Os avanços da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Mudanças Climáticas de 2022 (COP27) ainda não são suficientes para que o mundo consiga limitar o aquecimento global a apenas 1,5 °C acima dos níveis pré-industriais. Diante do grande desafio de coordenação que a agenda climática impõe, é preciso ir além e pensar nas questões relacionadas à energia em quatro dimensões (4Ds): descarbonização, descentralização, digitalização e disrupção da demanda.

Essas tendências se aceleram e ganham mais relevância a cada ano, e o Brasil tem vantagens competitivas para figurar como protagonista. No processo de transição energética, o país pode contribuir de diferentes formas, gerando valor global e localmente, se souber investir em tecnologias e infraestrutura para atender a demandas internas e internacionais.

Via PwC

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As societal expectations grow for the responsible use of digital technologies, firms that promote better practices will have a distinct advantage. Strengthening your organization’s digital responsibility can drive value creation, and brands regarded as more responsible will enjoy higher levels of stakeholder trust and loyalty. These businesses will sell more products and services, find it easier to recruit staff, and enjoy fruitful relationships with shareholders. Based on their ongoing research into digital transformations and in-depth studies of 12 large European firms who are active in digital responsibility, they share four best practices around digital responsibility to maximize business value and minimize resistance.

In 2018, Rick Smith, founder and CEO of Axon, the Scottsdale, Arizona-based manufacturer of Taser weapons and body cameras, became concerned that advances in technology were creating new and challenging ethical issues. So, he set up an independent AI ethics board made up of ethicists, AI experts, public policy specialists, and representatives of law enforcement to provide recommendations to Axon’s management. In 2019, the board recommended against adding facial recognition technology to the company’s line of body cameras, and in 2020, it provided guidelines regarding the use of automated license plate recognition technology. Axon’s management followed both recommendations.

by Tomoko Yokoi, Lazaros Goutas, Michael Wade, Nicolas Zahn, and Niniane Paeffgen via Harvard Business Review

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Seis tópicos para a agenda do líder financeiro

Apesar da imprevisibilidade dos últimos anos, pelo menos algo permaneceu inalterado: executivos, consumidores e funcionários concordam que a confiança nos negócios é imperativa. Para a maioria das empresas, no entanto, conseguir estabelecer essa relação não é tão fácil. Nossa Trust Survey 2023 revelou que lacunas de confiança, principalmente com os consumidores, continuam a atormentar muitas empresas.

Via PwC

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Principal instituição pública de pesquisa de alimentos, fibras e bioenergia chegou a lucro social de R$ 125,9 bilhões no ano passado

Em 2022, a Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), apresentou um lucro social de R$ 125,88 bilhões, gerados a partir do impacto econômico no setor agropecuário de 172 tecnologias e 110 cultivares desenvolvidas pelas pesquisas. Para cada R$ 1 aplicado na Embrapa, no ano passado, foram devolvidos R$ 34,70 para a sociedade. Em 2021, para cada R$ 1 aplicado na instituição, foram devolvidos R$ 23,38.

Nesta quarta-feira (26), ela, a mais importante instituição pública na área de produção de alimentos, fibras e energia, completa 50 anos. O Brasil, provavelmente, não teria chegado até aqui como um dos maiores produtores de alimentos do mundo sem a Embrapa. Esse ganho é de toda a sociedade e seu lucro social dá a dimensão da sua existência. O Balanço Social publica, anualmente, os resultados da avaliação de impactos econômicos, sociais, ambientais e, no desenvolvimento institucional, de uma amostra de soluções tecnológicas. A metodologia utilizada nesses estudos é a soma dos impactos econômicos dessa amostra de tecnologias.

Via Forbes Brasil

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Wednesday said some European Union partners were reluctant to approve a trade agreement with South American bloc Mercosur, but he would try to persuade them to greenlight the deal.

The bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay Brazil is discussing concluding the agreement with the European Union after a political deal hammered out in 2019 was put on hold due to concerns, particularly in France, about Amazon deforestation and Brazil’s commitment to climate change action.

Via Reuters

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A new study conducted by finance professors from the University of Florida shows the potential value of ChatGPT in predicting stock market movements.

In the study, over 50,000 news headlines about companies dating back to October 2021 were fed to the chatbot, which evaluated whether the news was good, bad or irrelevant to the company’s stock prices. Using sentiment analysis, the chatbot generated a “ChatGPT score,” which was then analyzed to determine whether it was predictive of the companies’ stock market performance the following day.

The study found a significant positive correlation between the ChatGPT scores and the next-day stock performance for the analyzed companies. Companies with higher scores tended to have better returns than those with lower scores. ChatGPT outperformed traditional sentiment analysis methods that also used data from headlines and social media to predict stock movements.

By Jeannine Mancini via Yahoo! Finance

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Launched in January 2022, Brazil’s new Digital Nomad Visa is enticing a new type of traveller to the South American country. And Rio is one of the most alluring spots to settle.

Rio de Janeiro, a colourful urban sprawl divided by forest-covered mountains and edged by golden coastlines, has long seduced international tourists with its samba-fuelled nights and spectacular landscapes. Now, the “Marvellous City”, as it’s known by Brazilians, is enticing a new type of traveller with its Digital Nomad Visa, which was launched across the country last year.

The local government has been pushing ahead with investments to make the city increasingly suitable for remote workers, including improving connectivity with citywide 5G coverage. An emerging coffeehouse scene also brings new working spots and a digital nomad vibe to Rio’s popular beachside areas, with modern cafes equipped with fast internet, contemporary brunch options and a variety of decent coffee.

By Sarah Brown via BBC

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In turbulent times like these, it’s natural for people to hold back and avoid taking risks at work. This can mean a reluctance to report mistakes, ask questions, offer new ideas, or challenge a plan. People, whether they’re aware of it or not, try to protect their reputations and jobs. Unfortunately, the same behaviors that feel risky to individual employees are precisely what their companies need in order to thrive in this uncertain economic climate. To solve this dilemma, we encourage leaders to adopt a “winning formula” for achieving a more psychologically safe workplace and the benefits it provides.

The World Uncertainty Index remains high. Bank failures, war, inflation, and layoffs are contributing to a growing sense of instability and unease. As an HR manager at a technology firm told us, “Just seeing your team decrease from 35 to 18 can be very scary; it brings forth strong anxiety and worry over your job.”

By Constance Noonan Hadley, Mark Mortensen, and Amy C. Edmondson via Harvard Business Review

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A Humane utiliza inteligência artificial (IA) e holografia para fazer com que qualquer superfície vire a interface de um dispositivo eletrônico

Assim como na ficção científica, é muito provável que, em algum tempo, aparelhos eletrônicos como smartphones possam ficar obsoletos. Pelo menos é o que propõe a startup Humane. Na semana passada, durante um TED, o fundador e CEO Imran Chaudhri mostrou como funciona sua principal tecnologia que mescla inteligência artificial e holografia para projetar informações em várias superfícies, o que inclui até mesmo a pele humana.

A tecnologia é ativada por voz e gestos. Na demonstração, Imran atende uma chamada projetada em sua mão, também testa funcionalidades como tradução. Outra aplicação da tecnologia é mapear os elementos de um alimento. Imran a apontou para uma barra de chocolate e o sistema identificou que o alimento possui, por exemplo, leite e manteiga de cacau, o que pode ser útil para quem é intolerante, por exemplo.

Via Forbes Brasil

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President Joe Biden launched a reelection bid like none before it on Tuesday with a call for Americans to choose him again to save democracy – less than three years after his defeat of Donald Trump was supposed to restore normality and unite the country.

Biden’s quest for a second term will unfold amid what would normally be deeply unpromising circumstances, with his approval rating languishing in the low 40s, with the country exhausted by successive crises after pandemic isolation ceded to a battle with soaring inflation. Polls show that a majority of voters – and even a majority of Democrats – don’t want him to run again. And the last thing the country appears to want is a Biden rematch with the 45th president, who’s the current frontrunner in the nascent Republican primary race.

By Stephen Collinson via CNN

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Alessandra Korap’s defense of her ancestral Munduruku territory recognized how she and others overturned the traditionally all-male leadership to organize, helping to halt mining.

When Alessandra Korap was born in the mid-1980s, her Indigenous village nestled in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil was a haven of seclusion. But as she grew up, the nearby city of Itaituba, with its bustling streets and commercial activity, crept closer and closer.

It wasn’t just her village feeling the encroachment of non-Indigenous outsiders. Two major federal highways paved the way for tens of thousands of settlers, illegal gold miners and loggers into the region’s vast Indigenous territories, which cover a forested area roughly the size of Belgium.

By Associated Press via BBC News

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Cybercriminals pull off many of their crimes by combining lots of real information with just a tiny bit of misinformation, which can be financially devastating for both companies and individuals. This article describes some recent examples of this technique, which include exploiting wire transfers, stealing paychecks, and tricking employees into helping “the boss.” It’s important to continually learn about such new schemes so that you know what to look for and how to prepare your defenses. While there are things that can be done to eliminate or at least dramatically reduce such crimes, procedures and precautions need to be put in place now, not after a crime has already taken place — especially as cybercriminals themselves get more and more creative.

Misinformation is frequently mentioned in the media, usually in the context of politics and viewed synonymously with fake news. Although these are serious issues, a bigger and more personal danger is often overlooked: How cyber criminals use misinformation to steal from companies and individuals.

By Stuart Madnick via Harvard Business Review

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A coding error in an annual survey by the U.S. Census Bureau has offered unprecedented insight into how large numbers of Brazilians in the U.S. identify as Hispanic or Latino.

An analysis by Pew Research Center shows that the coding mistake revealed at least 416,000 Brazilians, or more than two-thirds of Brazilians in the U.S., identifying as Hispanic in the 2020 American Community Survey. By comparison, only 14,000 Brazilians identified that way in 2019, and only 16,000 Brazilians did so in 2021 — years when the coding error wasn’t made.

Since 2000, the Census Bureau hasn’t classified Brazilians and other people from non-Spanish speaking countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as Hispanic because of federal government definitions that were last revised in 1997 but are being reconsidered for an update next year. Because of this, if someone marks that they are Hispanic but Brazilian on the survey, they are recoded as “not Hispanic” when the numbers are crunched.

By Mike Schneider via Scientific American

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President Joe Biden announced plans to increase U.S. funding to help developing countries fight climate change and curb deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest during a meeting on Thursday with leaders from the world’s largest economies.

During a virtual meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, Biden urged his counterparts to be ambitious in setting goals to reduce emissions and meet a target of limiting overall global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“We’re at a moment of great peril but also great possibilities, serious possibilities. With the right commitment and follow-through from every nation … on this call, the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees can stay within reach,” Biden said.

By Jeff Mason via Reuters

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The European Parliament approved a landmark deforestation law on Wednesday to ban imports into the EU of coffee, beef, soy and other commodities if they are linked to the destruction of the world’s forests.

The law will require companies that sell goods into the European Union to produce a due diligence statement and “verifiable” information proving their goods were not grown on land deforested after 2020, or risk hefty fines.

The rules aim to eliminate deforestation from the supply chains of a range of everyday items sold in Europe. It will apply to soy, beef, palm oil, wood, cocoa, coffee, rubber, charcoal, and derived products including leather, chocolate and furniture.

By Kate Abnett via Reuters

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O Ministério da Fazenda divulgou nesta terça-feira, 18, o texto final do novo arcabouço fiscal, proposto pelo governo do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PR). O projeto apresenta um conjunto de regras e parâmetros para o controle das contas públicas. A expectativa é que o texto seja protocolado no Congresso Nacional ainda hoje.

A nova regra fiscal substituirá o teto de gastos implementado no governo do ex-presidente Michel Temer (MDB), em 2016, e que limitava o crescimento das despesas ao ano anterior, corrigido pela inflação.

Entenda os principais pontos da nova âncora fiscal apresentada pelo governo:

By Izael Pereira via Exame

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With the firm’s partner count now rising to 140, the new partners are established in areas with good prospects for growth and are set to strengthen the firm’s full-service model

Mattos Filho has announced that eight senior associates have been promoted to partnership. The new partners work across twelve of the firm’s legal areas: Agribusiness Law, Antitrust, Education, ESG, Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A, Infrastructure & Energy, Administrative Law, Labor & Employment, Executive Compensation and Tax.

The promotion of these professionals comes in consideration of emerging market trends and is in line with the firm’s long-term vision and strategy for growth. It also reflects Mattos Filho’s commitment to developing and creating opportunities for its professional talent.

Via Mattos Filho

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Wed, Apr 19, 2023 9:00 AM BRT (8:00 AM ET)


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Avisos/Pesquisa
09:20 – 09:50 Palestrante: José Tomé
09:50 – 10:20 Palestrante: Patrícia Amélia
10:20 – 10:50 Palestrante: Thiago Mendes
10:50 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&A)
11:00 – 11:15 Prova de Conhecimento/Encerramento


Patrícia Amélia, EasyHub
José Tomé, Barn Investimentos
Thiago Mendes, AGTech Garage
Maurício Moraes, PwC Brasil
Kieran McManus, PwC Brasil


In 2023, company leaders will have to address new regulations and laws in three areas — noncompete clauses, pay transparency, and human capital disclosures — that have far-reaching implications that company leaders may not have fully grasped. How these changes will play out is far from clear, but the time to start thinking about them is now. The author presents several ways to view the coming changes as an opportunity to think deeply about their talent strategy and turn these regulatory developments to their advantage.

While layoffs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere dominate headlines, the reality is that many companies today still find themselves in a fierce war for talent. A spate of new laws and regulations — many of which are intended to make the workplace fairer for employees — may make the situation even more challenging for employers.

By Charles G. Tharp via Harvard Business Review

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EU lawmakers urged world leaders on Monday to hold a summit to find ways to control the development of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT, saying they were developing faster than expected.

The 12 MEPs, all working on EU legislation on the technology, called on U.S. President Joe Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to convene the meeting, and said AI firms should be more responsible.

The statement came weeks after Twitter owner Elon Musk and more than 1,000 technology figures demanded a six-month pause in the development of systems more powerful than Microsoft-backed (MSFT.O) OpenAI’s latest iteration of ChatGPT, which can mimic humans and create text and images based on prompts.

By Martin Coulter and Supantha Mukherjee via Reuters

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Output cuts announced by OPEC+ producers risk exacerbating an oil supply deficit expected in the second half of the year and could hurt consumers and global economic recovery, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Friday.

OPEC+ and the IEA have jousted in recent months over their outlooks for global oil supply and demand.

Consumer countries represented by the IEA have argued that tightening supplies drive up prices and could threaten a recession, while OPEC+ blames Western monetary policy for market volatility and inflation which undercuts the value of its oil.

By Noah Browning via Reuters

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In March 2023, the Biden administration released a new National Cybersecurity Strategy, which makes it clear that the time for private companies voluntarily opting into cybersecurity has long passed. Instead, the new strategy promises to support new regulatory frameworks that will shift liability and create incentives for private firms to defend against critical vulnerabilities. This article discusses three concrete things business leaders should know about the new strategy. First, every company will need to identify their distinct vulnerabilities and risks. Second, companies will then need to adopt measures that address those vulnerabilities. Third, the strategy categorically states that it will push for legislation to hold these firms liable when they fail to live up to the duty of care they owe consumers, businesses, or critical infrastructure providers.

On March 2, 2023, the Biden administration released its long-awaited National Cybersecurity Strategy. In light of cyberattacks targeting American infrastructure, business, and governmental agencies, the document elevates cybersecurity as a critical component of the United States’ economic prosperity and national security. It also intimates a fundamental dilemma, which is that the private sector — with key stakeholders consisting of software firms, small- and medium-sized businesses, broadband providers, and utility companies — holds the key to the public good of cybersecurity:

By Sarah Kreps and Amelia C. Arsenault via Harvard Business Review

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Foreign investors are returning in numbers to Brazil’s public debt market, Treasury Secretary Rogerio Ceron told Reuters, just after local financial assets rallied since the government proposed new fiscal rules two weeks ago.

In a late Tuesday interview, Ceron said the government expects to double the foreign share of domestic public debt to around 20% by 2026. He cited demand at four times last week’s offering of a $2.25 billion sovereign bond issue, Brazil’s first since 2021, as evidence of renewed foreign interest.

“The external issuance proves this clearly. We feel the presence of non-residents more strongly in our auctions,” he said

By Marcela Ayres and Bernardo Caram via Reuters

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O Brazil Summit é um evento anual que tem sido organizado pela Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos há mais de 20 anos. O programa é especialmente relevante para a comunidade empresarial de Nova York, já que permite que eles conheçam as questões econômicas e políticas mais importantes do Brasil, apresentadas por seus principais representantes.

A edição de 2023 do Brazil Summit promete ser ainda mais especial, reunindo líderes e especialistas dos setores de petróleo e gás, energias renováveis, jurídico e financeiro para discutir desafios e apresentar propostas sobre as perspectivas do Brasil. O evento também contará com discussões importantes, oferecendo insights críticos sobre as perspectivas econômicas, políticas e de investimento do país.

Via Bloomberg Línea

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Embora estudos mostrem que investidoras têm desempenho mais consistente ao investir, elas são só 16,2% dos investidores de venture capital

Quando as mulheres fazem parte das decisões financeiras de seus lares, empresas, fundos de investimento ou governos, o dinheiro é administrado de forma mais eficaz e eficiente. Os investimentos geridos por mulheres têm uma taxa de retorno mais elevada.

Investir não é um jogo no qual uma pessoa perde e outra ganha. Ao expandir quem está envolvido nas decisões e, quem está inovando, cria mais empregos, aumenta a competitividade e faz crescer a economia.

By Geri Stengel via Brasil Forbes

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Inconsistências na fiscalização e na metodologia podem levar à geração de “créditos podres”, um dos grandes desafios do mercado

Desde o início de uma discussão mais contundente sobre a importância de as empresas adotarem medidas rumo à descarbonização, o mercado de créditos de carbono tem crescido exponencialmente. Essa medida começou a ganhar corpo desde a assinatura do Acordo de Paris, tratado internacional sobre mudanças climáticas, adotado em 2015, que prevê a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa limitando o aumento da temperatura global a níveis bem abaixo de 2 graus celsius em relação aos níveis pré-industriais. Além disso, foi potencializada recentemente com a pandemia da covid-19 que trouxe à tona a importância crucial de implementação de ações mais objetivas sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável.

Complementarmente às ações e aos esforços para reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa, o mecanismo de créditos é considerado parte fundamental na jornada de descarbonização que o mundo tanto almeja. Nesse cenário, o Brasil tem um papel de protagonista.

By Nelmara Arbex e Felipe Salgado via Exame

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Desde o lançamento do ChatGPT, da Open AI, e do Bard, do Google, as discussões sobre se as IAs (inteligências artificiais) substituirão os humanos aumentaram e estudos mostram que alguns empregos – surpreendentemente, alguns tradicionalmente ocupados por executivos – podem ser fortemente impactados.

Quais serão as profissões mais impactadas pelas IAs
1. Finanças e bancos
2. Mídia e marketing
3. Serviços jurídicos

Os empregos que serão menos impactados pelas IAs
1. Trabalhadores de manufaturas e fábricas
2. Agricultores
3. Profissionais da saúde

By Arianna Johnson via Forbes Brasil

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Latin America and the Caribbean will experience only modest growth this year as the region’s economies suffer from high interest rates and falling commodity prices, the World Bank said in a report released Tuesday.

The Washington-based organization projects that the regional economy as a whole will expand 1.4% through December, lagging all other regions. It had projected 1.6% growth for this year, but consensus growth forecasts in Chile, Argentina and Colombia have worsened since the bank’s last report in October 2022. Activity is seen expanding 2.4% in each of the following two years.

“The forecasts going forward predict the same lackluster pace of the past two decades, which remains insufficient to reduce poverty, promote inclusion, and defuse social tensions,” bank analysts wrote. Fiscal imbalances remain high and will erode the equivalent of 2.7% of regional growth this year, while debt levels are seen at 64.7%, they said.

By Maria Eloisa Capurro via Bloomberg Línea

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Em 3 de abril de 1973, Martin Cooper, atualmente com 94 anos, inventou aquele que é considerado o primeiro celular: Motorola_DynaTC8000X. À época, o executivo liderava a equipe de designers e engenheiros da Motorola. Das diversas entrevistas que deu sobre o tema, Martin ressaltou que o celular surgiu da necessidade de que existisse um aparelho que as pessoas pudessem utilizar em qualquer lugar. Em 2007, 34 anos depois, uma nova revolução surgiria dentre esses equipamentos com a apresentação do iPhone ao mundo.

Ao relembrar os 50 anos do celular, fica um questionamento: até quando o principal meio de comunicação da humanidade seguirá tão relevante? De acordo com a Comscore, somente o Brasil possui 121 milhões de usuários de smartphones, o equivalente a 93% da população. “Eles estão gastando mais tempo em seus dispositivos, com um aumento de 3% no tempo gasto em aplicativos móveis em relação ao primeiro trimestre de 2022; maioritariamente nas redes sociais e serviços”, explica Alejandro Fosk, vice-presidente da Comscore para América Latina.

By Luiz Gustavo Pacete via Forbes Brasil

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Brazil’s BTG Pactual said on Tuesday it will launch a stablecoin priced in U.S. dollars at a parity of one to one, as it seeks to position itself in the digital assets market.

The stablecoin, called BTG Dol, will be available on Mynt, the bank’s crypto-asset platform, and through BTG Pactual’s own investment system.

A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency that is pegged to a stable asset as a way to reduce volatility.

By Paula Arend Laier and Paul Simao via Reuters

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UBS Group AG (UBS) will leapfrog JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPS) to become Latin America’s biggest wealth manager through its acquisition of Credit Suisse Group AG.

With about $150 billion in wealth under management from clients from the region, UBS will take the top spot after adding Credit Suisse’s $80 billion total. according to people familiar with the matter. who asked not to be identified discussing non-public data. JPMorgan manages about $180 billion. ltau Unibanco Holding SA (ITUB4) will keep its No. 3 position. with $140 billion in assets.

Credit Suisse has a larger presence than UBS in Brazil’s local private-banking market, including loans to wealthy Brazilians, while UBS has a multifamily-office model. UBS has booking centers in the US, including in cities preferred by Latin American clients. including Miami, New York and Houston – a presence Credit Suisse lacks.

By Cristiane Lucchesi via Bloomberg Línea

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O Brasil é o sétimo destino mais procurado pelos estrangeiros que querem investir em países emergentes, conforme aponta o Índice de Confiança para Investimento Direto Estrangeiro, da consultoria internacional Kearney. O País ficou atrás de China, Índia, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Catar, Tailândia e Arábia Saudita. Ao todo, o levantamento avaliou o desempenho de 25 nações.

Esta é a primeira vez, em 25 anos, que a Kearney compilou dados sobre o apetite dos investidores em relação aos mercados emergentes. Anualmente, a consultoria divulga um ranking geral de desempenho das nações mais buscadas pelos investidores estrangeiros em todo o mundo.

Conforme divulgado pela consultoria, o índice é produzido com base em uma pesquisa realizada com executivos de empresas de diversos setores econômicos, em cerca de 30 países. Para participar da pesquisa, as empresas precisam ter faturamento anual igual ou superior a US$ 500 milhões. O estudo avalia, seguindo as respostas dos executivos, quais os mercados com maior potencial para atrair investimentos nos próximos três anos.

By Estadão Conteúdo via Exame

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