Indigenous leaders from across Latin America convened in the Brazilian capital this week to push for the rights of native peoples and draft a collective agenda for COP30, which includes measures ranging from land demarcation to fair energy transition, participants at the Campamento Tierra Libre (Free Land Camp) told EFE.

Marking the 20th anniversary of the camp, held from April 22 to 26, nearly 8,000 individuals participated in what is considered Brazil’s largest indigenous mobilization, featuring traditional rituals, debate plenaries, vigils, and a crafts fair.

The Campamento Tierra Libre primarily aims to defend the rights of Brazilian Indigenous people to preserve their territories.

At this year’s camp, Latin American indigenous leaders worked on drafting a document outlining a united strategy for the upcoming United Nations Climate Conference (COP30). The conference is scheduled to take place in 2025 in the Brazilian city of Belém, located in the Amazon region, and is expected to be a crucial event for indigenous communities.

Key demands by Latin American indigenous peoples include the development and enhancement of public policies ensuring their rights, land demarcation and protection, and other guarantees for sustainable socioeconomic development in the region.

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Via EFE Comunica


Brazil’s consumer prices rose slightly less than expected in the mid-April reading, data from statistics agency IBGE showed on Friday.

Prices in Latin America’s largest economy rose 0.21% in the month to mid-March, below the 0.29% growth expected by economists polled by Reuters.

This took the inflation of the previous 12 months to 3.77%, slowing down from 4.14% in the 12 months to mid-March and also below expectations of a 3.86% increase. The reading marked the first time since July last year the figure came in below 4%.

“All told, the inflation picture continues to improve in Brazil, thanks to favorable base effects, the lagged effect of high-interest rates and softening domestic demand,” said Andres Abadia, Chief Latam Economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics.

Read the full article

Reporting by Peter Frontini; Editing by Steven Grattan and Angus MacSwan via Reuters

Inter&Co (NASDAQ: INTR), the company that controls Banco Inter in Brazil and the subsidiary Inter&Co Payments, is the pioneering financial super app serving over 30 million customers across the Americas.

The Inter ecosystem offers a broad array of services, including banking, investments, mortgages, credit, insurance, and cross-border tools. The super app also boasts a dynamic marketplace, linking consumers with shopping discounts, cashback rewards, and exclusive access to marquee events across the globe. The company is expanding rapidly, as evidenced by its naming rights sponsorship of Orlando’s professional soccer venue, now called Inter&Co Stadium. Focused on innovation and captivating member experiences, Inter&Co delivers comprehensive financial and lifestyle solutions to meet the evolving needs of modern consumers.

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Conhecidas como Issue Notes, documentos deram pontapé inicial às discussões temáticas do G20, com estratégias para questões prioritárias da presidência brasileira do Fórum

No centro das discussões do G20 Brasil, estão as Issue Notes, ou notas temáticas. Os documentos que sintetizam análises especializadas sobre os assuntos, desde economia e meio ambiente até segurança cibernética e saúde, já estão disponíveis para consulta e download. As notas informativas têm papel fundamental na orientação das políticas globais, com análises detalhadas e caminhos para os desafios enfrentados pelo mundo.

No cenário da diplomacia internacional, as Issue Notes são ferramentas importantes que indicam a compreensão e resolução de questões complexas. Com o Brasil à frente da presidência em 2024, o foco dessas análises se intensificou.

As prioridades do G20 no Brasil são a inclusão social e o combate à fome e à pobreza, a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável em suas dimensões econômica, social e ambiental e transições energéticas, e a reforma das instituições de governança global, incluindo as Nações Unidas e os bancos multilaterais de desenvolvimento.

As Issue Notes são como bússolas para guiar os debates, fornecendo informações detalhadas e direcionamentos diante dos desafios globais. Durante as reuniões do G20, os documentos são discutidos e aprimorados por especialistas que integram os grupos de trabalho ou as forças-tarefa. A diversidade de perspectivas e conhecimentos contribuem para a formulação de propostas mais inclusivas, refletindo o espírito colaborativo do grupo.

Clique aqui para ler a nota na íntegra.

Via G20 Brasil

Autoridades em proteção de dados do Brasil e da Colômbia palestraram durante a PrivacyRules 2024

No dia 11 de abril de 2024, TozziniFreire Advogados – um dos maiores escritórios full-service do Brasil – recebeu conferência sobre os desafios de proteção de dados e conformidade na América Latina. Entre os palestrantes estavam os representantes das autoridades de proteção de dados da Colômbia e do Brasil, respectivamente, Grenfieth Sierra (Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio – SIC) e Kátia Cardoso (Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados – ANPD).

O evento foi dividido em três painéis, seguido por um momento para perguntas e respostas dos participantes. Luiza Sato, sócia de TozziniFreire Advogados, e Stella Vanegas, sócia-fundadora do escritório Vanegas Morales Consultores, apresentaram o objetivo e deram início à conferência.

“Foi admirável a participação da comunidade de Proteção de Dados representada por profissionais de diversos países da América Latina, incluindo as autoridades de proteção de dados do Brasil e Colômbia, unidos para discutir temas de tão alta relevância. É imprescindível trabalhar juntos e unir esforços, a fim de construir um mundo movido a dados que seja saudável, seguro e sustentável”, relata Luiza Sato.

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Publicação produzida pelas Áreas Cybersecurity & Data Privacy via TozziniFreire Advogados

From chatbots to pilot announcements, AI is starting to gain traction

When you board a United Airlines plane, the gate agents, flight attendants and others involved in making sure your plane leaves on time are in a chatroom coordinating a lot of the work that you, as a passenger, will hopefully never notice. Is there still space for carry-on bags? Did the caterer bring the missing orange juice? Is there a way to seat a family together?

When a flight is delayed, a message with an explanation will arrive by text and in the United app. Most of the time, that message is generated by AI. Meanwhile, in offices around the world, dispatchers are looking at this real-time data to ensure that the crew can still legally fly the plane without running afoul of FAA regulations. And only a few weeks ago, United turned on its AI customer service chatbot.

Jason Birnbaum, who became United’s CIO in 2022, manages a team of over 1,500 employees and about 2,000 contractors who are responsible for all of the tech that makes this happen.

Every flight has an AI story

United is quite bullish on AI, Birnbaum said. “I think the travel industry has so many different examples of where AI can be used both for the customer and for the employees.” One of those is United’s “Every flight has a story.”

Not that long ago, it was rather typical to get a notification when a flight was delayed, but no further information about it. Maybe the incoming flight was delayed. Maybe there was a maintenance issue. A few years ago, United started using agents to write short notices that explained the delay and sent those out through its app and as text messages. Now, pulling in data from its chat app and other sources, the vast majority of these messages are written by AI.

AI for pilots?

After creating the system that automatically writes the delay “stories” in the app, Birnbaum’s team is now thinking about where it can use the same generative AI technology. One area: those short briefings pilots usually give before takeoff.

“A pilot actually came up to me and said, ‘One of the things that some pilots are great at is getting on that speaker and saying, “Hey, welcome, everybody going to Las Vegas, blah blah.”’ And he said, ‘Some pilots are introverted; could you have an AI engine that helps me generate an announcement on the plane about where I’m going so that I could give a really good announcement about what’s happening?’ And I thought that was a great use case.”

Another area where generative AI may help pilots is in summarizing complex technical documents. But as Birnbaum rightly noted, everything that involves the pilot flying the plane is heavily structured and regulated, so it’ll be a while before the airline will launch anything there.

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By Frederic Lardinois via TechCrunch

EUA lançam primeira usina com combustível de aviação sustentável e mercado brasileiro poderá ser fornecedor

Embora os Estados Unidas consigam produzir seu próprio etanol através do milho, os investidores americanos estão interessados em trazer o Etanol brasileiro, vindo da cana-de-açúcar para a produção comercial do combustível. Além da melhor qualidade do produto brasileiro que pode ser explorado em maior quantidade, o fato das maiores usinas brasileiras já estarem certificadas para produzir matéria-prima para o combustível de aviação sustentável (SAF). Através do certificado, essas usinas passam a atender aos padrões internacionais de produção, o que acabou sendo um interessante chamariz para que os americanos olhassem com bons olhos o etanol nacional.

Entre as usinas certificadas, a São Martinho espera ser a primeira a fechar negócio e abastecer os EUA. A empresa conseguiu o certificado de padrão Corsia, que é globalmente aceito e possui o registro da Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos EUA (EPA).

Porém, na cola para conquistar os americanos, outras grandes nacionais como a Raízen, BP Bunge Bioenergia e usinas ligadas à Copersucar também possuem o certificado Corsia que só é conseguida a partir de empresas que conseguem provar que a produção é feita com emissões baixas e que não contribuem para o desmatamento.

A produção mundial de SAF com base no etanol é de cerca de 9 bilhões de litros por ano de biocombustível até 2030, segundo estimativa da Raízen. Esse valor é o equivalente a um terço de toda a produção de etanol do Brasil. Porém, o vice-presidente da Raízen, joint venture entre a Cosan e a Shell, Paulo Neves, a empresa está segura de que conseguirá atender os Estados Unidos sem deixar o Brasil defasado.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra

Por Guilherme Cosenza via Correio da Manhã



The Truth & Trust Advisory Team transcends the traditional role of real estate agent, serving as dream architects devoted to transforming every transaction into a seamless experience

We are committed to transparency and building trust with our clients, always eager to offer access to exclusive properties and innovative sales solutions.

More so, we build personal relationships with our clients, sharing unforgettable moments with them while exploring NYC and assisting them in navigating the sales process.

Learn more about Truth & Trust Advisory Team or contact

The documentary “The Road to Prosperity” presents testimonies from Guedes and
the team of the ministry that lasted from 2019 to 2022

On May 14, the city of New York hosts the premiere of the film “The Path to Prosperity” – a documentary directed by filmmaker Paulo Moura about the legacy of Paulo Guedes at the Ministry of Economy. The work features testimonies from Guedes and various members of the super-ministry, such as Daniella Marques, Adolfo Sachsida, and Waldery Rodrigues, as well as Carlos Langoni – economist and former president of the Central Bank, who passed away in June 2021.

The film presents as its guiding thread Paulo Guedes’ thesis for the Road to Prosperity, which at the Ministry of Economy translated mainly into the implementation of emergency measures, structural reforms, streamlining, and digital government. Through insightful interviews and firsthand accounts from over 30 government collaborators, the documentary narrates Guedes’ efforts to foster economic growth, attract foreign investment, and streamline bureaucratic processes.

Key themes explored include Guedes’ emphasis on reducing state intervention, promoting privatization, and implementing structural reforms like the Pension Reform. The film also sheds light on his vision for tax reform and digitalization of public services, positioning Brazil as a competitive player on the global stage.

Featuring testimonials from prominent figures in economics and government, “The Road to Prosperity” offers a comprehensive insight into Guedes’ transformative leadership and his enduring impact on Brazil’s economic trajectory.

The film does not yet have a release date in Brazil.

Film Premiere ‘The Road to Prosperity’
May 14th | 7:00 pm
Symphony Space – Thalia Theater | 2537 Broadway at 95th Street | New York, NY 10025

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H-1B Initial Electronic Registration Selection Process Completed

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has received enough electronic registrations for unique beneficiaries during the initial registration period to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2025 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption (master’s cap). We have randomly selected enough properly submitted registrations for unique beneficiaries projected as needed to reach the H-1B cap and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected beneficiaries that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for such beneficiaries.

For more information, visit the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page.

FY 2025 H-1B Cap Petitions May Be Filed Starting April 1

H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may be filed with USCIS beginning April 1, 2024, if filed for a selected beneficiary and based on a valid registration.

Only petitioners with registrations for selected beneficiaries may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025.

An H-1B cap-subject petition must be properly filed at the correct filing location (see H-1B Form I-129 Filing Location Change to Lockbox section below) or online at and within the filing period indicated on the relevant selection notice. The period for filing the H-1B cap-subject petition will be at least 90 days. Petitioners must include a copy of the applicable selection notice with the FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petition.

Petitioners must also submit evidence of the beneficiary’s valid passport or travel document used at the time of registration to identify the beneficiary.

Petitioners filing for selected beneficiaries based on their valid registration must still submit evidence or otherwise establish eligibility for petition approval, as registration and selection only pertains to eligibility to file the H-1B cap-subject petition.

For more information, visit the USCIS page

Via U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

With over 10 years of history, Apex is a platform for solid and structured investments and financial services that operates in the areas of Asset Management, Advisory, Investment Banking, and Research – being a reference in serving large corporations, institutional investors, and clients with consolidated wealth.

Through a strong proprietary distribution capacity, we offer structured products for the Brazilian regional markets, where capital is allocated. Today, the company is present in Espírito Santo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina, where it has established offices and more than 150 employees aligned with a unique culture.

In recent years, we have expanded around our core operations, building a resilient thesis even in the face of the challenging economic cycles faced by Brazil in the last decade. All this because we decided to explore the potential of the Brazilian regional markets, especially in states that have grown – significantly – above the national average.

The coming years will be even more promising. The path that will lead to becoming the leading Brazilian regional investment bank by 2030 is increasingly guided by a unified regional structure, always maintaining a commitment to the excellence and success of our clients.

Learn more about Apex Partners

Edu Lyra and Gerando Falcões International invite you to Benefit Dinner New York 2024

Join us in our mission to raise critical funds by purchasing tickets or making a donation.

Don’t miss out on our online silent auction, closing at 10pm on May 13th.

Monday, May 13th
Cocktails 6pm
Seated Dinner 7pm

230 Fifth Rooftop
At 1150 Broadway
New York, NY 10001

Dress Code
Business Casual


Get tickets here or make a donation.

For any questions, please reach out to us at

Thank you for your continued support!

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Via Gerando Falcões

Cushman & Wakefield announced that the real estate services firm has earned the designation of VETS Indexes 5 Star Employer in the 2024 VETS Indexes Employer Awards. The award recognizes the organization’s commitment to recruiting, hiring, retaining, developing and supporting veterans and the military-connected community

“The extraordinary efforts of Cushman & Wakefield to hire, retain and support veterans and the military-connected community have earned the organization one of our highest awards,” said George Altman, President of VETS Indexes

This year, a record 344 organizations submitted completed surveys for the VETS Indexes Employer Awards, an increase of more than 100 from last year and nearly triple the number from two years ago. Of those, VETS Indexes recognized 285 organizations across the following award levels: 5 Star Employer, 4 Star Employer, 3 Star Employer and Recognized Employer.

This in-depth survey and recognition program analyzes employers’ policies, practices and outcomes in detail, across the following 5 categories:

  • Veteran job candidate recruiting and hiring
  • Veteran employee development and retention
  • Veteran-inclusive policies and culture
  • Support for members of the National Guard and Reserves
  • Military spouse/family support

For more information, click here.

Via Business Wire

King & Spalding, which received The American Lawyer’s Best Law Firm of the Year award in late 2023, has achieved notable success in recent years, growing its revenue and profits, key offices and international presence, all without a merger

Its financial growth was particularly remarkable during the pandemic, as the litigation powerhouse targeted growth across the energy, food and beverage, and health care sectors when other industries were stagnant, according to one analysis.

The Atlanta-founded firm steadily increased its revenues over the years before breaking the $2 billion mark in 2022—and will top that mark and other metrics in 2023, said longtime chairman Robert Hays in an interview this month. The firm’s revenue growth has consistently beaten the Am Law 100 collective growth rate each year for the past several years.

King & Spalding has expanded in major U.S. markets like New York and in growing international regions like Saudi Arabia throughout the year, said Hays, who has served as chairman since 2006 and was reelected earlier this month (January, 2024).

King & Spalding beat out seven other firms for the Best Law Firm of the Year award and also won awards for Attorney of the Year (Sally Yates), and Best Client-Law Firm Team (King & Spalding and Blackstone Credit). It was a finalist for Managing Partner of the Year (Robert Hays), Best Provider Collaboration, Litigation Department of the Year for Product Liability, and Georgia Litigation Department of the Year.

The report also stated that “energy was the only bright spot” in the stagnant economy during the pandemic and King & Spalding was among firms that “made sustained investments in talent depth and market reputation” in that sector.

Regional to Global

Hays, in the interview, cited an award factor mentioned during the presentation ceremony in New York: the firm’s history in recent decades of moving from being a regional firm to a “national
and global firm.”

King & Spalding expanded from its “flagship” Atlanta office in 1989, to 13 U.S. and 10 foreign offices with more than 1,300 lawyers today, according to firm information.

In 2023, after years of operating offices in the United Arab Emirates, the firm’s longtime affiliation with a local firm led to Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Justice awarding King & Spalding a foreign law license.

Click here to learn more

Via ALM Global


New partners set to boost strategic areas and business development at the firm, whose partner count now rises to 144

Mattos Filho has announced seven lawyers have been promoted to the firm’s partnership. The new partners work across six different practice areas: Litigation & Arbitration, Finance, Asset Management Services & Investment Funds, Infrastructure & Energy, Corporate/M&A, and Tax.

With a keen eye on the demands of the most diverse sectors of the economy and the needs of the market, the promotion of lawyers follows the strategy of expanding business development, as well as generating opportunities and developing internal talents.

Six of the seven new partners are women. In the last five years, internal partner promotions at the firm have been practically even in terms of men (31) and women (29) – 52% and 48%, respectively. This statistic reflects Mattos Filho’s push to offer equal opportunities and develop female leadership at the firm.

The new partners are listed below (alphabetical order):

  • Joana Pimentel – Corporate/M&A – São Paulo;
  • Ligia Godoy – Litigation & Arbitration – São Paulo;
  • Marcelo Guimarães – Tax – São Paulo;
  • Maria Fernanda Fidalgo – Asset Management Services & Investment Funds – São Paulo;
  • Natalia De Santis – Finance – Rio de Janeiro;
  • Natália Mauad – Infrastructure & Energy – São Paulo;
  • Natalie Matos – Tax – São Paulo.

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Via Mattos Filho

Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, one of Brazil’s three major carriers, announced it would relaunch operations from its hub at Aeroporto Internacional de Recife-Guararapes to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale

Azul is Brazil’s largest carrier by number of flights and destinations served. Founded in 2008 by David Neeleman, the carrier has grown rapidly and become the airline many Brazilians consider the best in the nation. Compared to LATAM Brasil, its international long-haul operations are limited, with only four cities served: two in the United States and two in Europe.

The airline announced that from June 5, it would be resuming flights from its hub at Aeroporto Internacional de Recife-Gurarapes to Orlando International Airport and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Flights were suspended last month due to capacity restraints with its widebody fleet, but with the acquisition of new (to the airline) aircraft, Azul can resume flights just three months after suspending them.

Unlike most routes from the United States, where aircraft remain on the ground in Brazil for the entire day before flying back to the US overnight, Azul will fly to the US during the day, and its return legs will operate overnight.

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Reporting by Lukas Souza via Simple Flying

Since March of this year, the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Brazil have introduced the option of paying the application fee (MRV) via Pix. This new alternative is in the initial phase of implementation and payments may require up to an hour for approval

In addition to this method, applicants still have the option of payment by credit card or in cash. This innovation reflects our ongoing commitment to improving services for Brazilian visa applicants.

Between January and March 2024, the number of visas processed by the United States in Brazil grew by 20 percent compared to the same period last year. This means that more than 340,000 visas were processed in just three months across the country. This increase is the result of our commitment to providing an increasingly better consular service. In 2024, we expect to break the record of 1.1 million visas issued in Brazil in 2023.

Get more information

Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil



BNY Mellon, the global financial services company, is collaborating with Accenture, a leading professional services company, to modernize financial services offerings with an initial focus on data management and analytics product development and delivery.

Combining Accenture’s data, AI, and platform engineering expertise with BNY Mellon’s comprehensive financial data and analytics services will help accelerate the introduction of new services across private markets and wealth management technology, as well as support expansion into new markets. With the expertise and platforms to help clients achieve their goals, BNY Mellon will also work with Accenture to create exceptional client experiences. The two companies plan to further collaborate on bringing the newly developed services to market in the future to transform the financial services industry.

The collaboration of Accenture and BNY Mellon is the latest announcement by BNY Mellon as part of its technology and ecosystem strategy focused on building new solutions to help its clients grow their businesses. BNY Mellon’s Data & Analytics business recently announced a strategic alliance with Microsoft, focused on transforming the capital markets through leading data management solutions for its buy-side and sell-side clients.

About BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon is a global financial services company that helps make money work for the world — managing it, moving it and keeping it safe. For 240 years we have partnered alongside our clients, putting our expertise and platforms to work to help them achieve their ambitions. Today we help over 90% of Fortune 100 companies and nearly all the top 100 banks globally access the money they need. We support governments in funding local projects and work with over 90% of the top 100 pension plans to safeguard investments for millions of individuals, and so much more. As of December 31, 2023, we oversee $47.8 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration and $2.0 trillion in assets under management.

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By Jessica Thomas via BNY Mellon

Brazil’s Cutrale group, a leading global supplier of orange juice, will invest 500 million real ($100.55 million) to plant the fruit in Mato Grosso do Sul state in a bid to expand into regions with lower pressure from greening disease, according to state authorities.

The cureless disease has partly damaged trees in Brazil and destroyed most of them in the United States, causing orange juice prices to skyrocket.

The government of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil’s center-west, said the company will plant 5,000 hectares with oranges in the town of Sidrolandia, according to a statement late on Wednesday.

Mato Grosso do Sul said Cutrale is expected to plant 1.73 million orange trees on irrigated fields there, adding in the future the company could set up a processing facility in the area.

Cutrale confirmed to Reuters it “met with the government of Mato Grosso do Sul to discuss investments in the region’s citrus industry.” But the company added it could not elaborate on the tentative project, making the timeline for implementation of the fields unclear.

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Reporting by Roberto Samora; Writing by Ana Mano; Editing by Aurora Ellis via Reuters

Com a compra, o Banco Master passa a atender mais de 10,5 milhões de clientes

O Banco Master anunciou, na sexta-feira (23/02), a aquisição do will bank, banco digital que conta com mais de seis milhões de clientes e forte presença no Nordeste. Com a negociação, o Master passa a ser majoritário no banco digital, que tem também o fundo de private equity da XP como sócio.

Desta forma, o Banco Master passa a atender mais de 10,5 milhões de clientes e espera expandir a base do will bank, oferecendo cartão de crédito, seguros e outros serviços, de acordo com o comunicado enviado pela companhia ao mercado.

“Com a aquisição do will bank, passamos a ter um ecossistema digital completo, com tecnologia robusta e capilaridade na distribuição de produtos financeiros”, afirma Daniel Vorcaro, Presidente do Banco Master.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes

Global Data Review (GDR) has, for the fourth consecutive time, named White & Case LLP to its Global Elite list.

Sitting atop the GDR 100 ranking of the world’s leading data law firms, these 25 “exceptionally good” practices are noted for their international reach and “top-of-the-market” work.

White & Case is ranked #2 overall, and in the top three in the following categories:

  • Data protection advisory: This category highlights firms advising on “the most complex cross-border projects.”
  • Non-personal data advisory: This category focuses on firms’ work in areas such as “the collection and use of data used to train AI (and, more recently, bespoke regulatory advice on AI models’ operation), critical infrastructure cybersecurity rules like the EU’s NIS 2 Directive, or companies seeking advice on how best to protect their valuable proprietary data from espionage or hacks.”
  • Investigations: This category considers firms’ work with “their most demanding clients,” in which “successful teams handled multiple jobs over the relevant period, showing that clients frequently turned in their direction when the going got tough.”
  • Litigation: This category identifies firms that were “frequently able to get good results,” noting that “getting decisions overturned on appeal or persuading regulators not to take matters further are signs of excellent lawyering, especially in a principles-based field where grey areas abound.”

Tim Hickman, partner and head of the Firm’s Data, Privacy & Cybersecurity practice, said: “These rankings reflect our commitment to helping clients successfully navigate complex AI, data, and cyber challenges around the world.”

GDR’s profile of White & Case described the Firm’s “ability to handle complex work spanning multiple jurisdictions for some of the world’s most demanding clients” and “cross-industry excellence.” One client noted the team’s “outstanding performance,” while another said, “The responsiveness of the partners and the pragmatic advice really sets them apart.”

Via White & Case

Economic activity in Brazil rose for the fourth straight month in February, a central bank index showed on Wednesday.

The IBC-Br economic activity index, considered a leading indicator of gross domestic product, increased by a seasonally adjusted 0.4%, matching expectations from analysts polled by Reuters, and following a revised 0.52% increase in January.

Recent official data revealed unexpected growth in the retail sector in February, while the services sector and industrial output surprisingly dropped in Brazil.

Meanwhile, the largest economy in Latin America created a net 306,111 formal jobs in February, beating estimates.

On a non-seasonally adjusted basis, the IBC-Br expanded by 2.59% since February of last year and grew by 2.34% on a 12-month basis.

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Reporting by Camila Moreira and Andre Romani via Reuters

Depois de lançar o Magalu Cloud em dezembro do ano passado, o Magazine Luiza quer começar a escalar seu negócio de nuvem pública.

A varejista, que marca presença na segunda edição do Web Summit Rio com a presidente Luiza Trajano, anuncia ao público nesta terça-feira os três primeiros serviços oferecidos pela plataforma com foco em armazenamento, segurança e identidade.

A gigante do varejo brasileiro aposta no mercado de infraestrutura de nuvem desde 2021, mas só no ano passado abriu os serviços para consumidores. Até o momento, há cem clientes PJ e cerca de 700 pessoa física — todos vindos por indicações e redes de contatos do Magalu, explica Christian Reis (Kiko), diretor da Magalu Cloud.

Clientes dos setores de varejo, saúde, tecnologia e industrial já utilizam o serviço de nuvem desde o ano passado, mas esta é a primeira vez que o Magazine Luiza passa a oferecer a plataforma ao público em geral. Para isso, a empresa acelerou investimentos, reforçou as operações de software e realizou testes de carga para atender a demanda.

Agora, com o início da oferta ao público em geral, a Magalu Cloud se diz pronta para atender o mercado e para ampliar sua participação no setor. Os serviços passam a ficar disponíveis a partir de hoje ao público em geral e podem ser contratados pelo site. A plataforma é voltada tanto para desenvolvedores quanto startups e empresas de maior porte.

Parceria com a Dell

O Magalu Cloud está lançando três serviços: um de armazenamento de dados escalável (object storage), uma solução de gerenciamento de contas corporativas e colaboradores, fornecedores ou terceiros (chamado Turia IAM) e outra de autenticação integrada, em que o usuário acessa diversos serviços online por meio de uma conta única (ID Magalu).

Uma das estratégias para acelerar o crescimento do negócio foi firmar uma parceria com a Dell na frente de object storage e assim já chegar a mais clientes. A ideia é que os clientes da Dell passem a aproveitar o Magalu Cloud para fazer backups de volumes grandes de dados ou transferir novos dados para a plataforma, otimizando o tempo que uma máquina física própria de armazenamento exigiria.

Vale has officially announced that all the electricity used in its operations in Brazil in 2023 came from renewable sources, such as hydroelectric, wind and solar power plants. Thus, the company has achieved its goal of having 100% renewable electricity consumption in Brazil two years ahead of schedule, which was 2025.

The information is highlighted in the 2023 edition of the Integrated Report, which includes more environmental, social and diversity advances made by the company.

Having reached the target, Vale has zeroed its indirect CO2 emissions in Brazil, which correspond to scope 2. The company still has the challenge of achieving 100% renewable energy consumption in its global operations by 2030. At the moment, this indicator stands at 88.5%.

The start-up of the Sol do Cerrado solar complex in November 2022 was key to achieving the target two years ahead of schedule. Located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, the solar complex represented an investment of US$ 590 million by Vale. It is one of the largest solar energy parks in Latin America, with an installed capacity of 766 Megawatts-peak, equivalent to the consumption of a city of 800,000 inhabitants. In July 2023, the complex reached its maximum capacity. It has the potential of contributing to around 16% of all the electricity consumed by Vale in Brazil.

In its global operations, Vale is also moving towards 100% renewable energy consumption by 2030. The company invests in joint venture partnerships, renewable generation certificates in contracts (PPAs) and innovation initiatives for better efficiency in the use of batteries.

Scope 1: alternative fuels and biocarbon

Vale is also working to reduce its direct Scope 1 emissions. In the mines and railroads, where diesel (a fossil fuel) is currently intensively consumed, the company is studying the adoption of alternative fuels, such as ethanol for trucks and green ammonia for locomotives. In the pelletizing furnaces, the strategy is to replace anthracite, a type of mineral coal, with zero-emission biocarbon, made from the carbonization of biomass.

Last year, Vale signed an agreement with Wabtec for the supply of three electric locomotives and the start of studies into the development of a green ammonia-powered locomotive engine. The company also produced pellets with 100% biocarbon for the first time in an industrial test.

Learn more

Via Vale

Dear Members and Supporters:

In recognition of the global importance of Brazilian business and the longstanding partnership between The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Brazilian executives, the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is proud to support Wharton’s 56th Global Forum.  This highly anticipated event will take place from June 7-8, 2024 at The Grand Hyatt São Paulo (Avenida das Nações Unidas, 13.301, 04578-000 São Paulo – SP – Brazil).

The 56th Global Forum presents unparalleled opportunities to gain diverse perspectives from global leaders in industry, government, and academia.  The event will feature engaging presentations on cutting-edge research, faculty and executive-led master classes, and networking opportunities with global business leaders.

For more information on Wharton’s 56th Global Forum, including agenda, speakers, and registration, please click here.

To note – prior to the Forum Kick-Off, Wharton Executive Education will host a mini program on “Family Wealth Management: Balancing Family Harmony with Financial Prosperity.”   The mini program will take place on Friday, June 7th from 9 AM – 1 PM. In the link below, you can find more information about Friday’s workshop, including a QR code for registration. You can register for the workshop only or for the full forum.

We hope you take this opportunity to gain valuable insights from experts in business and government in one of Latin America’s most entrepreneurial cities!

Best wishes,

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce

Click here for more information and get tickets!

A record soybean harvest in Brazil’s southernmost state should offset losses in the drought-hit center west, keeping a lid on prices in the world’s largest producer and exporter and slowing the pace of sales, according to local farmers and cooperatives.

Rio Grande do Sul will produce 68% more soybeans this season than last, according to estimates from national crop agency Conab, which said Thursday the state would regain the post of Brazil’s No.2 producer after Mato Grosso. Another state crop agency Emater projects a record crop of 22.25 million metric tons, up 71.5% from a year ago.
That marks a dramatic comeback after two straight years of drought in southern Brazil and neighboring Argentina. In the current crop, the El Nino weather pattern has hammered soybean farmers in Brazil’s top-producing state of Mato Grosso but compensated with strong yields in the south.


Brazil will produce an estimated 146.5 million tons of soybeans this season, according to Conab, which had forecast 162 million tons in October, before the strong El Nino ravaged fields in center-west Brazil. In Mato Grosso, where Conab forecasts a drop of 7.5 million tons in soy production this year, global grain merchants often buy directly from farmers. But in Rio Grande do Sul they tend to deal with cooperatives set up in the late 1950s initially to help wheat producers store and sell the crop, said Enio Schroeder, vice-president at Cotrijal, the state’s largest farm coop, with more than 16,000 members.

Read the full report

Reporting by Ana Maro and Diego Vara via Reuters

Com a concorrência altíssima ao expandir a sua empresa para os Estados Unidos, o serviço de busca de estratégias e conhecimento local realizado pela empresa Dispatched Business Studio, tornou-se fundamental para que as chances de sucesso sejam maiores.

A empresa, que tem sua sede localizada em Nova York, e possui como sócios-fundadores o brasileiro Rodrigo Castello Branco e a estadunidense Fabíola Ordóñez, está promovendo um modelo de consultoria que vem gerando repercussão em toda a América Latina.

A Dispatched, que é considerada uma modern advisory firm (empresa moderna de consultoria), promove para seus parceiros uma minimização dos custos e o afastamento dos riscos ao se estabelecer empresas nacionais em território dos Estados Unidos ao simplificar as etapas de lançamento e expansão das empresas em todas as etapas, por meio de um conjunto de serviços e de networking que proporcionam a capacitação dos empreendedores, para que estes tenham uma maior assertividade e sucesso na realização de seus objetivos.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Por Analice Nicolau via Jornal de Brasília

Brunswick is a strategic advisory firm focused on critical issues and critical stakeholders at the center of business, politics and society. Our purpose is to help our clients – the leaders of large, complex organizations – understand and navigate these interconnected worlds.

From financial situations through to capital markets, regulatory and public affairs, social issues, crisis, cyber, employee engagement and litigation, clients rely on Brunswick for insight, advice, preparedness and campaigns.

Learn more here

Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force announced the beginning of collaborative studies to identify potential platform adaptations for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance missions. The platforms to be used are already operational in the Brazilian Air Force, such as the C-390 Millennium.

“The Brazilian Air Force constantly monitors its ability to fulfill its missions completely in the current context, while also looking at future challenges and the evolution of technologies. Studying the adherence and adaptability of Embraer platforms to the future challenges of these missions is an expected way to maximize commonality and technological autonomy,” says Lieutenant-Brigadier Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.

“Embraer has a successful track record in adapting its platforms for different objectives. The joint studies will allow the expansion of the solutions portfolio to meet the operational needs of the Brazilian Air Force’s Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance missions and potential international customers. This is another important step in the long-term relationship between Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force,” says Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security.

The announcement took place at the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE) in Santiago, Chile, with the presence of Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security, and Lieutenant-Brigadier Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, Commander of the Air Force.

Via EDR Online

The Brazilian government postponed the visa requirement for U.S. nationals for one year. On April 10, 2025, the Government of Brazil will reinstate a visa requirement for all U.S. nationals visiting Brazil, with an option for an e-visa for qualified applicants.  This date reflects a one-year postponement announced on April 9, 2024.

Currently, the visa fee is $80.90 with a 10-year validity.  For questions about the e-visa application procedures, visit the Brazilian government-authorized website,

Please share this information with family, friends, and colleagues who are planning to visit.

Via U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Brazil

Love Together Brasil is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Piancó, Paraíba.

The idea to establish Love Together Brasil was born in 2014, inspired by Geralda Sarraf, a native of Piancó who lives in New York, and her American friend Kristen Campagna.

The idealism and altruism of the friends became a reality, with the help of friends and volunteers, starting in April 2015, when Love Together Brasil, officially established, began its work in underprivileged communities in the hinterlands of Paraíba.

The goal of Love Together Brasil is to carry out, with the support of volunteers and the partnership of companies and public and private institutions, specific actions in education, health, and water supply.

In the last three years, the activities of Love Together Brasil have been intensified to alleviate the problem of water scarcity in underprivileged communities in the Northeast region, notably in Paraíba, with the drilling/installation of artesian wells in Daycares, Schools, Hospitals, and Urban and Rural Communities, through the “WATER FOR THOSE WHO ARE THIRSTY” Project, benefiting thousands of people.

Through this project, with the help of donors and volunteers, Love Together Brasil has delivered 50 (fifty) artesian wells, contributing to improving the living conditions of approximately 150,000 people in the Metropolitan Region of the Vale do Piancó, which covers 18 (eighteen) municipalities in the hinterlands of Paraíba.

In addition to carrying out specific actions in Education and Health, our mission is to bring potable water to underprivileged communities in the northeastern hinterland, promoting the socioeconomic development of regions affected by frequent droughts, intense heat, and water scarcity.

See other projects carried out by Love Together Brasil.

Learn more

Whether interested in entering new global markets or accelerating their business in the US, clients benefit from the “one-stop shop” approach at Dispatched.

Dispatched Business Studio is a platform of trusted advisors working in collaboration with businesses, brands, and innovative founders. This new model of an advisory firm provides curated business solutions that tap into a unique network of experts across a broad range of industries in the US and internationally.

Dispatched’s mission is to simplify and elevate the process of launching and expanding companies at all stages by delivering a comprehensive suite of services, expertise, and connections that empower entrepreneurs, innovators, brands, and investors to strategically accelerate.

The definition of ‘dispatch’ is to send off purposefully and to deal with tasks efficiently, which reflects the founders’ inherent ability to rapidly organize complex projects and manage tasks and teams through a detail-oriented approach.

Fabiola Ordonez and Rodrigo Castello Branco are creative former practicing attorneys with multicultural backgrounds and entrepreneurial mindsets who practiced law at major international firms and the world’s largest asset manager. With over fifteen years of combined experience, they have structured, led, negotiated, and closed countless transactions amounting to billions of dollars in deal value for private and public companies across various industries.

Based in New York, with personal and professional experiences spanning the Americas, Europe, and Asia, they bring a fresh and dynamic approach to the ‘square’ stereotype of advisory firms. Fabiola and Rodrigo identified a gap in clients’ needs for bespoke and efficient business services and guidance outside of law – a true handholding.  With that in mind, they departed from the practice of law to create this new concept of a ‘business studio’, where they offer a “one-stop shop” model to US and LatAm based clients.

Learn more.

Via AP News

“Diversidade é questão central da nossa gestão”, diz presidente do BB, que recebe prêmio da ONU

Tarciana Medeiros, presidente do Banco do Brasil, está entre os CEOs e empresas que conquistaram o Prêmio Ambição 2030 da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas).

Na sua primeira edição, o prêmio reconheceu iniciativas de inclusão étnico-racial e equidade de gênero e foi anunciado na quinta-feira (14/03) em evento na sede da ONU, em Nova York.

Tarciana foi premiada como CEO de destaque com as iniciativas “Raça é Prioridade” e “Elas Lideram”, que têm como objetivo alcançar a paridade de pessoas negras e de mulheres na liderança, respectivamente, até 2030. “A diversidade é questão central da nossa gestão e temos conquistado importantes resultados tanto para equidade de gênero como para a inclusão da população preta e parda”, diz a CEO.

Diversidade no centro da gestão

Desde que assumiu, em janeiro de 2023, a presidenta, como gosta de ser chamada, tem levantado pautas de diversidade e sustentabilidade dentro do banco mais antigo do país, com 215 anos.

Sob sua gestão, o banco estabeleceu metas públicas e concretas em sustentabilidade e inclusão, criou um comitê de diversidade e tornou-se embaixador dos compromissos da ONU. “Essas ações priorizadas na estratégia do BB têm demonstrado impacto positivo para clientes, funcionários, fornecedores e demais parceiros estratégicos, contribuindo para a inclusão financeira e a geração de trabalho e renda.”

Para além do discurso e dos resultados financeiros que vem trazendo, Tarciana Medeiros levou mais mulheres para a diretoria e um executivo negro para liderar a BB Asset Management.

O Banco do Brasil também foi homenageado por suas medidas dedicadas à promoção da igualdade de gênero e inclusão étnico-racial. A instituição está presente na premiação nas categorias “30% de pessoas negras ou indígenas em posição de liderança até 2025” e “Apoio ao empreendedorismo de mulheres através das cadeias de suprimentos e marketing, com implementação de práticas de desenvolvimento empresarial que empoderem as mulheres”.

Leia a reportagem completa

Via Forbes Brasil

Join us at the Miami Dade College’s 41st Annual Miami Film Festival, in collaboration with 28th Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival, for an exceptional cinematic experience featuring two captivating Brazilian films on April 10th and 12th.


  • When: Wednesday, April 10, 7:00 PM + Q&A @ Silverspot Cinema 11
  • Directed by: Carolina Markowicz
  • Synposis: Suellen, a Brazilian toll booth attendant and mother, becomes entangled with a group of thieves in a desperate attempt to support her family. She discovers she can exploit her position to earn extra money for what she believes is a noble cause: sending her son to an expensive gay conversion workshop led by a renowned foreign priest. However, her actions set off a series of unforeseen consequences, leaving few satisfied, except perhaps the thieves.


  • When: Friday, Apri 12, 7:30 PM + Q&A @ Silverspot Cinema 12
  • Directed by: Stephanie Johnes
  • Synposis: Maya Gabeira, raised in Brazil with aspirations to compete in surfing, faces not only the challenges of mastering the ocean through dedication and training but also the entrenched chauvinism within the male-dominated sport. Critics constantly question her abilities, yet Maya remains undeterred. In Maya and the Wave, we accompany Gabeira on her journey to shatter world records in Nazaré, Portugal, renowned for its towering waves.

Register for free on our platform

Via Inffinito

Brazilian tourism officials are hoping to change the country’s image as a mere haven for scantily clad beachgoers by hosting U.N. climate talks next year in the Amazon rainforest city of Belem that will focus on environmental sustainability and ending deforestation to slow global warming

The summit is expected to boost Brazil’s attractiveness as an ecotourism destination and increase travel to its Amazon rainforest and other biomes that offer the world’s greatest biodiversity, Tourism Minister Celso Sabino said.

Only 9% of current visitors to Brazil are ecotourists, while almost two out of every three tourists come for sun and beach, he said in an interview late on Tuesday.
“Tourism is essential for the sustainability and preservation of forests, bringing needed economic development for the local inhabitants,” he said.
Drawing more environmental and adventure travelers is part of the government’s plan to increase overall tourism in Brazil, which is low in comparison with other countries. Tourism contributes less than 8% of Brazil’s GDP, compared to more than 20% in Spain, Portugal or the Dominican Republic, he said.
Sabino is working on expanding flights to Brazil and will be at the Seatrade Cruise Global fair in Miami next week to discuss increasing the number of cruise ship visits to Brazilian ports.
All steps to raise foreign and domestic tourism are welcomed by private businesses complaining that the number of tourists remains stagnant and below the pre-pandemic level.
“Brazil has a natural vocation for ecotourism given its unique biodiversity. There is an enormous potential to be tapped,” said Marina Figueiredo, executive president of Braztoa, the Brazilian tour operators association.
Tourists worldwide are looking for new experiences with nature and wildlife, Figueiredo told Reuters.
“COP30 next year will be more than just a conference. It is a very strategic event that will showcase Brazil as a country that protects the environment and preserves nature,” she said.
Reporting by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Paul Simao

Brazilian consumption taxes are highly complex. Different levels of government have the authority to levy taxes on consumption, leading to the coexistence of multiple taxes, each governed by distinct rules. This complexity creates numerous challenges, such as tax competition between states and conflicts of jurisdiction among different tiers of government.

Despite doubts about the possibility of tax reform in Brazil, the long-awaited simplification of the tax system has finally been enacted after nearly four decades of discussions and several unsuccessful attempts.

Current Brazilian consumption tax system

The Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 granted the authority to levy consumption taxes to all levels of government — federal, state, and municipal. As a result, Brazil operates with multiple layers of taxation, with various taxes existing concurrently. This constitutional framework delineates the division of taxation responsibilities regarding goods and services.

Brazilian tax reform

On 20 December 2023, Brazil approved the long-awaited reform, replacing the existing consumption taxes with a dual VAT system comprising a subnational VAT (imposto sobre bens e serviços, IBS) and a federal VAT (contribuição sobre bens e serviços, CBS). Both federal and subnational VAT will share key features, such as the taxable transaction and base, and will operate on a non-cumulative basis following the destination principle.

Implications for foreign remote sellers

Foreign remote sellers currently have no tax compliance obligations in Brazil. Unlike many other countries, Brazil has not implemented special regulations mandating remote sellers to collect Brazilian consumption taxes on digital services provided to Brazilian customers.

Although the proposed reform does not explicitly outline rules for foreign sellers of digital services, some initial insights can be drawn based on its overarching principles. Under the Brazilian dual VAT system, taxable transactions will include both domestic and import transactions involving tangible goods, intangible goods, and services. The destination principle will apply to both cross-border transactions and domestic ones, but the criteria for determining the customer’s location will be specified in the complementary law. As a result, services provided by foreign sellers will be subject to taxation in Brazil. However, the specific tax collection mechanism Brazil will adopt has yet to be determined. If tax collection obligations are imposed on foreign sellers, they will face significant challenges in determining the customer’s location and the applicable tax rate, which may vary from one municipality to another.

Concluding remarks

The Brazilian tax reform aims to address long-standing issues of tax competition and jurisdictional conflicts among different levels of government. Once fully implemented, it is expected to simplify taxation and enhance tax administration and compliance. The new system will align more closely with international tax principles and will also encompass digital services provided by remote sellers to Brazilian customers. However, clarity is still needed regarding the application of tax collection responsibilities. Furthermore, the tax reform is anticipated to stimulate foreign investments in Brazil. Many companies interested in investing in the country currently hesitate due to the complexity of the tax system. However, the cost reductions resulting from the reform may lead to increased interest in establishing a local presence in Brazil.

By Aleksandra Bal via Forbes

Read the full article

Há séculos, mulheres pioneiras lideram transformações no Brasil. Seja na gestão pública, no empreendedorismo social, na ciência, na tecnologia ou na educação, elas seguem abrindo caminhos para que outras lideranças femininas alcancem patamares cada vez mais altos no futuro.

Não à toa, a presença de mulheres na liderança começa a dar sinais de crescimento no país. Segundo o Panorama Mulheres 2023, realizado pelo Talenses Group e pelo Insper, as CEOs mulheres passaram de 13%, em 2019, para 17% em 2022. Já no setor público, a porcentagem de mulheres em cargos de alta liderança saltou de 29% para 34%.

Porém, para que os grandes feitos dessas mulheres sejam reconhecidos devidamente, é preciso saber que elas existem.  Por isso, esta lista destaca 5 lideranças femininas que contribuíram e contribuem com esse cenário de pioneirismo no país. Confira a seguir:

1. Nísia Floresta (1810-1885)

Aos 22 anos, Nísia Floresta escreveu o livro “Direitos das mulheres e injustiça dos homens”, o primeiro entre outras 14 obras publicadas pela educadora, jornalista e poetisa em defesa dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil. Geralmente, utilizava os veículos para propagar ideais republicanos, abolicionistas e defensores dos  direitos de mulheres, escravizados e indígenas.

2. Antonieta de Barros (1901-1952)

Dois anos depois da conquista do voto feminino, Antonieta de Barros (1901-1952) se tornou a terceira mulher e a primeira parlamentar negra a ser eleita no Brasil, em 1935. Filha de ex-escravizada e natural de Florianópolis (SC), a deputada tinha a educação como causa e ofício.

3. Nise da Silveira (1905-1999)

A psiquiatra alagoana Nise da Silveira é pioneira em muitas áreas: uma das primeiras mulheres a se formar em Medicina no Brasil, foi a única em uma turma de mais de 150 homens. Também foi pioneira da psicologia junguiana no país, bem como das pesquisas sobre a relação emocional de pacientes com animais.

Mas seu grande legado está no uso da arte como tratamento para transtornos mentais. Quando coordenou o Centro Psiquiátrico Nacional Pedro II, no Rio de Janeiro, Nise partiu na contramão das técnicas utilizadas nos sanatórios da época, que geralmente envolviam lobotomia, camisas de força e confinamento.

4. Adriana Barbosa (1978)

Nascida e criada em São Paulo (SP), Adriana Barbosa trilha o caminho do empreendedorismo desde os 12 anos de idade, quando ajudava a complementar a renda da família. Mesmo trabalhando na área de Comunicação, ela seguiu frequentando feiras de empreendedorismo, o que a motivou a criar um evento que valorizasse a cultura negra nesses espaços. Assim nasceu a Feira Preta. A empreendedora foi a primeira mulher negra a ser indicada na lista de Inovadores Sociais do Mundo, pelo Fórum Econômico Mundial.

5. Karen Santos (1992)

A trajetória de empreendedorismo social da designer Karen Santos nasceu a partir de uma dor pessoal: a escassez de mulheres pretas no mercado digital. Quando migrou para a área de UX (Experiência do Usuário), sentiu a necessidade de trocar experiências com outras profissionais negras.

Por isso, a UX para Minas Pretas nasceu como uma comunidade, mas rapidamente se tornou uma startup de educação (edtech), com objetivo de capacitar mulheres negras na área de UX Design.

Leia a reportagem na íntegra.

Via Fundação Lemann

Reconhecido pela sétima vez como escritório do ano em uma das principais premiações do mercado jurídico, Mattos Filho também é líder em números de prêmios na edição 2024, com conquistas em cinco categorias

O Mattos Filho recebeu o principal prêmio do Chambers Brazil Awards 2024: Brazil Law Firm of the Year. É a sétima vez que o escritório é reconhecido como o melhor do ano no país, o que o torna recordista nesta categoria. Durante a cerimônia, realizada no último dia 21/3, em São Paulo, o Mattos Filho recebeu outros quatro reconhecimentos, sendo o líder em número de premiações desta edição.

O Chambers Brazil Awards é uma das principais premiações do mercado jurídico e reconhece os escritórios de advocacia do país por sua excelência técnica, atendimento ao cliente e crescimento estratégico. Para o Mattos Filho, esse resultado reflete o trabalho estratégico dos profissionais no atendimento jurídico de excelência que é prestado aos clientes.

Confira todas as conquistas!

Via Mattos Filho


The Brazilian Music Foundation is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2024 and has prepared a wonderful concert of Brazilian rhythms and styles which will be presented on May 9th, 2024 at the National Opera Center America.

We will continue to present the best of Brazilian music and also help children in Brazil through our program “The Future of Our Children”.


Our music is our story!

With it we found musical textures, like Lundu, Maxixe, Choro, Samba, Bossa Nova, MPB, and many countless rhythms and musical genres. 

Brazil’s musical mix is the result of our ethnic and cultural mix. For example, the lundu was adapted by the curumins from the religious songs of the Jesuits, while the chorinho evolved from the mixture of European music brought by the Portuguese court and the street festivals enlivened by the atabaques of African slaves. This fruitful mixture germinated in our imagination, creating a fusion between popular and classical elements.

The communion of ethnic miscegenation with the creative imagination gave rise to our national character and its captivating musicality. The broad and deep links between the history of Brazilian music and its social and cultural elements are demonstrated in this concert.


The concert showcases the richness and variety of Brazilian Rhythms. We will travel together through the history of Brazilian musical styles; showing the diversity of pitches, tones, sounds, and musical colors. The story will be brought to life by a select group of virtuoso musicians.

The chosen repertoire will present the diversity of sounds from each era, the work of several musicians who were part of the history of Brazilian music.

From lundu to MPB, we will present some musical hits by artists like; Chiquinha Gonzaga, Ernesto Nazareth, Villa Lobos, Francisco Mignone, Donga, Ary Barroso, Cartola, Dorival Caymmi, Tom Jobim,  Zequinha de Abreu,  Nelson Cavaquinho, João  Gilberto, Luiz Gonzaga, and more…

From Classical sounds to profound popular lyrics, you will be delighted to hear some famous songs that have touched the lives of so many people around the world! We hope you will be moved by the wonderful sounds of Brazilian Music!



330 7th Ave (betw. 28th-29th St), 7th floor, New York, NY

May 9, 2024 | 8:30 PM EST

Click here for Google map!



Via Brazilian Music Foundation

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