In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has given employers a new option for verifying employment eligibility. On July 21, 2023, the USCIS announced a final rule, effective August 1, 2023, that allows employers to have an alternative procedure (also referred to as “permanent virtual verification”), whereby qualifying employers may inspect employees’ Form I-9 documentation virtually as opposed to performing a physical verification, which was required for all new hires until the COVID-19 exception was created in March 2020.  This innovative approach aims to modernize the process of employment eligibility verification while ensuring compliance with immigration laws.

Since the inception of the Form I-9 in 1986, the process of employment eligibility verification had relied on in-person physical documentation examination. The COVID-19 pandemic brought a temporary option, however, which permitted virtual, remote verification for remote employees. The USCIS previously announced that this option was ending on July 31, 2023. Thus, this new alternative procedure begins the next day, August 1.

This alternative virtual verification procedure is available only to qualified employers. Such employers are:

  • In good standing in the E-Verify program;
  • Enrolled in E-Verify for all hiring sites in the United States, for which they seek to use the alternative procedure;
  • Have complied with all E-Verify requirements, including verifying the employment eligibility of newly hired employees in the United States; and
  • Have completed of an E-Verify tutorial/training concerning fraud awareness and anti-discrimination.

To utilize the alternative virtual verification, qualified employers must:

  • Examine remotely the front and back of their employees’ identity and employment authorization documentation or acceptable receipt to determine that the documentation reasonably appears genuine;
  • Conduct a live interaction with the employee presenting the same documentation discussed above to ensure the documentation reasonably appears to be genuine and relate to the employee;
  • Indicate on Form I-9, by completing the corresponding box, that an alternative procedure was used to examine documentation to complete Section 2 or for reverification, as applicable;
  • Retain clear and legible copies (front and back) of all documents presented by employees; and
  • In the event of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) I-9 audit or relevant federal government agency investigation, make available clear and legible copies of documentation presented by the employee for document examination in connection with the employment eligibility verification process.

Qualified employers have the choice to use the alternative permanent virtual verification procedure or not. Additionally, qualified employers may opt to use this procedure for remote employees only, and not for employees who work onsite or in hybrid capacity. Employers may not discriminate in this decision-making process.

Cinco mudanças globais que estão redesenhando o mundo em que vivemos

Quase uma década se passou desde que a PwC identificou cinco megatendências, que caracterizamos como profundas e impactantes, de alcance global e efeito de longo prazo. Megatendências capazes de afetar a todos no planeta e reconfigurar nosso mundo por muitos anos. Agora está claro que as megatendências transformaram nosso mundo ainda mais rápido do que prevíamos. Em grande parte, isso se deve à interação entre elas, que turbinou tanto a velocidade quanto a disseminação da mudança.

À medida que foram se desdobrando, as megatendências também evoluíram. O modo como se manifestam hoje mudou em comparação com dez anos atrás.

Reavaliamos as megatendências para entender como elas mudaram, que futuro podem criar em 2030 e quais questões elas apresentarão à humanidade.

Via PwC

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The domestic bank also leads II’s All-Brazil Trading Team.

The firm has been voted No.1 for the fifth year in a row in Institutional Investor’s annual All-Brazil Sales Team. Based on the votes of 367 buy-side money managers at 239 firms with significant holdings in the country, BTG Pactual extended its reign to half a decade — even as the ranking saw a shakeup further down the leaderboard among domestic and global firms alike.

Itau BBA rose from last year’s fourth place to take second, while last year’s runner-up, Bradesco BBI, dropped one spot to third. Credit Suisse improved one spot to take fourth, while JPMorgan Chase — in a steep rise from 2022’s ninth place — rounded out the top five. In line with other II surveys, votes were weighted based on respondents’ commission spending in the region. An additional AUM-weighted leaderboard was also produced which mirrored the commission-based results.

The volatility in this year’s results was reflective of the tumultuous year investors experienced in Brazil, due to an election cycle in late 2022 and depressed market activity.

“Clients were a bit lost at the start of the year, given the change of government and the outlook ahead. People lost a lot of money betting on a more centric-approach government, and the reality was a bit different,” said Thiago Faganello, head of Brazil sales and partner at BTG Pactual. “But things changed recently and quickly, so tons of opportunities showed up and clients are now trying to stock pick the best names for this new cycle.”

By Alexandra DeLuca via Institutional Investor

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Upgrade da classificação de risco do país de BB- para BB, com perspectiva estável, deve acelerar ingresso de capital estrangeiro no mercado doméstico.

Em relatório, a agência cita uma melhora do desempenho macroeconômico e fiscal “em meio a sucessivos choques nos últimos anos, políticas proativas e reformas”. A expectativa da Fitch é de que o novo governo trabalhará para melhorias adicionais.

A notícia pode afetar os ativos brasileiros nesta quarta, incluindo as ações do Ibovespa. Nos minutos após a divulgação do relatório, os juros futuros estenderam o movimento de baixa dos últimos dias. As taxas mais longas tinham as quedas mais pronunciadas. O dólar operava estável.

Apesar da elevação, a nota “BB” ainda está na categoria classificada como “grau especulativo”, abaixo do selo conhecido como “investment grade”, que o Brasil perdeu da Fitch em dezembro de 2015.

Por Mariana d’Ávila via Bloomberg Línea

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UBS Group AG named Sylvia Coutinho Brazil country head and the regional leader for Latin America businesses as the Swiss bank integrates teams from its acquisition of Credit Suisse Group AG.

Marcello Chilov, Credit Suisse’s former chief executive officer in Brazil and head of wealth management for Latin America, will run UBS global wealth management in Latin America, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg News. The changes take effect July 17.

Coutinho has been at UBS for more than 10 years, and was UBS’s Brazil country head prior to the merger. She was also head of wealth management for Latin America. In her new role, she will focus on leading integration efforts as well as overseeing regulatory, governance and collaboration between businesses for the region. She will report to Naureen Hassan, president of UBS Americas.

By Cristiane Lucchesi via Yahoo!Finance

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On July 6, 2023, the first sanction imposed by the Brazilian Data Protection Agency (“ANPD”) against a company (controller) in Brazil was published in the official gazette. The ANPD is the agency charged with enforcing Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”).

The publication does not provide the details about the results of the investigation conducted by the ANPD against a company, but the sanctions provide a glimpse of the underlying circumstances.

The sanctions included:

  1. A Warning, without the imposition of corrective measures, for violation of article 41 of the LGPD (appointment of a Data privacy Officer (DPO);
  2. A “Simple Fine” of R$ 7,200 (~$1,480 USD) for violation of article 7 of the LGPD (legal basis for processing personal data);
  3. A Simple Fine of R$7,200 (~$1,480 USD) for violation of article 5 of the Auditing Regulations (obligation of controller/processor to cooperate with the ANPD).

By Renata Neeser via Littler

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Se você tem de 18 a 26 anos e quer maximizar o seu potencial, desenvolvendo habilidades e competências que fazem a diferença hoje e que serão cada vez mais necessárias no futuro, faça parte do nosso Programa Access Your Potential.

O Access Your Potential (AYP), da PwC Brasil, visa maximizar o potencial de jovens em contextos adversos, criando possibilidades de carreira e inclusão produtiva. O objetivo principal é proporcionar o desenvolvimento de competências que fazem a diferença hoje e que serão cada vez mais necessárias no futuro. Para isso, oferecemos cursos de alta qualidade, mentoring para o desenvolvimento de projeto de vida e acesso a oportunidades de carreira. A cada ciclo do programa, conectamos jovens de todo o país com profissionais voluntários da firma.

Via PwC

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A nova temporada de balanços corporativos referentes ao segundo trimestre não deve impulsionar ganhos adicionais no mercado acionário dos Estados Unidos. A avaliação de Michael Wilson, estrategista-chefe para ações e CIO (executivo-chefe de investimentos) do Morgan Stanley (MS) e considerado uma das vozes mais pessimistas de Wall Street, ampliando o consenso em torno dessa percepção já evocada por outros de seus pares.

Segundo o estrategista, desta vez os guidances (projeções) a serem anunciados pelas empresas serão mais importantes do que o normal para o movimento das bolsas, tendo em vista os elevados valuations das ações, as taxas de juros mais altas da liquidez cada vez menor.

“Com o início da temporada de balanços corporativos do segundo trimestre nesta semana, resultados melhores do que o previsto provavelmente não serão mais ‘suficientes’ para disparar novos ganhos em Wall Street”, escreveu em relatório nesta segunda-feira (10).

By Sagarika Jaisinghani via Bloomberg Línea

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Global public debt surged to a record $92 trillion in 2022 as governments borrowed to counter crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, with the burden being felt acutely by developing countries, a United Nations report said.

Domestic and external debt worldwide has increased more than five times in the last two decades, outstripping the rate of economic growth, with gross domestic product only tripling since 2002, according to the Wednesday report, released in the run up to a G20 finance ministers and central bank governors’ meeting July 14-18.

Developing countries owe almost 30% of the global public debt, of which 70% is represented by China, India and Brazil. Fifty-nine developing countries face a debt-to-GDP ratio above 60% – a threshold indicating high levels of debt.

By Jorgelina Do Rosario via Reuters

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Novas Perspectivas

Padrão Mundial – Relatórios de Sustentabilidade

Quarta-feira, 12 de julho às 9h00  (Horário de Brasília)


09:00 – 09:20 Abertura/Pesquisa Incial
09:20 – 10:00 Palestrante: Melissa Schleich
10:00 –

10:20 Palestrante: Mauricio Colombari
10:20 – 10:40 Palestrante: José Vital
10:40 – 11:00 Perguntas e Respostas (Q&A)
11:00 – 11:15 Prova de conhecimento/Encerramento






AgTech Garage

Quarta-feira, 12 de julho às 15h00 – (Evento presencial)

Dia 1: Moon Hub

Sede Moon Hub by AgTech Garage, Praça do Conhecimento, 459 — Parque Tecnológico de Uberaba — Univerdecidade, em Uberaba/MG.

Palestrante: José Tomé (sócio, PwC)


15h — Abertura “Por dentro da Gestão Tripartite”

(AgTech Garage, Ubyfol e Prefeitura de Uberaba)

15h30 — Bem-vindos ao Moon Hub by AgTech Garage

16h10 — Painel “Conhecendo a Comunidade Uberabense”

(Agentes locais e clientes convidados)

17h10 — Tour pelo Moon Hub e Happy Hour





PwC Debate Reforma Tributária: analisar, influenciar e planejar

Quarta-feira, 12 de julho das 17h00 às 18h15 (Horário de Brasília)


Romero Tavares
Romero Tavares, Sócio de Consultoria Tributária da PwC Brasil
Cristiano Noronha
Cristiano Noronha, Sócio e vice-presidente da Arko Advice

661 transações anunciadas no Brasil de Janeiro a Junho de 2023, com queda de 11,8% em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior, quando foram registradas 750 transações. Análises mensais e de LTM (LTM refletindo queda de 5,8%) demonstram curva em recuperação e perspectiva de manutenção do mesmo nível de atividade (1.600 transações) registrado no ano de 2022.

Setor de Tecnologia lidera volume de operações com 17,5% das transações, seguido de Instituições e Serviços Financeiros com 14,8%. Setor de Saúde representou 6,1%, seguido pelos Setores de Produtos de Consumo, Energia e Logística, que representaram, cada um, 4,5% das transações anunciadas. Agronegócios vem aumentando sua relevância, passando de históricos 1,5% para 3,8% das operações anunciadas. Setor de Varejo, enfrentando desafios e que já se destacou em relevância de operações, representou 4,8% das operações.


Alexandre Pierantoni
Managing Director
Head of Brazil Corporate Finance
São Paulo
+55 11 3192 8103
+55 11 9 5500 8151


José Thompson
Corporate Finance
São Paulo
+55 11 3192 8108

Via Kroll

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Uma abordagem que priorize as habilidades poderia ajudar 100 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo a se integrar à força de trabalho ou conseguir empregos melhores.

A PwC está colaborando com o Fórum Econômico Mundial para ajudar a impulsionar a transição para mercados de trabalho que priorizem as habilidades.

Esse movimento poderia abrir o mercado de trabalho para 100 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, trazendo benefícios não apenas para empresas e indivíduos, mas também para a sociedade em geral e para a economia.

Nosso relatório conjunto, “Habilidades em primeiro lugar: um framework para ação”, apresenta um framework consistente sobre o assunto para CEOs e governos e demonstra como algumas organizações já estão se beneficiando de uma cultura que prioriza as habilidades.

Via PwC

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Initiative consolidates a relationship of almost two decades with the foreign markets. Feijó Lopes Advogados, one of Brazil’s premier law firms is to open a physical unit in New York.

The initiative is part of the expansion plan to expand the existing relationship for over 15 years with the US and the international market, in addition to continuing to provide legal advice to foreigners who want to invest in Brazil, and also Brazilians who want to expand their businesses internationally.

“This expansion reinforces one of our most important ‘non-negotiable principles’, which is to be present in the key international financial and business centers that have relationship with Brazil. With the New York office, we want to be physically closer to our clients, banks, funds, investors and partners, foreign and Brazilian, and global companies that use New York – the main world financial center – as a hub for business”, highlights the managing partner of Feijó Lopes Advogados, Lúcio Feijó Lopes.

“Generating results for our clients is what drives us, whether it be legal assistance in strategic commercial negotiation, venture capital, M&A, fund structuring, debt offerings, tax and labor issues, or conflict resolution. We are faithful to our purpose of being the law firm of choice for our clients to solve their greatest challenges”, concludes Lopes.

The new office should be located at Park Avenue, midtown, New York, an area where the main banks, fund managers and headquarters of global companies and with business in Brazil are located.

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