Solar under net metering reaches 3.6 GW in Brazil

The Brazilian solar association ABSolar has carried out a study on grid-connected photovoltaic distributed generation, which in Brazil includes all PV systems not exceeding 5 MW in size installed under the net metering regime. In total, there is more than 3.6 GW of installed power of distributed generation from photovoltaic solar sources throughout the country, representing more than 18.2 billion reais (€2.81 billion) in accumulated investments since 2012 and more than 108,000 jobs.
According to the association, in the number of systems installed, residential consumers are in the lead, representing 72.5% of the total. That figure is followed by companies in the commerce and services sectors (17.7%), rural consumers (6.8%), industries (2.6%), the public sector (0.4%), public services (0.03%) and public lighting (0.01%).
By Pilar Sánchez Molina via PV Magazine
Brazil represents over half of all IT spend in Latin America, has the largest regional market for software outsourcing, employs a sizable IT workforce, manufactures consumer goods (including commercial airplanes and cars) and has an active consumer market of social media operated by global data aggregators. At a time when data privacy is becoming increasingly important to consumers, it seems only fitting that Brazil would adopt comprehensive privacy legislation to protect data privacy rights.
The General Data Protection Law, the first law of its kind in Brazil, is now in effect, and we are already seeing enforcement. Streamlining the legal framework on data protection, the law sets forth a number of requirements addressing legal bases for processing, individual rights, governance and accountability and data transfers. Here’s what you need to know.
Laura E. Jehl and Matthew R. Cin via The National Law Review
September 29 (Renewables Now) – Norwegian state-owned energy company Statkraft AS will invest roughly BRL 2.5 billion (USD 444.6m/EUR 381m) in the development of a 519-MW wind complex in Brazil.
Named Ventos de Santa Eugenia, the asset is expected to break ground in January 2021 and have its first turbines generating power in 2022. Full completion is set for 2023, boosting Statkraft’s capacity in the country to 967 MW.
By Lucas Morais via Renewables Now
French oil major Total will transfer its rights in five blocks in Foz do Amazonas Basin off Brazil to Brazil’s national oil company Petrobras, and exit the basin.
To remind, Total earlier in September announced its decision o give up operatorship over the five exploration blocks 120 kilometers offshore Brazil.
Via Offshore Engineer
São Luís, Brazil – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency has awarded a grant to the Brazilian telecommunications company Equatorial Telecomunicações facilitate the development of a broadband network backbone in the country’s northeast region. The project is specially designed to enhance connectivity and extend government services for more than three million people in Brazil.
“In today’s connected world – and particularly during the COVID-19 era – reliable internet and reliable access to digital services are more important than ever,” said Todd Abrajano, USTDA Chief Operating Officer and Head of Agency. “USTDA’s support for this project will connect millions more Brazilian citizens and businesses to broadband infrastructure and deepen Equatorial’s understanding and familiarity with innovative ICT solutions from U.S. industry.”
BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil, which has the world’s second-highest coronavirus death toll, has decided to join the global COVID-19 vaccine partnership known as COVAX and will earmark 2.5 billion reais ($454 million) for securing vaccines through it, President Jair Bolsonaro’s office said.
Brazil plans to use the COVAX facility, which gives access to several vaccine candidates in development globally, to buy enough supplies to immunize 10% of its population by the end of 2021, the office said in a statement on Thursday. That should cover Brazil’s “priority populations,” it said.
Via Reuters
São Paulo – Wheat has been harvested in Ceará, a dry state with scant water resources in Northeast Brazil, for the first time in history. The farming project was developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) in partnership with milling company Santa Lúcia. The first stage took place in a semiarid area, with a fast planting-to-harvest cycle and high yields.
Although the actual planting only started recently, the tropical cultivars (pictured above) that enabled the project started being developed 15 years ago. These varieties do not require much water, so they are well-suited to Ceará as well as the Arab countries across the Middle East and North Africa. “We have the genetic material for four varieties of tropical wheat. We picked the two that performed best, which were BRS404 and BR264,” Osvaldo Vieira, head of Embrapa’s wheat division Embrapa Trigo, told ANBA over the phone.
By Thaís Sousa via Brazil-Arab News Agency
The wearables market in Brazil has seen an acceleration during the second quarter of 2020, according to new numbers from market analyst firm IDC.
Sales of devices grew by 21.1% between April and June in Brazil compared to the second quarter of 2019. During the period, 208,350 fitbands and smartwatches were sold, according to the report.
By Angelica Mari via ZD Net
Entre os dias 23 e 25 de novembro próximo, ocorrerá a 30ª Conferência Anprotec de Empreendedorismo e Ambientes de Inovação, em formato online. O evento da Associação Nacional de Entidades Promotoras de Empreendimentos Inovadores (Anprotec) terá como tema central este ano “Ambientes de Inovação 4.0 – Desafios e Oportunidades na Nova Dinâmica Global”.
A Anprotec lançou uma Chamada de Trabalhos, escritos por até cinco autores brasileiros ou estrangeiros, a serem submetidos em duas categorias:
(a) artigos inéditos, com até 4.000 palavras, em português ou inglês, e com resumo em português e inglês;
(b) relatos de boas práticas em empresas e ambientes de inovação, em português com, no máximo, 1.500 palavras e resumo estruturado em português e inglês, que deverão narrar experiências e soluções criativas adotadas para a resolução de problemas e seus respectivos resultados.
Os artigos e relatos deverão estar vinculados a, pelo menos, um dos seguintes temas:
– Capital Humano: papel e desafios nos Ambientes de Inovação 4.0;
– Inovação Aberta: ecossistema de inovação como instrumentos de transformação das indústrias tradicionais;
– Tecnologia: o papel dos ambientes de inovação para a geração de tecnologia na nova dinâmica global;
– Cidades: ecossistemas de inovação como alavancas para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável; S;
– Financiamento: novos modelos de sustentabilidade para os ambientes de inovação.
Os autores que obtiverem as maiores notas receberão as seguintes premiações:
– Melhor artigo completo: certificado para todos os autores e crédito de R$ 2.000,00 (dois mil reais) em cursos e eventos promovidos pela Anprotec;
– Melhor boa prática em empresa e ambiente de inovação: certificado e crédito de R$ 1.500,00 (um mil e quinhentos reais) em cursos e eventos promovidos pela Anprotec.
As inscrições poderão ser realizadas até o dia 28 de setembro na página eletrônica
Mais informações sobre a Chamada estão disponíveis no edital em
SAO PAULO (Reuters) – The governor of Brazil’s São Paulo state, João Doria, said on Wednesday the state is likely to start to immunize its population with China’s Sinovac vaccine for COVID-19 in mid-December, pending regulatory approval.
Brazil has the third-highest number of cases of coronavirus in the world, leading vaccine makers to seek out South America’s largest country to test their candidates.
By Eduardo Simões via Yahoo News
São Paulo – More 12 products related to the fight against the coronavirus were included in the list of goods with temporary import tax exemption in Brazil. Last week, in addition to increasing the number of exempted products, the government extended the exemption for products included in the previous list. The resolution was in force until September 30 and was extended until October 30. COVID-19 vaccines were included in the list.
The 12 products that were added were hemostatic agent in gel composed of gelatin and thrombin, COVID-19 vaccines, parenteral feeding emulsion, multivitamins, glico-physiologic solutions, electrolyte solution with pH 7.4, four types of solution in PVC bags, and surgical hemostatic made with resorbable collagen.
By Guilherme Miranda via Brazil-Arab News Agency
Payment solutions company EBANX has integrated with PayPal in a bid to maximise the potential of digital wallets in Brazil.
The partnership will mean that EBANX reaches a customer market of over 50 million people, furthering its overall mission of opening up Latin America to global businesses and vice versa.
Founded in 2012, the company is an ardent believer in the power of democratised finance to drive culture, education and entertainment. Already connected with other leading digital payment platforms – Apple Pay and Google Pay – this latest development broadens consumer choice significantly.
By William Girling via FinTech
BRASILIA, Sept 21 (Reuters) – Brazilian industrial confidence jumped in September to its highest in almost eight years, a survey showed on Monday, underscoring the sector’s strong rebound from the coronavirus lockdown and divergence from the services side of the economy.
The Fundacao Getulio Vargas’s national industrial confidence index for September rose to a seasonally adjusted 105.9 from 98.7 in August, according to preliminary figures, the index’s highest reading since January 2013.
By Jamie McGeever via Nasdaq
BRASILIA: Brazil’s lower house approved on Tuesday the basic text of a bill to further open up the natural gas market to private competition and break the monopoly held by state-controlled oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras).
The bill passed by 351 votes for to 101 against.
Via Energy
PRESS RELEASE: Brasilia, Brazil – September 18, 2020. Delta Air Lines and LATAM Airlines Group S.A. and its affiliates (‘LATAM’) received regulatory approval* yesterday for their trans-American Joint Venture Agreement (‘JVA’) from Brazil’s competition authority, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).
The proposed JVA between Delta and LATAM, which was presented to the CADE on July 14, 2020, was approved without conditions, following an evaluation of free competition considerations and taking into account the unprecedented economic impact of COVID-19 on the airline industry. This is the first approval for the JVA between Delta and LATAM since it was signed in May 2020.
Via The LoadStar
Brazil is set to be the center of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) demand activity in Latin America at least over the next decade, according to experts who spoke at a webinar Tuesday organized by the Institute of the Americas.
“Gas remains the transition fuel in Brazil because it allows for the highest possible penetration of wind and solar,” said Roberto Ferreira da Cunha, the director of consultancy BRG Energy & Climate for South America. He added that Brazil has 10 new LNG import plants in different phases of study.
By Christopher Lenton via Natural Gas Intelligence
September 21 (Renewables Now) – Brazil’s Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) announced on Friday that the country’s 75th complementary biodiesel auction contracted 8.5 million litres (2.3m gallons) in total.
The average price of BRL 5.723 per litre achieved in the tender resulted in a final contract value of around BRL 48.65 million (USD 9m/EUR 7.6m). In all, six producers offered some 9.5 million litres in the tender.
By Lucas Morais via Renewables Now
US State Secretary Mike Pompeo continues his Caribbean and South American tour on Friday with his visit to Brazil after completing final diplomatic meetings in Guyana.
After meeting with Guyana’s President Irfan Ali and his Cabinet on Thursday, Pompeo is scheduled to meet Foreign Minister Hugh Todd and Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Irwin LaRocque.
By Beyza Binnur Dönmez via
Viasat’s high-quality residential internet service has expanded to an additional 14 states in Brazil, delivering services to more than 93% of the country’s population.
Launched across seven states and the Federal district in July, Viasat expects that upon completion of the residential launch rollout by year-end, it will be the only satellite ISP capable of making high-speed internet available across the entire country.
By Melanie Mingas via Capacity Media
The Brazilian government is accelerating initiatives to catch up with the new demands presented by digital transformation and attract private sector investments to these projects, according to senior officials.
At industry event Painel Telebrasil yesterday (15), interim minister at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Julio Semeghini, mentioned a number of projects aimed at “making the digital transformation reach the greatest number of Brazilians” and, at the same time, create commercial opportunities for sector players.
By Angelica Mari via ZD Net
In the next few years, satellite navigation systems are set to become the norm in the world of railways. The EU, for example, is developing projects such as STARS, which aims to bridge the gap between the European Rail Traffic Management System and the European Global Navigation Satellite System through the use of satellite navigation.
In August, the Italian Railway Network installed a satellite-based management system on a regional line, making history in the EU.
By Ilaria Grasso Macola via Railway Technology
Brazil’s tariff rate quota for ethanol has been extended for an additional 90 days, starting September 14. After expiring on August 31, a 20 percent tariff was temporarily applied to all U.S. ethanol. U.S. corn and ethanol groups expressed disappointment in the move, saying, “we would have preferred Brazil abandon its ethanol import tariffs entirely and resume its free trade posture on ethanol.”
Via American AG Radio Network
SAO PAULO, Sept 14 (Reuters) – Atlantic Nickel, a miner backed by British private equity fund Appian, will invest $335 million starting in 2026 to build an underground nickel sulphide mine in Brazil’s Bahia state, the company said on Monday.
By Roberto Samora via Nasdaq
The vaccination of Brazilians against the Covid-19 virus, using a vaccine developed by Sinovac Biotech Ltd of China, could begin in January, the Globo website reports, citing a health official in the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo, Jean Gorinchteyn.
The Brazilian news website quotes Mr Gorinchteyn as saying he hopes 46 million doses of the vaccine, called CoronaVac, will be available in December.
Via Macauhub
Brazilian officials say there is no room for fear when it comes to the country’s capacity to keep up with Chinese demand for iron ore. Iron ore prices hit six-and-a-half year highs last week as the Chinese construction and manufacturing sector experiences levels of activity last seen almost a decade ago.
In the past three months China’s iron ore imports have climbed 20% year on year, while year-to-date they are up 11% compared to 2019.
Via Merco Press
New York — Brazil’s largest natural gas import pipeline will soon offer short-term transportation contracts for firm and interruptible capacity as regulators look to expand third-party competition and market access.
Following a Sept. 9 regulatory approval for the move, short-term capacity on the 1.1 Bcf/d Bolivia-Brazil Gasbol pipeline could be made available as early as October, the National Petroleum Agency said in a press release.
By J. Robinson via S&P Global Platts
Against a backdrop of jumbled shacks seemingly piled atop each other, the dancers run in place with studied movements, then collapse to the floor in steady succession.
This is a rehearsal at the Ballet of Paraisopolis, one of the biggest favelas in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
By Paula Ramon via Yahoo News
São Paulo – This Thursday (10) at the Rio Grande Port 4,000 head of cattle will start being loaded for shipping to Lebanon, alongside 22,000 head of cattle bound for Turkey. The animals hail from Estância del Sur farm, in Capão do Leão, an area near Pelotas in Rio Grande do Sul. The calves are cross-bred from European breeds such as Angus and Brangus. They have been sourced from different farms across the state, are aged from seven to twelve months, weigh about 250 kg each, and are uncastrated.
It will take at least five days to get all the animals onto the ship. According to Leila Vettorello, the general manager for sales and operations with port operator Sagres – which is responsible for shipping the 6,000 animals to Lebanon and 14,500 of the animals bound for Turkey –, the reason for that is the availability of trucks and the time it takes for them to get to the port. The Panamanian ship MV Nada can accommodate all of the cattle at once. The journey is expected to take 28 days. Operator Vanzin is responsible for the remaining 7,500 head of cattle going to Turkey.
By Bruna Garcia Fonseca via ANBA
SAO PAULO (Reuters) – The governor of Brazil’s São Paulo state said on Wednesday that Phase 3 clinical trials of a potential COVID-19 vaccine developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd have shown promising results and it may be available to Brazilians as early as December.
Governor João Doria added that Phase 2 trials of the potential vaccine had shown an immune response of 98% in the elderly.
By Eduardo Simões via Reuters
São Paulo – There is a world of products that could be exported from Brazil to the Moroccan market. Such was one of the conclusions drawn in the webinar “Morocco and Brazil: Agribusiness Connecting continents,” hosted by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) this Wednesday (9) and viewed by an audience of 880 people. The agricultural attaché at the Embassy of Brazil in Morocco, Nilson Guimarães (pictured above), made the argument during the online event hosted by ABCC president Rubens Hannun.
Guimarães said Brazil can supply more coffee and tropical fruit to Morocco, as well as genetic material for poultry and livestock and what he called Brazilian biodiversity products such as yerba mate, babaçu oil, Baru nut, Brazil nut and açaí.
By Bruna Garcia Fonseca via Brazil-Arab News Agency
The race toward central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) is tightening, with Brazil reportedly looking to launch one by 2022 in a bid to help digitize payments. And although it’s not a winner-take-all competition, central banks first out of the gate might prove instructive to those who follow — particularly when it comes to new use cases or the goal of democratizing banking and digital payments.
Roberto Campos Neto, president of Brazil’s central bank, said his country’s new digital currency will work in concert with its new instant-payments system.
Via Pymnts
São Paulo – Exports from Egypt to Brazil climbed 73.9% ever since Egypt reached a free trade agreement with the Mercosur in September 2017. Exports from Brazil to Egypt, on the other hand, were up 21.1%, as per a survey from Brazil’s National Confederation of Industry (CNI).
The agreement had its third anniversary on September 1st, 2020. Over 2,000 items have been made tariff-free in Mercosur-Egypt trade. As of this month, tariffs will be lifted on 463 items from Egypt to Mercosur, and 719 items from the Mercosur to Egypt.
Via Brazil-Arab News Agency
RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) — Brazil will continue to expand the benefits of their economic complementarity with China, the country’s Vice President Hamilton Mourao has said, calling for more investment and cooperation in strategic sectors.
“For more than 10 years, China has been our largest trading partner and an important source of investment for Brazil, especially in the energy and infrastructure sectors. Brazil, in turn, is a stable and reliable supplier of safe food for China,” he said in a recent interview with Xinhua.
Via Xinhua Net
The president of Banco Central — Brazil’s central bank — has announced Brazilians could expect to see a central bank digital currency before 2023.
According to a Sept. 2 report from news outlet Correio Braziliense, Brazil could be ready for a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in 2022. Roberto Campos Neto, the president of Banco Central, stated that the country’s central bank had already undertaken measures to modernize the Brazilian financial system which has made a CBDC the natural outcome.
By Turner Wright via Cointelegraph
Latin American drone delivery company, Speedbird Aero, announced it has received regulatory approval from Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency, also known as ANAC, to operate two experimental drone delivery routes in Brazil.
Speedbird Aero operates a proprietary delivery drone with an integrated ParaZero parachute recovery system, and is now the first company in Latin America to win regulatory approval for a drone delivery operation.
Via Merco Press
Dirijo-me a todos os membros da comunidade brasileira residentes na jurisdição do Consulado-Geral em Nova York nesta ocasião em que celebramos os 198 anos da Independência do Brasil.
Quero iniciar com um profundo e respeitoso agradecimento a todos os funcionários do Consulado-Geral que me acompanharam nos últimos três anos, desde fevereiro de 2018, e cuja dedicação e profissionalismo sempre foram amplamente reconhecidos pela comunidade brasileira. O Consulado-Geral está a serviço de todos e esse é o orgulho de todos nós.
Agradeço também especialmente à Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos e a todos os seus integrantes os contínuos esforços que pudemos conjuntamente desenvolver e as inúmeras oportunidades que tive de participar em atividades da Câmara voltadas a disseminar informações sobre o ambiente político e econômico no Brasil, fortalecer as relações comerciais, financeiras e de investimentos entre os dois países, e acolher altas autoridades brasileiras em visita a Nova York.
Por último, um sincero e agradecido reconhecimento às entidades de cunho laico e religioso que congregam de maneira solidária e cooperativa os cerca de 450 mil brasileiros que residem na jurisdição consular (os estados de Nova York, Nova Jersey, Pennsylvania, e o território britânico ultramarino das Ilhas Bermudas), com as quais o Consulado sempre desenvolveu importantes parcerias na prestação de serviços consulares e no atendimento das demandas comunitárias.
Neste ano celebramos a Data Nacional num momento especialmente difícil e que encerra enormes desafios para todos os brasileiros.
Desejo expressar a solidariedade do Consulado-Geral a todas as famílias brasileiras dolorosamente afetadas pela pandemia, com a perda irreparável de vidas humanas. Quero também reiterar nossa mais sincera disposição de contribuir para aliviar, na medida possível, as dificuldades com que se têm enfrentado os brasileiros residentes na jurisdição.
O Consulado-Geral nunca fechou inteiramente suas portas, mesmo nos momentos mais críticos da pandemia em Nova York. Foi mantido atendimento emergencial e mediante plantões durante os meses de março, abril e maio, especialmente com a prestação de serviços de apoio e documentação de viagem aos brasileiros que regressaram ao nosso País. Nossa página eletrônica foi constantemente atualizada com informações úteis para a comunidade, especialmente no que se refere à disponibilidade de voos, e foram prestados serviços de assistência e de registro civil para habilitar a emissão de documentos.
Desde maio, os serviços presenciais foram sendo progressivamente restabelecidos, observando as etapas de segurança determinadas pelas autoridades locais.
O atendimento pelos correios foi mantido durante todo o período.
Atualmente as equipes consulares têm assegurado atendimento presencial em todas as áreas durante quatro dias por semana, e de forma integral por teletrabalho. Os serviços presenciais são realizados mediante agendamento e através de uma nova plataforma eletrônica (e-consular), ferramenta ágil e moderna que permite a solicitação de serviços, o envio e a conferência “online” de documentos. A página eletrônica do Consulado foi também reformulada, para facilitar o acesso pelos consulentes.
O setor cultural do Consulado lançou recentemente o projeto “Brazilian Culture from Home”, iniciativa de promoção cultural em plataformas digitais e que cobre várias vertentes.
A primeira vertente consiste na publicação de edições especiais de nossa newsletter mensal, que renomeamos “Brazil Arts & Culture from Home”. A segunda vertente é a série #BrightenYourDay, que publica semanalmente produções audiovisuais sobre cultura brasileira nas mídias sociais do Consulado. A terceira consiste em postagens semanais nas redes sociais do Consulado de eventos relevantes na programação cultural brasileira em Nova York, como o lançamento de duas novas traduções de “Memórias Póstumas de Bras Cubas”, obra prima do escritor Machado de Assis. Por último, o Consulado-Geral retomou nesta semana o projeto “Arte no Consulado”, que tem por objetivo divulgar o trabalho de fotógrafos e artistas plásticos brasileiros residentes em Nova York. Convidamos a todos a que sigam e prestigiem essas iniciativas.
Na área educacional, o Consulado-Geral acaba de contratar professora que atuará em programas extracurriculares de ensino na United Nations International School (UNIS) e também desenvolverá atividades de promoção da cultura brasileira e de apoio ao ensino do Português como língua de herança na comunidade brasileira.
O Setor de Promoção Comercial e do Agronegócio segue trabalhando em quatro áreas prioritárias: promoção das exportações brasileiras de bens e serviços; captação de investimentos para projetos de infraestrutura no Brasil, sobretudo a carteira de projetos do Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos; promoção do turismo ao Brasil; e apoio e valorização do empreendedorismo na comunidade brasileira. O setor tem promovido e participado de eventos virtuais em coordenação com entidades e associações brasileiras, como a Câmara de Comércio, Secretaria do Programa de Parceria de Investimentos, APEX-Brasil, Sindimóveis, e ABIMAPI, entre outros.
No dia em que celebramos nossa Independência, os brasileiros devem refletir sobre os desafios que o momento nos traz e sobre a enorme tarefa que recai sobre todos nós, mas também de maneira muito especial sobre nossas autoridades e representantes.
Queremos superar com segurança as dificuldades acrescidas pelos efeitos econômicos da pandemia, que aprofundaram o desemprego e as desigualdades sociais. Queremos um País em que em que a dignidade do ser humano se sobreponha a todas as diferenças. Um País que se transforme com solidariedade, com espírito cívico e responsabilidade política. Um País em que todos se sintam plenamente representados, em democracia e sem exclusões. Um País transparente e responsável, que logre retomar o caminho do crescimento inclusivo.
É com essa profissão de fé que os Embaixadores brasileiros em serviço em Nova York, no Consulado-Geral, na Missão junto às Nações Unidas e no Escritório Financeiro, e o Conselheiro Militar nas Nações Unidas, depositaremos na manhã do 7 de setembro oferenda floral em tributo a José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, estadista e Patriarca de nossa Independência.
Que tenhamos todos uma Feliz Data Nacional!
Brazil is among the six South American countries that started this week with the transmission of coronavirus under control, according to calculations by Imperial College, a reference in epidemic monitoring.
The Brazilian transmission rate (Rt) estimated by the British epidemic monitoring center is the lowest since the end of April.
By Ana Estela de Sousa Pinto via Folha de S. Paulo
Brazil has become the first among the Latin American countries to approve the marketing of gene therapy products. Specifically, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) recently granted marketing authorization for Novartis’ gene therapy products Luxturna® and Zolgensma®. As published in the Brazilian Federal Register, Luxturna® received its marketing authorization on August 6th and a few days later, on August 17th, Zolgensma® received its marketing authorization. Prior to ANVISA’s final decision, both products had been approved by the Brazilian Technical Commission of Biosafety (CTNBio), which is responsible for evaluating biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Brazil.
By Lisa L. Mueller via Lexology
Following Brazil’s exit from the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, Brazilian forward and legend Marta Vieira da Silva delivered a passionate message to the next generation.
“This is what I ask of all Brazilian girls,” she said. “The future of women’s football is depending on you to survive. It’s wanting it more. It’s taking care of yourself more. It’s training more. It’s being ready to play 90 minutes and able to play 30 minutes more.”
By Alana Glass via Forbes
The price of Brazilian agricultural commodities such as soybeans, corn, coffee and rice has reached record levels as strong demand and a weak currency drove prices higher in local currency, according to data from Cepea, a research center linked to the São Paulo University. Brazil’s soybean quotes are up by more than 50% in nominal terms compared to the same period last year, as China continues to buy ever larger amounts of the oilseeds from Brazil, Cepea data showed.
By Roberto Samora via Successful Farming
Worldwide, there were 180,649 deaths in August – 16% of this total in Brazil. According to the World Health Organization, 844,312 deaths have been registered since the beginning of the pandemic.
Via Folha de São Paulo
The U.S. and Brazil have not yet reached a deal on U.S. demands to be able to sell the country more ethanol, but the Brazilian government is making clear what it is demanding in return, according to sources in both countries. Brazil wants more access to the lucrative and tightly guarded U.S. sugar market.
The Trump administration, prodded by U.S. lawmakers and lobbyists for America’s corn farmers and ethanol producers, is intent on convincing Brazil to drop its tariff on U.S. ethanol. Meanwhile, Brazil’s Bolsonaro administration is under pressure from the country’s sugar sector to protect farmers’ interests.
By Bill Tomson via Agri Pulse
September 1 (Renewables Now) – The Brazilian government inaugurated over the weekend a 5.6-MWp solar power system consisting of 26 distributed generation (DG) arrays spread across Goias state.
Located in the municipality of Caldas Novas, the system should be capable of meeting the power demand of 4,265 families. It is owned by domestic hotelier group Grupo diRoma, the Ministry of Mines and Energy said on Sunday.
By Lucas Morais via Renewables Now
After years of high-profile cyber-attacks, Brazil has received a glowing report for its cyber security maturity.
The Organization of American States (OAS) and the University of Oxford’s cyber security centre consulted with Brazilian government agencies and national Cybersecurity Incident Response Teams to evaluate the nation’s preparedness.
Via Anti Corruption Digest
Largest and most important Brazilian film festival held outside of Brazil will stream more than 100 movies in the US, from September 26 to October 25.
For the first time ever, the Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival will stream more than 100 Brazilian productions in U.S. territories, from Puerto Rico to Alaska. This is the first time in the United States that audiences beyond Miami and New York will have access to the best films made recently in Brazil and explore the country’s culture through the art of cinema from the comfort of their homes. The program includes fiction and documentary feature films produced and released in 2019/2020, as well as short films, indigenous filmmakers productions, past festival winners and black films, all with English subtitles.
Targeting the young, growing Brazilian market may be the smartest decision an app publisher can make this year. App installs have been growing at an impressive 30% year-over-year, easily the largest and fastest growth in the region. With the world’s sixth largest population, Brazil’s smartphone growth has exploded in recent years — up 11% in 2019. But it may have only scratched the surface in terms of where the market could go. In 2019, Brazil had a smartphone penetration of only 45.6%, dwarfed in comparison to top countries like the U.K., Germany, and U.S., which are around 80%.
By Matt Tubergen