
The Art Amazon Day Festival is proud to announce its inaugural international competition, designed to discover and promote the extraordinary talent of artists from Brazil’s Northern Region. Focused on the Amazon rainforest as its central theme, the contest provides a unique opportunity for local painters and sculptors to showcase their creativity to an international audience.

Key Details

  • Submission Period: November 12 to December 15, 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • Semi-Finalists Announcement: December 17, 2024.
  • Voting Process: Semi-finalist voting by judges and the public will take place on December 19, 2024.
  • Winners Announced: December 20, 2024.

Competition Theme

The theme, “Amazon Rainforest”, invites artists to capture the essence, beauty, and cultural significance of the Amazon in their works. Participants may submit one entry in either painting or sculpture. Only one submission per candidate is allowed, with duplicate entries leading to disqualification.

Judging Criteria

A curatorial team will initially evaluate all submissions based on originality, creative impact, and adherence to the contest theme. The top 10 works will proceed to the semi-finals for further judging.


Painting Category

  • 1st Place: Exhibition of the artist’s works in New York, launch event on January 31, 2025, and an exclusive course with renowned international artist Pierre Britt.
  • 2nd Place: Exhibition in New York and a professional art supplies kit.

Sculpture Category

  • 1st Place: Exhibition of the artist’s works in New York, launch event on January 31, 2025, and a professional sculpting tools kit.


The winners’ works will be displayed at the Consulate General of Brazil in New York from February 1 to March 5, 2025, following a grand launch event on January 31, 2025.

How to Participate

  • Submit your artwork via the registration link:
  • Only one entry per participant is allowed. Confirmation of successful submission will be sent via email.

This initiative, organized by the Amazon Day Festival, seeks to elevate the voices of Northern Brazilian artists, highlighting their extraordinary contributions to the cultural and artistic heritage of the Amazon. Don’t miss this chance to make your mark on the global stage and help celebrate the Amazon’s vibrant beauty and cultural richness.

Click here to learn more

Casa Amazônia is a space for art, immersion, and learning focused on the knowledge of the forest and its inhabitants. This space empowers local voices on global stages and repositions the strength of the region’s narrative through conferences, immersive experiences, and cultural actions at New York Climate Week.


More information:

Date & Time: September 23rd, 2024, 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Location: Lightbox, 248 W 37th Street, New York, NY

Registration Link:


Want to learn more? Follow @‌CasaAmazoniaNY and connect with the Amazon!


Alcione / Larissa Luz / DJ Nyack / Film screening: “Gerson King Combo”

For this celebration in association with 28th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival, Black woman artists take center stage to showcase Brazilian music. Headlining is the legendary singer Alcione, known as The “Queen of Samba” one of the most successful samba singers in Brazil with 19 records that went gold and certified platinum five times.

Supporting is the Latin GRAMMY-nominated singer, Larissa Luz, a self-identifying Afro-punk artist with an ethos rooted in Afrofuturism. She also gained national Brazilian recognition as an actress, starring as Brazilian legend Elza Soares in the musical Elza and as a TV host of a popular talk show. DJ Nyack will be on the decks.

The night will include a screening of the documentary Gerson King Combo, about the legendary singer and songwriter Gerson Cortez, known as the “Brazilian James Brown” for his magnetic personality and legacy for Black Brazilian people.

This program is supported by public funds from the Consulate General of Brazil in New York.

Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024

Time: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm (Doors open 5:00 pm)

Location: SummerStage, Central Park – Rumsey Playfield, Manhattan, 10021

Click here for more information.

A Nova Acrópole, renomada instituição dedicada à filosofia prática, está oferecendo o curso semipresencial “Filosofia para Viver”, que será ministrado pela ilustre professora Lúcia Helena Galvão. Este curso tem como objetivo proporcionar uma formação filosófica aplicável ao cotidiano, abordando filosofia oriental, ocidental, moderna e clássica.

As aulas, que tiveram início na última segunda-feira, serão realizadas remotamente todas as semanas, em português, com a opção de assistir às gravações através da plataforma Hotmart. Além disso, o curso – que tem duração de 6 meses – inclui encontros presenciais obrigatórios em duas localidades dos EUA.

Encontros Presenciais:

  • Flórida:
    • 9 e 10 de setembro (segunda e terça) – 19h às 22h
    • 1o e 11 de dezembro (quinta e sexta) – 19h às 22h
  • Nova York:
    • 12 e 13 de setembro (terça e quarta) – 19h às 22h
    • 13 e 14 de dezembro (sexta e sábado)
      • 13/12: 19h às 22h
      • 14/12: 10h às 13h

Sobre a Instrutora:

Lúcia Helena Galvão é uma destacada filósofa brasileira com mais de 34 anos de experiência na Nova Acrópole do Brasil. Com um vasto acervo de palestras disponíveis no YouTube e no Acrópole Play, que soma mais de 1,2 milhão de inscritos e 138,5 milhões de visualizações, Lúcia é conhecida por conectar conhecimentos filosóficos antigos com as demandas contemporâneas. Além de ser autora de nove livros e compositora, ela realiza palestras para empresas e órgãos públicos tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior.

Para mais informações e para se inscrever no curso, visite o site da Nova Acrópole ou entre em contato diretamente com a instituição através dos canais disponíveis.

Não perca a oportunidade de aprofundar seu conhecimento filosófico com uma das maiores especialistas da área e transformar sua perspectiva sobre a vida!


Espasso presents new pieces by Fernando Mendes, celebrating twenty years of his design career and his first solo exhibition in the USA. The exhibit “Fernando Mendes: From Sketch to Varnish” formally introduces the architect, designer and woodworker to the international contemporary design market as an established and successful Brazilian creator. It will launch on the evening of Thursday, May 16th, coinciding with the start of New York’s major design festival, NYCxDESIGN, and will be open to visitors during Espasso’s regular business hours through June 2024.

Opening Cocktail
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Time: 6 PM – 9 PM (ET)
Location: ESPASSO | 38 N Moore Street, New York, NY 10013

Established in 2002, ESPASSO (link) is committed to conserving Brazil’s rich 20th century design heritage and expanding its global reach, while promoting the new creative generations and today’s leading designers.

Please RSVP by clicking here


Edu Lyra and Gerando Falcões International invite you to Benefit Dinner New York 2024

Join us in our mission to raise critical funds by purchasing tickets or making a donation.

Don’t miss out on our online silent auction, closing at 10pm on May 13th.

Monday, May 13th
Cocktails 6pm
Seated Dinner 7pm

230 Fifth Rooftop
At 1150 Broadway
New York, NY 10001

Dress Code
Business Casual


Get tickets here or make a donation.

For any questions, please reach out to us at

Thank you for your continued support!

Learn more

Via Gerando Falcões

Há séculos, mulheres pioneiras lideram transformações no Brasil. Seja na gestão pública, no empreendedorismo social, na ciência, na tecnologia ou na educação, elas seguem abrindo caminhos para que outras lideranças femininas alcancem patamares cada vez mais altos no futuro.

Não à toa, a presença de mulheres na liderança começa a dar sinais de crescimento no país. Segundo o Panorama Mulheres 2023, realizado pelo Talenses Group e pelo Insper, as CEOs mulheres passaram de 13%, em 2019, para 17% em 2022. Já no setor público, a porcentagem de mulheres em cargos de alta liderança saltou de 29% para 34%.

Porém, para que os grandes feitos dessas mulheres sejam reconhecidos devidamente, é preciso saber que elas existem.  Por isso, esta lista destaca 5 lideranças femininas que contribuíram e contribuem com esse cenário de pioneirismo no país. Confira a seguir:

1. Nísia Floresta (1810-1885)

Aos 22 anos, Nísia Floresta escreveu o livro “Direitos das mulheres e injustiça dos homens”, o primeiro entre outras 14 obras publicadas pela educadora, jornalista e poetisa em defesa dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil. Geralmente, utilizava os veículos para propagar ideais republicanos, abolicionistas e defensores dos  direitos de mulheres, escravizados e indígenas.

2. Antonieta de Barros (1901-1952)

Dois anos depois da conquista do voto feminino, Antonieta de Barros (1901-1952) se tornou a terceira mulher e a primeira parlamentar negra a ser eleita no Brasil, em 1935. Filha de ex-escravizada e natural de Florianópolis (SC), a deputada tinha a educação como causa e ofício.

3. Nise da Silveira (1905-1999)

A psiquiatra alagoana Nise da Silveira é pioneira em muitas áreas: uma das primeiras mulheres a se formar em Medicina no Brasil, foi a única em uma turma de mais de 150 homens. Também foi pioneira da psicologia junguiana no país, bem como das pesquisas sobre a relação emocional de pacientes com animais.

Mas seu grande legado está no uso da arte como tratamento para transtornos mentais. Quando coordenou o Centro Psiquiátrico Nacional Pedro II, no Rio de Janeiro, Nise partiu na contramão das técnicas utilizadas nos sanatórios da época, que geralmente envolviam lobotomia, camisas de força e confinamento.

4. Adriana Barbosa (1978)

Nascida e criada em São Paulo (SP), Adriana Barbosa trilha o caminho do empreendedorismo desde os 12 anos de idade, quando ajudava a complementar a renda da família. Mesmo trabalhando na área de Comunicação, ela seguiu frequentando feiras de empreendedorismo, o que a motivou a criar um evento que valorizasse a cultura negra nesses espaços. Assim nasceu a Feira Preta. A empreendedora foi a primeira mulher negra a ser indicada na lista de Inovadores Sociais do Mundo, pelo Fórum Econômico Mundial.

5. Karen Santos (1992)

A trajetória de empreendedorismo social da designer Karen Santos nasceu a partir de uma dor pessoal: a escassez de mulheres pretas no mercado digital. Quando migrou para a área de UX (Experiência do Usuário), sentiu a necessidade de trocar experiências com outras profissionais negras.

Por isso, a UX para Minas Pretas nasceu como uma comunidade, mas rapidamente se tornou uma startup de educação (edtech), com objetivo de capacitar mulheres negras na área de UX Design.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Via Fundação Lemann

The Brazilian Music Foundation is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2024 and has prepared a wonderful concert of Brazilian rhythms and styles which will be presented on May 9th, 2024 at the National Opera Center America.

We will continue to present the best of Brazilian music and also help children in Brazil through our program “The Future of Our Children”.


Our music is our story!

With it we found musical textures, like Lundu, Maxixe, Choro, Samba, Bossa Nova, MPB, and many countless rhythms and musical genres. 

Brazil’s musical mix is the result of our ethnic and cultural mix. For example, the lundu was adapted by the curumins from the religious songs of the Jesuits, while the chorinho evolved from the mixture of European music brought by the Portuguese court and the street festivals enlivened by the atabaques of African slaves. This fruitful mixture germinated in our imagination, creating a fusion between popular and classical elements.

The communion of ethnic miscegenation with the creative imagination gave rise to our national character and its captivating musicality. The broad and deep links between the history of Brazilian music and its social and cultural elements are demonstrated in this concert.


The concert showcases the richness and variety of Brazilian Rhythms. We will travel together through the history of Brazilian musical styles; showing the diversity of pitches, tones, sounds, and musical colors. The story will be brought to life by a select group of virtuoso musicians.

The chosen repertoire will present the diversity of sounds from each era, the work of several musicians who were part of the history of Brazilian music.

From lundu to MPB, we will present some musical hits by artists like; Chiquinha Gonzaga, Ernesto Nazareth, Villa Lobos, Francisco Mignone, Donga, Ary Barroso, Cartola, Dorival Caymmi, Tom Jobim,  Zequinha de Abreu,  Nelson Cavaquinho, João  Gilberto, Luiz Gonzaga, and more…

From Classical sounds to profound popular lyrics, you will be delighted to hear some famous songs that have touched the lives of so many people around the world! We hope you will be moved by the wonderful sounds of Brazilian Music!



330 7th Ave (betw. 28th-29th St), 7th floor, New York, NY

May 9, 2024 | 8:30 PM EST

Click here for Google map!



Via Brazilian Music Foundation

Glauber Rocha’s

Glauber Rocha’s 1964 political western BLACK GOD, WHITE DEVIL opens Friday, November 17 in a new 4K restoration at @filmforumnyc! A landmark work of militant cinema from Brazil’s most influential Cinema Novo filmmaker. “An ecstatic panorama of furious visions and revolutionary dreams…” – Richard Brody





Friday, November 17 – Thursday, November 23

Daily (except for Sunday, November 19 & Wednesday, November 22):
12:30   3:00   5:30   8:00

Sunday, November 19:
12:30   3:00   5:30

Wednesday, November 22:
12:30   3:00   8:40

Location: FILM FORUM – 209 West Houston St. New York, NY 10014 | Box Office: (212) 727-8110


Brazil, 1964.
Directed by Glauber Rocha
Starring Geraldo Del Rey, Othon Bastos, Maurício do Valle, Yoná Magalhães
Approx. 120 min. DCP.

“This ecstatic panorama of furious visions and revolutionary dreams in the vast, violent landscape of rural Brazil, made by the twentyfour-year-old director, is one of the founding works of modern Brazilian cinema. Manuel (Geraldo Del Rey), a young cowherd, kills a wealthy rancher who cheated him, and flees home, along with his wife, to join a pilgrimage led by a self-proclaimed saint with a utopian, gory gospel. The Catholic Church and the government send a hired gun, Antonio das Mortes, to stop the procession — and the revolutionary bandit Corisco plans to stop Antonio. Rocha’s hectic drama is, in effect, a political Western that rages at Brazil’s governmental corruption and plutocratic oppression… [with] raw, grand, urgent images.” – Richard Brody, The New Yorker

New 4K restoration from Metropoles Productions, based on original 35mm materials preserved by the Cinemateca Brasileira. Restoration by CineColor Digital and JLS Studios.

With support from the Robert E. Appel Fund for Spanish and Portuguese Language Films




Use our promocode: BRAZILCHAM

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  • Go to
  • Scroll to your desired screening(s) and click PURCHASE
  • At the top right corner of the screen, click PROMO CODE
  • Enter BRAZILCHAM, then click submit (Note: code must be applied before tickets are added to your cart)
  • Select 1 or 2 General $17.00 tickets
  • Click Purchase continue to check out


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