclusão de um processo de estruturação de nossos marcos regulatórios e financeiros para investimentos verdes”, disse. “Da mesma forma, é o início de outro processo, de uma nova onda de investimentos”.

Mobilizar capital internacional de transição é essencial para que o Brasil alcance suas metas ambiciosas de desenvolvimento e clima. Em 2023, o Brasil atualizou sua contribuição nacionalmente determinada (NDC) e suas ambições climáticas, com o objetivo de reduzir suas emissões em 53% até 2030, e potencial para se tornar a primeira nação do G20 a atingir o zero líquido enquanto cria empregos e espalha prosperidade. O país está finalizando suas metas de redução de emissões para 2035 atualmente. Essas metas incluem o foco de combater o desmatamento, práticas agrícolas sustentáveis, descarbonização industrial, soluções baseadas na natureza, fontes diversificadas de energia renovável, transporte sustentável e bioeconomia. Apesar dos esforços passados e em andamento, os planos climáticos brasileiros receberam apenas uma fração do financiamento necessário para atingir as metas climáticas do país.

Michael R. Bloomberg, fundador da Bloomberg Philanthropies, disse que a instituição está “ansiosa” para apoiar os esforços do Brasil. “As metas ambiciosas do Brasil e sua determinação em alcançá-las refletem a liderança de que precisamos para acelerar a transição para energias limpas – e para interromper os efeitos mais letais e custosos das mudanças climáticas”, disse Bloomberg, que também é enviado especial do secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas para Ambição Climática e Soluções.

O enviado especial das Nações Unidas para Ação e Finanças Climáticas e co-presidente da Gfanz, Mark Carney, afirma que o Brasil dá um exemplo para o mundo ao mostrar como a ação sobre emissões pode impulsionar o crescimento, espalhar prosperidade e criar novos empregos bem remunerados. “O Plano de Transformação Ecológica e o plano Nova Indústria Brasil criam prioridades claras para ação”, ressaltou. “Agora, a BIP reunirá os setores público e privado com instituições domésticas e internacionais para superar as barreiras de investimento e apoiar uma transição em toda a economia”.

A BIP trabalhará com fundos e programas públicos existentes, como o Restaura Amazônia, bem como com iniciativas parceiras, incluindo o Laboratório de Investimentos da Natureza do Brasil – uma iniciativa liderada pelo setor privado que desenvolve recomendações regulatórias e políticas, modelos de negócios e uma abordagem consistente para projetos de soluções baseadas na natureza no Brasil – e o programa Acelerador de Transição Industrial (ITA) Brasil – uma iniciativa projetada para ajudar a avançar um portfólio de projetos da economia real para superar os desafios da descarbonização em setores-chave com altas emissões.

A BIP também buscará parcerias com bancos multilaterais de desenvolvimento (BMDs) e fundos ambientais e climáticos para financiar tecnologias emergentes e desenvolver estruturas de financiamento inovadoras.

Leia a matéria na íntegra e veja mais detalhes da plataforma

Via Agência BNDES de Notícias

Quase 10 mil companhias do país fizeram negócios com os Estados Unidos em 2023

O total de empresas do Brasil que exportam para os Estados Unidos bateu um recorde histórico. Em 2023, 9.533 companhias nacionais venderam produtos ao país norte-americano, e a maioria deles são itens de maior tecnologia.

O levantamento mostrou ainda que as empresas que exportam aos EUA pagam melhores salários aos funcionários e empregam mais mulheres, na comparação com companhias que vendem a outros países.

“Nunca na história tantas empresas exportaram para um único destino quanto exportaram no ano passado para os Estados Unidos”, diz Tatiana Prazeres, secretária de Comércio Exterior do MDIC. “Isso é algo que interessa porque ampliar a base exportadora do Brasil é um objetivo do governo federal”, prossegue.

Em 2000, havia 4.664 empresas brasileiras exportando aos EUA. Em 2005, este número atingiu 8.023, mas houve queda nos anos seguintes, em parte por causa da crise financeira americana. A retomava veio a partir de 2013 e ganhou mais força nos últimos cinco anos, com crescimento contínuo desde 2018, até chegar aos atuais 9.953.

Como comparação, 11.253 empresas brasileiras exportam para países do Mercosul, 8.498 para a União Europeia e 2.847 vendem para a China.

200 anos de relações

Neste ano, Brasil e EUA completam 200 anos de relações bilaterais. Em 2009, os Estados Unidos perderam o posto de maior importador de produtos brasileiros para a China, mas permanece como o maior comprador de produtos industrializados brasileiros e é o segundo maior parceiro comercial do país.

Em 2023, os Estados Unidos compraram US$ 29,9 bilhões em produtos manufaturados brasileiros, como aeronaves, aço, máquinas para construção e mineração, motores e geradores. Além disso, o país exporta muito café em grão e suco de laranja aos EUA.

“Os produtos cujas exportações brasileiras para os Estados Unidos mais cresceram de janeiro a agosto desse ano são café, celulose e carne, mas também aeronaves e máquinas de energia elétrica. Nos chama a atenção o crescimento em universos de produtos que são muito diferentes”, diz Prazeres.

O estudo aponta ainda que empresas brasileiras que exportam aos Estados Unidos geram 3,2 milhões de empregos no Brasil, número 22,5% maior em relação a 2008. A remuneração média nestas empresas é de R$ 4.588 mensais, número 16,2% maior do que na comparação com a China.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Via Exame

The Department of Commerce is seeking applications for U.S. Section members of the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum for any vacancies that may arise during the current term, ending February 9, 2026.

The Department seeks to identify U.S. Section candidates who represent a diversity of business sectors and applications from individuals representing companies in all sectors and of all sizes. The Department is committed to achieving diversity in the membership of the U.S. Section of the Forum to the maximum extent permitted by law and consistent with the need for balanced industry representation. Where possible, the Department will also consider the ethnic, racial, and gender diversity of the United States.

The Forum provides business leaders with the opportunity to impact the U.S.-Brazil trade relationship and improve conditions for doing business in Brazil.


To qualify, a candidate must be a CEO or president of a U.S.-owned or -controlled company that is incorporated in or has its main headquarters or principal place of business in the United States and that is currently doing business in both Brazil and the United States. For more information on the selection criteria and application process, please see Federal Register notice 87 FR 9313, published on February 18, 2022.

Applications for membership will be accepted through April 30, 2025, to fill any new vacancies that may arise.

Background: Launched in 2007, the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum consists of up to 24 CEOs from the United States and Brazil who provide joint recommendations to the two governments to strengthen the U.S.-Brazil economic and trade relationship. The Forum has successfully opened discussions between the United States and Brazilian governments on several important issues, including visa and tax reform, customs procedures, education, energy, defense trade, and infrastructure.

For more information please visit:

Federal Register Notice: 87 FR 9313

U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum Website: forum\

For inquiries and to request an application, please contact:

Christopher Di Trolio
Office of Latin America and the Caribbean
International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce

Learn more

Roberto Ardenghy, Board Member of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, and president of the Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas (IBP), emphasizes the critical role of Brazilian oil in the global decarbonization process. He argues that an urgent energy transition is necessary to combat the ongoing climate crisis, asserting that decarbonization does not equate to a world devoid of hydrocarbons, as dependence on fossil fuels remains. Ardenghy advocates for a sustainable transition, highlighting that Brazil produces “cleaner” oil, with lower greenhouse gas emissions during extraction, a feat made possible through technological investments. In a recent video, he outlines the steps needed to make oil and gas exploration cleaner and more efficient, addressing the challenges involved in this transition.

Via Pedro+Cora of Meio.


Brazil’s Grupo Potencial announced on Tuesday an investment of 600 million reais ($108.86 million) to increase biodiesel output at one of its plants, giving the facility the world’s largest production capacity for soy oil-based biofuel


The investment was announced amid efforts by Brazil’s government to increase the footprint of biofuels in local markets.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is slated to sign a bill known as Fuel of the Future into law on Tuesday to promote the gradual increase of biodiesel blend into diesel, among other actions.


Grupo Potencial said the plant, located in Parana state, will increase its annual biodiesel production capacity to 1.62 billion liters (428 million gallons) from 900 million liters (238 million gallons).

The plant’s current capacity already makes it the largest unit in Brazil, according to Potencial. Expansion work is scheduled to begin in 2025, with completion scheduled for 2026.

The company believes the additional production will meet market demand as the new law is expected to increase the biodiesel blend with diesel to 25% by 2035, from the current 14%.


“The energy transition is an irreversible global movement,” Grupo Potencial head Arnoldo Hammerschmidt said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Our country is making significant progress towards ensuring legal security, predictability of investments in the sector and, consequently, stability in our energy mix.”

Reporting by Roberto Samora; writing by Luana Maria Benedito; editing by Jonathan Oatis via Reuters

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Women in the Workplace report. Conducted in partnership with LeanIn.Org, this effort is the largest study of women in corporate America. Over the past decade, more than 1,000 companies have participated in the study, and we have surveyed more than 480,000 people about their workplace experiences.

For this year’s report, we collected information from 281 participating organizations that collectively employ more than ten million people. At these organizations, we surveyed more than 15,000 employees and more than 280 HR leaders, who shared insights on their policies and practices. The report provides an intersectional look at the specific biases and barriers faced by Asian, Black, Latina, and LGBTQ+ women, as well as women with disabilities.

Our tenth-anniversary report analyzes data from the past decade to better understand progress, decline, and stagnation in women’s representation and experiences in the workplace. It also highlights key findings from 2024 and identifies the changes companies can make to chart real progress on the path to parity—which we project is nearly 50 years away.

Over the past decade, women have made important gains at every level of the corporate pipeline (especially in senior leadership). Yet progress is surprisingly fragile, especially for women of color, who continue to be underrepresented at every level and who view gender and race as obstacles to their advancement. In many instances, we also see that women’s outlook and day-to-day experiences are not much different, or are even worse, than they were nearly a decade ago.

As we reflect on the results from this year, and from the past ten, three things are true. First, companies took action that has led to important progress. Second, change is hard and messy, and we’re somewhere in the middle of the shifts needed to fix the pipeline and make the culture of work more equitable. Third, the gains made are more fragile and less extensive than they appear.

Click here to view the article and main findings

Download the full report


AuthorsAlexis Krivkovich and Lareina Yee are senior partners in McKinsey’s Bay Area office, Emily Field is a partner in the Seattle office, Megan McConnell is a partner in the Washington, DC, office, and Hannah Smith is a consultant in the Southern California office.

Via McKinsey

The Medulloblastoma Initiative (MBI) is thrilled to share its latest Impact Report, highlighting the approval of two clinical trials by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This marks an unprecedented advancement in our research as we continue our mission to find a cure for this devastating disease.

To all our supporters, MBI extends its deepest gratitude. For those who haven’t joined us yet, we invite you to consider supporting our cause.

Together, we can make a significant impact and create a better world.

Read the full report

Seis instituições que atendem mais de 1,2 mil crianças já estão sendo beneficiadas pelas ações do grupo

Associação que reúne mais de 130 profissionais multidisciplinares, a Arquitetos Voluntários está lançando a Missão Reconstrução RS, uma iniciativa voltada à recuperação de creches, escolas infantis e abrigos permanentes não governamentais localizados em áreas impactadas pelas enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul. Juntas, as primeiras seis instituições selecionadas para serem revitalizadas – cinco escolas infantis de Porto Alegre e uma ONG de Taquara, no Vale do Paranhana – atendem mais de 1,2 mil crianças. “Estamos trabalhando para criar ambientes mais seguros e acolhedores, transformando esses espaços que foram danificados pelas enchentes em refúgios de esperança”, destaca a arquiteta e diretora operacional dos Arquitetos Voluntários, Bianca Russo.

Em Porto Alegre, o grupo já está atuando na Escola Marista Menino Jesus (bairro Floresta), no Centro de Educação São Vicente de Paulo (São Geraldo) e nas Escolas de Educação Infantil Vitória (Humaitá), Mário Frigo (Farrapos) e Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes (São Geraldo). Em Taquara, o grupo trabalha na revitalização da sede da ONG Vida Breve, que oferece oficinas de arte, cultura e educação para crianças e jovens. A recuperação dos espaços inclui diversas ações, como pintura, troca de pisos e revestimentos, melhorias nos sistemas de iluminação, além da instalação de novos móveis e equipamentos. Essas medidas visam criar ambientes renovados e mais confortáveis para todos.

Trabalho especializado

O trabalho é realizado de forma voluntária, financiado por doações direcionadas exclusivamente para a reconstrução das escolas, creches e abrigos. Além de Porto Alegre, as operações se concentram nas regiões Metropolitana, Serra e dos Vales. A seleção dos locais que serão revitalizados é conduzida pelo Grupo de Mapeamento dos Arquitetos Voluntários, que inicialmente identifica se os empreendimentos estão em áreas suscetíveis a novas inundações e, em um segundo momento, faz uma análise, in loco, para verificar a viabilidade da intervenção.

Os critérios de seleção incluem estar fora de áreas de proteção permanente, possuir documentação regularizada, ter sido afetado pelas enchentes e não apresentar comprometimento estrutural. “Vamos juntos ajudar a reconstruir o Rio Grande do Sul. Cada gesto de solidariedade faz a diferença e nos enche de esperança. Vamos transformar essa dor em ação”, afirma a arquiteta e urbanista Monique Fontes, diretora de comunicação do grupo.

Instituições que atendam a esses critérios podem contatar os Arquitetos Voluntários pelo e-mail, fone, etc.

Sobre os Arquitetos Voluntários

O coletivo Arquitetos Voluntários foi criado por sete arquitetos, em 2020, com o objetivo de construir espaços de acolhimento e descompressão destinados aos profissionais da linha de frente do combate à Covid-19. Durante a pandemia, o projeto arrecadou R$ 4,5 milhões em doações de insumos que beneficiaram mais de 22 mil profissionais da saúde em Porto Alegre, na Região Metropolitana, na Serra e em São Paulo. Mais de 300 empresas apoiaram a iniciativa, contribuindo com recursos financeiros, produtos, materiais e mão de obra.

Diante da catástrofe climática que devastou o Rio Grande do Sul em maio de 2024, o grupo retomou as ações por meio da Missão Reconstrução RS. Nesta nova etapa de atuação, o foco dos Arquitetos Voluntários está na reforma de creches, escolas infantis e abrigos permanentes não governamentais atingidos pelas enchentes. Atualmente, o coletivo conta com mais de 130 voluntários multidisciplinares e desenvolve suas atividades com recursos provenientes de doações de pessoas físicas e empresas.

Read the full article

Via Arquitetos Voluntários

Em 2025, as empresas de apostas também precisarão pagar por uma licença para operar negócios de apostas e jogos online no País.

O mercado de apostas on-line foi autorizado no Brasil em 2018, final do governo Temer. A previsão para regulamentação era de dois anos. No governo Bolsonaro o assunto não avançou, mas em 2023 ele voltou à mesa. Antes, as empresas podiam explorar o mercado brasileiro, mas não podiam estar no país.


A Lei 14790, de 29 de dezembro de 2023, estabeleceu impostos e uma taxa de 12% sobre o faturamento das bets. O valor da licença é de R$ 30 milhões e permite a exploração do mercado por cinco anos, com até três marcas diferentes por empresa.

O governo vai arrecadar, a partir de 2025, com cerca de 100 empresas já cadastradas, um valor estimado em mais de R$ 3 bilhões. Segundo especialistas, a cobrança irá gerar receita relevante das bets que hoje vai tanto para o bolso dos empresários quanto para os investimentos em marketing. A expectativa é de que o mercado passe a se profissionalizar.


A multa para quem explorar o mercado brasilero sem o pagamento da outorga é pesado: R$ 2 bilhões. A barreira de entrada financeira para o mercado nacional foi imposta pela Secretaria de Prêmios e Apostas do Ministério da Fazenda em maio deste ano. As empresas têm até 31 de dezembro de 2024 para se adequarem às novas regras. Também será preciso ter R$ 5 milhões de garantia em caixa.

Leia a reportagem completa

Por Vinicius Bilhar via Grupo A Hora

Brazilian cargo company Modern Logistics expects to enter the U.S. and Mexican markets in the next few months as it puts in place an expansion strategy that will include looking at merger and acquisition opportunities in the short to mid-term

Why It’s Important

Modern is a big player in the fast-growing cargo market in Latin America’s largest economy, which has been boosted in recent years by e-commerce and infrastructure investments.


Established in the 2010s by former Azul (AZUL.N) executives, Modern underwent a restructuring last year that saw former FedEx (FDX.N) executive Cristiano Koga appointed as CEO.

The firm is backed by asset manager DXA and private-equity firm H.I.G. Capital. It has invested some 300 million reais ($53.58 million) over the past year to get new aircraft and enhance distribution centers, Koga told Reuters.


Modern, whose main hub is the Viracopos airport near Sao Paulo, started flying to Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina and Uruguay in August and aims to enter Mexico and the U.S. in 2025.

The ongoing expansion, whose first phase was organic, includes possible mergers or acquisitions both in Brazil and abroad in the next 18 to 24 months, Koga said.

An initial public offering (IPO) or strategic merger could be ultimate goals but would depend on market conditions.

Additional Context

The size of Brazil’s freight and logistics market is estimated at $105.5 billion and expected to reach $140.7 billion by 2030, according to research firm Mordor Intelligence.

Other major logistic operators there include the cargo divisions of traditional airlines Azul, LATAM (LTM.SN) and Gol (GOLL4.SA), as well as Total, Jadlog and Braspress.

Modern currently operates four Boeing (BA.N) 737 aircraft, including two next-generation 737-800 added over the past year, and has options to add more, Koga said.

Reporting by Gabriel Araujo via Reuters

On behalf of the United States of America, I send my warmest greetings to Brazil on the 202nd anniversary of your independence.

The bond between the United States and Brazil, developed over two centuries, is founded on our shared values and interests.  Together, we seek to combat climate change, conserve biodiversity, strengthen democratic institutions, and harness technology to leave a cleaner and more sustainable planet for generations to come.  We are working together on clean energy, decarbonization and critical mineral supply chains, and fighting together for the rights of workers and the economic betterment of all.  Both the United States and Brazil are strengthened by our diversity, and we are proud to work together to expand social inclusion and eradicate racial and ethnic prejudice and discrimination in our countries and around the world.  May the years ahead continue to strengthen our bonds and our shared democratic values.

The United States wishes the people of Brazil a joyous celebration of your Independence Day.


See statement here


Brazil is advancing in its efforts to strengthen its public digital infrastructure. The goal? To improve access to digital services, enhance economic growth, and promote social inclusion. Recent initiatives highlight the country’s commitment to building a robust digital ecosystem, leveraging technologies to streamline government services and empower its citizens.

Expanding digital identity

At the heart of Brazil’s digital transformation is the platform, a digital identity system that enables citizens to access a range of government services online. The platform provides a single sign-on offering that consolidates various government services into a unified digital identity, with the aim of simplifying the interaction between the government and its citizens.

According to a report by CSIS, it was developed to unify the ID systems of Brazil’s 27 states and ensure their interoperability, as well as to streamline other identification processes.

Tariq Malik, technical advisor digital public infrastructure, digital ID ID4D at the World Bank, recently highlights Brazil’s achievements on LinkedIn, noting: “With impressive registration rates exceeding 90 percent for adults and 98 percent for children under 5, Brazil has achieved remarkable milestones in population registration through its Legal ID and Digital ID initiatives.”

To support its DPI goals, the Brazilian government has recently introduced a new legal framework through Decree No. 12,069 that outlines the objectives for the country’s digital transformation, emphasizing the need for interoperability, data protection, and cybersecurity. It provides a regulatory basis for the platform and other digital public infrastructure initiatives, in a bid to ensure that these systems operate in accordance with international best practices.

Brazil’s role in the digital landscape

Brazil’s efforts to enhance its digital public infrastructure are not just focused on domestic benefits. The country is positioning itself as a leader in digital transformation within the Global South. The CSIS report suggests that Brazil is setting an example for other developing countries by building inclusive and resilient digital ecosystems.

Brazil’s approach to digital transformation also comes as the country prepares to host the upcoming G20 summit on November 18th and 19th, 2024, in Rio de Janeiro. The country declared DPI as one of the four priorities of the G20 digital economy working group, a report by Brookings suggests. This presents an opportunity for the country to showcase its digital achievements and advocate for a global consensus on digital governance and data management.

Read the full article

Via Biometric Update

Programa prevê incentivos de fomento à descarbonização do setor de combustíveis, incluindo um novo mandato para o diesel verde

O Senado Federal aprovou por ampla maioria na quarta-feira (4) o projeto de lei que estabelece o programa Combustível do Futuro e prevê incentivos de fomento à descarbonização do setor de combustíveis, incluindo um novo mandato para o “diesel verde“, além da promoção do biometano.

O projeto também cria programas nacionais de diesel verde, de combustível sustentável para aviação, além de prever um aumento da mistura de etanol anidro na gasolina e de biodiesel no diesel fóssil, dentre outras iniciativas.

No entanto, como sofreu alterações, o texto ainda terá de retornar para nova votação na Câmara, antes de seguir para sanção presidencial.

Apresentada pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) e já aprovada pelos deputados, a proposta representa um avanço significativo nas políticas de incentivo ao uso de combustíveis renováveis e busca promover uma matriz energética mais sustentável no Brasil.

Mistura no combustível

A medida estabelece ainda novos percentuais mínimos e máximos para a mistura do etanol à gasolina C e do biodiesel ao diesel, vendidos aos consumidores em postos do país.

Já em relação ao bioemetano, ficou estabelecido que o Conselho Nacional de Política Energética (CNPE) definirá metas anuais para incentivar o uso do insumo pelo setor de gás natural. As metas de redução de gases de efeito estufa pelo setor entrarão em vigor em janeiro de 2026, com valor inicial de 1% e não poderá ultrapassar 10%.

Diesel verde

No caso do diesel verde, o CNPE fixará, a cada ano, a quantidade mínima a ser adicionado ao diesel vendido ao consumidor final. Inicialmente essa quantidade mínima seria fixada pelo CNPE somente até 2037.

O diesel verde ainda não é produzido no Brasil. Apesar de também ser obtido a partir de óleos ou gorduras, pode ser utilizado em motores do ciclo diesel sem adaptações.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Forbes Brasil

Elizabeth Bagley falou também sobre rivalidade entre EUA e China: “Não estamos pedindo que o Brasil escolha”

A embaixadora dos Estados Unidos no Brasil, Elizabeth Bagley, afirmou à CNN que a emissão de vistos americanos para brasileiros registrou um número recorde em 2023 e deve ter novo aumento em 2024.

No ano passado, os consulados americanos carimbaram o passaporte de 1,1 milhão de visitantes do Brasil. No primeiro semestre deste ano, foram 675 mil vistos — alta de 17% na comparação com o mesmo período de 2023.

“Estamos comprometidos em tornar [esse processo] mais rápido e eficiente”, disse a embaixadora, mencionando ações como aumento dos funcionários consulares e renovações de vistos sem a necessidade de entrevistas.

Ela falou também sobre a crescente rivalidade geopolítica entre EUA e China, deixando claro um ponto: “Não estamos pedindo que o Brasil, ou qualquer outro país, escolha [entre um e outro]”.

Leia a entrevista completa

Via CNN Brasil



The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is pleased to share an exciting line-up of diverse programs taking place around “Climate Week NYC” (September 22nd-29th)!  These events, spanning the month of September, will cover themes from energy and SDGs to reforestation and sustainability.

We hereby invite you to register for open programs and “save the date” for those in the works!


September 16, 2024, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Luncheon w/ Pacto Contra a Fome
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
More information to follow!

September 17, 2024, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Luncheon on “The Private Sector’s Role in Advancing Women in STEM” w/ POY Fellow Eduarda Zoghbi in partnership with United Airlines
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Click here for more information!

September 18, 2024
“Brazil Climate Summit,” with support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Location: Columbia University

September 19, 2024, 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Breakfast seminar on “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Brazil: Mayors Promoting Child-Friendly Cities” w/ Fundação Abrinq
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Click here for more information!

September 23, 2024 12:00 – 2:30 PM
Luncheon on “Investing in Reforestation in Brazil: Opportunities Beyond Carbon Credits” w/ BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG)
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Click here for more information!

September 25, 2024, 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Breakfast seminar w/ Foundation for Amazon Sustainability (FAS)
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
More information to follow!

For more information on upcoming events, please click here.

New York City will soon host a vibrant and immersive celebration of the Brazilian Amazon with Amazon Day, an event dedicated to highlighting the rich culture, biodiversity, and artistic expression inspired by the Amazon rainforest.

The event will take place in Manhattan on September 5th, from 3 PM to 8 PM.

Amazon Day offers a unique experience, blending gastronomy, art, and technology to bring the wonders of the Amazon to New York. Visitors will have the chance to savor the authentic flavors of the Amazon through a curated culinary experience, while also exploring an exhibition of products native to the region.

One of the highlights of the event will be a 360º Virtual Reality experience, allowing attendees to immerse themselves in the breathtaking beauty of the Amazon rainforest without ever leaving New York. Additionally, there will be an exhibition of eco jewelry inspired by the natural elements of the rainforest, providing a glimpse into sustainable fashion.

Visual artist Pierre Britt will also showcase his artwork, which draws inspiration directly from the Amazon’s landscapes and vibrant ecosystems. His pieces aim to evoke the beauty and fragility of this vital region.

In a special live chat, guests will have the opportunity to connect with the Baré Indigenous People directly from the heart of the Amazon rainforest, gaining firsthand insights into their culture and the challenges they face in preserving their land.

The event will be accompanied by music that captures the essence of the Amazon, creating an atmosphere that celebrates the connection between nature, culture, and creativity.

For more information and to RSVP, send an email to or access the official Instagram account.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the spirit of the Amazon right in the heart of New York City!


Especialistas apontam avanços na forma como as empresas lidam com dados pessoais, no entanto, reforçam o desafio do letramento da população no tema

Há seis anos, o Brasil deu um passo significativo na proteção dos direitos fundamentais de seus cidadãos com a promulgação da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD), que surgiu em resposta à crescente necessidade de regulamentar informações pessoais em um mundo cada vez mais digital. Passado o período de adaptação das empresas, muita coisa mudou não só no tratamento dos dados, em si, mas principalmente na educação das pessoas em relação ao uso de seus dados.

Em entrevista à Forbes Brasil, Solano de Camargo, presidente da Comissão de Privacidade, Proteção de Dados e Inteligência Artificial da OAB SP, diz que “a LGPD representou um marco significativo na busca por um ambiente mais seguro para os dados pessoais no Brasil”. No entanto, sua implementação revelou lacunas e desafios que comprometem sua eficácia.

“Apesar da existência da LGPD, muitos brasileiros ainda não têm pleno conhecimento de que seus dados pessoais são protegidos. Isso se deve, em grande parte, à falta de iniciativas eficazes por parte do poder público para educar a população sobre seus direitos. Como resultado, muitos brasileiros continuam expostos a golpes, como as vaquinhas virtuais fraudulentas e outros tipos de golpes que se sucedem na internet e nas redes sociais, sem saber que poderiam ter maior proteção e reparação jurídica”, explica Solano.

Dentre os principais impactos da LGPD, segundo Henrique Flôres, cofundador da Contraktor, é possível destacar a necessidade de adoção de medidas técnicas e administrativas com a finalidade de segurança da informação e vulnerabilidades cibernéticas. “Os direitos protegidos do titular demandam consentimento explícito do mesmo e as empresas, conhecidas como agentes de tratamento, ficam incumbidas de realizar a prestação de contas, prezar pela responsabilidade e pela transparência total acerca da coleta, armazenagem e uso de dados pessoais, pois caso contrário ficarão sujeitas à sanções.””

O advogado e especialista em direito digital pela FGV, Lucas Maldonado D. Latini, aponta seis impactos diretos da LGPD:

  1. Maior proteção e controle sobre dados pessoais
  2. Mudança nas práticas das empresas em relação a dados pessoais e segurança da informação
  3. Criação de novos cargos e estruturas
  4. Implicações legais
  5. Alteração das práticas de marketing e publicidade
  6. Fomento à cultura de privacidade da população


Para mais detalhes, leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Forbes Brasil

Bill 2,234 of 2022, which legalizes casinos, bingo and jogo do bicho in Brazil, may be voted on in the Senate after the municipal elections in October. The decision to postpone it was made during a meeting of leaders this Thursday (8). In order to comply with an agreement with opponents of the topic, the president of the House, Rodrigo Pacheco, put the matter up for thematic debate in the Plenary.

Some points were debated in the special session. The rapporteur, Senator Irajá (PSD-TO), who defends the approval of the bill, presented strong and well-established arguments about the benefits of the activity.

The Secretary of Infrastructure, Credit and Investment in Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism, Carlos Henrique Sobral, also highlighted the importance of approving the bill.

According to Sobral, the expectation, if the proposal becomes law, is that Brazil will generate more than 650,000 jobs with the activity and have an increase of R$74 billion (US$ 13.2bn) in revenue.

“We will have an investment of R$66 billion (US$ 11.75bn), more than 1,000% increase in investment. And the GDP, of 8%, we will reach 9.2% or perhaps double digits, which is our goal. The tendency is, with these destinations with integrated resorts, to achieve economic development, with Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore being emblematic.”

Regarding the decision to postpone, the leader of the opposition, Marcos Rogério (PL-RO), said in a press conference that “on the subject of gaming, the move is for after the [municipal] election.”

The bills for renegotiating the states’ debt, the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution for Amnesty on the debt of political parties and the bill for recharging the payroll are expected to be voted on in the Plenary next week.

It may be on the agenda

Even with the decision to postpone the vote, taken at the leaders’ meeting this Thursday (8), it is still possible that Bill 2,234/2022 will be included on the agenda. In a conversation with GMB, one of the participants in the thematic debate on the bill, stated that in a conversation with Senator Irajá, the rapporteur for the matter, he received information that the Bill could be included, depending on further negotiations with leaders and opponents of the matter.

The purpose of placing the topic on the thematic debate was to make room for the bill to be voted on as quickly as possible. The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), has been stating in his latest statements that the Bill has been in process in Parliament for over 30 years and that the time has come to vote. All that remains is to wait for the negotiations to actually be on the agenda.


G20 Brasil Communications has established a partnership with the Djagwa Etxa Indigenous Collective to produce radio bulletins in Guaraní covering topics from the main international cooperation forum. This project aims to promote the visibility and preservation of Indigenous languages

The G20 Brasil Communications team has signed another partnership to produce radio bulletins in the Guarani Indigenous language. The first partnership was formalized in May this year with indigenous students from the Federal University of Grande Dourados, in Mato Grosso do Sul. Now, the project will also count on the participation of the Djagwa Etxa Indigenous Collective, made up of members of the Guarani and Kaingang ethnic groups from the municipality of Santa Amélia, in the north of the Brazilian state of Paraná.

The collective was established in 2023 to take part in the Acampamento Terra Livre  (ATL), the largest assembly of Indigenous peoples held since 2004, which takes place in Brasilia every April. Among the members of the collective are Indigenous journalists and communicators such as Iago Queiroz, Paulo Porto, Micael Eliabe, and Ariane Sales, who will be responsible for translating and producing the bulletins in the Indigenous language. The goal is to translate the journalistic content produced by the G20 Communications team into Guaraní and distribute it free of charge to radio stations in Brasil and abroad. The bulletins are available on the websites Rádio Gov, run by the Brasil Communication Company (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação /EBC), and

Indigenous communicator Micael Eliabe, from the Guarani Nhandewa ethnic group, explained that the collective was born from the idea of giving visibility to Brazilian Indigenous languages.

Strengthening Indigenous languages

The communicator said that the invitation to produce and record content for the G20 is a vital opportunity to preserve ancestral cultures, traditions, and knowledge. “Participating in some way in the actions of this world forum is a way for us to value and strengthen our languages and their use. At the same time, we are contributing to the development of linguistic and communicative skills of the Indigenous people engaged in the project. It is also a chance to show that indigenous people are not limited to the country’s Northern region, but are also present in the South and in other states. This allows us to have more voice,” he emphasized.

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Via G20 Brasil 2024

As hybrid work programs continue to grow in popularity and full-time office work declines, many leaders and companies are still struggling with a tough question: What are the right patterns for getting people together?

Free-for-all approaches that depend on individuals and managers to self-organize hybrid work norms don’t succeed — the coordination tax is just too high. I’ve seen this up close in my work with dozens of organizations. These ad hoc models result in people showing up to quiet offices, retreating to conference rooms to be on Zoom all day, and commuting home with a bubbling resentment about having traveled in for no clear reason.

What does work, then? While headlines make it sound like it’s a battle to get people out of their home offices (even if the office is a closet), three years of data from Future Forum shows that the vast majority of people want to gather together, anywhere from a few days a week to once a month — but they want that in-office time to be purpose-driven.

These selective moments are built around activities that blend business work with social time. They’re most successful when they’re designed around specific workplace goals and events that include team development, onboarding and training, new-team formation, project kickoffs, and specific times for function-specific roles, such as sales. The benefit? Companies get the upsides of deeper connection and engagement without all the downsides of RTO mandates.

Office Attendance Doesn’t Equal Engagement

Mandates to be in the office “just because” have faced a lot of employee resistance. Blanket policies increase the risk of losing top talent and a diverse workforce, disproportionately cause women to leave, and negatively impact productivity. We’re seeing that one-size-fits-all approaches don’t work for the majority of teams that are now distributed across cities and even countries, and they don’t fit the distinct team rhythms in realms such as sales, finance, or engineering. As a result, leaders have generally been loath to go hard on enforcement of RTO policies.

Four Essential Times for Building Moments That Matter

  • Team development: Get people together three or four times a year, with a 50-50 mix of business and social.
  • Onboarding and training events: Use face-to-face time to get to know people and to build ties across functions.
  • New-team formation and major-initiative kickoffs: Grapple together over the objectives and norms of a project.
  • Business-function-specific activities: Let teams figure out the best in-person schedules for their needs.

Read the full article

By Brian Elliot Via MIT Sloan Management Review

Recently, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a leading voice of HR professionals, announced that it was abandoning the acronym “IE&D” — inclusion, equity, and diversity — in favor of “I&D.”

This decision removes “equity” as a necessary component of the work required to create a workplace where all employees thrive. Removing equity sets a dangerous precedent that flies in the face of decades of research about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

Why Equity Matters

One reason we may be seeing a shift away from equity is that people have different understandings of what equity actually means. At its core, equity is fairness. Fair processes often result in a redistribution of outcomes because more people get opportunities to succeed.

Achieving equity often requires treating people differently, which may at first glance make some people uncomfortable. However, the different treatment is meant to account for barriers that employees from marginalized groups encounter that those from advantaged groups don’t. In other words, equity is about changing structures, policies, and processes to give marginalized employees the same opportunities and access to resources that their peers from advantaged groups get.

The presence of high levels of inclusion and/or diversity does not necessarily ensure equitable practices or outcomes. For example, imagine an organization that has a high level of gender diversity but few women in management and executive positions. Company data may show high levels of inclusion and gender diversity, but without explicitly attending to equity, that gender gap within leadership (and ultimately compensation) will persist. This is an example of occupational segregation, which continues to disadvantage women and other people from historically marginalized groups. It also highlights the necessity of an intentional focus on equity for organizations that value fairness.

In addition, SHRM’s approach is misguided because employees are not always aware of the bias, discrimination, or disadvantages they face, so it’s not uncommon for some to feel included in their workplaces, yet still be treated unfairly. For instance, although there is common knowledge of the societal wage gap between men and women, some women are surprised when they learn they are personally affected by the gap.

Focusing on inclusion without acknowledging the unique importance of equity can lead to organizations adopting identity-blind policies and practices, which suggest that all employees should be treated the same and receive the equal opportunities. Research has shown that identity-blind policies allow for the perpetuation of discrimination and stereotyping more so than identity-conscious policies (i.e., policies that recognize and celebrate employees’ differences). Identity-blind policies also create environments where everyone acts in accordance with the status quo — which in most U.S. companies is historically white and male — stifling opportunities to learn from the unique experiences of those from marginalized identities.

The recommendation by SHRM to remove equity from DEI in favor of just highlighting I&D is dangerous and misguided. Without a specific focus on equity, companies lose sight of the ways that current policies and practices do not account for former injustices, and indeed may allow disadvantages to persist.

Organizations should not scale back their focus on equity. Here’s what they should do instead:

  • Commit to achievable equity goals.
  • Implement and track evidence-based DEI policies and practices.
  • Establish accountability and transparency.

Removing equity is not progress, it’s regression. We are at a critical juncture in our society where the possibility of losing significant ground on civil rights gains are an imminent threat. If we want to create a more perfect union, then we must always keep equity as a cornerstone value in our organizations.

Read the full Harvard Business Review article

By Enrica N. Ruggs and Oscar Holmes IV



Brazil’s jobless rate remained at its lowest level in a decade in the three months through June, data from statistics agency IBGE showed on Wednesday, as the number of employed people in Latin America’s largest economy hit a new all-time high

The unemployment rate in Brazil stood at 6.9% in the April-June period, IBGE said, in line with market expectations and down from 7.9% in the previous quarter, marking the lowest for the period since 2014.

Brazil’s jobless rate has been hovering around historically low levels for the past year despite elevated interest rates, an indicator cheered by the government even though some worry it could trigger inflationary pressures.

According to IBGE, the number of jobless people in Brazil was 7.5 million in the period, down 12.5% quarter-on-quarter, while employed citizens totaled 101.8 million – the highest ever for the data series started in 2012.

Average real wages were up 1.8% in the quarter to 3,214 reais ($571.70), the statistics agency said.

Reporting by Gabriel Araujo; Editing by Kirsten Donovan via Reuters

The U.S. and Brazilian governments announced a climate partnership agenda on Friday, seeking to deepen ties on an issue they seen as key but treated as secondary by opposition in both countries

Speaking on the sidelines of a G20 finance leaders meeting in Rio de Janeiro, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that “advancing work on climate and on nature and biodiversity can bring benefits not only to both of our economies but also to the region and to the global economy.”

“We want to be more close,” said Brazil’s Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, adding he expected these guidelines to turn into concrete actions very quickly.

The joint work between the U.S. and Brazil, the two largest economies in the Western Hemisphere, will focus on four key areas, including efforts to facilitate countries’ ease of access to multilateral climate fund resources, a priority for Brazil during its G20 presidency this year.

Yellen also mentioned as pillars of this agenda the aim to bolster clean energy supply chains and efforts to improve the integrity and effectiveness of voluntary carbon markets.

Efforts to mobilize finance and develop innovative solutions to conserve and restore nature and biodiversity, including through multilateral development banks, are also on the agenda.

Reporting by Marcela Ayres Editing by Marguerita Choy via Reuters

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) will bring a delegation of Brazilian electricity sector decision-makers to the United States in support of Brazil’s grid modernization and resiliency goals. The visit will connect the delegation with U.S. digital technology expertise in support of ongoing efforts to further grid resiliency, efficiency and reliability.

While in the United States from July 28 to August 7, the 13-member delegation of government and private sector representatives will travel to Chicago, Silicon Valley and Washington, DC to meet U.S. companies and see demonstrations of cutting-edge U.S. technologies. The delegation will also meet with U.S. federal and state government entities to discuss best practices, including a tour of the communications lab of California’s largest energy utility, Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

On July 30 USTDA will host a public business briefing in Washington, DC, where the delegates will profile sector-specific commercial opportunities and meet one-on-one with U.S. companies to learn about their capabilities and solutions. For more information, please visit:

The U.S. private sector is a recognized leader in advanced energy distribution technologies, including smart grid solutions and cybersecurity measures, which play a critical role in making grids more stable, efficient, and able to integrate new renewable energy sources. Brazil has one of the cleanest generation matrices in the world and supplies electricity domestically to over 90 million residential, commercial, and industrial users, surpassing the combined power output of all other South American nations. Further grid efficiency and resilience are among Brazil’s highest priorities in the sector, contributing to the country’s decarbonization goals.

The reverse trade mission supports the U.S. government’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment to deliver game-changing projects to close the infrastructure gap in countries like Brazil and USTDA’s Global Partnership for Climate-Smart Infrastructure that connects U.S. industry to major clean energy and transportation infrastructure projects in emerging economies.

Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil

Pesquisa considera projeções atuais da EPE, que apontam 4 gigawatts (GW) operacionais em 2035

A energia eólica offshore pode representar uma opção de “proteção energética” para o Brasil diante de secas cada vez mais recorrentes que prejudicam a geração hídrica, ainda a principal fonte da matriz elétrica nacional, segundo um estudo sobre o tema realizado pelo Banco Mundial e entregue ao Ministério de Minas e Energia.

O estudo apontou que, comparando a produção real de energia hidrelétrica com a produção simulada de energia eólica offshore durante um período de sete anos, a produção eólica offshore seria maior nos meses em que os níveis hídricos estivessem mais baixos.

“Segundo a análise, a variabilidade anual da energia eólica offshore seria significativamente inferior à da energia hidrelétrica em grande parte do país. Logo, se implementada em grande escala, a energia eólica offshore pode oferecer uma ‘proteção energética’ para anos com secas inusitadas, como foi observado, por exemplo, na última década”, diz o relatório.

O Banco Mundial ressaltou, porém, que as eólicas offshore só seriam capazes de compensar a variabilidade da produção hídrica se atingirem escala suficiente, com uma aposta mais agressiva do país na fonte do que o atualmente vislumbrado pela Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE).

O cenário-base do estudo considera as projeções atuais da EPE, que apontam uma adoção “modesta” da energia eólica offshore, com 4 gigawatts (GW) operacionais em 2035 e 16 GW até 2050. Isso significaria investimentos de cerca de US$ 40 bilhões até 2050 para construção dos parques no mar, com um uso de apenas 1,2% do leito marinho disponível, principalmente no Nordeste.

O Brasil apresenta um enorme potencial para exploração de energia eólica offshore e já tem quase 100 projetos, que somam cerca de 230 GW de potência, com pedido de licenciamento ambiental junto ao Ibama, mas todos ainda em estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento.

A tecnologia atrai a atenção de grandes empresas, desde petroleiras até geradoras de energia elétrica, que apontam como o principal impeditivo para tirar os empreendimentos do papel a falta de um marco regulatório para o segmento. Há uma proposta em tramitação no Congresso, mas a inclusão de uma série de emendas “jabutis” no texto acabou dificultando sua aprovação.

Além disso, os custos para construção dos parques e aquisição dessa energia ainda são bem mais elevados se comparados com o de outras fontes renováveis, como as eólicas em terra e a solar.

Esses níveis mais altos de penetração da eólica offshore exigiriam, por exemplo, obras de modernização do sistema de transmissão, investimentos maiores em infraestrutura portuária e reforços da cadeia de suprimentos para fornecimento de turbinas, apontou o relatório.

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Via Forbes Brasil

Brazil has reached agreement for consensus documents to be approved at the G20 finance meetings scheduled for next week in Rio de Janeiro, Mauricio Lyrio, Brazil’s ambassador at the G20, said on Friday

Finance leaders from the world’s largest economies failed in February to issue a joint statement amid a lack of consensus on geopolitical issues, despite Brazil’s efforts to focus on a short text aligning with its priorities of addressing inequality, poverty and climate change.

“We will no longer require the inclusion of geopolitical language in ministerial documents,” said Lyrio, emphasizing that the agreement was endorsed by all G20 members.

According to Lyrio, for each consensus statement produced by the G20 countries, the Brazilian G20 presidency will issue a separate document that will deal with geopolitical issues.

Lyrio, Brazil’s sherpa at the G20, had said this month that G20 diplomats had agreed to avoid prickly geopolitical issues during their ministerial meetings, preparing for a summit in November.

Read the full article

Reporting by Bernardo Caram, Editing by Franklin Paul and Rod Nickel via Reuters


Brazil’s Treasury and its Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) are gearing up to launch a new investment vehicle operating as an investment fund consortium to boost early-stage sustainable ventures, a senior Treasury official said

In an interview with Reuters, Rogerio Ceron said the new vehicle is aimed at financing the structuring of projects aligned with ecological transformation, following a similar format of private equity funds (FIPs) and receivables investment funds (FIDCs).

Ceron stressed that better-than-expected inflation data in the U.S. solidify a much more favorable outlook for the global economy, with positive implications for Brazil, which has recently witnessed a steep currency weakening and a rise in interest rate futures.

His remarks follow signals from Finance Minister Fernando Haddad and President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva regarding the government’s commitment to fiscal responsibility, which have led to a partial recovery in local assets.


The Treasury secretary said the new investment vehicle would be tied to a green project structuring credit line, first announced in February as part of a broad program to attract private investments as Lula seeks to bolster Brazil’s position in the environmental and climate agenda.

According to Ceron, the notice for this credit line auction is expected to be released in September. The released resources will assist financial institutions in creating the new structured investment funds.

This will be the second credit line out of four planned under the so-called EcoInvest program, following the Treasury’s notice last week for a blended finance auction, which will offer public capital to green projects primarily funded by private funds.

Read the full article

Reporting by Marcela Ayres and Bernardo Caram; editing by David Evans via Reuters


Acordo envolve fábricas de papel-cartão com capacidade total integrada de cerca de 420 mil toneladas por ano

A Suzano acertou a compra de duas fábricas da Pactiv Evergreen nos Estados Unidos por R$ 110 milhões, informaram as empresas nesta sexta-feira (12), ampliando a presença da produtora brasileira de papel e celulose na América do Norte.

O acordo envolve as fábricas de papelcartão revestido e não revestido localizadas em Pine Bluff, no Arkansas, e Waynesville, na Carolina do Norte, que carregam o mesmo nome das cidades, com capacidade total integrada de cerca de 420 mil toneladas por ano, segundo fato relevante da Suzano.

A aquisição também marca a entrada da Suzano no mercado de embalagens para consumo e “food service” na região, disse a companhia em comunicado à imprensa.

A Pine Bluff produz papelcartão para embalagens de líquidos e copos de papel, afirmou a Pactiv em comunicado separado. Já a Waynesville fornece capacidade adicional de extrusão para o papelcartão produzido na Pine Bluff.

Em fato relevante, a Suzano afirmou que a operação “está alinhada à avenida estratégica de longo prazo da Suzano de ‘avançar nos elos da cadeia, sempre com vantagem competitiva’, proporcionando à companhia a entrada no mercado norte-americano de papelcartão com competitividade e escalabilidade”.

A produtora de papel e celulose acrescentou que as aprovações regulatórias devem ocorrer até o fim do ano.

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Via InfoMoney

G20 diplomats have agreed to avoid prickly geopolitical issues during their ministerial meetings preparing for the summit of the world’s largest economies in November, host Brazil’s sherpa said on Friday

Meetings through October will avoid geopolitical discussions so that agreements can be advanced on issues such as climate change, reducing hunger in the world, trade and investment, according to Mauricio Lyrio, Brazil’s G20 sherpa.

In February, finance leaders from G20 failed to agree on a joint statement in a meeting in Brazil, with divisions over the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.

Lyrio told journalists that an agreement was reached with his counterparts in the group, following “really tough talks” during a preparatory meeting in Rio de Janeiro this week.

“What we got in this meeting was a deal to how to proceed from now on, so the ministers can focus on their specific themes,” he told journalists. “Look for agreements in your areas. You do not need to deal with geopolitics anymore”.

Later this month, economic leaders and central bank chiefs from the group will meet in Rio de Janeiro, where the annual summit of G20 leaders is scheduled for November 18-19.

Read the full article

Reporting by Rodrigo Viga Gaier in Rio de Janeiro; writing by Andre Romani; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan
Via Reuters

O Consulado-Geral dos Estados Unidos em Porto Alegre anuncia a retomada das operações de rotina e reabertura ao público para atendimento presencial em 1 de julho de 2024. Os solicitantes de visto já poderão agendar entrevistas por meio do sistema on-line: Link

O Consulado permanece disponível, 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana, para fornecer serviços de emergência aos cidadãos norte-americanos.

Via Embaixada e Consulado dos EUA no Brasil

Eletrobras and Suzano have agreed on a partnership to develop sustainable solutions, the Brazilian firms told Reuters on Thursday, including renewable hydrogen production and potentially building a synthetic fuels plant

Power giant Eletrobras and pulpmaker Suzano had been in talks for the partnership since last year and will now study the feasibility of making “green” fuel based on biogenic CO2, a by-product of Suzano’s pulp output, they said.

Generated from the burning of biomass and black liquor, biogenic CO2 can be captured and mixed with renewable hydrogen to produce synthetic fuels, according to the companies, which see “demand potential and scalability” for it.

One of the main solutions targeted by the firms is e-methanol, which is seen as a promising alternative for the decarbonization of the transport and logistics industries.

“E-methanol is one of the most likely candidates to replace fossil fuels in the maritime industry,” Suzano’s energy head Paulo Squariz said. “Its production would significantly contribute to the energy transition.”

Eletrobras, Latin America’s largest utility, has been increasing its focus on “green” solutions, seeking to take advantage of its huge hydroelectric assets to supply future green hydrogen projects with clean power at competitive prices.

The company earlier this month had already partnered with infrastructure firm Prumo to produce green hydrogen in a Rio de Janeiro port, after a similar deal with Green Energy Park (GEP) in northeastern Brazil.

Suzano is also a large generator of renewable energy from biomass, currently having an installed capacity of 1.3 gigawatt.

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Reporting by Leticia Fucuchima, Editing by Franklin Paul and Chizu Nomiyama via Reuters

Mining giant Brazil has big ambitions to build a rare earths industry as Western economies push to secure the metals needed for magnets used in green energy and defence and break China’s dominance of the supply chain

Working to its advantage are low labour costs, clean energy, established regulations and proximity to end markets, including Latin America’s first magnet plant which would provide a ready buyer for the metals.

But low rare earths prices, technical challenges and nervous lenders pose challenges to the Latin American nation’s hopes to propel itself into the world’s top five rare earths producers.

The pace at which Brazil’s rare earths projects come together will be a test for how successful the West may be at building a new advanced industry almost from scratch to break China’s grip.

Brazil holds the world’s third-largest rare earth reserves. The country’s first rare earths mine, Serra Verde, started commercial production this year.

Output is set to grow, analysts, mining CEOs and investors say, supported by Western government incentives that are also accelerating a global rare earths refining and processing industry.

The U.S. and its allies, almost entirely dependent on China for rare earths metals and magnets, set out to build a separate supply chain by 2027 after deliveries were disrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic early this decade.

For countries like Australia, Vietnam and Brazil looking to catch up, progress is slow. Serra Verde has taken 15 years to get into production. It is expected to produce 5,000 tons once ramped up and could double output by 2030, its CEO said.

“Serra Verde and Brazil have significant competitive advantages that could underpin the development of a globally significant rare earths industry over the long term,” Serra Verde CEO Thras Moraitis told Reuters.

Those include attractive geology, access to hydropower, established regulations and a skilled workforce, he said.

Brazil could have two or three more rare earths mines by 2030, potentially exceeding Australia’s current annual output, said Reg Spencer, an analyst at broker Canaccord.

Basement Prices

One major obstacle is a 70% slump in rare earths prices over the past two years that has made it difficult for companies to raise funds for mines and processing.

“Getting money at the moment is tough,” Nick Holthouse, chief executive of Australian-listed developer Meteoric Resources, told Reuters.


While labour is cheap, developers face technical hurdles. Unlike in China, many Western companies are still perfecting the complex processes for producing rare earth metals, a costly challenge that has stalled projects for years.

To spur developments, the Brazilian government launched a 1 billion reais ($194.53 million) fund in February to finance strategic minerals projects, including rare earths.

It also wants to build an industry for transforming these minerals into alloys for batteries, wind turbines and electric motors, the Ministry of Mines and Energy said in a statement.

The challenge is to stimulate production and build partnerships to promote element separation technologies and supply chain development, the ministry said. It is also looking into rare earths recycling.

Read the full story

Reporting by Melanie Burton in Melbourne and Fabio Teixeira in Rio de Janeiro; Editing by Sonali Paul via Reuters



O PL define regras e benefícios para estimular a criação no Brasil de uma indústria de hidrogênio de baixo carbono

O Senado aprovou na noite de quarta-feira (19) o projeto de lei que estabelece marco regulatório para a produção de hidrogênio de baixa emissão de carbono, contemplando incentivos fiscais e financeiros para o setor que devem somar R$ 18,3 bilhões em cinco anos, segundo informações da Agência Senado.

O PL define regras e benefícios para estimular a criação no Brasil de uma indústria de hidrogênio de baixo carbono, um combustível renovável considerando peça-chave para a transição energética mundial, especialmente para reduzir emissões de setores de difícil descarbonização, como transportes e indústrias pesadas.

O Brasil já conta com uma série de projetos de hidrogênio “verde”, somando bilhões de reais em investimentos, mas ainda em fase piloto. Plantas para produção escala comercial estão no radar de empresas de diferentes setores, como a elétrica Eletrobras, a Petrobras e mineradora Fortescue.

O texto aprovado, sob relatoria do senador Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), prevê diferentes rotas de produção de hidrogênio de baixo carbono, como biomassas, etanol e outros biocombustíveis, e o hidrogênio por eletrólise da água, com fontes como solar, eólica, hidráulica e outras.

O PL cria o Regime Especial de Incentivos para a Produção de Hidrogênio de Baixa Emissão de Carbono (Rehidro), com incentivos que terão creditícios e tributários do Rehidro com vigência de cinco anos.

O Rehidro suspenderá a incidência do PIS/Pasep e da Cofins, inclusive os de importação, sobre a compra de matérias-primas, produtos intermediários, embalagens, estoques e de materiais de construção feita pelos produtores de hidrogênio de baixa emissão de carbono habilitados.

Além das empresas produtoras de hidrogênio de baixo carbono, poderão participar do Rehidro aquelas que atuarem no transporte, distribuição, acondicionamento, armazenamento ou comercialização do produto. Também serão beneficiadas as que produzirem biogás e energia elétrica a partir de fonte renovável destinados à produção de hidrogênio.

Segundo informações da Agência Senado, a previsão é de que os benefícios fiscais aos projetos do combustível atinjam 18,3 bilhões de reais em cinco anos.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes Brasil

Kanastra cresceu dez vezes no ano passado e está competindo para ser produto de referência para mercado de fundos garantidos por ativos e valores mobiliários de R$ 1 trilhão no Brasil

A Kanastra, uma startup brasileira que fornece tecnologia de back-office para fundos de títulos lastreados em ativos (papéis de empresas interessadas em levantar capital que contam com garantias para os investidores), levantou mais de R$ 110 milhões em uma rodada da Série A liderada pela Kaszek, a maior empresa de capital de risco da América Latina.

A rodada segue um investimento inicial de quase R$ 70 milhões liderado pela Valor Capital, juntamente com a Quona Capital e a QED Investors.

A Kanastra cresceu 10 vezes no último ano e está lutando para ser o produto principal para o mercado de fundos e títulos lastreados em ativos de 1 trilhão de reais no Brasil, disse o cofundador e CEO Gustavo Mapeli em uma entrevista.

O crescimento dos títulos lastreados em ativos — especialmente dos fundos de dívida conhecidos como FIDCs — explodiu recentemente no Brasil. A Kanastra ajudou a estruturar 130 veículos desse tipo somando cerca de 7 bilhões de reais para clientes como Itaú, XP, Banco Votorantim e Patria, disse Mapeli.

Fundada em 2022, a Kanastra combina a plataforma de tecnologia com licenças regulatórias, fornecendo automação de operações, bem como ferramentas de dados e análises. A empresa, com cerca de 100 funcionários, também oferece serviços bancários como contas de garantia e pagamentos.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via O Globo/Bloomberg Estados Unidos

A exportação de soja do Brasil na primeira semana de junho somou 724,7 mil toneladas por dia, alta de 10,7% na comparação com a média do mês completo do ano passado, de acordo com dados da Secex (Secretaria de Comércio Exterior)

Na primeira semana de junho, a exportação somou 3,6 milhões de toneladas, segundo os dados que consideram cinco dias úteis.

O algodão segue como destaque da exportação das commodities agrícolas, com alta de 250,5% ante junho do ano passado, para cerca de 10 mil toneladas ao dia. Com isso, os embarques no mês quase superam o total do período completo do ano passado, com mais de 50 mil toneladas.

A exportação de café verde também registra alta de mais de 90% na média diária, para 12,7 mil toneladas ao dia.

Os embarques de milho registraram queda de 28,8% para 35 mil toneladas ao dia, ou 175,3 mil toneladas no acumulado da primeira semana do mês (cinco dias úteis).

Da mesma forma, as exportações de açúcar começaram o mês mais fracas, com recuo de 14%, para 117,4 mil toneladas ao dia.

Via Forbes Brasil

China permanece como principal destino, enquanto Estados Unidos e Chile também demonstram crescimento significativo

A exportação de carne bovina do Brasil somou 212 mil toneladas em maio, alta de 25,85% na comparação com o mesmo mês do ano passado, configurando um novo recorde mensal na série histórica, com o país vivendo um momento de maior oferta e preços competitivos, de acordo com dados preliminares da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (Secex), divulgados na quinta-feira.

Esse volume exportado pelo Brasil, maior exportador global de carne bovina, considera o produto in natura, refrigerado ou congelado. O total de maio supera as 208,0 mil toneladas registradas em abril e o recorde anterior, de dezembro de 2023, de 208,4 mil toneladas, conforme dados da Secex apurados pela Reuters.

O valor exportado de carne in natura no mês passado, de 954,9 milhões de dólares, representa uma alta de 11,3% na comparação com maio de 2023, apesar de uma queda no preço médio do produto exportado de 11,6%, que foi mais do que compensada pela alta nos volumes.

As grandes exportações acontecem após o Brasil ter registrado um recorde abates de bovinos pelos frigoríficos no primeiro trimestre, conforme números do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatísticas (IBGE) divulgados nesta quinta-feira, uma vez que a pecuária do país vive um ciclo de maior oferta de animais.

Destinos da carne bovina

A China segue como principal destino da carne brasileira, respondendo por 98.243 toneladas em maio, volume um pouco menor que o mês anterior, quando o país exportou 101.365 toneladas, mas mantendo a média cerca de 100 mil toneladas mensais, disse a Abiec.

Mas os destaques do período incluem as exportações para os Estados Unidos, que cresceram 64,6%, chegando a 13.186 toneladas, puxadas pelo aumento dos embarques de carne in natura, que mais que dobraram entre abril e maio, segundo a associação. O faturamento com as exportações para o mercado norte-americano foi de 83,4 milhões de dólares, um crescimento de 52,1%, em comparação ao mês anterior.

Os embarques para o Chile também cresceram 21,9% em maio ante abril, para 10.414 toneladas. A União Europeia importou 6.961 toneladas, com incremento registrado nos embarques de carne in natura,

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Via Forbes Brasil

Pesquisadora Alicia Kowaltowski foi reconhecida pela L’Óreal-Unesco por contribuição para a biologia das mitocôndrias, principal fonte de energia das células

Desde cedo, Alicia Kowaltowski queria ser cientista. Incentivada pelos pais, ambos acadêmicos, se interessou pelas aulas sobre o corpo humano e se especializou em bioquímica. Sua pesquisa e contribuição para a biologia das mitocôndrias – organelas que agem como usinas de energia das células – lhe rendeu o Prêmio Internacional L’Oréal-UNESCO Para Mulheres na Ciência, que homenageia anualmente cinco cientistas do mundo todo.

“A ciência tem o poder de transformar vidas”, diz a pesquisadora.

Kowaltowski analisou as complexas reações bioquímicas que permitem aos seres humanos obter energia dos alimentos para viver. “Minha investigação contribui significativamente para a compreensão de possíveis doenças, como obesidade, diabetes e infarto.”

Na última semana, Kowaltowski esteve entre as pesquisadoras homenageadas na sede da UNESCO, em Paris, por suas pesquisas pioneiras em ciências da vida e do meio ambiente.

Hoje uma referência, Kowaltowski sempre teve exemplos de mulheres na ciência. Para ela, a falta de representatividade nunca foi um problema. “O grande desafio mesmo é ser cientista no país, porque não há incentivos para atuar na área”, diz. Apesar disso, a cientista não quer desanimar as próximas gerações. “Espero que minha trajetória inspire outras mulheres a seguirem seus sonhos e buscarem a excelência em suas áreas de atuação.”

Para uma carreira de sucesso na ciência, ela sugere: “Sejam curiosos, façam boas perguntas, estejam abertos a resultados inesperados, encontrem supervisores de apoio e nunca desistam. Explorar os limites do conhecimento nos dá resiliência para continuar ultrapassando limites e quebrando barreiras.”

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Por Fernanda de Almeida via Forbes Brasil


Brazil’s economy grew 0.8 percent in the first quarter, the government said Tuesday, a rebound boosted by consumer spending which analysts say could put the central bank on guard over inflation.

Brazil’s GDP was up 2.5 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023, said the Brazilian Institute of Statistics (IBGE).

Independent analyst Andre Perfeito noted a 1.5 percent increase in household consumption was a key factor in the first quarter growth, with more Brazilians working after a fall in unemployment.

William Jackson, chief emerging markets economist at Capital Economics, said the pace of growth and consumer spending “will raise (even more) concerns about inflation at the central bank.”

In May, the government raised its growth projection for 2024 to 2.5 percent.

However, it has warned the estimates do not take into account the devastation caused by historic flooding in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, one of the country’s largest economies.

Jackson said the growth rebound was “temporary… and doesn’t mark the start of a strong recovery.”

He said indicators pointed to a weaker second quarter, and Capital Economic estimates 2024 growth at 1.5-1.8 percent.

“The floods in Rio Grande do Sul may weigh on growth. And we doubt that the strength of agricultural production in Q1 will be sustained,” Jackson said.

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Waste pickers have been described as the “hidden heroes” in the drive to tackle the global plastic pollution epidemic

The International Labour Organization estimates that more than 20 million people around the world earn an income from collecting, sorting and selling materials for recycling or reuse. The vast majority of them live in the Global South, and they are responsible for collecting 60% of all the plastic that gets recycled globally.

There are few countries that are so dependent on waste pickers for tackling plastic pollution as Brazil. According to Brazil’s Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), informal workers, known as catadores, collect almost 90% of all recycled material in the country.

But with only 1% of plastic waste, and 4% of solid waste ever getting recycled, Latin America’s largest economy is a global laggard, as well as being the fourth-largest plastic producer in the world.

Maria Accioly, a specialist in circular economy at Rio de Janeiro-based non-profit BVRio, said part of the challenge in lifting recycling rates is finding ways to increase payments to informal waste collectors.

According to IPEA, garbage collectors earn an average monthly income of only $211, far below the minimum wage of $275.

Accioly points to the Fishing for Litter project, a partnership between BV Rio, Ogyre, an Italian social enterprise specializing in collecting waste from the oceans, and Ocyan, an energy company that operates in Brazil and abroad.

The project provides stable incomes to fishermen in Guanabara Bay, a spot known for being extremely polluted in Rio de Janeiro, if they spend part of their time collecting litter instead of fish. Although they only collect two days a week, the fishermen are guaranteed to earn Brazil’s minimum monthly wage, and further incentivized to hit waste-collection targets.

Another Brazilian startup, Green Mining, is paying waste collectors a minimum wage and guarantees their labor rights.

Rodrigo Oliveira, chief executive and co-founder of Green Mining, said it is contradictory that workers employed by multinational companies to extract virgin raw materials earn decent wages and are provided protective clothing while workers collecting recyclable material are not.

By Jennifer Ann Thomas, editing and additional reporting by Terry Slavin via Reuters

O Departamento do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos e o Ministério Público Federal (MPF) do Brasil estão unindo forças para enfrentar a crescente ameaça dos crimes ambientais na Amazônia e em outros biomas brasileiros. Esta colaboração visa impedir e prevenir que atores corruptos e organizações criminosas transnacionais explorem os recursos naturais para ganho financeiro.

O seminário, realizado na sede do MPF em 22 de maio, reuniu procuradores dos oito estados amazônicos, juntamente com órgãos brasileiros, como o COAF e o IBAMA. O foco foi entender as tipologias de crimes ambientais, métodos financeiros e estratégias eficazes de persecução penal.

Durante o seminário, os parceiros discutiram a situação atual das investigações de crimes ambientais no Brasil, identificando áreas para fortalecer a infraestrutura anticrime do país e implementar sanções para combater o crime ambiental. Além disso, o Tesouro dos EUA apresentou ferramentas destinadas a interromper o fluxo de financiamento ilícito proveniente desses crimes.

Alimentado por organizações criminosas transnacionais, o crime ambiental explora os recursos naturais para ganho ilegal, colocando em risco o meio ambiente e as comunidades locais. Reconhecendo a necessidade de ação imediata, tanto os EUA quanto o Brasil estão firmes em seu compromisso de combater esse crime e proteger seu patrimônio natural compartilhado. Esse esforço colaborativo marca um forte compromisso na luta contra o crime ambiental e na proteção da Amazônia, um ativo ecológico e econômico essencial para ambas as nações.

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Via U.S. Mission Brazil / Embaixada e Consulados dos EUA no Brasil

Repensar papel e perfil dos conselhos de administração pode fazer empresas evoluírem nos aspectos ambientais, sociais e governança

Os investimentos classificados como ESG, que seguem indicadores ambientais, sociais e de governança, já representam mais de um terço do total de ativos sob gestão e podem chegar a US$ 53 trilhões (cerca de R$ 273 trilhões) até 2025, segundo levantamento da Bloomberg Intelligence.

Uma empresa que tem uma classificação de ESG ruim pode encontrar barreiras ao buscar investimento externo, pois os relatórios das agências de classificação são usados por investidores para fundamentar suas decisões.

Empresas que não obtiverem boas pontuações de ESG tendem a ser excluídas dos fundos e índices ESG, algo que já acontece no Brasil, por exemplo.

Com as mudanças climáticas se materializando tragicamente, as responsabilidades ambientais, sociais e de governança das empresas estão sendo cada vez mais cobradas por diferentes públicos, além dos investidores, como clientes, funcionários, comunidades e órgãos reguladores.

Os conselhos de administração das empresas devem aprimorar seu desempenho em relação ao ESG e à sustentabilidade em geral, recrutando membros com experiência especializada e repensando a alocação de recursos, recomenda a consultoria de gestão e auditoria multinacional EY.

Pode ser necessária, em algumas empresas, a criação de um Comitê Estratégico de Sustentabilidade dedicado a garantir que as decisões relacionadas à sustentabilidade estejam vinculadas à estratégia de negócios da companhia.

Outra recomendação é que a estrutura de remuneração executiva contenha condições de pagamento atreladas ao cumprimento de metas de sustentabilidade – uma forma explícita de influenciar o comportamento, as decisões, e a responsabilidade pela realização de ambições nas esferas ambiental, social e de governança, de curto e longo prazo.

No Brasil, uma nova norma de divulgações financeiras relacionadas a eventos climáticos extremos está sendo preparada pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM). Além da adoção de um novo padrão de divulgações financeiras sobre sustentabilidade ser obrigatório a partir de 2026.

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Por Aline Scherer via CNN Brasil

O Brasil registrou uma taxa de desemprego de 7,5% nos três meses encerrados em abril, em um resultado abaixo do esperado que marcou o nível mais baixo de desocupação para esse período em 10 anos, em um mercado de trabalho que segue aquecido

Os dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) divulgados nesta quarta-feira mostram que houve recuo de 0,1 ponto percentual em relação à taxa de 7,6% no trimestre imediatamente anterior, até janeiro. No mesmo período do ano passado a taxa foi de 8,5%.

O resultado do trimestre até abril marca a menor taxa de desocupação para esse período desde 2014, quando a taxa estava em 7,2%.

“Isso revela a manutenção da tendência de redução desse indicador, que vem sendo observada desde 2023″, destacou Adriana Beringuy, coordenadora da pesquisa. “A transição do primeiro trimestre para o segundo já mostra um desempenho mais positivo para o mercado de trabalho”.

A expectativa em pesquisa da Reuters para a taxa na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (Pnad) era de 7,7%.

De forma geral, especialistas avaliam que o mercado de trabalho brasileiro deve seguir aquecido com uma taxa de desemprego se acomodando em níveis mais baixos.

No entanto, esse cenário provoca alertas em relação à inflação e sua convergência para a meta, principalmente no que diz respeito ao aumento dos preços de serviços.


De acordo com Beringuy, essa pesquisa ainda não abrange o impacto da tragédia das chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul, que já deixou 169 pessoas mortas, mas o levantamento para maio já está em campo e só termina no começo de junho.

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Por Camila Moreira e Rodrigo Viga Gaier

Via Reuters

The Brazilian ministry of foreign trade, industry and commerce signed the agreement with the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) in Sao Paulo

Brazil and the United States marked 200 years of diplomatic relations on Sunday, May 26. On this date in 1824 United States recognized Brazil’s independence, signaling the beginning of extensive political, economic, and cultural ties.

In celebration of such an event, Brazil’s Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (Secex-MDIC) and the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) signed a memorandum in São Paulo with the purpose of conducting an unprecedented mapping of bilateral trade and investments between the two countries.

The study resulting from the partnership will provide detailed analyses of trade in goods and services, tariff structures, non-tariff barriers, and the socio-economic impact of Brazilian exports to the US. The report will include data on remuneration, gender composition, and the significance of trade for various cities and states.

In 2023, trade in goods between Brazil and the US totaled US$75 billion. US remains the second-largest destination for Brazilian exports, trailing China, and the third-largest supplier of foreign products to Brazil, with a 15.8% share of total Brazilian imports. The economic ties in the services and investment sectors are also significant.

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Via MercoPress

Simulador de Imposto sobre Valor Agregado, SimVAT, usa evidências concretas com o objetivo de inspirar o texto final da reforma; mecanismo analisa novas ampliações da Cesta Básica na ajuda aos mais pobres.

O Banco Mundial lançou esta terça-feira (21/05) o Simulador de Imposto sobre Valor Agregado, SimVAT na sigla em inglês, ferramenta interativa que permite aos usuários estimar o impacto da reforma tributária na renda das famílias brasileiras. O objetivo é ajudar a promover uma reforma tributária mais inclusiva. Com o SimVAT, o usuário pode realizar simulações alternando diferentes elementos da reforma e ver os impactos distributivos em comparação com o regime tributário definido pelo Projeto de Lei Complementar 68/2024.

Imposto sobre Valor Agregado

Com o mecanismo também é possível fazer o cálculo tendo como base um Imposto sobre Valor Agregado, IVA, fixo de 20%.

Cesta Básica

Análises feitas com o SimVAT revelam que, em um sistema com uma alíquota padrão única, os 10% mais pobres da população brasileira pagariam o maior imposto sobre o consumo em relação à própria renda. A carga tributária para eles seria de 28% de sua renda. Para os 10% mais ricos, a carga tributária seria de apenas 8,2%. Já uma simulação do Projeto de Lei Complementar 68/2024 mostra que essa alternativa é capaz de reduzir as inequidades do sistema tributário. O SimVAT mostra ainda que novas ampliações da Cesta Básica podem ser uma maneira ineficiente de ajudar os mais pobres.

Um link para a ferramenta está disponível no site do Banco Mundial no Brasil:

Por Mariana Ceratti, do Banco Mundial Brasil

Via ONU News

In an era where the fusion of ancient wisdom and contemporary business ethics is more crucial than ever, the insights of classical philosophers prove to be remarkably relevant.

Founded by three visionary Brazilian entrepreneurs, In Search of Truth (Em Busca da Verdade, in Portuguese) is a pioneering classical education company dedicated to uncovering the profound impact of Plato’s and Aristotle’s political philosophies on today’s corporate landscape. By adapting timeless principles of governance and ethics to modern business challenges and leadership strategies, this approach offers an unparalleled intellectual toolkit for business owners and CEOs.

What started as casual philosophical discussions among friends has evolved into the largest initiative for cultivating classical leadership in Brazil. Today, In Search of Truth boasts over 700 students, including some of the nation’s most influential business leaders.

This dynamic intersection of business and philosophy has propelled the company onto the international stage. In May, they captivated audiences with their insights at the University of Cambridge in the UK, Harvard University in Boston, IESE Business School in New York, and at prestigious events in Silicon Valley and Dallas.

Via EIN Presswire

O Plano Real combateu a hiperinflação, promoveu crescimento e estabilidade econômica

A crise econômica da década de 1990 era resultado das gestões do período da Ditadura Militar. Os impactos do regime foram severos, e o país sofria com endividamento externo e uma inflação elevada, que aumentava drasticamente o custo de vida dos trabalhadores.

Em junho de 1994, um mês antes do lançamento do Plano Real, a inflação acumulada em 12 meses era de quase 5.000%. Embora tenha encerrado 1994 com 916%, a inflação caiu para 22% no ano seguinte. A economia enfrentava recessão, alto desemprego, rápida desvalorização dos salários e um aperto monetário que interferia em todos os aspectos da vida cotidiana dos brasileiros.

“O Plano Real foi o maior projeto de organização da economia brasileira desde a proclamação da República”, afirma Vinícius Müller, doutor em História Econômica e professor do Insper. Em maio de 1993, Fernando Henrique Cardoso foi nomeado Ministro da Fazenda pelo Presidente Itamar Franco, assumindo o compromisso de combater a hiperinflação.

O plano envolvia fatores macroeconômicos, monetários e psicológicos, com a criação da URV (Unidade Real de Valor). Segundo Müller, o plano focou na reorganização econômica por meio de ajuste fiscal, continuidade da abertura econômica e diminuição do papel empresarial do governo.

Os benefícios do Plano Real foram diversos. Ele estabilizou a economia, facilitou o acesso ao crédito para os mais vulneráveis, promoveu crescimento econômico regular, aumentou o salário mínimo em termos reais e, o mais importante, reduziu a pobreza absoluta, melhorando as condições de vida da população mais carente no Brasil.

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Por Poliana Santos via Forbes Brasil

Estudo revelou que programas sociais transformaram a realidade do estado nos últimos 20 anos e podem ser replicados em outros países. Encontro do G20 Social apresenta também as contribuições dos ministérios para o debate

Ao longo desta semana, o Piauí é palco das discussões internacionais do G20 para o combate à fome e à pobreza no mundo. O estado brasileiro viveu um período de profunda transformação social nas últimas duas décadas, impulsionado por programas como o Bolsa Família. É o que mostra o estudo “Mapeamento dos índices de desenvolvimento social”, desenvolvido pelo pesquisador Antônio Claret e apresentado, nesta segunda-feira (20), na reunião do G20 social em Teresina (PI).

Segundo Antônio Claret, uma combinação de fatores e de políticas tiveram um papel relevante, além da atuação da sociedade e do setor empresarial, no desenvolvimento de uma nova realidade para as pessoas que vivem na região. O Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) do estado, que mede o bem-estar da população, passou de 0,48 em 2000 para 0,71 em 2020, um crescimento de 48%. Esse avanço coloca o Piauí na faixa de desenvolvimento humano “alto”, segundo a classificação do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD).

Diante do sucesso da experiência no estado, o pesquisador acredita que a apresentação do estudo pode contribuir com o debate no G20. “A perspectiva é mostrar aos outros países os avanços que nós tivemos no Piauí para que as políticas públicas de sucesso, que foram adotadas no Brasil e no estado, possam servir de referência para outros países no mundo, em patamares semelhantes de desenvolvimento humano.” explica Claret.

A reunião do G20 Social antecede a 3ª reunião técnica da Força-Tarefa para construção da Aliança Global.

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Prêmio existe há 52 anos e premia todos os anos duas personalidades com destaque no setor de comércio: uma brasileira e outra americana

Alexandre Birman, CEO da Arezzo&Co, recebeu nesta quarta-feira (15) o prêmio de “Person of the Year” (personalidade do ano) pela Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, entidade que promove a facilitação do comércio bilateral entre os dois países.

Em entrevista à CNN, Birman destacou a importância da moda brasileira no exterior.

“É uma conquista que aumenta o nosso compromisso. Nosso legado que, até 2020, foi construído em uma categoria de produto e um mercado alvo que é o calçado e a bolsa do mercado feminino, nos últimos anos, se diversificou. Quando eu recebi a ligação (sobre o prêmio), em dezembro de 2023, eles não sabiam, nem eu mesmo sabia, que iria acontecer essa transformação que está em curso, para não só criar o maior grupo de moda da América Latina, mas para apoiar e dar palco para a moda brasileira”, disse o executivo.

Também recebeu o prêmio o americano Wes Edens cofundador e co-CEO do Fortress Investment Group, empresa global de gestão de investimentos.

Leia o artigo na íntegra

Via CNN Brasil

Uma das propostas apresentadas pelo Brasil, no Encontro dos Líderes de Pesquisa Agrícola do G20 (MACS-G20), é a criação de um grupo temático dedicado a debater e propor questões sobre bioeconomia. Chamada de GIB (Iniciativa G20 sobre Bioeconomia, na sigla em inglês), a proposta é defendida pela comitiva brasileira que ressalta a importância do tema. “O G20 deverá ser o primeiro fórum mundial a tratar o tema em um debate exclusivo e, aqui no Brasil, o esforço conta com a participação de 12 ministérios”, declarou Daniel Lodetti, da Coordenação-Geral de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, instância responsável pela liderança nessa proposta.

O Brasil propõe que os países e as organizações internacionais compartilhem experiências exitosas em bioeconomia e definam esse campo, que ainda conta com muitas interpretações. “Ainda não há consenso mundial sobre a definição do termo. Por isso, o Brasil quer começar a padronizar o conceito e ter o G20 como o pioneiro nesse tema e, com isso, esperamos espalhar a iniciativa para outros fóruns globais”, explica o coordenador da edição deste ano do MACS-G20, Marcelo Morandi, chefe da Assessoria de Relações Internacionais da Embrapa.

Voltada à produção sustentável baseada na biodiversidade e nos recursos naturais, a bioeconomia tem ganhado espaço no Brasil e no mundo, de acordo com Morandi. Uma das principais vertentes do tema, atualmente, é a substituição de matérias-primas fósseis por similares naturais. É o caso de fertilizantes, estimulantes de crescimento e pesticidas à base de microrganismos como fungos e bactérias, inofensivos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Morandi informou que o emprego de bioinsumos tem crescido a cada ano.

Bioeconomia combate a pobreza e aumenta a sustentabilidade

“A bioeconomia será capaz de garantir a segurança alimentar e promover resiliência às mudanças do clima”, defendeu a diretora de Negócios da Embrapa, Ana Euler, durante o evento. Segundo ela, a base biológica deverá substituir no longo prazo inúmeros produtos de origem fóssil, de combustíveis a fertilizantes. “Essa é a base do Programa Nacional de Biofertilizantes [do Brasil]”, ressaltou exemplificando com bioinsumos desenvolvidos pela Embrapa: um para combate de pragas e estimulante de crescimento de soja, outro que promove obtenção de fósforo já presente no solo pela planta e um terceiro que ajuda a planta a resistir à seca. Todos têm bactérias em sua composição.

Euler também defendeu a bioeconomia como mecanismo de desenvolvimento social. “Na Amazônia, somente em 2021, as tecnologias da Embrapa focadas na sócio-bioeconomia criaram 3 mil empregos diretos e promoveram um impacto de mais de US$ 30 milhões na região”, contou a diretora ao relatar que há mais de 100 tecnologias que atendem hoje a mais de 50 cadeias produtivas.

“Esperamos entregar uma base de alto nível em bioeconomia que vai subsidiar a reunião de líderes de governo do G20, que se reunirão no Rio de Janeiro, este ano”, concluiu Lodetti.

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Por Fabio Reynol e Marita Cardillo via Embrapa

Fundo soberano que pertence ao governo do Emirado de Abu Dhabi já possui investimentos no país

A Mubadala Capital, de Abu Dhabi, pretende investir cerca de US$ 13,5 bilhões (R$ 68,5 bilhões na cotação atual) em um grande projeto de biocombustíveis no Brasil durante a próxima década, dentro de planos mais amplos para o país que incluem a criação de uma nova bolsa de valores, informou o Financial Times neste domingo (5).

A instituição é um dos principais fundos soberanos de investimentos no mundo, que pertence ao governo do Emirado de Abu Dhabi. Seus ativos sob gestão são da ordem de US$ 276 bilhões (R$ 1,4 trilhão). São cerca de 50 investimentos em mais de 50 países, informa o site da Mubadala, nos setores aeroespacial, petróleo e outros combustíveis, produtos renováveis e serviços públicos e de defesa. Entre as parcerias do fundo estão nomes como Boeing, Petronas, Siemens, Rolls-Royce, Equinor e Statkraft.

No final do ano passado, a Mubadala Capital havia sinalizado que pretendia investir mais de US$ 1 bilhão por ano para ampliar as participações que já tem no Brasil. Em outubro de 2023, o Mubadala adquiriu 10% das ações que a Novonor ainda detinha da Atvos (ex-Odebrecht Agroindustrial), com o objetivo de apostar em biometano, etanol de milho e combustível de aviação sustentável (SAF, na sigla em inglês).

Na ocasião, o fundo anunciou um aporte de R$ 350 milhões para construir uma usina de biometano no município de Nova Alvorada do Sul (MS), onde já controla a usina Santa Luzia, produtora de etanol. A Atvos informou que a previsão é iniciar as obras ainda em 2024.

Via Forbes Brasil

The U.S. Consulate General continues to mourn the loss of life and property owing to the disastrous weather situation in Rio Grande do Sul. With the safety of the public and our staff as our top priority, the U.S. Consulate General in Porto Alegre will remain closed to the public, including for visa services, through May 24, 2024. We will remain available 24/7 to provide services to U.S. citizens with emergencies.

All applicants with routine appointments scheduled for these days will receive information about how to reschedule their appointments.

Those interested in obtaining a visa to the United States may apply at the Embassy in Brasilia or at the U.S. Consulates in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Recife.

Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil

Investimento foi realizado na startup Indicium, especializada na aplicação de dados na gestão empresarial

Para aumentar as margens de lucro e otimização de processos, a inteligência de dados propõe transformar informações aparentemente irrelevantes em algo útil para os negócios. As ferramentas tem o objetivo de aproveitar tanto os dados gerados nas empresas como informações sobre concorrentes e o mercado como um todo.

A Indicium, companhia catarinense de dados fundada em 2017, recebeu US$ 40 milhões (R$ 200 milhões) em uma rodada série A do fundo de venture capital americano Columbia Capital. Essa é a primeira vez que o fundo aporta em uma empresa brasileira.

A empresa usará o investimento para a expansão nos Estados Unidos. Tudo isso, para se consolidar como uma empresa de Modern Data Stack, tecnologia que permite que dados sejam processados de forma eficiente para a tomada de decisões.

Para Matheus Dellagnelo, cofundador e CEO da Indicium, o modelo de negócios baseado no uso de metodologias avançadas, permitiu um crescimento de 100% a 150% ao ano. “Com o apoio da Columbia Capital, estamos prontos para expandir nossas operações nos Estados Unidos e consolidar a nossa presença na América Latina, além de continuar desenvolvendo novos produtos e soluções de ciência de dados”, diz Dellagnelo.

Leia a reportagem completa

Por Ana Paula Branco Alves via Forbes Money Brasil

O Índice de Gerentes de Compras (PMI) aponta expansão da atividade industrial, com crescimento acentuado na entrada de novos negócios, produção e empregos

O setor industrial brasileiro iniciou o segundo trimestre com o crescimento mais intenso em quase três anos diante de um aumento acentuado na entrada de novos negócios em abril, alimentando a produção e a criação de empregos, mostrou o Índice de Gerentes de Compras (PMI, na sigla em inglês).

O PMI da indústria brasileira, compilado pela S&P Global, disparou a 55,9 em abril, de 53,6 em março, marcando a melhora mais forte das condições operacionais desde julho de 2021. Resultado acima de 50 indica expansão da atividade.

A pesquisa divulgada nesta quinta-feira aponta que a melhora do indicador deveu-se ao impacto positivo da demanda em medidas como vendas, produção, emprego e estoques de compras.

A necessidade de aumentar a capacidade levou os produtores brasileiros a ampliar o número de funcionários no ritmo mais rápido em 21 meses.

O fortalecimento da confiança em relação às perspectivas para a produção também alimentou o crescimento do emprego. A melhora da demanda, investimentos em capacidade, a redução dos juros e a diversificação da produção elevaram o otimismo para o maior nível em três meses.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Via Forbes Money




Sicredi e Sicoob têm recursos próprios para linhas de crédito aos cooperados e afirmam que maior busca é por recursos para custeio

Com cautela e de olho no movimento dos produtores rurais, as cooperativas de crédito presentes na Agrishow – 29ª Feira Internacional de Tecnologia Agrícola em Ação, que termina na sexta-feira (3), em Ribeirão Preto, vão consolidando suas estratégias para os valores estimados. Pressionados pela baixa das commodities, principalmente grãos, mas animados com o desempenho de setores como o café e a cana-de-açúcar, a meta é pelo menos manter os patamares do ano passado ou até avançar um pouco.

As linhas para custeio da safra são o alvo das cooperativas. Os dois principais sistemas de cooperativas de crédito, Sicredi (Sistema de Crédito Cooperativo) e o Sicoob (Sistema de Cooperativas Financeiras do Brasil), esperam fechar negócios da ordem de R$ 3,8 bilhões durante a feira ou iniciados no evento.

“O investimento é o que mais gira nessas feiras em geral. O grosso do financiamento vinculado a investimentos, que os produtores usam para comprar implementos agrícolas”, diz Gustavo Freitas,  diretor de crédito do Sicredi.

Freitas lembra que fatores negativos como juros altos, eventualidades climáticas e o choque nos preços das commodities impactaram o mercado de crédito, que na safra passada havia crescido 24%. Muitos produtores migraram para o consórcio, que cresceu de R$ 22 bilhões em 2022 para R$ 37 bilhões no ano passado. “O produtor está preferindo pagar um ‘pedaço’ da máquina todo mês, sem juros, até ser sorteado”, diz.

Mas a sequência de cortes na taxa Selic, pelo BC (Banco Central), dá melhores perspectivas para os clientes do Sicredi, que tem linhas de crédito com 3,6% até 17% de juros anuais. “No lançamento da safra, a taxa básica de juros era de 13,25%, hoje é cerca de 10% e na próxima [reunião do Copom, o Comitê de Política Monetária] deve estar ainda mais baixo. Isso, num financiamento de dez anos, faz uma diferença enorme.” Outro detalhe é a espera do novo Plano Safra, que pode vir com condições de crédito mais favorável.

A Agrishow espera receber cerca de 200 mil visitantes de 50 países, entre eles China, Alemanha, EUA, Colômbia, Holanda, Itália e países vizinhos. Entre companhias internacionais e brasileiras, participam da feira cerca de 800 empresas.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Vera Ondei e Bruno Cirillo Via Forbes

Indigenous leaders from across Latin America convened in the Brazilian capital this week to push for the rights of native peoples and draft a collective agenda for COP30, which includes measures ranging from land demarcation to fair energy transition, participants at the Campamento Tierra Libre (Free Land Camp) told EFE.

Marking the 20th anniversary of the camp, held from April 22 to 26, nearly 8,000 individuals participated in what is considered Brazil’s largest indigenous mobilization, featuring traditional rituals, debate plenaries, vigils, and a crafts fair.

The Campamento Tierra Libre primarily aims to defend the rights of Brazilian Indigenous people to preserve their territories.

At this year’s camp, Latin American indigenous leaders worked on drafting a document outlining a united strategy for the upcoming United Nations Climate Conference (COP30). The conference is scheduled to take place in 2025 in the Brazilian city of Belém, located in the Amazon region, and is expected to be a crucial event for indigenous communities.

Key demands by Latin American indigenous peoples include the development and enhancement of public policies ensuring their rights, land demarcation and protection, and other guarantees for sustainable socioeconomic development in the region.

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Via EFE Comunica


Brazil’s consumer prices rose slightly less than expected in the mid-April reading, data from statistics agency IBGE showed on Friday.

Prices in Latin America’s largest economy rose 0.21% in the month to mid-March, below the 0.29% growth expected by economists polled by Reuters.

This took the inflation of the previous 12 months to 3.77%, slowing down from 4.14% in the 12 months to mid-March and also below expectations of a 3.86% increase. The reading marked the first time since July last year the figure came in below 4%.

“All told, the inflation picture continues to improve in Brazil, thanks to favorable base effects, the lagged effect of high-interest rates and softening domestic demand,” said Andres Abadia, Chief Latam Economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics.

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Reporting by Peter Frontini; Editing by Steven Grattan and Angus MacSwan via Reuters

Conhecidas como Issue Notes, documentos deram pontapé inicial às discussões temáticas do G20, com estratégias para questões prioritárias da presidência brasileira do Fórum

No centro das discussões do G20 Brasil, estão as Issue Notes, ou notas temáticas. Os documentos que sintetizam análises especializadas sobre os assuntos, desde economia e meio ambiente até segurança cibernética e saúde, já estão disponíveis para consulta e download. As notas informativas têm papel fundamental na orientação das políticas globais, com análises detalhadas e caminhos para os desafios enfrentados pelo mundo.

No cenário da diplomacia internacional, as Issue Notes são ferramentas importantes que indicam a compreensão e resolução de questões complexas. Com o Brasil à frente da presidência em 2024, o foco dessas análises se intensificou.

As prioridades do G20 no Brasil são a inclusão social e o combate à fome e à pobreza, a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável em suas dimensões econômica, social e ambiental e transições energéticas, e a reforma das instituições de governança global, incluindo as Nações Unidas e os bancos multilaterais de desenvolvimento.

As Issue Notes são como bússolas para guiar os debates, fornecendo informações detalhadas e direcionamentos diante dos desafios globais. Durante as reuniões do G20, os documentos são discutidos e aprimorados por especialistas que integram os grupos de trabalho ou as forças-tarefa. A diversidade de perspectivas e conhecimentos contribuem para a formulação de propostas mais inclusivas, refletindo o espírito colaborativo do grupo.

Clique aqui para ler a nota na íntegra.

Via G20 Brasil

EUA lançam primeira usina com combustível de aviação sustentável e mercado brasileiro poderá ser fornecedor

Embora os Estados Unidas consigam produzir seu próprio etanol através do milho, os investidores americanos estão interessados em trazer o Etanol brasileiro, vindo da cana-de-açúcar para a produção comercial do combustível. Além da melhor qualidade do produto brasileiro que pode ser explorado em maior quantidade, o fato das maiores usinas brasileiras já estarem certificadas para produzir matéria-prima para o combustível de aviação sustentável (SAF). Através do certificado, essas usinas passam a atender aos padrões internacionais de produção, o que acabou sendo um interessante chamariz para que os americanos olhassem com bons olhos o etanol nacional.

Entre as usinas certificadas, a São Martinho espera ser a primeira a fechar negócio e abastecer os EUA. A empresa conseguiu o certificado de padrão Corsia, que é globalmente aceito e possui o registro da Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos EUA (EPA).

Porém, na cola para conquistar os americanos, outras grandes nacionais como a Raízen, BP Bunge Bioenergia e usinas ligadas à Copersucar também possuem o certificado Corsia que só é conseguida a partir de empresas que conseguem provar que a produção é feita com emissões baixas e que não contribuem para o desmatamento.

A produção mundial de SAF com base no etanol é de cerca de 9 bilhões de litros por ano de biocombustível até 2030, segundo estimativa da Raízen. Esse valor é o equivalente a um terço de toda a produção de etanol do Brasil. Porém, o vice-presidente da Raízen, joint venture entre a Cosan e a Shell, Paulo Neves, a empresa está segura de que conseguirá atender os Estados Unidos sem deixar o Brasil defasado.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Guilherme Cosenza via Correio da Manhã



H-1B Initial Electronic Registration Selection Process Completed

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has received enough electronic registrations for unique beneficiaries during the initial registration period to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2025 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption (master’s cap). We have randomly selected enough properly submitted registrations for unique beneficiaries projected as needed to reach the H-1B cap and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected beneficiaries that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for such beneficiaries.

For more information, visit the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page.

FY 2025 H-1B Cap Petitions May Be Filed Starting April 1

H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may be filed with USCIS beginning April 1, 2024, if filed for a selected beneficiary and based on a valid registration.

Only petitioners with registrations for selected beneficiaries may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025.

An H-1B cap-subject petition must be properly filed at the correct filing location (see H-1B Form I-129 Filing Location Change to Lockbox section below) or online at and within the filing period indicated on the relevant selection notice. The period for filing the H-1B cap-subject petition will be at least 90 days. Petitioners must include a copy of the applicable selection notice with the FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petition.

Petitioners must also submit evidence of the beneficiary’s valid passport or travel document used at the time of registration to identify the beneficiary.

Petitioners filing for selected beneficiaries based on their valid registration must still submit evidence or otherwise establish eligibility for petition approval, as registration and selection only pertains to eligibility to file the H-1B cap-subject petition.

For more information, visit the USCIS page

Via U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Since March of this year, the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Brazil have introduced the option of paying the application fee (MRV) via Pix. This new alternative is in the initial phase of implementation and payments may require up to an hour for approval

In addition to this method, applicants still have the option of payment by credit card or in cash. This innovation reflects our ongoing commitment to improving services for Brazilian visa applicants.

Between January and March 2024, the number of visas processed by the United States in Brazil grew by 20 percent compared to the same period last year. This means that more than 340,000 visas were processed in just three months across the country. This increase is the result of our commitment to providing an increasingly better consular service. In 2024, we expect to break the record of 1.1 million visas issued in Brazil in 2023.

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Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil



Vale has officially announced that all the electricity used in its operations in Brazil in 2023 came from renewable sources, such as hydroelectric, wind and solar power plants. Thus, the company has achieved its goal of having 100% renewable electricity consumption in Brazil two years ahead of schedule, which was 2025.

The information is highlighted in the 2023 edition of the Integrated Report, which includes more environmental, social and diversity advances made by the company.

Having reached the target, Vale has zeroed its indirect CO2 emissions in Brazil, which correspond to scope 2. The company still has the challenge of achieving 100% renewable energy consumption in its global operations by 2030. At the moment, this indicator stands at 88.5%.

The start-up of the Sol do Cerrado solar complex in November 2022 was key to achieving the target two years ahead of schedule. Located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, the solar complex represented an investment of US$ 590 million by Vale. It is one of the largest solar energy parks in Latin America, with an installed capacity of 766 Megawatts-peak, equivalent to the consumption of a city of 800,000 inhabitants. In July 2023, the complex reached its maximum capacity. It has the potential of contributing to around 16% of all the electricity consumed by Vale in Brazil.

In its global operations, Vale is also moving towards 100% renewable energy consumption by 2030. The company invests in joint venture partnerships, renewable generation certificates in contracts (PPAs) and innovation initiatives for better efficiency in the use of batteries.

Scope 1: alternative fuels and biocarbon

Vale is also working to reduce its direct Scope 1 emissions. In the mines and railroads, where diesel (a fossil fuel) is currently intensively consumed, the company is studying the adoption of alternative fuels, such as ethanol for trucks and green ammonia for locomotives. In the pelletizing furnaces, the strategy is to replace anthracite, a type of mineral coal, with zero-emission biocarbon, made from the carbonization of biomass.

Last year, Vale signed an agreement with Wabtec for the supply of three electric locomotives and the start of studies into the development of a green ammonia-powered locomotive engine. The company also produced pellets with 100% biocarbon for the first time in an industrial test.

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Via Vale

Dear Members and Supporters:

In recognition of the global importance of Brazilian business and the longstanding partnership between The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Brazilian executives, the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is proud to support Wharton’s 56th Global Forum.  This highly anticipated event will take place from June 7-8, 2024 at The Grand Hyatt São Paulo (Avenida das Nações Unidas, 13.301, 04578-000 São Paulo – SP – Brazil).

The 56th Global Forum presents unparalleled opportunities to gain diverse perspectives from global leaders in industry, government, and academia.  The event will feature engaging presentations on cutting-edge research, faculty and executive-led master classes, and networking opportunities with global business leaders.

For more information on Wharton’s 56th Global Forum, including agenda, speakers, and registration, please click here.

To note – prior to the Forum Kick-Off, Wharton Executive Education will host a mini program on “Family Wealth Management: Balancing Family Harmony with Financial Prosperity.”   The mini program will take place on Friday, June 7th from 9 AM – 1 PM. In the link below, you can find more information about Friday’s workshop, including a QR code for registration. You can register for the workshop only or for the full forum.

We hope you take this opportunity to gain valuable insights from experts in business and government in one of Latin America’s most entrepreneurial cities!

Best wishes,

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce

Click here for more information and get tickets!

Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force announced the beginning of collaborative studies to identify potential platform adaptations for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance missions. The platforms to be used are already operational in the Brazilian Air Force, such as the C-390 Millennium.

“The Brazilian Air Force constantly monitors its ability to fulfill its missions completely in the current context, while also looking at future challenges and the evolution of technologies. Studying the adherence and adaptability of Embraer platforms to the future challenges of these missions is an expected way to maximize commonality and technological autonomy,” says Lieutenant-Brigadier Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.

“Embraer has a successful track record in adapting its platforms for different objectives. The joint studies will allow the expansion of the solutions portfolio to meet the operational needs of the Brazilian Air Force’s Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance missions and potential international customers. This is another important step in the long-term relationship between Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force,” says Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security.

The announcement took place at the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE) in Santiago, Chile, with the presence of Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security, and Lieutenant-Brigadier Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, Commander of the Air Force.

Via EDR Online

The Brazilian government postponed the visa requirement for U.S. nationals for one year. On April 10, 2025, the Government of Brazil will reinstate a visa requirement for all U.S. nationals visiting Brazil, with an option for an e-visa for qualified applicants.  This date reflects a one-year postponement announced on April 9, 2024.

Currently, the visa fee is $80.90 with a 10-year validity.  For questions about the e-visa application procedures, visit the Brazilian government-authorized website,

Please share this information with family, friends, and colleagues who are planning to visit.

Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil

Beyond culture and carnivals, Brazil’s beautiful natural landscapes are a growing draw for tourists.

Famous for its world-class carnivals, glorious beaches, towering Christ the Redeemer statue and hearty cuisine, Brazil is a country of staggering proportions and diverse landscapes.

The country is also home to a wealth of natural wonders and outdoor activities, making it a top holiday choice for outdoor lovers and thrill seekers looking for an adrenaline rush.

Among its most renowned treasures is the Amazon rainforest, which spans over 6.7 million square kilometers and represents over half of the planet’s remaining rainforests. Its fragile biodiversity is unmatched and is home to millions of species of plants, animals, and insects, many of which have yet to be discovered.

The best natural wonders in Brazil

The Amazon River, flowing through the heart of the rainforest, is the largest river by discharge volume globally. It plays a vital role in sustaining the ecosystem and surrounding communities.

In the southern region of Brazil lies the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland area.

During the rainy season, the Pantanal transforms into a vast flooded plain, teeming with wildlife such as jaguars, caimans, capybaras, and many bird species. Its diverse habitats support a rich ecosystem, drawing nature enthusiasts and researchers from across the globe.

Along the border with Argentina, Iguazu Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls globally. It comprises a series of over 275 individual falls cascading over cliffs amidst lush rainforests.

By Portia Jones via Euronews.

Read full article here.

On March 6th, wednesday, the story of The Medulloblastoma Initiative (MBI) will be presented to the Permanent Council of the OAS (Organization of American States – Organización de los Estados Americanos) in Washington D.C., during the session dedicated to World Rare Disease Day.

The event will feature three main speakers. Among them is the founder of MBI, Fernando Goldsztein.

MBI results from Fernando’s approach to Dr. Roger J. Packer, from Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C., one of the world’s leading specialists in pediatric brain tumors worldwide. Today, MBI is a philanthropic initiative that finances a consortium with 13 research laboratories, bringing together renowned scientists from around the world — from the USA, Germany, and Canada.
For this important meeting, MBI was the organization chosen by the OAS to represent the fight of the 300 million people affected by rare diseases around the world.

During his speech, Fernando will present MBI’s unique approach to philanthropic engagement and will shed light on urgent topics, such as the toxicity of available treatments for the most common type of pediatric brain tumor and the need for funding for scientific research. It will also invite governments, the scientific community, and civil society itself to reflect on the relevance of these themes in the context of rare diseases.

It will be a great honor for MBI to speak on behalf of the millions of people with rare diseases at this event.

The session will be broadcast live – with interpretation in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese – on the OAS Website (

Check out the event link:

Via The Meduloblastoma Initiative

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On Tuesday, February 27, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called the Brazilian tax reform approved by the National Congress last year “truly historic”. According to her, the measure may attract foreign investments to the country.

“I congratulate Minister [of the Economy, Fernando] Haddad for proposing truly historic tax reform. This will make business easier, including for US companies to invest in Brazil.”

The reform is one of the main measures the Lula government and minister of economy Fernando Haddad have been advocating for, which promises to modernize Brazil’s tax system by implementing a taxation model currently used in many developed countries. The government expects to send the bill to the National Congress in March.

From the newsroom
Translated by: Ana Paula Rocha | Edited by: Nicolau Soares via Brasil de Fato 

Read full article.

Leia em português.

A OMT é a agência da Organização das Nações Unidas responsável pela promoção do turismo de forma responsável, sustentável e acessível.

O Rio de Janeiro ganhou nesta quinta-feira (14) o primeiro escritório da Organização Mundial do Turismo (OMT) para as Américas e o Caribe.

A inauguração contou com a presença do ministros do Turismo do Brasil, Celso Sabino, dos ministros do Chile e do Paraguai, do presidente da Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, e do diretor da Organização Mundial do Turismo (OMT), Zurab Pololikashvili.

O escritório, no Centro da cidade, vai contar com representantes de outros países da região.

A OMT é a agência da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) responsável pela promoção do turismo de forma sustentável, responsável e acessível.

O Rio foi escolhido para sediar a nova representação da OMT em outubro. A cidade teve o 5º maior crescimento do PIB de turismo no mundo em 2022. E este ano já arrecadou R$ 190 milhões em impostos com o turismo, gerando mais de 20 mil empregos.

Por Por Ben-Hur Correia, RJ2 via

Ler artigo na íntegra.

Tribute to H.E. Henry A. Kissinger

(May 27, 1923 – November 29, 2023)1997 Person of the Year

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on November 29, 2023 at the age of 100, of H.E. Henry A. Kissinger, American politician, diplomat, political scientist, geopolitical consultant, and longtime Chamber affiliate and supporter.  Kissinger served as United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and was the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s 1997 Person of the Year honoree, representing the United States.

Born in Fürth, Bavaria in 1923, Kissinger and his family fled Nazi Germany in 1938, briefly landing in London and ultimately, the Washington Heights section of Upper Manhattan as part of the German-Jewish immigrant community.  Kissinger served in the United States Army, during which time he became a naturalized US citizen.  He excelled academically, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Harvard College (1950), a Master of Arts from Harvard University (1951), and a Doctor of Philosophy from Harvard University (1954).

Serving under the presidential administrations of Ricard Nixon and Gerald Ford, Kissinger played a prominent role in United States foreign policy between 1969 and 1977, easing geopolitical tensions with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, orchestrating an opening of relations with China, engaging in “shuttle diplomacy” in the Middle East to end the Yom Kippur War, and negotiating the Paris Peace Accords, which prompted the withdrawal of American forces from the Vietnam War.  After leaving government, he established Kissinger Associates, an international geopolitical consulting firm.

Over the course of his career, Kissinger wrote numerous memoirs, articles, and books on diplomatic history, public policy, and international relations – and received countless awards and distinctions, including the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for his work negotiating a ceasefire in the Vietnam War and the 1997 Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Gerald Ford.

Kissinger’s dialogue with the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations.  His force of character, influence over wartime diplomacy and global affairs, and domination across a breadth of major foreign policy issues endure.

Kissinger is survived by his wife, Nancy Maginnes Kissinger; two children, David and Elizabeth; and five grandchildren.

Bossa Nova: The Greatest Night
Seu Jorge & Daniel Jobim Featuring Roberto Menescal, Carlinhos Brown, Carol Biazin, and Celeste

Featuring repertoire entirely dedicated to Bossa Nova, Seu Jorge and Daniel Jobim will be joined on stage by Roberto MenescalCarlinhos BrownCarol Biazin, and Celeste for a performance that pays homage to the genre. The performance echoes the 1962 Bossa Nova concert that was presented in the Main Hall at Carnegie Hall, now publicly known as Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage.

Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 8 PM
Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall 

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On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of Brazil on the 201st anniversary of its independence this September 7th.

Brazil and the United States proudly stand together as vibrant and diverse democracies. We strongly value our joint commitment to address regional and global challenges, promote social and economic inclusion, and combat climate change to create a just, equitable, and sustainable environment where all our citizens can thrive. Our diaspora communities boast rich cultures and sustain our warm people-to-people ties. Together, we can continue to strengthen our relationship grounded in shared democratic principles that ensure prosperity, security, and freedom for our citizens.

The people of the United States wish all Brazilians a joyous Independence Day.


See statement here

LONDON, Aug 21 (Reuters) – A Cargill chartered dry bulk ship has launched on its first voyage since being fitted with special sails, aiming to study how harnessing wind power can cut emissions and energy usage in the shipping sector, the U.S. commodities group said on Monday.

The maritime industry – which accounts for nearly 3% of global CO2 emissions and is under pressure from investors and environmental groups to accelerate decarbonisation – is exploring a number of different technologies including ammonia and methanol in an effort to move away from dirtier bunker fuel.

Cargill, one of the world’s biggest ship charterers, has been exploring wind assisted propulsion as one cleaner energy option. Wind was a common way of propelling ships before the switch to steam and diesel engines but is now mostly used only for smaller vessels.

By  via Reuters

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The change in Brazil’s federal government at the beginning of the year brought with it fresh winds and the prospect of formulating a new strategic direction for Petrobras.

After years of being focused on oil exploration and production, the company has turned its attention to activities considered “non-core”, such as refining, natural gas, fertilizers and petrochemicals.

But what is most striking to those who follow the state-run company is its commitment to the issue of energy transition.

After announcing the creation of an executive board focused on this subject, Petrobras announced that it intends to allocate between 6% and 15% of its capex to low-carbon projects between 2024 and 2028.

Under the chairmanship of Jean Paul Prates – who, as a senator, prepared a bill to regulate offshore wind generation in Brazil – the company has begun to step up its efforts to seek partnerships in the renewable sources sector both in and outside the country.

By Bnamericas.

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Global public debt surged to a record $92 trillion in 2022 as governments borrowed to counter crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, with the burden being felt acutely by developing countries, a United Nations report said.

Domestic and external debt worldwide has increased more than five times in the last two decades, outstripping the rate of economic growth, with gross domestic product only tripling since 2002, according to the Wednesday report, released in the run up to a G20 finance ministers and central bank governors’ meeting July 14-18.

Developing countries owe almost 30% of the global public debt, of which 70% is represented by China, India and Brazil. Fifty-nine developing countries face a debt-to-GDP ratio above 60% – a threshold indicating high levels of debt.

By Jorgelina Do Rosario via Reuters

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For nearly two decades, South America’s largest economy Brazil has been reaping a tremendous economic windfall from a massive oil boom that kicked off with the first offshore ultra deep-water pre-salt discovery in 2006. The boom nearly collapsed as corruption, mismanagement and malfeasance saw national oil company Petrobras laden with so much debt it was almost forced to declare bankruptcy. Since then, industry reforms and rationalization coupled with higher oil prices had reinvigorated the massive fossil fuel boom underway in Brazil, although it nearly faltered for a brief moment when left-wing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva assumed power. There are indications that Brazil, regardless of the naysayers, is on track to become the world’s fourth-largest oil producer, which will be a tremendous boon for the economy.

Data from Brazil’s hydrocarbon regulator, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP – Portuguese initials), shows that for April 2023, the country pumped an average of 3.1 million barrels of oil per day. That number is almost 1% higher than a month earlier and 5% greater year over year. Total hydrocarbon output for April 2023 amounted to just over 4 million barrels of oil equivalent per day which was 1.1% higher month over month and 4.4% greater than a year earlier. Those numbers represent a modest recovery after a March 2023 slump because of rising industry concerns that Lula will take a more interventionist approach to Brazil’s oil industry. That growth indicates Brazil possesses the potential to become the world’s largest oil producer, especially when it is anticipated the country 2023 will add 300,000 barrels per day, taking production to 3.4 million barrels daily by the end of the year.

By Matthew Smith via Yahoo!Finance

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Companies will face more pressure to disclose how climate change affects their business under a new set of G20-backed global rules aimed at helping regulators crack down on greenwashing.

The norms published on Monday have been written by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) as trillions of dollars flow into investments that tout their environmental, social and governance credentials.

It would be up to individual countries to decide whether to require listed companies to apply the standards, ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber said, adding the standards can be used for annual reports for 2024 onwards.

By Huw Jones and Simon Jessop via Reuters

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The dispute among Brazil’s largest banks for high-income clients and the private segment has crossed borders and is becoming fierce in the US state of Florida as, in the last few months, the offensive has escalated to hiring new executives, opening new operations and aggressive investment in marketing.

The background is the growing presence of high-income Brazilians who visit. invest in or live in the United States, mainly in the so-called Sunshine State.

The services offered by Brazilian banks in the state include real estate financing, investments, international transfers, and even help with immigration planning.

By Sérgio Ripardo via Bloomberg Línea

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Equinor (EQNR.OL) plans to expand its oil production in Brazil more than fivefold over the next decade, while also eyeing green energy projects especially in offshore wind power, an executive for the Norwegian energy giant said on Tuesday.

The company aims to boost output to more than 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) by 2033 from current output of nearly 90,000 boed, Equinor Brazil vice president Lars Jetlund Hansen said at an energy event in Rio de Janeiro.

“We have great momentum to grow more in Brazil in both oil and gas and renewables,” Jetlund Hansen said.

Via Reuters

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Despite concerns about machines replacing human workers, research challenges the overhyped claims of ascendant AI. In most knowledge-intensive tasks, workers will more likely find themselves augmented in partnership with machines than automated out of a job. Humans and machines will simultaneously collaborate and compete with one another, like a track team competing in various events. In some events, like the 100-yard dash, teammates compete against each other, but in others, such as the relay race, they work together towards a common goal.

In such a relationship, humans and AI systems both need distinct competitive and cooperative skills. Competitive skills refer to the unique advantages that either humans or AI possess over the other, while cooperative skills enhance the ability of humans and AI to work together effectively. To foster a symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, organizations must find the appropriate balance between investing in human skills and technological capabilities — and think strategically about how they attract and retain talent.

By Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Kelly Monahan, and Paul Leonardi via Harvard Business Review

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Latin America is increasingly seen as an attractive market for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), with the ongoing U.S.-China trade spat helping to whet investor appetite for opportunities in the region, a KPMG survey of executives showed on Monday.

The survey of nearly 400 executives across 14 countries globally showed technology, financial services and energy sectors leading the way and Mexico overtaking regional heavyweight Brazil for the top spot in M&A activity.

“Opportunities already outweigh challenges,” said Gerardo Rojas, head of KPMG’s Advisory Practice in Mexico and Central America. “The risks investors see in Latin America are outweighed by the desire to get out of Asia, particularly China, due to their trade war with the United States.”

By Aida Pelaez-fernandez via Reuters

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Brazilian economists have reduced their long-term inflation expectations, putting an end to months of unchanged projections that the central bank had cited as a cause for concern.

According to the median forecast of a weekly central bank survey on Monday, 2025 inflation projections now stand at 3.9%, down from the previous estimate of 4.0% calculated since March 24. The expectation for 2026 has also decreased to 3.88% from the previous 4.0% forecast since March 17.

The central bank has consistently expressed concern about increased inflation expectations for long-term horizons in its justifications for the need to keep the benchmark interest rate at a 13.75% cycle-high, which has remained steady since September despite cooling inflation.

Via Reuters

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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen starts a four-nation trip to Latin American on Monday to bolster political and trade ties that the European Union admits it has sometimes neglected.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Union has cast around for “like-minded” partners to provide other sources of trade and critical minerals required for its green transition and help reduce its reliance on China.

Von der Leyen will meet the presidents of Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico on consecutive days. Her trip follows that of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz earlier this year and comes a week before Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva travels to Paris.

By Philip Blenkinsop via Reuters

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Brazilian inflation probably declined to an eight-month low in May versus April, opening a much anticipated window for interest rate cuts in the second-half of the year, a Reuters poll of economists predicted.

On a 12-month basis, consumer price data due Wednesday are expected to show the smallest rise in more than two years, adding to evidence for the potential start of an easing cycle from a reticent central bank.

The IPCA inflation index likely increased 0.33% on the month in May, its softest reading since September 2022, and 4.04% in the 12-month gauge, the lowest since October 2020, according to median estimates of 20 analysts polled from May 31 to June 5.

By Gabriel Burin via Reuters

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Vamos falar sobre a participação do agro no PIB (Produto Interno Bruto). O PIB do Brasil registrou alta de 1,9%, o crescimento foi alavancado pelo PIB do agro, que foi de 21,6%, o maior dos últimos 26 anos.

O crescimento no PIB calculado pelo IBGE surpreendeu a todos e ficou acima das expectativas, entretanto, deixa uma falsa sensação de que a economia no país vai bem, nada mais distante da realidade, indústria e construção apresentaram crescimento negativo, serviços cresceu 0,6%, quem puxou mesmo o PIB para o positivo foi o Agro.

Este resultado extraordinário foi alcançado pois produzimos neste ano a maior safra da nossa história com 305 milhões de toneladas, a produção de soja teve um aumento de 25% e milho de 10%, mas nem tudo são flores, para o produtor, esta foi a safra mais cara de toda nossa história. Este bom resultado deve aparecer ainda nos próximos trimestres, independente da queda abrupta que vem sofrendo o preço das commodities.

By Helen Jacintho via Forbes Brasil

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The U.S. economy is strong amid robust consumer spending but some areas are slowing down, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Wednesday, adding that she expects continued progress in bringing inflation down over the next two years with a strong labor market.

Yellen, in a CNBC interview, also said that while banks may struggle with commercial real estate and face some consolidation, there is ample liquidity in the system and banks should generally be able to withstand any strain.

Yellen said that inflation can subside while maintaining a strong labor market, with unemployment in the 4% range, up slightly from the 3.7% reading in May.

By Susan Heavey and David Lawder via Reuters

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Brazil posted a $11.4 billion trade surplus in May, marking a record for any given month since the data series began in 1989, official data showed on Thursday.

The figure also came above the $9 billion surplus expected in a Reuters poll with economists, backed by a surge in the volume of exports that more than offset price drops.

According to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, Brazilian exports totaled $33.1 billion in May, up 11.6% from the same month in 2022, to the highest value ever recorded in the entire series.

Via Reuters

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A recent survey of CEOs suggests that most expect a recession in the U.S. but that it will be “short and shallow.” For that reason, many aren’t anticipating layoffs and some are even still hiring. It points toward a continuation of the current tight labor market, even as the economy cools in response to the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes and the ongoing banking turmoil.

CEOs continue to send the same message about the U.S. economy: A recession is looming but persistent strength in the labor market will endure. Typically, corporate executives would be focused on cutting costs and jobs amid such uncertain times, but they instead anticipate the job market will stay competitive. The seeming cognitive dissonance underlies the complexity of an economy that has suffered serial shocks in recent years — from the pandemic to inflation to rapid interest rate hikes to a mini banking crisis — but which nonetheless continues to exude signs of resilience. 

by Dana Peterson via Harvard Business Review

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U.S. immigration policy and the Biden administration’s response to the ongoing migration crisis have been hot topics in the news. We break down potential considerations for employers as the pandemic-era immigration policy ends and border crossings from individuals without documentation in search of asylum are expected to rise sharply.

On Thursday, May 11, the Biden administration dealt with Title 42 expiration. Title 42 is the name of an emergency health authority that began in March 2020 under the Trump administration. As part of COVID-19 restrictions on asylum seekers in the interest in public health, Title 42 allowed border authorities to send back individuals attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border quickly. Because the Biden administration announced in January that it would end the national COVID-19 emergencies, the border restrictions were affected.

The expiration of Title 42 will allow undocumented individuals crossing the border to seek asylum, rather than being turned back. However, the route to seeking asylum is a tenuous and lengthy process that first involves passing a “credible fear screening” by asylum officers to determine whether the individual has a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country. If they meet the screening criteria, their case is introduced into the immigration court system to determine if they can stay in the United States.

By Jorge Lopez and Elizabeth Whiting via Littler

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The United Nations food agency’s world price index fell in May to its lowest in two years, as a slump in prices of vegetable oils, cereals and dairy outweighed increases for sugar and meat.

The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) price index, which tracks the most globally-traded food commodities, averaged 124.3 points in May against a revised 127.7 for the previous month, the agency said on Friday. The April reading was originally given as 127.2.

The May score marked the lowest since April 2021 and meant the index was now 22% below an all-time peak reached in March 2022 following the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Via Reuters

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A bill backed by debt justice campaigners and civil society groups advocating on behalf of economically distressed countries could alter past and future sovereign debt restructurings covered by New York state law – and Wall Street is watching.

Senate Bill S4747, the NY Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act, “relates to New York state’s support of international debt relief initiatives for certain developing countries.”

The bill includes limits to state investments into foreign entities and would include private creditors in “burden-sharing standards” in which they would take the same losses – or “haircuts” – that the United States government would as a sovereign creditor when a low-income country in distress qualifies for debt relief.

The limit of this definition is a point of contention between the advocates of the bill and its detractors.

By Rodrigo Campos and Jorgelina Do Rosario via Reuters

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Great news is here for Atlanta residents! Delta Air Lines has announced the reinstatement of its twice-daily service between Atlanta and São Paulo, effective from May 25. Previously discontinued, this route will now be served by a combination of Airbus A330-300 and Boeing 767-300(ER) aircraft.

Delta temporarily reduced the frequency of flights between the two cities during the low season in late March. The resumption of this service aims to offer travelers seeking connections between the United States and Brazil enhanced travel options.

In addition, New Yorkers will soon be able to fly nonstop to another Brazilian city, Rio de Janeiro, when Delta begins seasonal service between New York-JFK and Rio Galeo Airport (GIG) in Brazil on December 16. The new route will run daily on Delta’s Boeing 767-300 aircraft with Delta One, Delta Premium Select, Delta Comfort+, and Main Cabin service. The route is the third that Delta and LATAM have announced since the Joint Venture was approved in September 2022.

By Brunno Braga via Yahoo!news

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Brazil’s economy likely surged back to growth in the first quarter of the year, powered by record-breaking crops and solid crude oil output that more than offset the drag of subdued manufacturing activity, a Reuters poll of economists showed.

Strong exports by commodities-producing sectors were seen adding to resilient private consumption in lifting gross domestic product (GDP), despite the negative effects of high interest rates and a worrying rise in government debt.

GDP is forecast to increase 1.3% in January-March over the fourth quarter, after a 0.2% contraction in the last three months of 2022, according to the median estimate of 18 forecasts taken between May 24 and 30. The data is due on Thursday.

By Gabriel Burin via Reuters

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A decline in labour growth and expected fall in the working age population will be a drag on emerging economies already suffering from fading growth prospects, BlackRock’s Global Head of Emerging Markets Amer Bisat told Reuters.

Global population growth over the past five decades fuelled a surge in labour and a rapid increase in gross domestic product in many emerging economies but Bisat said demographics were no longer a boon for the countries.

The changing demographics come against a backdrop of higher global interest rates and levels of debt which add to pressure on developing economies, with capital accumulation in emerging markets set to be “tough”, said Bisat, who leads a team managing approximately $35 billion at the world’s largest asset manager.

By Jorgelina Do Rosario and Karin Strohecker via Reuters

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Former Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes is preparing to launch a “green” investment fund along with prominent bankers and other members of former President Jair Bolsonaro’s government, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The fund is expected to launch in July, the sources said, aiming to attract domestic and international investments in Brazil’s energy transition, natural resource preservation and industries tied to renewable energy sources.

The new government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has prioritized green economic development and stewardship of the Amazon rainforest after Bolsonaro faced global criticism for overseeing a surge in deforestation and illegal mining.

By Marcela Ayres via Reuters

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No mês do orgulho LGBTI+, levantamento HRC Equidade BR certifica 57 empresas com base em políticas, compromissos públicos e ações para a inclusão

Às vésperas de junho, mês do orgulho LGBTQIA+, a HRC (Human Rights Campaign), em parceria com o Instituto Mais Diversidade e o Fórum de Empresas e Direitos LGBTI+, divulga a segunda edição do ranking Equidade BR, com as melhores empresas para profissionais LGBTQIA+ trabalharem no Brasil.

Na primeira edição, 38 empresas foram reconhecidas entre as 60 participantes. Nesta segunda edição, houve um aumento de pouco mais de 50% na participação, com 91 empresas participantes e 57 reconhecidas, que obtiveram a pontuação máxima da pesquisa.

Entre as certificadas este ano, 18% são do setor de tecnologia, 16%, de consultoria, gestão e serviços e 11%, financeiro.

By Redação via Forbes Brasil

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Brazilian banks are being asked to meet minimum information requirements to help combat illegal deforestation when offering credit lines to meat processors, the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) said on Tuesday.

The group said the move is tied to rules approved by its self-regulation council to foster “sustainable finance” in Brazil, the world’s biggest beef exporter.

Banks that agree to participate in the scheme will be required to ask meat processors in the legal Amazon and Maranhao regions to implement a traceability and monitoring system that will allow them to demonstrate by December 2025 that their cattle purchases don’t come from areas of illegal deforestation.

By Paula Arend Laier via Reuters

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Brazil’s government said on Friday the United Nations has confirmed the Amazonian city of Belem as the host of the COP30 climate change summit in November 2025.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva made the announcement in a video alongside his foreign relations minister and the governor of Para state, where Belem is located.

“I’m convinced it is going to be a great event,” said Lula, who had previously pledged to try to bring the U.N. climate talks to a city in the world’s largest rainforest.

Via Reuters

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Private economists in Brazil have lowered their expectation for the country’s inflation index, with a new central bank survey on Monday showing they now forecast it to hit 5.80% at the end of this year.

The new median forecast comes down from 6.03% in the previous week and might ease some concern from policymakers, who have highlighted rising inflation expectations as one of the reasons for high interest rates in the country.

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad told reporters after the poll was released that market forecasts were now “in line” with projections from the ministry’s economic policy secretariat.

Via Reuters

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The U.S. Embassy in Brasília, Brazil, published a video teaching the “importance” of using gender-neutral pronouns, including “xe/xem” and “ze/hir.”

The video was posted to the Embassy’s social media on Wednesday for the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The video description said there is a “range of gender identities beyond male and female” and that it is not possible to know a person’s gender based on appearance.

The speaker in the video, who said his name is Mark, noted that his pronouns are he and him before explaining why people should not assume someone else’s pronouns.

By Landon Mion via Fox News

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Brazil’s government created on Wednesday an interministerial committee to develop a framework for issuing “sustainable sovereign bonds” aiming to launch a bond later this year.

These new bonds will be “instruments of public debt backed by federal government budget allocations for sustainable development,” including actions and projects related to environmental and social themes, according to the Finance Ministry.

While there is no specific date for the framework’s release, the ministry expects the process to be completed in time for sustainable bonds to be issued later this year, it said in a statement.

Via Reuters

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A measure of debt across the globe rose in the first quarter to almost $305 trillion, and the rising cost to service that debt is triggering concern about the financial system’s leverage, a widely tracked study showed.

The Institute of International Finance, a financial services trade group, said on Wednesday global debt rose by $8.3 trillion in the first three months of this year compared to the end of 2022 to $304.9 trillion, the highest since the first quarter of last year and second-highest quarterly reading ever.

“Global debt is now $45 trillion higher than its pre-pandemic level and is expected to continue increasing rapidly,” said the IIF in its quarterly Global Debt Monitor.

By Rodrigo Campos via Reuters

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The world is now likely to breach a key climate threshold for the first time within the next five years, according to the World Meteorological Organization, due to a combination of heat-trapping pollution and a looming El Niño.

Global temperatures have soared in recent years as the world continues to burn planet-warming fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. And that trend shows no sign of slowing. In its annual climate update, the WMO said that between 2023 and 2027, there is now a 66% chance that the planet’s temperature will climb above 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above pre-industrial levels for at least one year.

As temperatures surge, there is also a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years – and the five-year period as a whole – will be the warmest on record for the planet, the WMO reported.

By Laura Paddison and Jessie Gretener via CNN

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Brazil’s retail sales smashed market estimates in March, growing more than the highest forecast in a Reuters poll of economists, in a positive reading for the country’s broader first-quarter economic performance despite high interest rates.

Retail sales rose 0.8% in the month compared with February, data from statistics agency IBGE showed on Wednesday, largely beating consensus of a 0.8% drop in a Reuters poll of 13 economists, which had a 0.2% gain as maximum expectation.

Via Reuters

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More than 1,000 new business books are released each month in the United States alone. The good ones represent original contributions to theory and practice or provide meaningful extensions or applications of those theories and practices. The others tend to present recycled and superficial treatments of those original contributions. So how can you ensure not only that you’re reading a book that’s worth your time, but that you’re getting the most out of that time? The author presents eight ways to allocate your reading time to your greatest advantage through careful selection based on need, triaging the mode of consumption, and harvesting the takeaways for application.

Reading a business book is an exercise in efficiency, not literary aesthetics. You’re trying to maximize the return on time invested. For the executive, time allocation is as important as capital allocation. So, in approaching any business book, there are two goals: First, determining if the book can help you do your job; second, figuring out the quickest way to extract that value. In writing several business books — and reading more than I can count — I’ve found that, for books worth reading, the process consists of three steps: compression, absorption, and application.

By Timothy R. Clark via Harvard Business Review

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The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday said it “strongly supports” Brazil’s efforts to improve the country’s fiscal position, while also commending the country’s “ambitious agenda” to have a sustainable, inclusive, and green economy.

“Enhancing Brazil’s fiscal framework, broadening the tax base, and tackling spending rigidities would support sustainability and credibility,” the leader of an annual mission to the country, Ana Corbacho, said in a statement after the Fund’s visit.

Brazil’s finance ministry in late March unveiled new fiscal rules to balance limits on spending growth under the administration of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has vowed to boost social programs and public investment.

By Brendan O’Boyle and Carolina Pulice Via Reuters

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Brasil tem 54 instituições de ensino superior entre as 2 mil mais bem classificadas pelo Center for World University Rankings; USP, Unicamp e UFRJ são as melhores colocadas

Entre as 54 universidades brasileiras classificadas na lista das 2 mil melhores do mundo pelo CWUR (Center for World University Rankings), 29 tiveram queda em suas posições em relação ao ranking do ano passado. A Universidade de São Paulo lidera como a melhor universidade da América Latina, mesmo tendo caído da 103ª posição para a 109ª neste ano. Assim, nenhuma instituição de ensino superior brasileira está entre as 100 melhores do mundo.

O CWUR, que avaliou mais de 20 mil universidades ao redor do mundo, também ranqueia as instituições de acordo com educação, empregabilidade, docência e pesquisa. As universidades brasileiras tiveram maior queda no âmbito de pesquisa, principalmente pelos cortes de financiamento de bolsas de pesquisa e do orçamento das instituições. Nesse quesito, por exemplo, a UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) caiu 14 posições, enquanto a Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista) teve queda de 5.

By Gabriela Guido via Forbes Brasil

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The Group of Seven rich countries needs a stronger pitch to non-aligned nations. A strategy based on peace, prosperity and protecting the planet could work. It would certainly be more effective than delivering lectures on democracy.

Leaders of the world’s rich democracies, who gather later this week in Hiroshima, already have a lot on their plate dealing with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, higher inflation, and the rising challenge from China. Nevertheless Japan, which is hosting the summit, has made “outreach to the global South” one of the gathering’s two priorities along with “upholding the international order based on the rule of law”. This makes sense, partly because the topics are linked.

Many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have largely stayed on the sidelines during the Ukraine war, even if they initially condemned Russia’s invasion. They are unlikely to impose sanctions on China following an invasion of Taiwan, let alone join any military action to defend the island. But if more developing countries spoke up to condemn violations of international law, the People’s Republic might be more reluctant to contemplate aggression against Taipei.

By Hugo Dixon via Reuters

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Laser-based optical frequency combs, originally developed to time atomic clocks, can also perform fast, noninvasive tests for COVID—and potentially other diseases as well

Astronomers and physicists have long used a laser-based sensor called an “optical frequency comb” to study the material makeup of the cosmos and to make timekeeping more accurate. But the COVID pandemic has pushed this versatile tool from the world of space and physics into health care.

By Starre Vartan via Scientific American

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U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday urged Congress to raise the $31.4 trillion federal debt limit and avert an unprecedented default that would trigger a global economic downturn and risk undermining U.S. global economic leadership.

Yellen issued the latest in a series of increasingly stark warnings in remarks prepared for a press conference ahead of a meeting in Japan with her counterparts from the Group of Seven (G7) rich nations, as well as India, Indonesia and Brazil.

By Andrea Shalal via Reuters

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U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen highlighted the fight against climate change and other goals shared by the United States and Brazil, in a meeting with Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad in Japan on Thursday.

Japan, chairing the Group of Seven advanced economies this year, invited Brazil to take part in this week’s meeting of G7 finance ministers and central bankers, along with India, Indonesia and the African Union. Brazil will lead the Group of 20 major economies next year.

Yellen welcomed Brazil’s participation, saying the U.S. and Brazil, the largest democracies in the Americas, stood united in upholding their democratic values at home and abroad.

By Andrea Shalal via Reuters

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Disagreements don’t have to be destructive. They can be opportunities to come up with better ideas. But handling conversations with someone with a conflicting point of view is far from easy. Three strategies, which the authors identified in their research, can help.

From whether to embrace hybrid work to whether to introduce quotas for women or minorities at various levels in the organization, executive leadership teams across different companies we advise have been talking through polarizing issues. In many of those discussions, leaders often engaged in heated arguments with one another that were not that productive. As a result, they left the meetings feeling hurt and dissatisfied.

By Hanne K. Collins, Charles A. Dorison, Francesca Gino, and Julia A. Minson via Harvard Business Review

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Knocking on doors to check on people’s health and catch problems before they escalate is common practice across Brazil. But could that approach work in the UK?

Comfort and Nahima are on their regular beat around Churchill Gardens, a council estate in the Pimlico neighbourhood of London.

Dressed in blue fleeces with logos, they steadily climb the concrete staircases of each block on the estate.

By Naomi Grimley via BBC News

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Celebrities and athletes have increasingly been speaking out about their mental health over the last several years, but organizational leaders have only just started. To fully catalyze societal change and normalize mental health challenges and seeking support, workplaces must also play a part. When leaders of all levels share their personal stories, it reduces stigma and normalizes the ups and downs of being human — especially as a high-performing professional. This type of role-modeling positions vulnerability as a strength instead of a weakness and shows it’s possible to succeed and thrive with a mental health challenge. The author presents best practices for how to tell your leader ally story — and why it matters.

More than a decade ago when I had to take a leave of absence due to generalized anxiety disorder and depression, I thought my career was over. I was struggling — drowning in shame, self-stigma, and fear of professional repercussions as I did my best to hide what was happening. What would have given me hope was knowing other leaders had successfully navigated mental health challenges.

By Kelly Greenwood via Harvard Business Review

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Popularizada pelo ChatGPT, da OpenAI, a inteligência artificial tornou-se o principal tema de tecnologia dos últimos meses. Na quarta-feira, 3, o presidente do Senado, Rodrigo Pacheco apresentou um projeto de lei que regulamenta o uso da IA. De acordo com Márcio Chaves, sócio do escritório Almeida Advogados, o PL materializa a tendência mundial de regulamentação do tema inteligência artificial, “de inegável necessidade diante da ausência de regras que ajudem a mitigar os riscos tanto com o atual status da tecnologia, mas principalmente de um futuro a curto e médio prazo que temos com os avanços tecnológicos que são exponenciais.”

Ainda de acordo com Márcio, o texto tem como principal ponto positivo o estabelecimento de obrigações, que na legislação de hoje ainda são vistos mais como recomendações e boas práticas. “De seguir princípios para o uso seguro e ético da inteligência artificial, avaliando e documentando previamente ao desenvolvimento e ao uso da inteligência artificial, de agir de forma preventiva, pois o remediar pode não ser possível ou suficiente. Mas carece de adequações, como por exemplo a inclusão dentre as hipóteses de limitação da responsabilidade civil por danos causados, para desenvolvedores e utilizadores de inteligência artificial que seguirem as obrigações trazidas pela regulamentação, pois sua ausência poderá desestimular o cumprimento da lei”, conclui Marcio.

By Luiz Gustavo Pacete via Forbes Brasil

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A Vodafone, segunda maior empresa de telefonia móvel do mundo, iniciou, há alguns anos, um projeto para mapear melhor sua área de cobertura no Reino Unido. Hoje, o que começou como um mapa melhor se transformou em uma duplicata exata da rede física da Vodafone dentro de seus próprios computadores. É uma versão completa e continuamente atualizada de sua infraestrutura no Reino Unido – um gêmeo digital. Com ele, as decisões de negócio da Vodafone passam a ser mais rápidas, com informação muito mais detalhadas e também com uma noção do que pode acontecer no futuro.

O gêmeo digital é um nome modesto para uma tecnologia que, na prática, pode parecer algo saído da ficção científica. É uma forma de fundir o mundo físico – uma rede de cadeia de suprimentos, a rede de ônibus da cidade de Nova York, um porto internacional – com o mundo digital. Não só permite operações mais eficientes e transparentes. Isso nos permite fazer e responder perguntas que seriam difíceis de resolver de outra forma.

By Kathleen Kewley via Forbes Brasil

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British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Friday announced his country will contribute to the Amazon Fund, a major development for Brazil as the South American nation tries to garner more donors to the initiative aimed at fighting deforestation.

Sunak’s pledge in a meeting with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva at 10 Downing Street follows a similar commitment by U.S. President Joe Biden earlier this year, with them joining previous donors Norway and Germany.

“There are so many interests we have in common,” Sunak told Lula at the meeting, mentioning higher trade and the fight against climate change. “I’m delighted to announce we will be investing in your Amazon Fund and I pay tribute to your leadership in this initiative”.

Via Reuters

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Businesses are bound to make mistakes and disappoint their customers. But how you build your apology message and your careful attention to executing it appropriately can make the difference between losing those customers or increasing their loyalty. When delivered well, your apology message can improve the customer relationship to the point where it is stronger than if the mistake had never happened — a phenomenon known as the service recovery paradox. In this article, the author outlines five steps for writing an effective apology message, and explains why it’s important to share the apology process internally and with external stakeholders. It not only shows vulnerability from the organization, but also shows other customers that the company can be relied upon in times of distress.

A tired employee is updating shipping orders late at night at a textbook brokerage. They make a mistake in the code and accidentally ship outdated management textbooks to an important customer. Three days later, classes have begun, and with demanding course loads, the students already feel behind. Many are seeking immediate replacements. Cue the angry phone calls and emails.

By Tim Riesterer via Harvard Business Review

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It marks a shift to long-term measures to handle the coronavirus

COVID-19 is no longer a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization announced May 5.

The organization pointed to two factors: Dropping COVID-19-related deaths and hospitalizations, and high levels of immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, from vaccination or prior infection. While the pandemic is not over, those trends signal that it’s time to transition to more long-term prevention and control of the disease, WHO said in a statement.

By McKenzie Prillaman via Science News

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Addressing the tension between cost efficiency and customer intimacy is important for companies of any size, but it’s especially important for midsized companies, particularly those upper-middle-market companies with ambitions to rise to the top of their industry. In many cases, they built their brand, and their differentiation from the big guys, on the idea of personalization — of being closer to their customers than their multinational rivals can be — while also offering more sophistication, a broader offering, and more underlying service capability than small businesses can. Herein lies the core challenge: to grow, they need to build customer capabilities that are scalable, but if they do that at the expense of proactive connection with customers, they will lose their identity and a big piece of their competitive edge

The last few years have brought disruption after disruption to bear on the ways companies and customers interact. Arguably, the company-to-customer connection has been more disrupted than supply chains or operations, and more affected by disruptors like Covid and technology than any other key relationship. Think of the rise of e-commerce — which hockey-sticked during the pandemic; or the sudden (or seemingly sudden) ubiquitousness of self-checkout kiosks at grocery stores and pharmacies; or the ever-greater prevalence of voice response systems, to which you must listen closely because the “menu options have changed.” Or, recall the Covid-19 shutdowns and subsequent bounce-back, which altered everything from how diners eat to how sales reps call on B2B customers.

By Jason McDannold and Saurabh Singh via Harvard Business Review

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A fresh push for bipartisan immigration reforms, coupled with enhanced border security, is emerging in the U.S. Congress, as thousands of migrants amass across the border in Mexico with the end of Title 42 controls next week.

It has been 37 years since Congress passed significant immigration reform, but a persistently high volume of migrants and an acute labor shortage have galvanized lawmakers. At the same time, many Republicans cite the flow of illegal drugs into the United States through ports of entry as reason to harden border areas.

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives plans to pass a package of border security measures next week to place tougher constraints on immigrant asylum-seekers, resume construction of a wall along the southwest border with Mexico and expand federal law enforcement.

By Richard Cowan via Reuters

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As societal expectations grow for the responsible use of digital technologies, firms that promote better practices will have a distinct advantage. Strengthening your organization’s digital responsibility can drive value creation, and brands regarded as more responsible will enjoy higher levels of stakeholder trust and loyalty. These businesses will sell more products and services, find it easier to recruit staff, and enjoy fruitful relationships with shareholders. Based on their ongoing research into digital transformations and in-depth studies of 12 large European firms who are active in digital responsibility, they share four best practices around digital responsibility to maximize business value and minimize resistance.

In 2018, Rick Smith, founder and CEO of Axon, the Scottsdale, Arizona-based manufacturer of Taser weapons and body cameras, became concerned that advances in technology were creating new and challenging ethical issues. So, he set up an independent AI ethics board made up of ethicists, AI experts, public policy specialists, and representatives of law enforcement to provide recommendations to Axon’s management. In 2019, the board recommended against adding facial recognition technology to the company’s line of body cameras, and in 2020, it provided guidelines regarding the use of automated license plate recognition technology. Axon’s management followed both recommendations.

by Tomoko Yokoi, Lazaros Goutas, Michael Wade, Nicolas Zahn, and Niniane Paeffgen via Harvard Business Review

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Principal instituição pública de pesquisa de alimentos, fibras e bioenergia chegou a lucro social de R$ 125,9 bilhões no ano passado

Em 2022, a Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), apresentou um lucro social de R$ 125,88 bilhões, gerados a partir do impacto econômico no setor agropecuário de 172 tecnologias e 110 cultivares desenvolvidas pelas pesquisas. Para cada R$ 1 aplicado na Embrapa, no ano passado, foram devolvidos R$ 34,70 para a sociedade. Em 2021, para cada R$ 1 aplicado na instituição, foram devolvidos R$ 23,38.

Nesta quarta-feira (26), ela, a mais importante instituição pública na área de produção de alimentos, fibras e energia, completa 50 anos. O Brasil, provavelmente, não teria chegado até aqui como um dos maiores produtores de alimentos do mundo sem a Embrapa. Esse ganho é de toda a sociedade e seu lucro social dá a dimensão da sua existência. O Balanço Social publica, anualmente, os resultados da avaliação de impactos econômicos, sociais, ambientais e, no desenvolvimento institucional, de uma amostra de soluções tecnológicas. A metodologia utilizada nesses estudos é a soma dos impactos econômicos dessa amostra de tecnologias.

Via Forbes Brasil

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Wednesday said some European Union partners were reluctant to approve a trade agreement with South American bloc Mercosur, but he would try to persuade them to greenlight the deal.

The bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay Brazil is discussing concluding the agreement with the European Union after a political deal hammered out in 2019 was put on hold due to concerns, particularly in France, about Amazon deforestation and Brazil’s commitment to climate change action.

Via Reuters

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A new study conducted by finance professors from the University of Florida shows the potential value of ChatGPT in predicting stock market movements.

In the study, over 50,000 news headlines about companies dating back to October 2021 were fed to the chatbot, which evaluated whether the news was good, bad or irrelevant to the company’s stock prices. Using sentiment analysis, the chatbot generated a “ChatGPT score,” which was then analyzed to determine whether it was predictive of the companies’ stock market performance the following day.

The study found a significant positive correlation between the ChatGPT scores and the next-day stock performance for the analyzed companies. Companies with higher scores tended to have better returns than those with lower scores. ChatGPT outperformed traditional sentiment analysis methods that also used data from headlines and social media to predict stock movements.

By Jeannine Mancini via Yahoo! Finance

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Launched in January 2022, Brazil’s new Digital Nomad Visa is enticing a new type of traveller to the South American country. And Rio is one of the most alluring spots to settle.

Rio de Janeiro, a colourful urban sprawl divided by forest-covered mountains and edged by golden coastlines, has long seduced international tourists with its samba-fuelled nights and spectacular landscapes. Now, the “Marvellous City”, as it’s known by Brazilians, is enticing a new type of traveller with its Digital Nomad Visa, which was launched across the country last year.

The local government has been pushing ahead with investments to make the city increasingly suitable for remote workers, including improving connectivity with citywide 5G coverage. An emerging coffeehouse scene also brings new working spots and a digital nomad vibe to Rio’s popular beachside areas, with modern cafes equipped with fast internet, contemporary brunch options and a variety of decent coffee.

By Sarah Brown via BBC

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In turbulent times like these, it’s natural for people to hold back and avoid taking risks at work. This can mean a reluctance to report mistakes, ask questions, offer new ideas, or challenge a plan. People, whether they’re aware of it or not, try to protect their reputations and jobs. Unfortunately, the same behaviors that feel risky to individual employees are precisely what their companies need in order to thrive in this uncertain economic climate. To solve this dilemma, we encourage leaders to adopt a “winning formula” for achieving a more psychologically safe workplace and the benefits it provides.

The World Uncertainty Index remains high. Bank failures, war, inflation, and layoffs are contributing to a growing sense of instability and unease. As an HR manager at a technology firm told us, “Just seeing your team decrease from 35 to 18 can be very scary; it brings forth strong anxiety and worry over your job.”

By Constance Noonan Hadley, Mark Mortensen, and Amy C. Edmondson via Harvard Business Review

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A Humane utiliza inteligência artificial (IA) e holografia para fazer com que qualquer superfície vire a interface de um dispositivo eletrônico

Assim como na ficção científica, é muito provável que, em algum tempo, aparelhos eletrônicos como smartphones possam ficar obsoletos. Pelo menos é o que propõe a startup Humane. Na semana passada, durante um TED, o fundador e CEO Imran Chaudhri mostrou como funciona sua principal tecnologia que mescla inteligência artificial e holografia para projetar informações em várias superfícies, o que inclui até mesmo a pele humana.

A tecnologia é ativada por voz e gestos. Na demonstração, Imran atende uma chamada projetada em sua mão, também testa funcionalidades como tradução. Outra aplicação da tecnologia é mapear os elementos de um alimento. Imran a apontou para uma barra de chocolate e o sistema identificou que o alimento possui, por exemplo, leite e manteiga de cacau, o que pode ser útil para quem é intolerante, por exemplo.

Via Forbes Brasil

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President Joe Biden launched a reelection bid like none before it on Tuesday with a call for Americans to choose him again to save democracy – less than three years after his defeat of Donald Trump was supposed to restore normality and unite the country.

Biden’s quest for a second term will unfold amid what would normally be deeply unpromising circumstances, with his approval rating languishing in the low 40s, with the country exhausted by successive crises after pandemic isolation ceded to a battle with soaring inflation. Polls show that a majority of voters – and even a majority of Democrats – don’t want him to run again. And the last thing the country appears to want is a Biden rematch with the 45th president, who’s the current frontrunner in the nascent Republican primary race.

By Stephen Collinson via CNN

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Alessandra Korap’s defense of her ancestral Munduruku territory recognized how she and others overturned the traditionally all-male leadership to organize, helping to halt mining.

When Alessandra Korap was born in the mid-1980s, her Indigenous village nestled in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil was a haven of seclusion. But as she grew up, the nearby city of Itaituba, with its bustling streets and commercial activity, crept closer and closer.

It wasn’t just her village feeling the encroachment of non-Indigenous outsiders. Two major federal highways paved the way for tens of thousands of settlers, illegal gold miners and loggers into the region’s vast Indigenous territories, which cover a forested area roughly the size of Belgium.

By Associated Press via BBC News

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Cybercriminals pull off many of their crimes by combining lots of real information with just a tiny bit of misinformation, which can be financially devastating for both companies and individuals. This article describes some recent examples of this technique, which include exploiting wire transfers, stealing paychecks, and tricking employees into helping “the boss.” It’s important to continually learn about such new schemes so that you know what to look for and how to prepare your defenses. While there are things that can be done to eliminate or at least dramatically reduce such crimes, procedures and precautions need to be put in place now, not after a crime has already taken place — especially as cybercriminals themselves get more and more creative.

Misinformation is frequently mentioned in the media, usually in the context of politics and viewed synonymously with fake news. Although these are serious issues, a bigger and more personal danger is often overlooked: How cyber criminals use misinformation to steal from companies and individuals.

By Stuart Madnick via Harvard Business Review

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A coding error in an annual survey by the U.S. Census Bureau has offered unprecedented insight into how large numbers of Brazilians in the U.S. identify as Hispanic or Latino.

An analysis by Pew Research Center shows that the coding mistake revealed at least 416,000 Brazilians, or more than two-thirds of Brazilians in the U.S., identifying as Hispanic in the 2020 American Community Survey. By comparison, only 14,000 Brazilians identified that way in 2019, and only 16,000 Brazilians did so in 2021 — years when the coding error wasn’t made.

Since 2000, the Census Bureau hasn’t classified Brazilians and other people from non-Spanish speaking countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as Hispanic because of federal government definitions that were last revised in 1997 but are being reconsidered for an update next year. Because of this, if someone marks that they are Hispanic but Brazilian on the survey, they are recoded as “not Hispanic” when the numbers are crunched.

By Mike Schneider via Scientific American

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President Joe Biden announced plans to increase U.S. funding to help developing countries fight climate change and curb deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest during a meeting on Thursday with leaders from the world’s largest economies.

During a virtual meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, Biden urged his counterparts to be ambitious in setting goals to reduce emissions and meet a target of limiting overall global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“We’re at a moment of great peril but also great possibilities, serious possibilities. With the right commitment and follow-through from every nation … on this call, the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees can stay within reach,” Biden said.

By Jeff Mason via Reuters

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The European Parliament approved a landmark deforestation law on Wednesday to ban imports into the EU of coffee, beef, soy and other commodities if they are linked to the destruction of the world’s forests.

The law will require companies that sell goods into the European Union to produce a due diligence statement and “verifiable” information proving their goods were not grown on land deforested after 2020, or risk hefty fines.

The rules aim to eliminate deforestation from the supply chains of a range of everyday items sold in Europe. It will apply to soy, beef, palm oil, wood, cocoa, coffee, rubber, charcoal, and derived products including leather, chocolate and furniture.

By Kate Abnett via Reuters

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O Ministério da Fazenda divulgou nesta terça-feira, 18, o texto final do novo arcabouço fiscal, proposto pelo governo do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PR). O projeto apresenta um conjunto de regras e parâmetros para o controle das contas públicas. A expectativa é que o texto seja protocolado no Congresso Nacional ainda hoje.

A nova regra fiscal substituirá o teto de gastos implementado no governo do ex-presidente Michel Temer (MDB), em 2016, e que limitava o crescimento das despesas ao ano anterior, corrigido pela inflação.

Entenda os principais pontos da nova âncora fiscal apresentada pelo governo:

By Izael Pereira via Exame

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In 2023, company leaders will have to address new regulations and laws in three areas — noncompete clauses, pay transparency, and human capital disclosures — that have far-reaching implications that company leaders may not have fully grasped. How these changes will play out is far from clear, but the time to start thinking about them is now. The author presents several ways to view the coming changes as an opportunity to think deeply about their talent strategy and turn these regulatory developments to their advantage.

While layoffs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere dominate headlines, the reality is that many companies today still find themselves in a fierce war for talent. A spate of new laws and regulations — many of which are intended to make the workplace fairer for employees — may make the situation even more challenging for employers.

By Charles G. Tharp via Harvard Business Review

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EU lawmakers urged world leaders on Monday to hold a summit to find ways to control the development of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT, saying they were developing faster than expected.

The 12 MEPs, all working on EU legislation on the technology, called on U.S. President Joe Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to convene the meeting, and said AI firms should be more responsible.

The statement came weeks after Twitter owner Elon Musk and more than 1,000 technology figures demanded a six-month pause in the development of systems more powerful than Microsoft-backed (MSFT.O) OpenAI’s latest iteration of ChatGPT, which can mimic humans and create text and images based on prompts.

By Martin Coulter and Supantha Mukherjee via Reuters

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Output cuts announced by OPEC+ producers risk exacerbating an oil supply deficit expected in the second half of the year and could hurt consumers and global economic recovery, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Friday.

OPEC+ and the IEA have jousted in recent months over their outlooks for global oil supply and demand.

Consumer countries represented by the IEA have argued that tightening supplies drive up prices and could threaten a recession, while OPEC+ blames Western monetary policy for market volatility and inflation which undercuts the value of its oil.

By Noah Browning via Reuters

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In March 2023, the Biden administration released a new National Cybersecurity Strategy, which makes it clear that the time for private companies voluntarily opting into cybersecurity has long passed. Instead, the new strategy promises to support new regulatory frameworks that will shift liability and create incentives for private firms to defend against critical vulnerabilities. This article discusses three concrete things business leaders should know about the new strategy. First, every company will need to identify their distinct vulnerabilities and risks. Second, companies will then need to adopt measures that address those vulnerabilities. Third, the strategy categorically states that it will push for legislation to hold these firms liable when they fail to live up to the duty of care they owe consumers, businesses, or critical infrastructure providers.

On March 2, 2023, the Biden administration released its long-awaited National Cybersecurity Strategy. In light of cyberattacks targeting American infrastructure, business, and governmental agencies, the document elevates cybersecurity as a critical component of the United States’ economic prosperity and national security. It also intimates a fundamental dilemma, which is that the private sector — with key stakeholders consisting of software firms, small- and medium-sized businesses, broadband providers, and utility companies — holds the key to the public good of cybersecurity:

By Sarah Kreps and Amelia C. Arsenault via Harvard Business Review

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Foreign investors are returning in numbers to Brazil’s public debt market, Treasury Secretary Rogerio Ceron told Reuters, just after local financial assets rallied since the government proposed new fiscal rules two weeks ago.

In a late Tuesday interview, Ceron said the government expects to double the foreign share of domestic public debt to around 20% by 2026. He cited demand at four times last week’s offering of a $2.25 billion sovereign bond issue, Brazil’s first since 2021, as evidence of renewed foreign interest.

“The external issuance proves this clearly. We feel the presence of non-residents more strongly in our auctions,” he said

By Marcela Ayres and Bernardo Caram via Reuters

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O Brazil Summit é um evento anual que tem sido organizado pela Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos há mais de 20 anos. O programa é especialmente relevante para a comunidade empresarial de Nova York, já que permite que eles conheçam as questões econômicas e políticas mais importantes do Brasil, apresentadas por seus principais representantes.

A edição de 2023 do Brazil Summit promete ser ainda mais especial, reunindo líderes e especialistas dos setores de petróleo e gás, energias renováveis, jurídico e financeiro para discutir desafios e apresentar propostas sobre as perspectivas do Brasil. O evento também contará com discussões importantes, oferecendo insights críticos sobre as perspectivas econômicas, políticas e de investimento do país.

Via Bloomberg Línea

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Embora estudos mostrem que investidoras têm desempenho mais consistente ao investir, elas são só 16,2% dos investidores de venture capital

Quando as mulheres fazem parte das decisões financeiras de seus lares, empresas, fundos de investimento ou governos, o dinheiro é administrado de forma mais eficaz e eficiente. Os investimentos geridos por mulheres têm uma taxa de retorno mais elevada.

Investir não é um jogo no qual uma pessoa perde e outra ganha. Ao expandir quem está envolvido nas decisões e, quem está inovando, cria mais empregos, aumenta a competitividade e faz crescer a economia.

By Geri Stengel via Brasil Forbes

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Inconsistências na fiscalização e na metodologia podem levar à geração de “créditos podres”, um dos grandes desafios do mercado

Desde o início de uma discussão mais contundente sobre a importância de as empresas adotarem medidas rumo à descarbonização, o mercado de créditos de carbono tem crescido exponencialmente. Essa medida começou a ganhar corpo desde a assinatura do Acordo de Paris, tratado internacional sobre mudanças climáticas, adotado em 2015, que prevê a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa limitando o aumento da temperatura global a níveis bem abaixo de 2 graus celsius em relação aos níveis pré-industriais. Além disso, foi potencializada recentemente com a pandemia da covid-19 que trouxe à tona a importância crucial de implementação de ações mais objetivas sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável.

Complementarmente às ações e aos esforços para reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa, o mecanismo de créditos é considerado parte fundamental na jornada de descarbonização que o mundo tanto almeja. Nesse cenário, o Brasil tem um papel de protagonista.

By Nelmara Arbex e Felipe Salgado via Exame

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Desde o lançamento do ChatGPT, da Open AI, e do Bard, do Google, as discussões sobre se as IAs (inteligências artificiais) substituirão os humanos aumentaram e estudos mostram que alguns empregos – surpreendentemente, alguns tradicionalmente ocupados por executivos – podem ser fortemente impactados.

Quais serão as profissões mais impactadas pelas IAs
1. Finanças e bancos
2. Mídia e marketing
3. Serviços jurídicos

Os empregos que serão menos impactados pelas IAs
1. Trabalhadores de manufaturas e fábricas
2. Agricultores
3. Profissionais da saúde

By Arianna Johnson via Forbes Brasil

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Latin America and the Caribbean will experience only modest growth this year as the region’s economies suffer from high interest rates and falling commodity prices, the World Bank said in a report released Tuesday.

The Washington-based organization projects that the regional economy as a whole will expand 1.4% through December, lagging all other regions. It had projected 1.6% growth for this year, but consensus growth forecasts in Chile, Argentina and Colombia have worsened since the bank’s last report in October 2022. Activity is seen expanding 2.4% in each of the following two years.

“The forecasts going forward predict the same lackluster pace of the past two decades, which remains insufficient to reduce poverty, promote inclusion, and defuse social tensions,” bank analysts wrote. Fiscal imbalances remain high and will erode the equivalent of 2.7% of regional growth this year, while debt levels are seen at 64.7%, they said.

By Maria Eloisa Capurro via Bloomberg Línea

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Em 3 de abril de 1973, Martin Cooper, atualmente com 94 anos, inventou aquele que é considerado o primeiro celular: Motorola_DynaTC8000X. À época, o executivo liderava a equipe de designers e engenheiros da Motorola. Das diversas entrevistas que deu sobre o tema, Martin ressaltou que o celular surgiu da necessidade de que existisse um aparelho que as pessoas pudessem utilizar em qualquer lugar. Em 2007, 34 anos depois, uma nova revolução surgiria dentre esses equipamentos com a apresentação do iPhone ao mundo.

Ao relembrar os 50 anos do celular, fica um questionamento: até quando o principal meio de comunicação da humanidade seguirá tão relevante? De acordo com a Comscore, somente o Brasil possui 121 milhões de usuários de smartphones, o equivalente a 93% da população. “Eles estão gastando mais tempo em seus dispositivos, com um aumento de 3% no tempo gasto em aplicativos móveis em relação ao primeiro trimestre de 2022; maioritariamente nas redes sociais e serviços”, explica Alejandro Fosk, vice-presidente da Comscore para América Latina.

By Luiz Gustavo Pacete via Forbes Brasil

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O Brasil é o sétimo destino mais procurado pelos estrangeiros que querem investir em países emergentes, conforme aponta o Índice de Confiança para Investimento Direto Estrangeiro, da consultoria internacional Kearney. O País ficou atrás de China, Índia, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Catar, Tailândia e Arábia Saudita. Ao todo, o levantamento avaliou o desempenho de 25 nações.

Esta é a primeira vez, em 25 anos, que a Kearney compilou dados sobre o apetite dos investidores em relação aos mercados emergentes. Anualmente, a consultoria divulga um ranking geral de desempenho das nações mais buscadas pelos investidores estrangeiros em todo o mundo.

Conforme divulgado pela consultoria, o índice é produzido com base em uma pesquisa realizada com executivos de empresas de diversos setores econômicos, em cerca de 30 países. Para participar da pesquisa, as empresas precisam ter faturamento anual igual ou superior a US$ 500 milhões. O estudo avalia, seguindo as respostas dos executivos, quais os mercados com maior potencial para atrair investimentos nos próximos três anos.

By Estadão Conteúdo via Exame

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Partnering with a brand outside your industry can be a great, win-win way to create new value. But what does it take to select the right partner? The authors share new research suggesting that social media data can be a useful tool to identify high-potential brand partners, as well as to gain insight into both your own customer base and that of your competitors. Specifically, brands that share a high number of social media followers often go well together in consumers’ minds, increasing the chances of success if they choose to collaborate. Of course, this approach has its limitations, and must be complemented by a comprehensive analysis of the risks and benefits of a potential partnership. But when thoughtfully implemented, analysis of social media co-followership patterns can be a quick and inexpensive way to identify non-obvious alliances whose potential might otherwise be difficult to anticipate.

In 2014, Uber and Spotify launched an innovative cross-industry collaboration: Though ride sharing and music streaming may seem like unrelated businesses, the partnership — in which Uber riders could use Spotify to wirelessly control the music being played — benefited both brands, allowing them to cross-promote and access new markets without either party having to develop costly new technologies internally. Similarly creative examples of cross-category collaborations include Disney and MAC Cosmetics’ Aladdin makeup collection, IKEA and LEGO’s storage solutions for kids, and Red Bull and GoPro’s joint promotional campaigns.

By Pankhuri Malhotra, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, and Mark C. Bolino via Harvard Business Review

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Finalmente, após semanas de adiamentos, o governo apresentou a proposta do novo arcabouço fiscal, que será enviado ao Congresso na próxima semana como um projeto de Lei Complementar (LC). A proposta foi apresentada na manhã de hoje em uma entrevista coletiva concedida pelos ministros da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad, e do Planejamento, Simone Tebet, no Ministério da Fazenda. A nova regra para as contas públicas vai substituir o teto de gastos, aprovado em dezembro de 2016 e que vinha valendo desde 2017.

O teto de gastos limitava a expansão das despesas públicas ao valor do ano anterior, corrigido pelo IPCA. Agora, o novo arcabouço fiscal terá pisos e tetos para o crescimento dos gastos. As despesas poderão crescer apenas 70% do avanço das receitas. Se essa regra for descumprida, o teto cai para 50% do crescimento. O objetivo das novas regras fiscais é permitir que o governo gaste mais com saúde, educação e segurança pública e possibilitar mais investimentos públicos sem descontrolar as contas.

A nova regra estabelece uma banda de flutuação para a meta do resultado primário (diferença entre despesas e receitas sem contar os juros. Essa banda vai funcionar como a meta de inflação, com um objetivo e limites de tolerância para mais e para menos. A primeira meta é de crescimento real da despesa primária entre 0,6% e 2,5% ao ano. Caso o resultado primário do governo fique acima do teto da banda, o excedente poderá ser utilizado para investimentos.

By Cláudio Gradilone via Forbes Brasil

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Os governos do Brasil e da China avançaram nas últimas semanas na negociação para que o comércio e os investimentos entre os dois países sejam feitos diretamente entre o real e o yuan (RMB) o que excluiria o dólar dos Estados Unidos como moeda de referência nas transações.

Reduzir a dependência do dólar, aumentando a circulação do yuan, é uma das linhas de atuação da política externa e financeira da China, num contexto de disputas comerciais e geopolíticas com os Estados Unidos. Recentemente, o governo do presidente Xi Jinping firmou acordos com Arábia Saudita e Rússia para o uso do yuan no comércio. O RMB tem cerca de 2% de participação nos pagamentos globais, em crescimento principalmente no entorno do gigante asiático.

No fim de janeiro, os bancos centrais dos dois países assinaram um memorando para estabelecer uma “clearing house” no Brasil. Na prática, trata-se de um banco escolhido pelo governo chinês – o ICBC – com liquidez na moeda chinesa para fazer a compensação das divisas diretamente. O empresário no Brasil receberia em yuan e faria, nesse mesmo banco, a troca pelo real.

By Estadão via Exame

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Companies researching AI are “locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one — not even their creators — can understand, predict, or reliably control,” the letter says.

A group of technology industry executives and academics have signed an open letter calling for at least a six-month pause on large, open experiments with artificial intelligence.

Companies researching AI are “locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one — not even their creators — can understand, predict, or reliably control,” the letter reads. “If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.”

The letter warns of potentially apocalyptic scenarios.

By Kevin Collier via NBC News

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Uma pesquisa do ManPowerGroup sobre escassez de talentos descobriu que 80% dos empregadores do Brasil encontram dificuldades para recrutar os funcionários que precisam em 2023. A taxa, que aumentou desde 2018, ficou estável em relação ao ano anterior e varia de acordo com a indústria.

Enquanto as empresas das áreas de bens de consumo e serviços e de finanças e imobiliário registraram a taxa de 82% de dificuldade de encontrar talentos, as indústrias de transporte, logística e automotiva, de serviços de comunicação e de assistência médica e ciências da vida divulgaram 81% de dificuldades para encontrar funcionários.

As habilidades mais procuradas
O estudo destacou as principais competências buscadas pelos empregadores brasileiros, com as habilidades humanas se destacando em uma era dominada pelo digital. Veja as 5 soft skills mais buscadas no Brasil:

Bia Gabriela Guido via Brasil Forbes

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Interessados em abrir espaço de pesquisa, por meio de laboratórios de estudo e de parcerias com instituições, o Lanaf (Laboratório Nacional de Agro-Fotônica), que pertence à Embrapa Instrumentação, unidade localizada em São Carlos (SP), reuniu na sexta (24), pela primeira vez, um grupo de pesquisadores para traçar o potencial das tecnologias quânticas no desenvolvimento do agro. As tecnologias quânticas estão presentes em diversos desenvolvimentos, como GPS, LED, câmeras digitais, computadores e laser.

“Precisamos ser o centro do mundo da ciência quântica aplicada ao agro, ter uma visão estratégica”, disse Paulo Nussenzveig, pró-reitor de pesquisa e inovação da USP (Universidade de São Paulo), durante o 1º Workshop de Tecnologias Quânticas no Agro. “Há uma nova revolução quântica em curso, que depende de um conhecimento profundo, temos uma comunidade acadêmica forte que domina esse conhecimento. É urgente um projeto de inovação a longo prazo no país”. O encontro teve por objetivo conectar universidades, instituições de pesquisa e a iniciativa privada em torno do tema.

By Redação via Forbes Brasil

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Creativity is vital for innovation, but many organizational leaders don’t know how to tap it among their employees. Instead, they shower them with meetings and whiteboard sessions that go nowhere. Instead, the authors recommend finding new ways to give your employees the time and space they need to generate new ideas. Their five strategies include generating lots of ideas (including bad ones), creating a space for failure, blocking off unscheduled calendar time, focusing on problem-finding, and delaying decisions.

For all the hype around innovation and creativity — one recent survey of 1,500 CEOs pegged creativity as the top skill for business leaders – these muscles remain some of the most underdeveloped in organizations. Even with the best innovation strategy in place, companies can’t develop new ideas and products until their teams become more creative. And the reason teams aren’t creative is because leaders have failed to understand how creativity really works.

By Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn via Harvard Business Review

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Average potential global economic growth will slump to a three-decade low of 2.2% per year through 2030, ushering in a “lost decade” for the world’s economy, unless policymakers adopt ambitious initiatives to boost labor supply, productivity and investment, the World Bank warned on Monday.

Failure to reverse the expected broad-based slowdown in potential gross domestic product (GDP) growth would have profound implications for the world’s ability to tackle climate change and reduce poverty, it said in a new report.

But concerted efforts to boost investment in sustainable sectors, cut trade costs, leverage growth in services, and expand labor force participation could boost potential GDP growth by up to 0.7 percentage point to 2.9%, the report said.

By Andrea Shalal via Reuters

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Many companies chase customers for online reviews by sending them solicitation emails. These emails aren’t always a good idea, according to new research. Solicitation will push your ratings from the extremes to the average. This could be good or bad. Email prompts disproportionally triggers moderate reviews as the passionate reviewers are more likely to leave reviews of their own accord. Thus, for those products with generally-high average ratings, reminders will lower the average rating. In contrast, products with generally-low average ratings might benefit from reminders. The exception is platform companies such as Amazon or–they should always send out reminders as all that matters to them is volume. Also, the research found that companies that do solicit reviews don’t need to offer financial rewards–a reminder email is equally effective.

Online reviews have substantial value for businesses. Ninety-eight-percent of customers read reviews before they shop, making it one of the most important sources of information about products and services; for 2021, online reviews were predicted to affect $3.8 trillion revenues worldwide.

By Leif Brandes, David Godes, and Dina Mayzlin via Harvard Business Review

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Brazil’s central bank cited rising inflation expectations as it kept interest rates unchanged for the fifth consecutive policy meeting on Wednesday, drawing concern from the government and weakening bets of imminent monetary easing.

The bank’s rate-setting committee, known as Copom, maintained its Selic benchmark interest rate at 13.75%.

The decision, which defied intense pressure from the new government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to reduce borrowing costs, matched the expectations of all 30 respondents in a Reuters poll.

By Marcela Ayres via Reuters

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Stock markets around the world have bounced back after the US and UK governments again reassured markets about banks’ stability.

Investors have recently been unnerved by a string of bank failures.

But US stock markets were higher after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen signalled the US government would protect people’s deposits if another bank collapsed.

In the UK, the FTSE closed 1.79% higher after gains in top bank shares.

UK reassurance

Meanwhile, in the UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt told MPs that the UK’s financial system is “fundamentally strong” after facing questions from Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves.

Ms Reeves asked whether the system is “adequate to protect taxpayers and depositors” and if the government can be confident that no other UK banks are vulnerable to failure after Silicon Valley Bank UK’s collapse.

Via BBC News

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U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told bankers on Tuesday that she is prepared to intervene to protect depositors in smaller U.S. banks suffering deposit runs that threaten more contagion amid the worst financial system turmoil in more than a decade.

In a speech aimed at calming nerves rattled by two prominent bank failures this month, Yellen said that the U.S. banking system was stabilizing and steps taken to guarantee deposits in those institutions, showed a “resolute commitment” to ensure depositors’ savings and banks remain safe.

“The steps we took were not focused on aiding specific banks or classes of banks. Our intervention was necessary to protect the broader U.S. banking system,” Yellen told an American Bankers Association conference in Washington.

By David Lawder via Reuters

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Todo mundo vai precisar ter habilidades digitais, não importa a área. Elas aumentam – e muito – a sua chance de continuar empregado. Veja quais são

Mais de 80% dos diretores admitem que a falta de habilidades digitais tem impacto negativo sobre sua empresa. O dado é resultado de um estudo feito no ano passado pela AND Digital, empresa europeia de capacitação em digital skills com mais de 40 mil pessoas já treinadas em diversos países. O dado reforça que o desejo de lideranças em promover a transformação digital em suas companhias nem sempre vem acompanhado de mudanças no perfil profissional dos funcionários.

Ganhar habilidades digitais – isto é, ter competências técnicas que envolvem tecnologias para aplicar no cotidiano do trabalho –, significa acompanhar o ritmo das mudanças que vai mudar a cara das empresas nos próximos anos. “Com aceleradores e chips que estão sendo construídos, podemos ter sistemas de IA mil vezes mais poderosos do que são hoje até 2030. Não é exagero”, disse a futurista Amy Webb em sua palestra na conferência SXSW no início do mês.

By Gabriela Guido via Forbes Brasil

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The Brazilian government is studying whether to regulate Internet platforms with content that earns revenue such as advertising, its secretary for digital policies, Joao Brant, said on Friday.

The idea would be for a regulator to hold such platforms, not consumers, accountable for monetized content, Brant told Reuters.

Another goal is “to prevent the networks from being used for the dissemination and promotion of crimes and illegal content” especially after the riots by supporters of former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro in Brasilia in January, fueled by misinformation about the election he lost in October.

By Victor Pinheiro via Reuters

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Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will visit China this month accompanied by a delegation of 240 business representatives, including 90 from agriculture sector, a senior Foreign Ministry official said on Friday.

Trade promotion secretary Daniel Fernandes said at a press briefing that all the government’s ministries will be represented on the March 26-30 visit to Beijing and Shanghai.

The ministry’s Secretary for Asia, Pacific and Russia, Eduardo Saboia, said Brazil is hoping to diversify its trade relationship with China, the largest customer for Brazilian exports, mainly soy beans and iron ore.

By Anthony Boadle via Reuters

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B2B sellers often think of customers as rational decision-makers who seek to maximize value, reduce costs, and save time. But a study of 2,128 office workers across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy found that B2B customers prefer interactions that fuel their psychological needs — even if they require more time or cost more money. Viewing customer service through the prism of the three core psychological needs — autonomy, relatedness, and mastery — opens up a wealth of opportunities for elevating service

Researchers have long understood that all humans, regardless of gender, age, and culture, are fueled by three psychological needs: an ingrained desire for choice (autonomy), connection with others (relatedness), and experiences that grow their skills (mastery).

While the universality of psychological needs is well established, they have largely been ignored as a tool for growing consumer loyalty and reducing churn. Recently, my team at ignite80, in collaboration with the customer communication platform, Front, surveyed 2,128 office workers across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy whose role involved working with B2B companies.

By Ron Friedman via Harvard Business Review

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Brazil’s government will pay outstanding debts of 2.6 billion reais ($490.6 million) to multilateral organizations in 2023, reinforcing its commitment to global forums, the Planning Ministry said on Thursday.

The amount corresponds to debts to “various organizations” inherited from former President Jair Bolsonaro’s administration, which leftist President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will settle.

Lula has sought to restore Brazil’s international presence and reposition the country to attract investments, most notably resuming an active role in fighting climate change and addressing human rights.

By Marcela Ayres Editing by Chris Reese via Reuters

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As the pandemic marks a third anniversary, business leaders around the world are eager to move on. But few companies have systematically institutionalized what they’ve learned from their Covid-19 experience to build resilience. The authors suggest a three-step approach to do so: 1) Evaluate how you — and your competitors — performed during the pandemic; 2) Extract the stories of what worked and what didn’t through an after-action review; and 3) Implement the needed capabilities identified in the after-action review.

BCG research has found that 15% of companies outperform their industry in more than 80% of crises. Berkshire Hathaway, for example, outperformed its peers in 15 out of the last 17 turbulent periods.

by Martin Reeves, Robert van der Veeken, and Adam Job via Harvard Business Review

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An executive at Brazilian state development bank BNDES said on Tuesday the bank aims to pay out the equivalent of 2% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2026.

BNDES did not specify the exact figure. According to Brazil’s government statistics agency, the country’s 2022 GDP amounted to 9.9 trillion reais ($1.88 trillion).

Speaking at a news conference, BNDES planning executive Nelson Barbosa also said there is more credit supply to the bank coming from abroad and that this could unlock more credit for South America’s largest nation.

By Rodrigo Viga; Writing by Carolina Pulice; Editing by Sarah Morland via Reuters

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O VBP (Valor Bruto da Produção Agropecuária) de 2023 está estimado em R$ 1,249 trilhão, valor 5 % maior do que o obtido no ano passado. O resultado é o maior de uma série com início há 34 anos. A revisão que ocorre mensalmente foi apresentada hoje (13), pelo Mapa (Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária).

O VBP é calculado com base nas informações de safras de fevereiro,  é organizado pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab) e Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). O valor das lavouras está previsto em R$ 887,7 bilhões (crescimento de 8,9%) e a pecuária, 361,9 bilhões (retração de 3,4%).

Preços acima da média de anos anteriores e expectativas de boa safra em 2023 trazem contribuição positiva para um grupo amplo de lavouras, com destaque para laranja, cana-de-açúcar, milho e soja. Milho e soja representam 62% do VBP das lavouras, e têm participação decisiva nesses resultados. Sua influência também têm sido importante na produtividade de grãos que está sendo prevista com acréscimo de 10%.

By Redação via Forbes Brasil

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A fintech de cartão de crédito corporativo, está entrando no mundo dos empréstimos para ajudar as startups prejudicadas pelo colapso

Enquanto as empresas que mantinham seu dinheiro no Silicon Valley Bank correm para encontrar soluções para a folha de pagamento desta semana, o CEO da Brex, Henrique Dubugras, passou os últimos dois dias no telefone para entrar no negócio de empréstimos, pelo menos temporariamente.

A fintech com sede em San Francisco anunciou no sábado (11) que já havia recebido mais de US$ 1 bilhão em pedidos de uma linha de crédito de emergência anunciada na sexta-feira (10).

Em uma entrevista, Dubugras disse à Forbes que a Brex ainda estava no processo de garantir os credores e definir as taxas, mas planejava fazê-lo até a segunda-feira. “Estamos aqui 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, negociando as condições para começarmos a financiar”, disse ele.

By Alex Konrad via Forbes Brasil

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President Joe Biden on Monday underscored that the American banking system remains safe, laying out how his administration is taking action to contain Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse.

“Americans can rest assured that our banking system is safe. Your deposits are safe,” Biden said from the Roosevelt Room. “Let me also assure you we will not stop at this. We will do whatever is needed on top of all this.”

Biden used his speech – which was only announced Sunday night – to allay fears, directly explaining what he has instructed his administration to do to protect small businesses and workers in the wake of a regulator shutdowns of both Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank over the last few days. These actions include backstopping depositors’ funds, making sure taxpayers are not on the hook for these moves, holding those responsible accountable and declining to extend relief to investors of Silicon Valley Bank.

The president said affected customers can “rest assured” that they will have access to their money on Monday.

By By MJ Lee, Phil Mattingly, Maegan Vazquez and Allie Malloy via CNN

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Os serviços financeiros perdem cerca de US$ 700 bilhões (R$ 3,6 trilhões) por não atenderem às necessidades do público feminino

As fintechs lideradas por mulheres estão abrindo caminho para que outras mulheres em todo o mundo obtenham acesso a serviços financeiros, permitindo que elas assumam o controle de suas decisões relacionadas ao dinheiro e ao bem-estar com uma confiança inédita.

As mulheres são, historicamente, sub-representadas nas finanças. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada pela Oliver Wyman, os serviços financeiros tradicionais estão perdendo uma receita de pelo menos US$ 700 bilhões (R$ 3,6 bilhões) ao ano por não atenderem as necessidades das clientes do sexo feminino.

Desta forma, fundadoras de diversas origens e com diferentes experiências de vida são ideais para criar soluções projetadas especificamente para atender às necessidades das usuárias. Asssim, as iniciativas criam uma base de usuários do sexo feminino e ajudam a preencher as lacunas de igualdade de gênero.

By Nicole Casperson via Forbes Brasil

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Although the business community has made progress toward climate goals since the 2015 Paris Agreement, fewer than one-fifth of net-zero targets set by national and subnational governments and only a third of the largest public corporations with net-zero targets actually meet science-aligned criteria. Further, anti-climate lobbying has had a disastrous effect on the planet and cost years in meaningful action. Inaction is not an option. Businesses committed to being on the right side of history must advocate for policies, regulations, and laws to achieve economy-wide systemic change at the pace and scale required to achieve climate targets. Based on their cross-organizational work at three B Corps, the authors identified five critical elements for advocacy strategies that will help businesses use their power and influence to push for the system change required to meet climate targets.

“We had our chance to make incremental changes, but that time is over. Only a root-and-branch transformation of our economies and societies can save us from accelerating climate disaster,” said Inger Andersen, executive director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The data is clear: Global emissions are going up. Voluntary pledges to prevent new fossil fuel projects and curb devastating practices such as mass deforestation are failing to prevent the destruction of nature and rising global inequality.

by Sophie Dembinski, Charmian Love, and Beth Thoren via Harvard Business Review

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The European Union is warming to the idea of concluding a major free trade deal with Brazil and its Mercosur neighbours, with “decisive progress” possible by July, a senior EU official and Sweden’s trade minister said on Friday.

The EU and the Mercosur bloc of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay completed negotiations 2019 but the deal has been on hold due to concerns, particularly in France, about Amazon deforestation and Brazil’s commitment to climate change action.

The European Commission has proposed Mercosur accept clear sustainability commitments, on which European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said it was already consulting EU members and lawmakers and Mercosur countries.

By Philip Blenkinsop via Reuters

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Delivering superior customer experience (CX) is a mandate that now extends well beyond the bounds of customer service, support, sales, or IT departments. It requires a cultural shift that emphasizes pervasive information sharing and intent analysis across the enterprise. Executives not fully immersed in CX leave their organizations open to churn and reduced market presence. Executives across all domains need to step up and lead their organizations’ CX efforts in order to survive.

Call it a sixth sense on the part of consumers. When connecting with a company to make a purchase or get a question answered — be it on a sales floor, over the phone, or online — one can intuitively sense the environment of that company. They can tell whether it’s an inspiring and innovative place to work and cares about its customers and community, or is a terrible place to work that doesn’t respect customers and has a stagnant corporate culture. Of course, there are cases where no intuition is even required, and the state of an organization’s corporate culture is obvious through encounters with seemingly apathetic employees lacking the right information, or through confusing online interfaces. This is the crux of the current state of customer experience, or CX.

CX has long been seen as the primary duty of customer service personnel, and, more recently, technology staff charged with designing well-functioning digital and virtual interfaces. However, missing from the equation have been higher-level executives and decision-makers who haven’t paid enough attention to CX efforts and have taken things for granted. A lot of leaders have never experienced how good (or bad) their company’s customer experience is, and they assume it is always good, or at least passable.

By Joe McKendrick and Andy Thurai via Harvard Business Review

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Brazil’s central bank announced the start of a digital currency pilot project on Monday, aiming to replicate the success of its instant payment system Pix to popularize financial services in the country.

According to Fabio Araujo, coordinator of the initiative at the bank, the public use of the digital currency should begin at the end of 2024, after the completion of the testing phase – which will include buying and selling of federal public bonds among individuals – and its subsequent evaluation.

Araujo said the “digital real” will be built as a means of payment executed on distributed ledger technology (DLT), to support the provision of retail financial services settled through tokenized deposits in institutions of the financial and payment systems in Brazil.

Reporting by Marcela Ayres; Editing by Leslie Adler via Reuters

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Brazil’s development bank plans to issue tax-free bonds to double credit operations to nearly $40 billion without the Treasury’s help, according to its planning and project structuring director.

Nelson Barbosa, who served as finance minister under Dilma Rousseff and has now joined the ranks of the bank known as BNDES, said the bonds will be linked to development projects in areas where the institution wants to invest, such as energy transition, innovation and infrastructure. They will also be available to individual investors, sweetened by the exemption of income tax.

“One of our goals is to restore BNDES’s historical size, which means doubling the size of the bank,” Barbosa said in an interview in his office in Brasilia. “Instead of the Treasury borrowing and transferring funds to BNDES, the bank itself will raise the money.”

By Martha Beck via Reuters

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Nearly 200 countries have agreed to a legally-binding “high seas treaty” to protect marine life in international waters, which cover around half of the planet’s surface, but have long been essentially lawless.

The agreement was signed on Saturday evening after two weeks of negotiations at the United Nations headquarters in New York ended in a mammoth final session of more than 36 hours – but it has been two decades in the making.

The treaty provides legal tools to establish and manage marine protected areas – sanctuaries to protect the ocean’s biodiversity. It also covers environmental assessments to evaluate the potential damage of commercial activities, such as deep sea mining, before they start and a pledge by signatories to share ocean resources.


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Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo today announced the appointment of 12 U.S. CEOs who will serve in the U.S. Section of the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum (Forum) during the 2023-2026 term. The newly-appointed members will coordinate, organize and plan the activities of the U.S. Section in preparation for the first in-person Forum meeting under the Biden-Harris Administration.

Additionally, Secretary Raimondo has appointed Mauro Gregorio, CEO of the Dow Silicones Corporation, to serve as the U.S. Section Private Sector Co-chair. In this role, Mr. Gregorio will organize members of the U.S. Section and coordinate with his Brazilian counterpart on Forum activities.

“The U.S. – Brazil CEO Forum is a critical vehicle in deepening our trade and investment relationship with Brazil, and I am proud to appoint these twelve United States CEOs from a cross-section of vital industries,” said Secretary Raimondo. “Their unmatched business knowledge and experience will be essential to advancing the objectives of the Forum.”

By U.S. Department of Commerce

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Itamaraty confirma Maria Luiza Viotti como embaixadora do Brasil nos EUA

Indicação de Viotti ainda terá que passar pelo crivo do Senado.

O Ministério das Relações Exteriores confirmou hoje o nome da diplomata Maria Luiza Viotti como a nova embaixadora do Brasil nos Estados Unidos. A indicação já recebeu aval do governo americano.

Viotti foi representante do Brasil na Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), em Nova York, entre 2007 e 2013. Também foi chefe de gabinete do secretário-geral da ONU entre 2017 e 2021. Antes, serviu como embaixadora do Brasil na Alemanha (2013-2016) e Subsecretária-Geral da região da Ásia e do Pacífico (2016-2017). Ela substituirá em Washington o embaixador Nestor Foster, conhecido pelo alinhamento com o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro. A indicação de Viotti ainda terá que passar pelo crivo do Senado.

Por Murillo Camarotto via Valor

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Exports from Brazil to the 22 countries of the Arab League of nations generated record revenue of $17.7 billion in 2022, the highest since 1989, the Arab-Brazil Chamber of Commerce said on Thursday.The figure represents a 23.06% rise over the previous year and puts the Arab world as a key trade partner of the South American nation, which also does a lot of business with China and Europe.Arab countries of the Middle East and North Africa predominately buy agro products like meat and grains from Brazil. Sales of such goods represented 71% of the total exported by Brazil to the region, the Chamber said.

As in previous years, exports of Brazilian poultry to League countries stood out, rising by 26.35% in value as deals were not deterred by attempts to grow national production in the Middle East.Arab nations paid an average around $2,172 per tonne of Brazilian chicken in 2022, higher than $2,022 Brazil’s other clients disbursed, the Chamber said.

Reporting by Ana Mano; Editing by Aurora Ellis via Reuters

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New York, January 10, 2023


A Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce em Nova Iorque manifesta seu repúdio aos atos de vandalismo e ataques às instituições brasileiras ocorridos em Brasília. Em uma democracia não pode haver lugar para atos de violência e agressão à lei e ao Estado de Direito.


The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce in New York condemns the acts of vandalism and attacks against Brazil’s institutions that took place in Brasília. In a democracy, there is no place for acts of violence and aggression against the rule of law.


Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

485 Madison Avenue (at 52nd Street), Suite 401
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 751-4691

Brazil will not shy away from playing a leading role in addressing climate change and the impending emergency the world is facing, new environment minister Marina Silva said on Wednesday.

Silva announced the creation of an extraordinary secretary to end deforestation and plans to set up a climate authority within the administration of President Lula da Silva.

Lula took office on Sunday pledging to stop deforestation in the Amazon, a vital biome to curb climate change. He quickly revoked policies of his far-right predecessor Jair Bolsonaro who eased environmental protection and allowed the rate of deforestation to surge to a 15-year-high on his watch.

Reporting by Lisandra Paraguassu; Writing by Peter Frontini; editing by Grant McCool via Reuters

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The recently refreshed Startup Outreach Brasil program kicked off in Chicago, with more cities to come in 2023 and beyond

ApexBrasil, The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, together with the Brazilian Ministry of Economy, Brazilian Ministry of Foreign AffairsSebrae (Brazilian Micro and Small Enterprises’ Support Service), and Anprotec (National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises), recently announced the debut of the newly branded Startup Outreach Brasil Program. Over the past six years, Startup Outreach Brasil has selected high-growth Brazilian startups to receive personalized internationalization support. The program has successfully introduced Brazilian startups to several innovation ecosystems around the world that are growing in importance and prominence. Introduced during the program’s latest session in Chicago, the brand refresh represents Startup Outreach Brasil’s mission to educate the venture capital community about the innovative young companies coming out of Brazil, while also providing participating entrepreneurs with training and support to better understand conducting business ventures abroad.

Over the past decade, Brazil’s startup sector has earned the attention of the global investment community and experienced incredible growth. Specifically, more than 22,300 startups have launched in Brazil since 2015, and 30 startups have earned “unicorn” status since 2018, which represents companies that are valued above USD $1 billion. As a result, Brazil has become the largest startup economy in Latin America and attracted USD $9.43 billion in funding rounds in 2021 alone.

Via Yahoo!

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Mercado nacional já ultrapassa R$ 7 bilhões em receitas e, segundo a PwC, deve dobrar nos próximos cinco anos chegando a R$ 13 bilhões

O mercado brasileiro de games e e-sports movimentou, somente no ano passado, R$ 7 bilhões. Uma estimativa recente da PwC em sua Pesquisa Global de Entretenimento e Mídia apontou que o valor deve dobrar nos próximos cinco anos chegando a R$ 13 bilhões em 2026. A Newzoo, maior consultoria especializada nos números deste setor, aponta que, globalmente, o faturamento da indústria, que será de US$ 184,4 bi em 2022, chegará a US$ 211,2 bilhões em 2025.

A Newzoo também aponta que o Brasil é o terceiro país com maior audiência em jogos eletrônicos do mundo. O aquecimento do setor e a relevância dessa indústria refletem em negócios onde o Brasil tem protagonismo. O ano de 2022 foi um dos mais movimentados em termos de fusões, aquisições, investimentos e surgimentos de novas empresas especializadas em games e e-sports. Essa dinâmica se deu também pelo crescimento do interesse em tecnologias emergentes como NFT e outras associadas à Web3.

By Luiz Gustavo Pacete via Forbes

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U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday invited Brazil’s president-elect, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, to visit the White House, which may happen after he takes office on Jan. 1.

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan met with Lula in Brasilia for almost two hours and discussed strengthening democracy in the Americas, combating climate change and addressing the situation in Haiti and Venezuela.

Sullivan extended the invitation for Lula to visit Washington on behalf of Biden, the White House said in a statement.

“He congratulated the President-elect on his election victory and discussed the importance of keeping open channels of communication between the two countries during the transition,” the statement, which did not include a date for an upcoming visit, said.

Lula welcomed the invite on social media.

“I am excited to talk with President Biden and deepen the relationship between our countries,” he tweeted.

Reporting by Lisandra Paraguassu, Anthony Boadle and Gabriel Araujo in Brasilia Additional reporting by Katharine Jackson in Washington Editing by Sandra Maler and Matthew Lewis via Reuters

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The Federal Reserve has just entered the testing phase of its new instant payment service, FedNow. Inspired by the Brazilian system, Pix, FedNow aims to revolutionize how North Americans send and receive money, and it places all eyes on the world’s largest economy on the subject of payment innovation.

Banks will have less than a year to prepare for the launch of the long-awaited FedNow. While it’s not yet clear exactly how it works, the Federal Reserve’s vice president, Lael Brainard, said that the success of the system will depend on industry stakeholders—financial institutions, core service providers, software companies and application developers—devoting the appropriate resources to making the system viable for consumers before its launch, which should take place next summer.

These stakeholders must devote effort, time and money into innovation and technology. Through a robust and reliable software development framework, financial institutions should be able to offer a quality service that meets the needs of today’s world, especially in terms of digital processes, automation and digital wallets.

Lessons From The Brazilian System

As stated, Pix is the basic model for FedNow. Launched in 2020, Pix is now operated by more than 770 institutions, according to Bacen (Central Bank of Brazil). Adjustments happened quickly with its implementation, meaning that institutions had to use agile and specialized methods with clearly defined scopes and assertive planning that maximized value.

By Mateus Hernandes Rodrigues via Forbes

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Documento desenvolvido pela Systemiq Brasil com organizações multilaterais, setor privado, cientistas e comunidades originárias indica formas de impulsionar desenvolvimento da região

O Brasil pode se tornar a primeira grande economia – de média ou alta renda – a alcançar a neutralidade de carbono nos próximos 8 anos e, ao mesmo tempo, acelerar o seu crescimento econômico em US$ 100 bilhões a US$ 150 bilhões anuais ao PIB adicionais ao ritmo de crescimento atual (2,5%/ano). Com isso, o país seria um exemplo concreto ao mundo de prosperidade econômica sustentável para as próximas décadas, modelo que pode inspirar todo o Sul Global.

É o que mostra um relatório apresentado nesta quarta-feira (9) na Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Mudanças Climáticas – a COP27, no Egito. Chamado “The Amazon’s Marathon: Brazil to lead a low-carbon economy from the Amazon to the world” (A Maratona Amazônica: Brasil pode liderar economia de baixo carbono da Amazônia para o mundo), o documento é um plano de desenvolvimento econômico que apresenta análises sobre o potencial da região ao calcular a oportunidade financeira por trás das estratégias de mitigação de emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE) e destacar projetos escaláveis que promovem uma nova abordagem baseada na natureza, centrada em pessoas e positiva para o meio ambiente.

Por Guilherme Justino, via Um Só Planeta

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Brazilian planemaker Embraer SA (EMBR3.SA) said on Thursday that China’s aviation regulator had certified its E190-E2 regional jet for operations in the country, a move that would allow it to compete against China’s homegrown ARJ21 regional jet.

China had been slow to certify the latest generation of Western jets and turboprops that compete against domestic-made equivalents, though this week the ATR42-600 turboprop also was granted certification during Airshow China in the southern city of Zhuhai.

The E190-E2, a more fuel-efficient of the older E190 that already operates in China, can seat up to 114 passengers and was certified in Brazil, the United States and Europe in 2018.

The capacity compares with the 90-seat ARJ21 regional jet and 168-seat C919 narrowbody jet produced by Commercial Aviation Corp of China (COMAC).

Embraer said in a statement that the E190-E2 and the larger E195-E2 that can seat up to 146 passengers complemented the ARJ21 and C919 in terms of capacity.

Reporting by Sophie Yu in Beijing and Jamie Freed in Sydney; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman and Christian Schmollinger via Reuters

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Brazil’s oil and natural gas production in August reached 3.967 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (Mmboe/d), which corresponds to 3.087 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d) of oil and 139.96 million cubic meters per day (MMm3/d) of natural gas.

The preliminary figures were released earlier this week, in Rio de Janeiro, by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), in the Dynamic Panel of Oil and Natural Gas Production.

In the pre-salt area, production stood at 2.966 Mmboe/d. The volume corresponds to 74.8 percent of the country´s total production. A good part of it was obtained in the Tupi field, namely 1.046 MMboe/d, equivalent to 26.4 percent of the total production in the country.

By Cristina Índio do Brasil via Eurasia Review

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João Carlos Martins, Piano and Conductor, with NOVUS NY

60 years after making his Carnegie Hall debut, Brazilian pianist and conductor João Carlos Martins, a 20th century Bach interpreter, returns to Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage. He leads NOVUS NY in a program focusing on the music of Bach, the late pioneering 20th century Brazilian modernist Heitor Villa-Lobos, and Brazilian composer André Mehmari.

Via Carnegie Hall. Click here to learn more and get tickets


Brandenburgo Concerto # 3 in D major
BWV 1048 (J.S. Bach)

Brandenburgo Concerto # 1 in F Major
BWV 1046 (J.S. Bach)

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Cantata BWV 147
(J.S. Bach / Heitor Fujinami)

Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4
W264 – 424 (Heitor Villa-Lobos)

Portais Brasileiros No. 2
(André Mehmari)

Saturday, November 19, 2022 7 PM
Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall
Tickets: $75 / $50 / $30 and $10 for students (with I.D.)
João Carlos Martins, Piano and Conductor, with NOVUS NY | CarnegieCharge 212-247-7800 | Box Office at 57th and Seventh

A realidade imposta pelo aquecimento global tem mexido com o tabuleiro da economia e da geopolítica internacionais. A mudança climática, maior desafio a ser enfrentado pelas atuais gerações, tem exigido uma verdadeira reinvenção de hábitos. Se não mudarmos o modo como agimos e/ou fazemos negócios, estaremos fadados a entregar um Planeta Terra esgotado para nossos netos e bisnetos.

Assim, andar sobre os trilhos da economia verde deixou de ser uma opção e se tornou uma exigência para mitigarmos os impactos climáticos. E estamos correndo contra o relógio.

Aprendemos com a história que as crises, por mais graves e sofridas que sejam, ainda assim trazem aprendizados e oportunidades. E esta nova era, que nos inquieta com preocupações acerca da sociedade do hoje e do amanhã, também é capaz de impulsionar o desenvolvimento por meio da sustentabilidade.

Inspirado nas palavras de Pedro Passos, fundador da Natura, o Brasil, que já desperdiçou grandes oportunidades ao longo das décadas, não pode deixar mais este bonde passar.

By Paulo Hartung via CNN Brasil

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On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of Brazil on the 200th anniversary of your independence on September 7th.

As the two largest democracies in the Western Hemisphere, the United States and Brazil share a commitment to support democracy throughout the region and demonstrate its benefits for all people. The United States and Brazil continue to work on deepening our vital strategic and economic relationship. Together, our countries can ensure regional peace and security, advance human rights and racial justice, and build a safe, healthy, sustainable, and prosperous future for coming generations.

The United States offers its best wishes to the people of Brazil as they celebrate the bicentennial of their independence.


See statement here

Com investimento em tecnologia e inteligência, setor aposta em produtos têxteis que circulam mais e são mais sustentáveis

Em sua primeira “loja circular”, inaugurada no fim de 2021 no Rio de Janeiro, a Renner montou uma espécie de vitrine de suas iniciativas de sustentabilidade. Ali, amostras da pauta de sustentabilidade da empresa estão presentes desde a arquitetura – com uso de materiais reciclados e recicláveis e reaproveitamento de 97% de resíduos – até o abastecimento com energia originada de fonte eólica.

Estão também na seleção de peças com Selo Re (indicativo de que geram menor impacto ambiental na produção), no coletor do serviço de logística reversa e no espaço dedicado ao Repassa, plataforma de revenda de vestuário, calçados e acessórios adquirida ano passado. Hoje, a Renner conta com mais uma loja circular. E recebeu, por essas e outras estratégias, a maior pontuação entre as empresas de varejo no S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2022.

Leia mais: “Tudo é ESG”: CEO da Vivo detalha iniciativas da empresa

“É um reconhecimento importante de que estamos em um bom caminho”, diz o diretor presidente da Lojas Renner, Fabio Faccio. “O S&P integra as empresas de capital aberto com as melhores práticas de sustentabilidade no mundo, e já estamos pelo quinto ano consecutivo no índice, sendo que neste último atingimos a classificação máxima. Mas sabemos que ainda temos bastante coisa para fazer, por isso lançamos metas para continuar evoluindo no tema.”

Por Mariana Weber e Maria Rita Alonso via Forbes Brasil

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XP Inc has become the latest Brazilian fintech player to offer crypto trading services, following Nubank and MercadoLibre.

Brazilian brokerage giant XP Inc has officially launched its crypto trading platform XTAGE in Brazil, bringing a potential 3.6 million users to the crypto markets.

The news was broke in a Monday post by the Nasdaq Exchange Twitter account, noting that XP had rung the exchange’s “Opening Bell” to celebrate the launch of the XTAGE digital assets trading platform.

Initially, XP Inc’s 3.6 million clients will have access to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) trading, but the broker told Cointelegraph back in May that there were plans to “support other digital assets and investment products based on crypto assets in the future.”

By STEPHEN KATTE via Cointelegraph

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When Moderna and Pfizer first came out with their mRNA vaccines for COVID-19, supply was limited to rich countries and they did not share the details of how to create it.

That left middle income countries like Brazil in the lurch. But for Brazilian scientists Patricia Neves and Ana Paula Ano Bom, that wasn’t the end. They decided to invent their own mRNA vaccine.

Their story, today: Aaron talks to global health correspondent Nurith Aizenman about the effort and how it has helped launch a wider global project to revolutionize access to mRNA vaccine technology.

Further reading:

This episode was produced for Short Wave by Margaret Cirino and edited by Rebecca Ramirez. It was edited for broadcast by Vikki Valentine. Fact-checking by Rachel Carlson and audio engineering by Brian Jarboe via NPR

Full article/podcast

Congonhas (SP) e Santos Dumont (RJ) são os primeiros aeroportos brasileiros a implantar de forma definitiva o embarque facial biométrico 100% digital para passageiros e tripulantes.

O Embarque + Seguro é um programa conduzido pelo Ministério da Infraestrutura (Minfra), com tecnologia Serpro e parceria do Ministério da Economia. A solução, que combina análise de dados e validação por biometria, dispensa a apresentação de cartões de embarque e documentos de identificação dos viajantes de voos domésticos partindo desses terminais.

Na manhã desta terça-feira, 9 de agosto, o ministro da Infraestrutura, Marcelo Sampaio, acompanhado dos ministros da Cidadania, Ronaldo Bento, e do Turismo, Carlos Brito, liderou uma comitiva governamental para vistoriar o funcionamento de todo o acesso biométrico. As autoridades acompanharam diversos embarques diretamente do aeroporto de Congonhas. O presidente Gileno Barreto, o diretor de Relacionamento com Clientes, André de Cesero, os superintendentes Brenno Sampaio, Rafael Soto e Giordanni de Paiva e o chefe de Divisão, Luciano Cunha, foram os representantes do Serpro no marco de inauguração do sistema.

Com o Embarque + Seguro operando nos aeroportos que formam a rota de maior movimento do país, o Brasil tem agora a primeira ponte área biométrica de ponta a ponta do mundo.

Via Comunicação do Serpro

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From September 10 to 25th, the 26th edition, in a hybrid format, is bringing 70 US premieres, a tribute to producer Debora Ivanov and Adriana Calcanhotto’s Concert in Miami.

Click here for PRESS KIT/PHOTOS 

The Inffinito Film Festival, the largest and most relevant Brazilian film festival held abroad, reached its 26th edition. From September 10 to 25th, 70 Brazilian productions will be shown in hybrid format, all premieres in the United States (full lineup below). The festival starts with an outdoor event in Miami, marking the return of the in-person competitive screenings, now at MDC’s Tower Theater Miami and Adriana Calcanhotto’s concert at the Miami Beach Bandshell. In addition, the traditional virtual screenings, available to the American public, bring 57 films, 10 of which are documentaries, 19 short films in competition, and 28 in parallel exhibitions. Furthermore, the audience can watch the movies from Puerto Rico to Alaska at – the first international streaming platform dedicated exclusively to Brazilian audiovisual.

Invited by the Festival, Brazilian actors, directors, and producers will attend the event. Including actors Eduardo Moscovis and Bárbara Paz, directors Denise Saraceni, Lô Politti, and Gustavo Rosa, producers Debora Ivanov, Laís Bodanzky, Tiago Rezende and Carlos Moletta, singer Adriana Calcanhotto, in addition to journalists, sponsors, and guests.

The Inffinito Film Festival began in 1997 when Adriana L. Dutra, Cláudia Dutra, and Viviane Spinelli conceived the Brazilian Film Festival in Miami, in a year in which the Audiovisual Law was enacted in Brazil, which took Brazilian productions out of stagnation and boosted the retake movement. Since then, they have held 88 festivals in 13 cities worldwide: New York, Vancouver, London, Rome, Madrid, Barcelona, Frascati, Milan, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Bogotá, Canudos, and Miami, and screened more than 2000 Brazilian films for over 2 million people.

MUSIC AND CINEMA IN MIAMI – Opening night in Miami on September 10 at the New World Center (NWC Soundscape Park – 400 17th St, Miami Beach, FL 33139), with free admission and musical performance by the Magic Flute Institute that has been teaching ballet, singing and sweet flute to children from the outskirts of Cuiabá/MT for 24 years ( After the presentation, the public will watch the renowned film Pixinguinha, um Homem Carinhoso, directed by Denise Saraceni and Allan Fiterman, starring Seu Jorge and Taís Araújo. See the movie’s official trailer at:

CURATORS – The Inffinito Film Festival’s feature films curatorship is composed of filmmaker, documentary filmmaker, and director of Circuito Inffinito Adriana L. Dutra, by film critic Ricardo Cota. Audiovisual producer Malu de Martino curates the documentaries and producer Laura Fernandes and Adriana Dutra curate short films.

COMPETITIVE FEATURE SCREENINGS – From September 11 to 16, the Competitive Feature Film Screenings will take place at Tower Theater Miami (Tower Theater Miami – 1508 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33135). The diversity of themes and styles gives the selection of feature films in competition a panorama of contemporary Brazil. The country is experiencing a moment of immersion in its own problems, which range from existential crises (Why don’t you cry?) and family crises (Sol) to the struggles of women (Mar de Dentro) and blacks (Provisional Measure). The genres also range from ripped comedy (Welcome to Quixeramobim) to portraits of personalities as distinct as those of musician Pixinguinha (Pixinguinha, Um Homem Carinhoso) and businessman Eike Batista (Eike – Tudo ou Nada). In the parallel exhibition, the five selected films maintain the tone of plurality, especially aesthetics, showing works that dialogue with theater (Antígona 442 B.C.), memory (Doctor Gama), literature (O Auto da Boa Mentira), and the constant struggle for ancestral recognition of indigenous peoples (Rama Pankararu). These films offer the viewer a unique opportunity to get to know the problems, but above all, the cultural wealth of Brazil, a country that finds its most complete translation in art.

AWARDS AND ADRIANA CALCANHOTTO CONCERT – The closing ceremony with the Crystal Lens Award for the Best Film chosen by the public will take place on September 17, at the Miami Beach Bandshell (7275 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33141), with a performance of the band Johnny’s at 6:00 pm, followed by the film Amazon/Amazônia, by Thierry Ragobert, at 7:00 pm and Adriana Calcanhotto in Concert, at 8:30 pm.

VIRTUAL SHOW – From September 10 to 25th, the program for the entire American territory will take place on 57 film screenings in 8 virtual rooms (10 films are part of the documentary competitions, 19 of the short film competitions, and 28 film screenings)

TRIBUTE TO DEBORA IVANOV – The 26th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival pays tribute to the producer Debora Ivanov with a special exhibition. Debora is responsible for the production of more than 60 Brazilian films. A lawyer by education and training, she was director of the Audiovisual Industry Union of the State of São Paulo and was a member of the SPCine Advisory Board. She founded the Querô Institute in Santos, an NGO aimed at low-income young people in the port region of Santos that promotes training in the audiovisual industry. In 2000, she became a partner at the production company Gullane Filmes, producing dozens of films, among them Que Horas Ela Volta?, Até Que a Sorte Nos Separe, Uma História de Amor e Fúria, among many others. She was appointed director of ANCINE in 2015. In 2017, she assumed the presidency of the Agency until 2020.

DOCUMENTARIES – The size of Brazil is proportional to the diversity of themes that permeate the stories that documentarists submitted to this selection. The variety was so great that the curatorship decided to propose clippings to bring a broader panorama of what makes up Brazilian filmmakers’ recent crop of documentaries. Others were added to the consolidated Competitive Screenings: “Ritmos do Brasil,” which travels through the plurality of Brazilian music, and “Brasil Urgente,” which highlights the most current topics these days.


– Opening night at New World Center Soundscape Park – Free event

– In-person Show Ticket at Tower Theater Miami – $15.00 –

– Ticket Award Night and show by Adriana Calcanhotto

– Ticket for Virtual Exhibition at – $8.88 –

The following companies and governments support the 26th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival:


This program is sponsored by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners, Miami-Dade County Tourist Development Council, City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program and Cultural Arts Council, Garcia Family Foundation and Titanio Films.

Inffinito Ambassadors: Laura Fernandes, Liliana Kawase and Renata Garcia

Official Hotel: Palihouse – Miami Beach

Support: MDC’s Tower Theater Miami, Miami Beach Bandshell, Little Brazil Restaurant, and ATC Cargo

Media Support: AcheiUSA Newspaper, Happens Magazine, Radio Florida Brazil

Promotion: GloboPlay

Festival Friends: BACC – Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida, Centro Cultural Brazil USA, Downtown Doral Charter Upper School, Ronald W. Regan Doral Senior High, Gulliver Prep, Morningside K8 Academy, Miami Be Happy, NExperience, Talita Pinheiro PA, Sfihas Brazil, Rejuvchip, One Concept Clinic, Florida International University, and New World Center.

Directed and Produced by Inffinito

Saturday, October 15 • 8:00pm
Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall

São Paulo Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop, conductor
Marcello Dantas, visual director

Dazzling images of the Amazon, seen through the eyes of its myriad species, ash above the stage of Carnegie Hall as Marin Alsop and the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra perform music of Villa-Lobos, Clarice Assad, Philip Glass, Tom Jobim, and others. Conceived by Visual Director Marcello Dantas, renowned for his fusion of art and technology.


CarnegieCharge: 212.247.7800
Box Oce: 57th St. & 7th Ave.


New network security protocols imposed on generation and transmission companies by Brazil’s national grid operator ONS are fueling an already growing market of cybersecurity and data protection supplying the power sector.

“In the last three or four years, with the expansion of industry 4.0, companies in the electricity sector have been modernizing their structures, especially regarding automation. But there is still much to be done. And with the new ONS requirements, that demand has increased even more,” Mario Lopes, commercial and alliance director at cybersecurity solutions integrator Secureway, told BNamericas.

By Bnamericas.

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SoftBank-backed Brazilian crypto exchange Mercado Bitcoin is set to enter the Mexican market by the end of the year, as part of a plan to expand elsewhere in Latin America, its chief executive told Reuters.

“Certainly, in the second half of the year we start operating in Mexico,” Mercado Bitcoin’s CEO, Reinaldo Rabelo, said in an interview, adding that talks for regulatory approval in the country are in their final stages.

Rabelo said the move will be done through an acquisition, mirroring the way Mercado Bitcoin’s holding company 2TM entered Portugal earlier this year when it bought Lisbon-based exchange CriptoLoja.

Reporting by Paula Arend Laier; Writing by Peter Frontini; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama via Reuters

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Argentine online marketplace MercadoLibre Inc said on Monday it received a private financing line of $233 million from Goldman Sachs to expand its credit offer in Brazil and Mexico.

The company intends to, through its lending unit Mercado Credito, increase its loan offers to individuals and small and medium-sized companies in both countries.

Of the total figure, $106 million will be destined for Brazil and $127 million for Mexico, MercadoLibre said in a statement.

Reporting by Alberto Alerigi Jr.; Writing by Peter Frontini; Editing by Sam Holmes by Reuters via U.S. News & World Report

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Shell said on Monday it has invested $40 million into a Brazilian preservation-focused company.

Carbon credit developer Carbonext runs preservation projects across more than 2 million hectares (4.9 million acres) of the Amazon Forest that are owned by companies seeking to capitalize on the carbon market.

Carbonext then generates carbon credits that can be sold. Shell will now have preferential access to the company’s carbon market, although will not receive discounted prices.

Reporting by Rafaella Barros; Writing by Carolina Pulice; Editing by Christian Schmollinger via Reuters

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Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google Cloud announced on Tuesday it has invested 1.6 billion reais ($312.65 million) in technical infrastructure since 2017 in Brazil, as well as the opening of a new office and engineering center in the country.

Google Cloud investments have been aimed at “helping the company’s customers diversify their service portfolios, extend their digital capabilities, and drive new business,” the company said at the Google for Brazil event in Sao Paulo, the country’s financial capital.

“During this (five-year) period, an amount of 1.6 billion reais was allocated to improve Google Cloud’s technical infrastructure in Brazil.”

Google also announced the opening of a new engineering center in Sao Paulo and a new Google Cloud office in 2023.

In January, Google said it was set to hire 200 engineers in Brazil this year, as it seeks to bolster its privacy, security, and anti-abusive content technologies.

Reporting by Steven Grattan Editing by Bernadette Baum via Reuters

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Mercado de criptomoedas no país já atrai mais investidores do que a Bolsa.

O Brasil está entre os cinco países com o maior número de investidores em criptomoedas, algo que não passa despercebido pelas empresas globais do setor. Gigantes como Binance, Coinbase, FTX e já possuem presença local, e a tendência é que, com a chegada do marco regulatório das criptomoedas, mais delas venham para ficar.

Cerca de 10 milhões de brasileiros já investem em criptomoedas, segundo um estudo da Binance em parceria com a TripleA divulgado no ano passado. O número corresponde a 5% da população e é maior que o total de investidores pessoas físicas cadastrados na B3 – cerca de 4 milhões.

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O Brasil fica atrás apenas de Índia, Estados Unidos, Rússia e Nigéria em número de investidores em criptomoedas.

Sean Rach, ex-CMO da e cofundador da plataforma de serviços financeiros Hi, afirma que a desvalorização do real em relação ao dólar é um dos principais fatores que tornam as criptomoedas tão atrativas aos brasileiros. “Além da capacidade de inovação e de criação de soluções nesse ecossistema, o que abre diversas oportunidades”, acrescenta.

Por Isabella Velleda via Forbes

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Two of Latin America’s biggest airlines are joining forces.

Avianca, the flag carrier of Colombia, and GOL, the third-largest airline in Brazil, will come together under a new holding company called Abra Group Limited, which will own both airlines.

Each airline will maintain its own brand and continue to operate separately. When the deal closes, expected in the second half of this year, Abra Group will operate similarly to the large airline holding company in Europe –  International Airlines Group (IAG), which owns British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus and other smaller airlines.

Abra will also own low-cost carriers Viva Colombia and Viva Peru, which recently announced plans to join Avianca, while keeping operations independent.

Even though these airlines will all remain independent, there may be some awkward uncertainties for two major U.S. airlines: American and United.

By Ethan Klapper via The Points Guy.

Read full article.

Depois de dois anos de adiamento do evento, Luiza Trajano recebeu ontem (9) o prêmio de Personalidade do Ano pela Câmara do Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Nova York

Luiza Helena Trajano, a presidente do conselho de administração do Magazine Luiza, recebeu ontem (9) o prêmio de “Personalidade do Ano” pela Câmara do Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos de Nova York. Ela é a terceira mulher e segunda brasileira a receber a homenagem que é realizada desde 1970 – sempre a duas figuras importantes do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos que se destacaram no relacionamento entre os dois países.

A nomeação de “Person of the Year” aconteceu no início de 2020; mas, por conta da pandemia de Covid-19, foi adiada por dois anos. Em entrevista à Forbes, que organizou uma festa relacionada à premiação, a homenageada destacou a responsabilidade que acompanha o título: “Sinto que minha responsabilidade como empresária e líder da sociedade civil só aumenta”.

Por Redação Glamour/

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Gladstone Arantes, a director of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), gave new details about the progress of the Brazilian Blockchain Network, a project that has been in development since 2018. The network will be created on top of the Hyperledger Besu 2.0, which uses a proof-of-authority consensus mechanism. The final goal of this project is to move public spending to the network in order to increase the transparency of these fund movements.

Brazilian Blockchain Network Advances

The Brazilian Blockchain Network, a project that was conceived back in 2018, is now in its development phase. Gladstone Arantes, head of blockchain initiatives at the Development Bank of the country (BNDES), revealed new insights about the development and the technical data of the project. At the Ethereum.Rio event, Arantes stated the project had selected Hyperledger Besu 2.0 to be its base platform, and that the network would also be using a proof-of-authority consensus system.

Proof-of-authority means there will be no mining on top of the chain, and that state actors will maintain control of the network. This follows the premise of simplifying the operation of the blockchain, so it’s possible to be easily understood by anyone wanting to examine it.

by Sergio Goschenko via

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President Joe Biden is set to sign an executive order this week that will outline the U.S. government’s strategy for cryptocurrencies, according to people familiar with the administration’s plans.

The order will direct federal agencies to examine potential regulatory changes, as well as the national security and economic impact of digital assets, said the people, who asked not to be named discussing the deliberations. The White House’s approach to crypto has attracted fresh attention in recent weeks after the U.S. and its allies levied sanctions on Russia, prompting concerns that organizations and individuals could use crypto to evade the restrictions.

The Department of Commerce is calling for applications for all 12 U.S. Section seats on the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum for the 2022-2025 term

The Department seeks to appoint U.S. Section members who represent a diversity of business sectors and geographic locations, consist of a range of small, medium, and large firms, and are reflective of the diversity of the U.S. population. The Forum provides business leaders with the opportunity to impact the U.S.-Brazil trade relationship and improve conditions for doing business in Brazil. To qualify, a candidate must be a CEO or president (or have a comparable level of responsibility) of a U.S.-owned or -controlled company that is incorporated or otherwise organized in and has its main headquarters in the United States and that is currently doing business in both Brazil and the United States.

To apply, please visit the linked Federal Register Notice. The application period will close on April 1, 2022.

Attached is the application document, a new element in the application process. (Note: The requested information on the top portion (points 1-10) does not need to be filled out on the application itself, and can be supplied in the format most convenient for the applicant. However, the second part (point 11) will need to be completed, signed and included with any supporting documents).

Background: Launched in 2007, the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum consists of up to 24 CEOs from the United States and Brazil, who provide joint recommendations to the two governments to strengthen the U.S.-Brazil economic and trade relationship. The forum has successfully opened discussions between the United States and Brazilian governments on several important issues, including visa and tax reform, customs procedures, education, energy, defense trade, and infrastructure.

For more information please visit:

Federal Register Notice: 87 FR 9313

U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum Website: forum

Department of Commerce Press
Press: Press Release
Social Media: Twitter & LinkedIn

For inquiries and to request an application, please contact:

Christopher Di Trolio
Office of Latin America and the Caribbean
International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce

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Com a solução das duas empresas, as escolas públicas e privadas terão maior suporte e ferramentas para se digitalizar

Vivo Empresas firmou parceria com o Google para criar um pacote de serviços voltado para pequenas e médias instituições de ensino pelo Brasil no setor público e privado. Com a solução em conjunto, as escolas terão maior suporte e ferramentas para se digitalizar.

A transformação digital ao longo da pandemia afetou todos os setores, mas houve perdas ao longo desse processo e alguns tiveram mais dificuldades na adaptação. É o caso para escolas de pequeno e médio porte pelo Brasil.

Entre 2020 e 2021, a rede privada teve queda de 8,8 milhões para 8,1 milhões de matriculados. Enquanto isso, a rede pública teve leve aumento de matrículas chegando a 38,5 milhões de alunos.

Segundo Rodrigo Pimentel, head de Google for Education, a parceria vai ajudar a democratizar o acesso à tecnologia e ajudar as escolas a se adaptar no momento de hibridismo.

Mesmo com a vacinação de crianças e o retorno às aulas presenciais, uma espécie de modelo híbrido também vai acontecer na educação.

Por Luísa Granato via Exame



President Biden Announces Nominees for Ambassadors and Key Roles

President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate the following leaders to serve as key leaders in his administration:

  • Elizabeth Bagley, Nominee for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Federative Republic of Brazil
  • Jane Hartley, Nominee for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Alexander Laskaris, Nominee for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Chad
  • Alan Leventhal, Nominee for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Denmark
  • Kathryn Huff, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
  • Deborah Coen, Nominee for Member of the National Council on the Humanities
  • William Brodsky, Nominee for Member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation

Elizabeth Bagley, Nominee for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Federative Republic of Brazil

Elizabeth Bagley has worked in diplomacy and the law for over four decades. Her diplomatic experience includes service as Senior Advisor to Secretaries of State John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Madeline Albright. She has also served as Special Representative to the United Nations General Assembly, Special Representative for Global Partnerships, and United States Ambassador to Portugal.

Bagley is currently the owner and Board member of SBI., a cellular communications company in Show Low, AZ. Previously, Bagley served as Of Counsel to Manatt, Phelps law firm in Washington, D.C., specializing in international law. She also worked as Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center and as Associate Producer for ABC News in Paris, France and Washington, DC. Earlier in her career, Bagley served in the State Department as congressional liaison for the Panama Canal Treaties, Special Assistant for the Camp David Accords and Congressional liaison to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Accords) in Madrid, Spain. Bagley earned a B.A. at Regis College, Weston, Massachusetts, and a J.D. at Georgetown University Law Center.

She is the recipient of numerous honors, including the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Honor Award, the Meridian International Public Diplomacy Award and the Grand Cross of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal’s highest civilian honor.

Via The White House

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Luiza Helena Trajano, high-profile leader of Brazilian commerce giant Magazine Luiza, epitomizes how successful entrepreneurs can be great social activists.

Super-rich entrepreneurs love to explore brash endeavors outside the mainstream of their business—say, the high-profile space race between Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, or Larry Ellison’s obsession with the America’s Cup. But it remains genuinely rare, and worthy of attention, when a billionaire entrepreneur takes a hard look at the society around their business and commits to brash endeavors to challenge inequality, racism, and the crisis fueled by COVID-19.

That’s precisely what’s happening in Brazil, where Luiza Helena Trajano, the longtime leader of one of the country’s most celebrated companies, is generating headlines for her outsized commitments to social justice and public health. Trajano is the high-profile face of a giant electronics-and-appliance retailer named Magazine Luiza (in Portuguese, a “magazine” is a small store that sells a wide range of merchandise). Trajano’s company has become a legendary growth story whose 1,400 stores transformed retailing in Brazil, made her a billionaire, and turned a 70-year-old, 4-foot-nine-inch woman into a homespun business celebrity.

By Bill Taylor via Fast Company

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SÃO PAULO, Brazil — It was a casual conversation that led Luiza Trajano, one of Brazil’s wealthiest women, to ponder her country’s racism, to recognize her part in it — and to do something about it.

A few years back, she said, she had heard a young, accomplished Black businesswoman mention that she never attended happy hours with colleagues unless her boss explicitly asked her to join. Years of feeling the rejection that many Black Brazilians experience in predominantly white settings had taught her to seek clear invitations, the woman explained.

Ms. Trajano, who is white, felt a pang of sadness. Then an uncomfortable thought crossed her mind.

“At my birthday parties, there aren’t any Black women,” Ms. Trajano remembered thinking. “That’s structural racism that, in my case, is not born out of rejection, but out of failing to seek them out.”

That moment of introspection for Ms. Trajano, who had turned a small family business into a retail behemoth, helped plant the seeds for a bold corporate affirmative action initiative, which has drawn praise, outrage and plenty of soul searching in Brazil.

Read full article here.

Brazilian state-run power company Eletrobras (ELET6.SA) said on Monday that a public hearing to be held by state development bank BNDES on its privatization process has been postponed to Jan. 5 from Dec. 22.

Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA, as the company is formally known, did not provide details on the delay. The Brazilian government expects to privatize the company by the second quarter of 2022, according to Mining and Energy Minister Bento Alburquerque.

Reporting by Gabriel Araujo. Editing by Jane Merriman via Reuters

See original article here.

American Express and a San Francisco-based fintech startup are offering tens of thousands of Brazilians in Massachusetts a chance to use their credit histories from their native country to build their credit in the U.S.

American Express and Nova Credit announced Tuesday the opening of eligibility for their “credit passport” to Brazil, as well as the Dominican Republic, Kenya and Nigeria. That’s in addition to Australia, Canada, India, Mexico and the United Kingdom and other countries added in the two years the companies have worked together.

“In a nutshell, we can take an immigrant who would have otherwise been rejected because they don’t have a US credit file and we’re able to get them approved and access their journey of building their own U.S. credit file,” said Misha Esipov, co-founder and CEO of Nova Credit.

By Steph Solis  –  Digital Editor, Boston Business Journal

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Brazil is auctioning airports in what the government describes as a bid to raise investments and modernize infrastructure.

Sixteen airports will be auctioned — including Congonhas in São Paulo, and Santos Dumont in Rio de Janeiro — by the end of 2022, the government said in a tweet Wednesday.
They add to the 34 airports already auctioned by Brazil since 2019, which raised around 34 billion Brazilian real (US$ 6 billion), the government said.
“It is strategic for Brazil to transfer control of airports to the private sector in order to increase investments and the quality of services,” it added.

By Hande Atay Alam, CNN

After suffering one of the world’s worst Covid-19 disasters, Brazil is staging a turnround with a steep drop in deaths and a mass inoculation campaign as it beefs up its ability to manufacture coronavirus shots.

During a devastating second wave of infections earlier this year, Latin America’s most populous nation was the epicentre of the global outbreak, peaking at more than 4,200 fatalities recorded in a single 24-hour period in April.

But daily deaths from the disease have since fallen to under 200 on a seven-day rolling average, with the rate per 100,000 residents currently below the US, EU and UK.

By  in São Paulo via Financial Times 

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Alta da inflação influenciou a decisão do presidente de continuidade em política monetária, segundo analistas

Ao escolher manter Jerome Powell em seu cargo, Joe Biden provou que aprendeu uma lição valiosa com o ex-presidente Barack Obama sobre a importância da continuidade ante o partidarismo durante tempos econômicos desafiadores.

O atual presidente do Federal Reserve, o banco central dos Estados Unidos, foi indicado para o cargo pelo ex-presidente Donald Trump em 2017.

Assim como Obama manteve Ben Bernanke no cargo após a Grande Recessão de 2008, apesar de ter sido indicado pelo republicano George W. Bush, Biden reconheceu que faz sentido manter Powell para que ele possa continuar no comando da recuperação pós-Covid.

Por Paul R. La Monica via CNN Business

Ler artigo na íntegra.

O estado aposta na formação de um ecossistema de desenvolvimento do combustível do futuro, debatido em um seminário internacional online e gratuito.

“Acredito que um dia a água será usada como combustível, que o hidrogênio e o oxigênio que a constituem, usados de forma isolada ou simultânea, oferecerão uma fonte inesgotável de calor e luz a uma intensidade superior à do carvão mineral”.

Em mais de uma ocasião, a previsão do escritor Júlio Verne, publicada em 1875 no romance A Ilha Misteriosa, foi citada no Centro de Eventos do Ceará na manhã de 14 de outubro. Diante de uma plateia híbrida, composta por participantes presenciais e com transmissão gratuita pela internet, 14 autoridades e especialistas se revezaram no Seminário Internacional Hidrogênio Verde no Ceará.

By Governo do Ceará via Valor Econômico

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High-profile purchases, leasing deals and hiring have seen technology companies threaten to upend Wall Street’s historic role as New York’s dominant industry.

Google made waves in Manhattan real estate when it bought the iconic Chelsea Market and its 2.9 million-square-foot New York headquarters building within a few years of each other in the past decade. The technology giant followed up last month with the largest U.S. real estate transaction since the pandemic, a $2.1-billion purchase of the under-construction St. John’s Terminal.

Google’s takeover of Manhattan’s West Side has been mirrored to varying degrees by Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and Salesforce, each of which has established a campus in the city.  The surge in real estate occupancy shows how technology companies are rapidly displacing counterparts in banking and finance as the city’s biggest industry in the aftermath of the pandemic: Big tech also leads in employment growth and by volume of companies.

Two decades ago, Tim Armstrong, 50, became Google’s first New York-based employee. “If you were having a cocktail party for all the people who worked in the internet in New York, you could fit them all in a bar,” Armstrong says. “Now I’m guessing you’d have to take over Madison Square Garden, plus the Javits Center to fit everybody in.”

By David Jeans via Forbes.

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ATLANTA – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has put more than $160 million in financial assistance into the hands of residents of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania to help them recover from the damages caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida. As of Oct. 13, the SBA had approved 3,319 loans for a total of $160,671,100. “Hurricane Ida cut a wide swath of damage, and SBA’s mission-driven team is working hard to help affected small businesses and residents with their recoveries,” said Kem Fleming, Director of the SBA’s Field Operations Center East. “We’re committed to providing federal disaster loans swiftly and efficiently, with a customer-centric approach to help businesses and communities recover and rebuild.”

Businesses, homeowners, renters and private nonprofit organizations in 28 primary counties in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are eligible to apply for physical disaster loans from the SBA. Those include the New York counties of Bronx, Kings, Nassau, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester; the New Jersey counties of Bergen, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Union and Warren; and the Pennsylvania counties of Bedford, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, and York.

Small businesses and most private nonprofit organizations in counties adjacent to the primary counties are eligible to apply only for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans.

To be considered for all forms of disaster assistance, applicants should register online at or download the FEMA mobile app. If online or mobile access is unavailable, applicants should call the FEMA toll-free helpline at 800-621-3362. Those who use 711-Relay or Video Relay Services should call 800-621-3362.

Businesses and individuals should then complete and return an SBA disaster loan application by visiting They can also obtain individual assistance at one of the recovery centers established in all three states. Locations and hours can be obtained here:

NY Ida Recovery Centers

NJ Ida Recovery Centers

PA Ida Recovery Centers

Businesses and individuals can ask questions, obtain loan applications or other information by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 (1-800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of hearing) or emailing

Loan applications can also be downloaded at

Completed applications should be mailed to: U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.

About the U.S. Small Business Administration The U.S. Small Business Administration makes the American dream of business ownership a reality. As the only go-to resource and voice for small businesses backed by the strength of the federal government, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources and support they need to start, grow or expand their businesses, or recover from a declared disaster. It delivers services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations.

To learn more, visit

The United States will reopen in November to air travelers from 33 countries including China, India, Brazil and most of Europe who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, the White House said on Monday, easing tough pandemic-related restrictions that started early last year.

The decision, announced by White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients, marked an abrupt shift for President Joe Biden’s administration, which said last week it was not the right time to lift any restrictions amid rising COVID-19 cases.

The United States had lagged many other countries in lifting such restrictions, and allies welcomed the move. The U.S. restrictions have barred travelers from most of the world including tens of thousands of foreign nationals with relatives or business links in the United States.

The United States will admit fully vaccinated air travelers from the 26 so-called Schengen countries in Europe including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Greece, as well as Britain, Ireland, China, India, South Africa, Iran and Brazil. The unprecedented U.S. restrictions have barred non-U.S. citizens who were in those countries within the past 14 days.

By  and 

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A new agreement will see the expansion of Brazil’s public Wi-Fi hotspots network to improve public service provision in locations lacking Internet connectivity.

Under the technical cooperation agreements signed between the Banco do Brasil Foundation and the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE) with the Ministry of Communications, some 1,000 locations nationwide will benefit from approximately 500 new Wi-Fi hotspots to be implemented by 2022.

The current free Wi-Fi network with satellite-based Internet consists of over 14,000 hotspots across 3,000 Brazilian municipalities, mostly located in the North and Northeast of Brazil. Some 11,000 schools use the hotspots, as well as 1,000 healthcare facilities and 475 Indigenous communities.

By Angelica Mari for Brazil Tech

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Luiza Helena Trajano, the Brazilian recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Awards of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., based in New York City.

Businesswoman is the only Brazilian among the 100 names of 2021 elected by the American magazine

Businesswoman Luiza Helena Trajano, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Magazine Luiza, was elected by the American magazine Time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. She is the only Brazilian on the 2021 list.

Some names on the list are British Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, Japanese tennis player Naomi Osaka, American gymnast Simone Biles, US President Joe Biden, and his vice Kamala Harris, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Russian opponent Alexei Navalni, singers Britney Spears and Billie Eilish, and Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon via Folha de São Paulo.

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Read the article in the original language

Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced today her intention to appoint Mr. Ilan Goldfajn as Director of the Fund’s Western Hemisphere Department (WHD). Mr. Goldfajn will assume his role as the head of the IMF’s department in charge of relations with member countries in the Americas on January 3, 2022. He will succeed Alejandro Werner, whose retirement from the Fund was previously announced.

“I am delighted that Ilan will join our team as the new WHD Director. He has an impressive experience in the public and private sectors and is highly respected as an academic. His proven track record as a policymaker, communicator, as well as his depth of knowledge as an international finance executive and his familiarity with the Fund’s work will be invaluable in helping our member countries in the region,” Ms. Georgieva stated.

Mr. Goldfajn was Governor of the Banco Central do Brazil (BCB) from May 2016 until February 2019. During his tenure at the BCB, he oversaw implementation of significant regulatory changes that opened the door to new players in the financial services industry, spurred innovation and digitalization, and fostered the growth of fintech companies that has had a positive impact on Brazil’s financial sector. In 2017, he was elected Central Banker of the Year by The Banker magazine; and the year after, he was named Best Central Banker by Global Finance magazine.

PRESS OFFICER: RAPHAEL ANSPACH via IMF Communications Department

Read full article here.

Tribute to H.E. Ambassador Carlos Eduardo Alves de Souza

(September 21, 1933 – August 26, 2021)


On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, we regretfully inform you of the passing, on August 26, 2021, of Ambassador Carlos Eduardo Alves de Souza.

Ambassador Alves de Souza was born on September 21, 1933, to Wladimir Alves de Souza and Maria Adélia in Rio de Janeiro.

His diplomatic career spanned more than 40 years and many different countries. He served as Ambassador of Brazil to the Czech Republic, Paraguay, and Switzerland. He also held several senior positions in Brasília, including the Office of the President in 1985. Ambassador Alves de Souza served as Consul General of Brazil in New York between 1981 and 1984. His interaction with the Chamber strengthened ties between Brazil and the United States and furthered the Chamber’s mission of promoting trade and investment between the two nations. He retired in 2001 to Rio de Janeiro and focused on his family, friends, golf, and his beloved soccer team, Flamengo.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of Ambassador Carlos Eduardo Alves de Souza as we mourn his passing.

On August 1, 2021, the administrative sanctions provided for the Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD) – Law No. 13.709/2018 (the “Law”) came into force and will be applied by the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

LGPD provides that data processing agents (controller and processor) who violate the rules provided for in the Law will be subject to:


By Cristiane Manzueto and Eduardo Maccari Telles via Mondaq


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Swisscom (SCMN.S) plans to switch to the cloud platform of Amazon Web Services (AWS) (AMZN.O) for a range of applications which power its enterprise resource planning, operational support system, and analytics and contact center.

The Swiss telecom operator and AWS said in a joint statement they will also look to migrate Swisscom’s 5G network built on current infrastructure to a new, standalone 5G network powered by AWS’s cloud platform.

Reporting by Clara-Laeila Laudette and Supantha Mukherjee. Editing by Sonya Hepinstall via Reuters.

Read full article here.

Brazil is certainly a country of great interest. For many, it’s a beautiful holiday destination. But for millions of natives, it’s a difficult place to exist. Because of its diversity, many photographers have made photos of Brazil. Some show its glory, while others show its reality. In this piece, we look back at the work we’ve featured that explores the truth of the largest country in Latin America.


By Dan Ginn via Yahoo Finance


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In an attempt to reduce reinjections of natural gas back into wells at production sites, the Brazilian government has created new rules to facilitate the development of gas-fired power plants, with the start of dispatch set for 2026.

Natural gas reinjection takes place when producers inject gas back into the well in order to increase the flow of crude oil from the well, or else sequester gas that cannot be exported. The practice is common among oil producers in Brazil, as the country does not have sufficient natural gas transportation or processing capacity available, as well as little demand for gas-fired power.


By Flávia Pierry via Argus Media


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Embraer and the Brazilian air force have signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly study the design and development of an “advanced unmanned aircraft system”.

Few details about the unmanned air vehicle (UAV) were revealed by Embraer in its announcement on 23 April. However, the company distributed a rendering, for “illustrated purposes only”, of a stealthy UAV with short swept wings, perhaps indicating a combat role.


By Garrett Reim via Flight Global


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The first ever video call on standalone 5G in Latin America has been completed in Brazil as part of a series of supplier demonstrations to the government ahead of the upcoming fifth-generation spectrum auction.

The video call, made on Friday (9) from Nokia’s Brazilian headquarters in São Paulo, connected Brazil’s communications minister Fabio Faria to president Jair Bolsonaro, who was in Brasília at the time.


By Angelica Mari via ZD Net


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While pursuing his master’s degree at Stanford University, Felipe Neves, 2018 POY Fellow, created Civics Educação, a platform for practical legal courses (at low cost), which are sold to finance scholarships for low-income public-school students.

The lawyers who teach these courses represent the most well-known law offices in Brazil, including Pinheiro Neto, Machado Meyer, Demarest, Lobo de Rizzo, Baptista Luz, and Trench Rossi & Watanabe, among others.

In addition, Civics offers free courses for public school teachers and students, such as Constitutional Law in the Classroom, Access to Justice, and Curriculum Preparation, to prepare young professionals for job opportunities.

Civics works like this: by purchasing one of the courses, the client contributes directly to financing scholarships for low-income public-school students and to the production of new courses. These new courses are then sold to finance new scholarships and new courses, creating one of the largest legal education platforms in Brazil and helping low-income public-school students who want and need to study.

The democratization of law and education is not something new to Felipe.  He is Founder of the NGO Project Constitutional Law in School (Projeto Constituição na Escola) (, the largest civic education NGO in Brazil, which promotes face-to-face classes on Constitutional Law for thousands public-school students.

Felipe was elected as one of the most influential people by Forbes 30 Under 30 (2018), selected as a Person of the Year Fellow by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce (2018), chosen as one of the 11 young Brazilian leaders by the Obama Foundation (2017), and named Young Leader of America by the United States Government (2016). He is still the youngest lawyer to have received the Innovare Award from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice (2017).

Given his experience with Projeto Constituição na Escola, Felipe was inspired to democratize other areas of law and make quality legal education accessible and affordable.

Civics already has 20 courses available online, including Business Law, Civil Procedure, Digital Law, Law and Startups, Arbitration, Contract Law, Real Estate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Sports Law, and Constitutional Law – while dozens of other courses are being produced.

Learn more here.

Even if you lived in Brazil for 10 lifetimes and explored ceaselessly, you’d never see it all. What you can do though, is to try and see some of the most beautiful spots spread across the vastness. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the definition of beauty varies greatly, I have chosen a mix of a little bit of every kind of beauty for you to pick and choose to visit next time you get down to Brazil.


By Ulrike Lemmin-Woolfrey


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Editor’s Note: *Due to the current Covid-19 outbreak, international travel is discouraged at the moment – this article is meant to serve as inspiration for a future trip once the pandemic has come to an end.*

A nation rich in culture, biodiversity, and natural beauty, there’s no shortage of spectacular destinations to visit all throughout Brazil. While many visitors choose to spend time celebrating Carnival in the streets of Rio, those who wish to experience the wild side of Brazil may be interested in a trek across some of the country’s most stunning national parks. From surging rivers to colossal canyons, the natural beauty of Brazil is truly a sight to behold.


By Jared Ranahan via Forbes


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An agreement has been signed between Brazil and the UK to accelerate digital transformation and innovation in public services delivery in the Latin American country.

Under the memorandum of understanding signed on December 29 by Acting British Ambassador to Brazil Liz Davidson and Brazilian digital secretary Luis Felipe Monteiro, the countries will be working together until March 2023.


By Angelica Mari via ZD Net


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The White House Coronavirus Task Force has recommended to President Donald Trump that the United States begin allowing travelers into the country from Brazil, the United Kingdom and the 27 countries in the European Union, according to two officials involved in the discussions.

If Trump signs off on the policy proposal, it would reverse bans on inbound travel for U.S. allies put into place at the beginning of the pandemic as the virus surged overseas. Travel from China and Iran, two of the earliest hotspots for the virus and from which travel was restricted in January and February, would not be relaxed, according to these officials.


By Kayla Tausche via CNBC


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The Brazilian government has announced a facial recognition trial with retired public servants to support the process of periodic verification that the beneficiary is alive in order to continue receiving of benefits.

The trial underpinning the process will be carried out with 10,000 retired federal civil servants and pensioners and the participants will be able to follow the process through a people management mobile app developed for federal government staff. If the pilot is successful, the functionality will be extended to 700,000 people.


By Angelica Mari via ZD Net


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In the tropical forest surrounding Alter do Chão, a Brazilian town located on a languid stretch of the Amazon River and home to what is considered one of the most beautiful freshwater beaches in the world, monkeys, macaws, agoutis and armadillos co-habit in relative harmony.

About 33 kilometers west of the city of Santarém in Pará state, life’s slow pace in the village has long been a draw for weekend trippers and foreign tourists alike. But Alter do Chão and its surroundings, increasingly threatened by illegal loggers and poachers, is also a base for what may be one of the most innovative nonprofit organizations fighting animal trafficking in Brazil.


By Peter Yeung via Mongabay


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São Paulo – Brazil’s minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes, said on Tuesday (20) that investing in technology development in Brazil, in partnership with other countries, is a way of overcoming global challenges. Pontes discussed projects under development during his participation in the Economic Forum Brazil & Arab Countries, hosted by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Arab League and the Union of Arab Chambers.

“The pandemic demands solutions that are also opportunities for small-sized companies that are able to present them. In these lines, Brazil is still struggling in educating technology professionals. The technology will be increasingly important in the composition of the country’s GDP, as it is in agriculture, healthcare, education, and several other sectors,” he said.


By Marcos Carrieri via Brazil-Arab News Agency


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Brasilia [10/10/2020]

Mayor of Salvador, ACM Neto (DEM), has the best approval rate among the mayors of 12 capitals surveyed by IBOPE.

This week, IBOPE conducted a round of electoral polls in Brazilian capitals in which it also measured the approval of the current mayors. Of the 12 capitals surveyed, only three disapprove of their mayors: Porto Alegre, Recife, and Rio de Janeiro. In São Paulo, the approval and disapproval rates register a technical tie. In the other eight capitals, the current mayors boast approvals that reach 85%, as is the case in Salvador.

Mayor Antonio Carlos Magalhães (ACM) Neto (DEM), who has governed the capital of Bahia for eight years, achieved the best performance appraisal among the 12 capitals surveyed by IBOPE. He received an 85% approval rating and only a 12% disapproval rating. For 73% of voters, the Democrat’s management can be considered good or great. Only 6% of voters consider the management to be bad or terrible.

Another who also boasts good approval ratings is the mayor of Belo Horizonte, Alexandre Kalil (PSD). He seeks re-election and boasts 76% approval in the capital of Minas Gerais, with 65% of voters considering his management as good or excellent. Kalil has only 22% disapproval among voters; 13% of them consider the management to be bad or very bad.

The mayor of Florianópolis, Gean Loureiro (DEM), who is seeking re-election, also has good rates among voters. He has the approval of 72% of voters, against 22% of disapproval. Management is considered good or excellent by 58% of voters heard by IBOPE. Another 9% consider the management to be bad or very bad and 32% consider it to be regular.

The mayor of Goiânia, Iris Rezende (MDB), also has an approval rate higher than 60%. In the capital of Goiás, 69% of voters approve the management of the PMDB party member, against 26% who disapprove it. More than half of respondents (53%) rated management as good or excellent. Another 12% consider the Rezende government to be bad or very bad.

In Curitiba, Rafael Greca (DEM), who is seeking re-election, has 68% of voter approval and a disapproval rating of 29%. More than half of Curitibanos (54%) consider the mayor’s management to be good or excellent. Another 29% consider it regular and 16%, bad or very bad.

In Natal, the approval rating of Mayor Álvaro Dias (PSDB), also a candidate for re-election, is 63%. Another 31% of voters disapprove of the PSDBista’s management. There is a technical tie between voters who classify management as good or excellent and those who classify it as regular: 42% in both cases. Another 14% consider management to be bad or very bad.

The mayors of João Pessoa, Luciano Cartaxo (PV), and Palmas, Cinthia Ribeiro (PSDB), have approval ratings above 50% – 56% and 53% respectively. “

Copyright © 2020, Gazeta do Povo. All rights reserved.


By Kelli Kadanus via Gazeta do Povo


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São Paulo – Poultry exports from Brazil were up 1.3% in shipped volume year-to-date through September from a year ago, the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) reported. Sales to Arab countries such as Jordan and Libya increased.

Year-to-date through September, 3.17 million tonnes of poultry products got exported from Brazil. Export revenue was down 12.1% to USD 4.6 billion. In September, shipped volume was down 2.3% to 345,000 tonnes, while revenue was down 18.4% to USD 479 million.


Via Brazil-Arab News Agency


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The wind power, the second source of electric power in Brazil, behind the hydroelectric, represents 19,000 jobs in Brazil, as compared to 34,000 in 2018. Even with the fall, Brazil remains among the 10 most used in the world. this segment, behind China, Germany, United States, India, United Kingdom, Denmark, Mexico, Spain and the Philippines. The report states that, before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the wind sector was expected to expand due to planned installations.

Around 80% of this market is located in the northeast, which has the best wind conditions. The report indicates that local containment requirements and subsidized services for project developers have strengthened the national supply chain for wind turbines. It is also of high impact in the production of towers and the most moderate effect in the manufacture of wind turbines. The national content in the Brazilian wind sector is currently estimated at 80%.

Via Reve


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Following Brazil’s exit from the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, Brazilian forward and legend Marta Vieira da Silva delivered a passionate message to the next generation.

“This is what I ask of all Brazilian girls,” she said. “The future of women’s football is depending on you to survive. It’s wanting it more. It’s taking care of yourself more. It’s training more. It’s being ready to play 90 minutes and able to play 30 minutes more.”


By Alana Glass via Forbes


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Advances made over the last year and particularly during the Covid-19 outbreak positioned Brazil as one of the fast-movers in digital government globally, according to the latest United Nations E‑Government Survey.

Brazil is one of the 18 countries in the Americas that ranked in the “very high” group of the report’s E-Government Development Index (EGDI) group for the first time, along with Argentina, Chile and Costa Rica.


By Angelica Mari via ZD Net


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The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up to lift off Brazil’s Amazonia-1 satellite next month onboard the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)

As per a report in the Financial ExpressAmazonia-1 will be the first satellite for Earth Observation that is designed, assembled and tested in Brazil.


Via Tech 2


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WASHINGTON — Brazil has officially begun manufacturing fighter jets with the start of production at a new facility that makes sections of the Saab Gripen, Swedish aerospace company Saab announced Tuesday.

Saab Aeronáutica Montagens, a new manufacturing plant located near Sao Paulo, has begun producing Gripen E/F aerostructures, including the tail cone and front fuselage for the single-seat Gripen E version of the jet. It will eventually also make the brakes, rear fuselage, wing box and front fuselage for the two-seater “F” model, Saab stated.


By Valerie Insinna via Defense News


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Brazil has converted a football (soccer) stadium into a drive-in movie theater, its latest effort to lift national morale as the country struggles with the coronavirus pandemic.

The Palmeiras football club’s converted stadium in Sao Paulo accommodates up to 300 cars.

Alessandro Tessari, a fan of the football team said, he could never imagine he would be watching a movie in the stadium.


Via VOA News


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Lincoln, Neb. —Tucked away from the busy city streets of São Paulo, Brazil, young learners are exploring a colorful garden with spades, magnifying glasses and other tools. They gather around their preschool teacher who is holding a freshly dug worm in her hands. They observe the wriggling creature together. After the excited shrieks subside, the teacher begins to ask them questions.

Their curiosity leads to a conversation — an opportunity to learn about science.


By Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The spirit of the women who participate in the movements fighting for housing in Brazil is as hard as lime and wood. As a majority in land occupations, they vigorously coordinate organizational and political practices of settlement and popular housing construction. It is no wonder that many of the occupations of the MST (Landless Rural Workers’ Movement) or the MTST (Homeless Workers’ Movement) carry the names of women such as Dandara, a quilombo leader from the colonial period.


By Cecília Garcia via Arch Daily


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The Brazilian government has launched a new app that unites the social security card and driving license as part of its digital identification and citizen service delivery plan.

The launch follows a move towards making the social security number the main proof of ID for Brazilians: since last year, it is used to access government services. This includes the emergency aid scheme announced in April for financially vulnerable citizens.


By Angelica Mari via Forbes


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The Brazilian guitarist Cainã Cavalcante was gearing up for tours of Cuba, Colombia and the United States when coronavirus struck.

Now, like thousands of musicians in the land of samba and bossa nova, he is in lockdown – trapped at home with six instruments, an empty gig schedule and a burning desire to resist the global health crisis with his strings.


By Tom Phillips via The Guardian


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RIO DE JANEIRO — When 97-year-old Brazilian Gina Dal Colleto was hospitalized on April 1 with coronavirus symptoms, few could have thought she would survive the deadly virus.

On Sunday, however, Dal Colleto was pushed in a wheelchair out of Sao Paulo’s Vila Nova Star hospital to applause from doctors and nurses, becoming the oldest known survivor of COVID-19 in Brazil, the Latin American country worst-hit by the outbreak.


Via NBC News


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RIO DE JANEIRO —  Netflix announced Tuesday April 14, the creation of a 5 million reals ($1 million) fund to support local below-the-line production employees and free-lancers not able to work due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The aid will be distributed by the Brazilian Institute of Audiovisual Content (ICAB), an arm of leading industry organization Brazil Audiovisual Independent (BRAVI). It will help up to 5,000 workers with one part of the local monthly minimum wage of US$200. It targets personnel involved in production tasks, such as cinematography, sound, art design, makeup, scenography, and logistics.


By Marcelo Cajueiro via Variety


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